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5795531 No.5795531 [Reply] [Original]

What no, anti-natalist s?

>> No.5795549
File: 82 KB, 800x850, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everything will be cured in your lifetime

>> No.5795585

>as quoted by the daily mail

i call bullshit
>read actual article
>chronic pain

so basically just because some researchers found a new way to relieve physical chronic pain (eg lower back issues) means anti-natalist arguments are invalid? i don't even know where to begin. first, just because there has been a scientific breakthrough in a university doesn't mean it will be accessible. carbon fiber is a good example. technically, it is superior to steel, iron, plastic, and so on for all industrial purposes. but its still unaffordable on a global scale to produce, let alone buy carbon fibre products.

so there MAY be a new painkiller developed. it must be prescribed by doctors. even IF this painkiller reaches a mass distribution, which is a stretch, that doesn't mean "suffering" has been alleviated, making bringing a new life into existence 'worth it.'

a great deal of anyone's suffering in life isn't chronic physical pain. it's emotional. and guess what, there are already drugs available to alleviate emotional/existential suffering. opiates, mostly, but also for some hallucinogenics and cannaboids. even though these drugs are available, existential, emotional, chronic physical pain still continue. i'm not an anti-natalist myself, so my own representation of an antinatalist perspective is probably inadequate. just looking at the failures of your argument.

>> No.5795595

OP's pic is great. Please tell me there are more wherever that came from.

>> No.5795623

you're a good guy, anon

>> No.5795625

Even death itself?

>> No.5795630

He also didn't define his terms

>> No.5795633

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.5795653
File: 17 KB, 315x310, 1402017028208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't matter, we've already wounded the planet.

>mfw watching Newsroom
>mfw I think, "Naw - that can't be right."
>mfw environmental scientists are saying it is

I am considering getting snipped, I don't want to risk bringing a child into that coming world. A sin of that magnitude cannot be forgiven.

The only data I can't find is the direct affect the coming decades will have on the US. That information may be the only thing that calms my soul. Knowing my progeny, and my relative's would have to try and survive through that...? It is the 4.2 kiloyear event all over again.

It is fucking ogre.

>> No.5795658

for you

>> No.5795666

There already is alcohol for depression and weed for pain in the body. I still want no children...

>> No.5795684

RIDF shills are natalists, apparently

>> No.5795731


First off stop watching newsroom and watch a good show.

Second off stop being a cunt.

>> No.5795828

Bad thread.

>> No.5796199

>User was banned for heresy

>> No.5796225

>this idiot
>not just jelly of sorkin

>> No.5796228

I love these articles. "Revolutinary (anything) discovered"

Actual quote from researcher: "Yeah, we just started it in rats, it's kinda working (we believe), we have no clue about late consequences, it proved something everyone was kinda supposing (revolutionary how?), and through heavy extrapolation we can conclude that maybe, one day, it will help humans. Maybe. There's literally no way of knowing for sure at such early stage of research."

>omg much sience such advancemente quantum sience wow

>> No.5796251

>What no, anti-natalist s?
How did you manage to type this?

>> No.5796255

that's exactly what I was wondering.

Do you think OP is some metamodernist genius and he will create the next infinite jest, but about antinatalism, internet culture and revolutionary painkillers? All in slightly fucked up grammar?

>> No.5796258

I typed the OP on my phone and for some reason autocorrect didn't catch any of that.

>> No.5796268

Just when we thought we got another DFW...

>> No.5796271

/lit/ is collectively the next DFW.
DFW is also shit.

>> No.5796273

it makes perfect sense, we're all shit.