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5794167 No.5794167 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hate, /lit/? What does it do for us as a society, other than dividing us along every possible axis of division. And these divisions need not be anything significant, to arouse strong feelings of hate, loathing, spite, jealousy, rage, and anger, to manifest in acts of violence and abuse against our fellow. So what purpose does it serve? Why can we not be united as one people, under a common cause to help our fellow man?

>> No.5794182

this should go into the next batman flick

>> No.5794413

It isn't really meant as some sort of villains monologue, more just a general question. Why do we hate? What purpose does it serve?

>> No.5794451

Hate comes from personal frustrations, you might have lost your job to be replaced by an immigrant, you might think the world doesn't work because of gays or whatever, and it builds up to hate over time or in a matter of seconds you go from being frustrated that your wife doesn't find you attractive by not looking at you during sex to hating her lying, two faced guts, when she denies having an affair. That fucking bitch.

>> No.5794455

Because conflicts arise, and humans have never been particularly good at resolving conflicts. Also, we fear things different from ourselves.

>> No.5794459

read beyond the pleasure principle maaaaaaaan

>> No.5794467

Because not everyone (in fact, an overwhelming minority) are able to see things from that altruistic big picture. I feel like if that kind of altruism and those big idealistic ideas were taught in public schools, society would be a lot better. But that's all a personal subjective conjecture, and I have no idea how it would actually pan out.

>> No.5794469

It serves the interests of people similar to us. Would you side with your friends as opposed to another random group of people in an argument which you would otherwise be neutral in? Loving the people you know and are friends with is the same as hating the people you don't know, just as "hot" is the same as "less cold". We have an affinity to people similar to us. If you think your philosophy or moral outlook is good, wouldn't you believe that people who share that philosophy are more likely to behave in ways which are good, than people who you know nothing about their religion?

>> No.5794493

That's a really interesting view of it. What do you personally think the error is in this system, and do you propose there will ever exist a solution for it?

>> No.5794747

I feel, he's implying that people are so divided in viewpoints and beliefs that they will have subtle biases and prejudices that accrue into hatred of others. But that's speculation on my part.

>> No.5794772

Because those fuckers are awful, and they do some awful shit, and they won't stop.

To put it another way, why shouldn't I hate acts of violence and abuse against our fellow, & those who perpetuate them?

>> No.5794805

Hate is inspiring.

>> No.5794823
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i hate people who hate hate.

>> No.5794873

I seriously don't get this board's circlejerk of Marx. He was a hack in nearly every discipline, save for economics (and even then all he did was take Ricardian economics to its logical ends).

>> No.5794903

>Why can we not be united as one people, under a common cause to help our fellow man?

Because I hate fags like you who try and passively aggressively tell other how to act and behave. I'll do whatever the fuck I like faggot.

>> No.5794923

People like you always confused me, and I'm not even OP. Why do you hold your own will higher than altruism? Sure, you could do whatever you want, but... wouldn't it make sense to do something for beneficial value, rather than action for the sake of action? And if we were to extend that, don't altruistic actions benefit the largest amount of people, and therefore are the most efficient use of your actions?

>> No.5795025

>And if we were to extend that, don't altruistic actions benefit the largest amount of people, and therefore are the most efficient use of your actions?

Someone offers me $100 and says I can use it two ways
1) keep the money for myself
2) give one dollar to 100 people

Option two benefits 100 people. But I'd rather $100 than $1, so it's mine.

>> No.5795029

Altruism doesn't exist.

>> No.5795033

>Why can we not be united as one people, under a common cause to help our fellow man?
Because I'd rather dominate others, force my will upon them, than be equal to them, be a slave to the majority opinion.

>> No.5795039

How so?

>> No.5795043


helping others is one thing, some or lots, its generally just a matter of degree.

helping 'everyone'/'everything' though? that crosses a line and opens a whole nother meta-physical can of worms. attempts to promulgate such idioms should be frustrated at every opportunity.

>> No.5795045


>> No.5795058

precisely this

>> No.5795076

Would you mind posting this in a format other than jstor? Logging into jstor through my schools library website I a bitch, and I'm sure other anons also don't have access. I want to read this though I rarely ever see people post links to actual academia.

