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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 220x330, 220px-Samuel_Beckett,_Pic,_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5793606 No.5793606 [Reply] [Original]

Your favourite work by this man.

>> No.5793671

his life's

>> No.5793680


>> No.5793855

Well. I hadn't realised I'd already posted in this thread.

>> No.5793858


>> No.5793866

Malone Dies

>> No.5793910
File: 20 KB, 400x430, 9780802144478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come and Go
A piece of monologue

I've already seen almost all of his long plays and dramaticules, and I found them to be exceptional. I have yet to read his novels; they're in my backlog, though. Pic related will be the first I read.

>> No.5793914


>> No.5794173

There's something awfully Beckettian about that

>> No.5794225

Beckett is an obscurantist hack.

He really is the litmus test for dilettantes.

>> No.5794226

Once you're done with them, Murphy is well worth a read for the comparison (and because it's good in its own right, as well).

>> No.5796231

Shows that this poster both hasn't read anything by him, and failed to understand the most basic and simple thing about how to look at his works

>> No.5796253

>literally "2deep4u"

This and the titles of books/plays are the only things ever to come out of Beckett threads. And Beckett.

Enjoy being highschoolcore forever, buttmad.

>> No.5796336

/lit/ STILL does not know what this word means.

>> No.5796368

You fall on your face again.
The point is that it is not difficult at all to understand. It's a puddle, and you'd have to be exceptionally dumb for it to be 2d4u.

>> No.5796376

Beckett is something of an extreme minimalist in his more famous works. How could he possibly be difficult to understand? I could buy the idea that you find him boring, but obscurantist? PLease

>> No.5796400

I studied Waiting For Godot in AS literature class a few years ago. I was the only one except the teacher who enjoyed it and thought it was intelligently written.

>> No.5796408

Well aren't you special. I'll bet you're the teacher's pet.

>> No.5796433

I was :3

>> No.5796437

Did you fuck the teacher for good grade's

>> No.5796444


>> No.5796448


>> No.5796452


>> No.5796472


>> No.5796481

I masturbated the teacher

>> No.5796511

I did no such thing! He had greasy hair, a leather jacket and an actual fedora.
I've always believed he browsed /lit/

>> No.5796517

No one on /lit/ actually wears a fedora

>> No.5796551
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>> No.5796554

I wouldn't know. They seem like they would be exactly like him.

>> No.5796576
File: 167 KB, 320x485, Indiana_Jones_in_Raiders_of_the_Lost_Ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5797071

He's difficult to understand because people expect something of his plays when his plays are devoid of everything: art, character, skill. He's the definition of talentless hack. No surprise he's a fav on /lit/

>> No.5797346


as if you knew fick about that

>> No.5797356

ahhh, yes, the "you just don't understand X" argument. Nice. Work on your insecurity, schoolboy.

>> No.5797696

>keeps samefagging as if there could be several of this faggot

>> No.5798609

I never said he was hard to understand. I said there was nothing particularly interesting to understand, since he is an obscurantist fraud. You are the one who used it as an opportunity to go ONLY I UNDERSTAND THE ESOTERIC MYSTERIES OF LACA-- I MEAN, FINNEG-- I MEAN, BECKETT!

Graduate high school and read a real book.

>> No.5798644
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>> No.5798666
File: 11 KB, 177x278, rth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropping 2deep4u and resorting to "taste is subjective!'

No one's saying you can't 'like' Beckett, just like no one is saying you can't collect blank canvasses. They're just wondering why you would want to, since neither has any content.

>> No.5798685

I congratulate you on your satanic trips but Beckett has a lot of content. How could you possibly miss it..?

>> No.5798698


Also, look up "obscurantism". It doesn't mean whatever you might think it means.

>> No.5798774

What is it?

It's in Waiting for Godot, right? The one where where he delights in how people 'interpret' it in so many ways, the one that's a shibboleth of artsy fartsy hipster culture, the one that has had no actual artistic impact and is just a fizzle?

>Obscurantism (French: obscurantisme, from the Latin obscurans, "darkening") is the practice of deliberately preventing the facts or the full details of some matter from becoming known.

>The one where where he delights in how people 'interpret' it in so many ways,
i.e., because its meaning and intent (actually, lack thereof) are deliberately opaque.


>This and the titles of books/plays are the only things ever to come out of Beckett threads. And Beckett.

>> No.5798789

Beckett would have been the first to agree with you that there's nothing to get.

I don't understand where you're getting this "he delights in how people 'interpret' it in so many ways", because, yeah, Beckett didn't do that. In fact, he flat out told people there's nothing to interpret--that it's all straight-forward.

Honestly ask yourself why you care so much about this little crusade of yours. It seems wholly unmerited.

>> No.5798797

Godot is a great play because it's funny and terrifying in a unique way. Interpretation is secondary. You can interpret any goddamn play however you want. Hamlet wants to fuck his mother. I don't give a shit. That's not what makes it a great play.

>> No.5798800

>I had to read Waiting for Godot and I hate Beckett and I hate you

I don't think he'll learn but at least it's entertaining

>> No.5798822

The usual sophistry from Beckettfags. Two entire posts that say literally nothing.

>There's nothing to interpret - its vacuousness is straightforward! Don't you see?

>It's [subjective feelings] and good. It's good because good.
As long as we're agreed that you like Godot on the exact same basis on which people like the movie Avatar.

>he's so mad it amuses me :^)

Thank you for giving me this free nostalgia vacation to vbulletin forums circa 2001.

>> No.5798838
File: 45 KB, 700x464, yfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5798849


>> No.5798882

People don't like Avatar because it's funny and terrifying in a unique way, but because it's fun and tragic in a mundane way. It's also an extremely well-made film that thousands of talented people put a lot of work into making

>> No.5799083

It's still shit, though...?

>Avatar in a Beckett thread
This is what happens when there are no YA fantasy containment threads

>> No.5799090

this thread was a disaster already, meaningful thread will come... or not

>> No.5799124

This is why I really hate this board. If Beckett was still alive, he would be about 200 years old, and he would have his aide put Leonard Cohen on on Youtube and scroll down this thread for him, reading the posts, then he would tell his aide to take a knife, and he would pretend to slash his wrists with them, but he wouldn't really do it. He would tell his aide to come close to him, and then he would say, "The meaning of life (it's so simple, ha) is..." then he would die.

All because of your shitty fucking thread.

>> No.5799162
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>> No.5799197

2deep4u? Did I give you an existential crisis?

>> No.5799199

never read any

>> No.5799234

The Lost Ones.

Never see that one mentioned, could make one doubt it even exists.

>> No.5799250

molloy is good pretty funny

>> No.5800968

bump for more exposure of this zero

>> No.5801404

when shame 360s head right in the sand

>> No.5801513