>> No.5795079

I see what you mean. I strive to help people when possible, but I'm not a slave to it to the point where I think it's an unbreakable absolute.

Okay. Can you give me a better word that could sum up a generally active attitude towards the well-being of others, without necessarily being selfless?

>> No.5795088


>> No.5795096

Because everyone is a dumb faggot who isn't focused on advancing the species and conquering the stars for all eternity

>> No.5795099

dear /lit/

take it easy


>> No.5795103

>Can you give me a better word that could sum up a generally active attitude towards the well-being of others, without necessarily being selfless?
Egoistic action.
I can't find a digital one.

>> No.5795116

Well, after looking that up, it seems like it's more involved with active self-interest rather than interest in others. Is that still... correct?

>> No.5795132

Yes, it's about psychological egoism

>> No.5795139

>Is that still... correct?
no. liking other people is for geeks. shut up.

>> No.5795205


psychological egoism is a tautology.

>> No.5795208

I mean... I don't know. I think there are certain examples where altruism is legitimate. Examples where humans will go out of their way to help someone else even if it gives no real benefit to them. Accidents involving two people where one will call for help despite not getting any real benefit from doing so is a good example.

I mean, if I were to put myself in a crisis situation, I don't pause for a moment to consider what I get out of helping someone I see in a terrible situation. I immediately go for help, instead of filtering it through my own well-being or self-interest as you call it. I think that's a legitimate example of altruism.

>> No.5795335

>if I were to put myself in a crisis situation, I don't pause for a moment to consider what I get out of helping someone
You just don't get it.

>> No.5795372

Viewing the self as the center of the universe, is a poor philosophical stand point. Social bonds are the foundation of civilizations, one individual is not more important than the many. If it were the case that you had hit hard times, lost your job, your money, or whatever other crucial thing you needed, be it due to poor choices, societal, economic, or environmental pressures would you not want help? How can people best help themselves? By helping others thus forging friendships and bonds that maybe called upon in times of need.

>> No.5795420

>By helping others thus forging friendships and bonds that maybe called upon in times of need.
so it's selfish?

>> No.5795484

spook status: disclosed

>> No.5795485

The idea that you can't be selfish while being altruistic is stupid.
It's in your interest to be both self-interested and altruistic.

>> No.5795488

You do it because you would feel bad if you didn't because evolution. This should be clear.

>> No.5795499

Psychological egoism is an interesting idea, but it's simply not true that all actions are born out of self-interest. Some times we do the right thing, because it is right thing to due.

>> No.5795503

>long winded, badly written rant against nominalism and absolutism

What a trite point it makes.


>> No.5795513
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>there exists a 'right'

>> No.5795535

I'm not trying to get into the argument, but I would say that yes there can be a right and wrong and so would most philosophers. Moral relativism doesn't do anything to address the issue, it is merely an excuse.

>> No.5795546

>so would most philosophers
So what?

>> No.5795556

So, how would you suggest we measure right and wrong if not through philosophy? Oh, but you don't think there is such a thing as right and wrong, so excuse me while I kill and rob everyone I can then rape there still warm corpses in front of their children.

>> No.5795559

Aw, Marx is so qoot. :3

>> No.5795563

Hate was an incredibly useful emotion for our early ancestors that helped them stomp out all other competitors while feeling banded and connected with each other in their clan or family unit. That being said, I feel for your message, that we should critically self examine and help our fellow man unconditionally.

>> No.5795578


of the true good and beautiful, the beautiful is supreme. it is the means by which we obtain both of the former, and a means further still.

>> No.5795588

Your first argument was an argument from authority.
>so excuse me while I kill and rob everyone I can then rape there still warm corpses in front of their children
This is an argumentum ad passiones

>> No.5795598

Why is Cicero the only one with an open mouth? Because he was an orator?

>> No.5795610

>Your first argument was an argument from authority.
You are correct on this point, but I appeal to the authority of those whose task it is to study these sorts of dilemmas. Morality can be seen as right or wrong when looked at objectively from a third-party.
>so excuse me while I kill and rob everyone I can then rape there still warm corpses in front of their children
>This is an argumentum ad passiones
Again you are correct in observing my methods for argument, but my point still remains. If you are unwilling to condemn morally wrong acts, then all immoral acts are permissible. Just because we have the capacity to do something doesn't mean we are above being judged for it.
Let me go back to this point:
>Moral relativism doesn't do anything to address the issue, it is merely an excuse.
Just because morality is a flux does not mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.5795612

Your guess is as good as mine anon

>> No.5795616

I don't know man, maybe someone else knew about some anecdote from his life where a drunk legionary punched his teeth out.

>> No.5795626

>B-but m-m-muh nihilism!

>> No.5795628

You're making me nostalgic for that thread a couple days ago about funny stories concerning historical figures. That was a good thread.

>> No.5795644

Personally I've enjoyed the ideas of nihilism, but they can only go so far. In the grand scheme of things does life have a purpose or meaning? No probably not, but that doesn't mean we can't make the lives we live now matter at least in the moment.

>> No.5795654

>Just because we have the capacity to do something doesn't mean we are above being judged for it.
>Just because morality is a flux does not mean it doesn't exist.
It's just based on personal preference, like favoured ice cream flavours.

>> No.5795665

To an extent, but I'd say the problem is more human error. We will probably never reach a consensus on moral that pleases everyone, because morals are man made and not a priori.

>> No.5795679

However that doesn't mean that morals can't be improved upon.

>> No.5795691

although it is indisputable that morality exists, it is difficult to posit there being objective moral truths without running up against the wall of moral relativity really fucking fast. I'm not advocating non-cognitivism, but people all have different ideas of what is good, and what is right.

>> No.5795770

Improved to whose liking?

>> No.5797127

The people's liking

>> No.5797150

anyone who has read Beyond Good and Evil can tell that.

>> No.5797328
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Why does everyone always leave the best guy out

>> No.5797615

>only one philosopher is blonde
So much for the blonde hair blue eyed master race, kek.

>> No.5797623

Yeah all those old people with gray and white hair were born with gray and white hair.

>> No.5797632


>> No.5797633

Hate, while it is low in quality, is high in quantity, and serves to fill the many empty spaces in our lives.

>> No.5797645


>> No.5797670

Many of the white haired dudes were blond when they were young, though

>> No.5797683

Yes, the Greeks, well known for their beautiful golden locks.

>> No.5797704

Why do we love
Why do we envy
Why do we lust
Why do we jeer
why do we wonder
why do we desire
why do we accuse
why do we care
why do we................................

come on man

>> No.5797868

What is wrong with asking those questions?
Why do we love
Why do we envy
Why do we lust
Why do we jeer
why do we wonder
why do we desire
why do we accuse
why do we care
What's wrong with wanting to know why? There has to be some reason at least from an evolutionary stand point. If we can question everything under the sun, why not question feelings? Are they not the things that prevent us from acting out of pure reason? If we can't ask these types of questions, why question anything at all?

>> No.5797928

because it doesn't matter.

This board is filled with cynicism, so you should appreciate my traditional answer.

To be a little more serious, asking and or receiving a reply as to why we hate or why we X doesn't bring you anywhere. This excruciating phrase of why really just leads you to a stalemate.

>> No.5797936

still misses out Wollstonecraft, Rawls and Nozick though

>> No.5798066

Why doesn't it matter? We will never know in this life if there is a God, but that doesn't stop us from asking the question.

>> No.5798124

This thread is so cringeworthy. Please end it now, mod.


>> No.5798137

This has been one of the better philosophy threads considering, it hasn't denigrated into a science vs. philosophy thread.

>> No.5798445

Why ask questions? Just bury your head in the sand, because you'll never learn anything that really matters.

>> No.5798468
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The purpose is getting ahead, getting a reason to think about stuff. If nothing offends the shit out of you, why even try to get your own perspective? Why even care? That being said, hatred needs to be sublimated into critique in order to fulfill any useful function.

>> No.5798780

Add one yourself

>> No.5799421

Do you think it has any use outside of criticism?

>> No.5801351

Because it's in our nature as humans to feel hate. Our relatively limited window of perspective causes contact with people and cultures that are different than our own to result in aversion, resentment, and mockery, which eventually boils over into unmitigated hatred. The more foreign the person/culture, the more averse we are to each other, and the more hatred we feel towards one another.