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5790539 No.5790539 [Reply] [Original]

What even is the purpose of Arya Stark?

>> No.5790543 [DELETED] 

To give a boner.

>> No.5790547

break up the monotony of people fucking each other.

some of the chapters are too shippable though

>> No.5790549

She is a kid.

>> No.5790552

Have you not realized that all GOT is basically several different POV monomyths? Literally every character is having their own character arc, and the trick of it is, every character is basically a fantasy video game archetype. You can't escape the truth.

>> No.5790560

If you're going to make that claim, you'd better back it up with evidence.

>> No.5790570

she is a little adorable pony

>> No.5790572

strong independent womyn

>> No.5790598

Well, her character arc is probably the most transformative of them all. Also, she's different from most other characters in that she seeks not power, but revenge.
My prediction is that she'll end up assassinating some other crucial character or two.

>> No.5790609

She is supposed to be the main tragedy of the series. She's going to die horribly

also GRRM like underage girls so her chapters are fun for him to write

>> No.5790640

>She's going to die horribly

>> No.5790878

Before I die, I will fuck your mouth senseless, I assure you.

>> No.5790890

She's basically a really fun psychological archetype.

>> No.5790893

>seeks not power
>seeks not

>> No.5790894

Next time you meet a girl who witnessed her father die, or has a brother crippled, take notice of how masculine she is. Such women come to take the world on themselves, knowing too well the frailty of men and seeking no refuge there.

>> No.5790897

They're also very commonly lesbian, those girls. Arya might shape up to be a lesbian yet :3

>> No.5790908

>This book from the 90's steals from my 2k material!!

>> No.5790911

You don't know what the word archetype means.

>> No.5790915

Ya I do. I use it to mean 'obvious and common example of this mode of becoming'.

>> No.5790918

Which has nothing to do with archetypes.

>> No.5790920

Idc, maybe I don't lol. I know what GRRM's characters are, though. I know half this board shits on something way beyond them.

>> No.5790924

Cain and Abel were archetypes, no? Like Edgar and Edmund? Of a certain sort of becoming. They are the very obvious.

>> No.5790954
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No, their roles are used to name an archetype, which is the anger in sibling rivalry. Archetypes aren't tropes or character arcs, they're stripped down absolute concepts behind human thought.

>> No.5790966

Exactly. And the one you're talking about goes way, way deeper than just sibling rivalry. What, there is some gene which brings brothers to hate each other?

Perhaps I'm piling a bit too much behind the word 'archetype' though. But Cain and Abel are written of in Genesis because they are basically God in our psychology. And just as there were only one man and one woman in the Garden, so the Fall brings two brothers and we see this knowledge of Good and Evil, we see this grand insecurity before God.

>> No.5790980
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They are written in genesis like that because the same structure appears in lots of human narrations, analyzing the psyche through narrations is just reverse engineering. The idea is that archetypes are the BIOS and we notice them through the output. We use them to understand the mind through the production, they're not a production means.

>> No.5790993

Well give me another word I can use for what I'm saying, then.

>> No.5791002


>Arguing semantics on the internet

Oh yeah, I'm on 4chan! Almost forgot, tehee silly me.

>> No.5791003

She is literally only there to hook in the "strong indypyndynt womyns" I fucking hate her PoVs so much. Probably one of the only ones I actively skip on re-reads. Not even Cersei gets that honour! Not surprisingly, both my sisters say she's the best part of the book.

>> No.5791008

Trope, stereotype, character arc?

If you see a soccer ball and say "oh yeah, I love cooking bread" it's not semantics.

>> No.5791012

I turned on the first episode of this pleb shit the other day and the first thing that happens is that she shoots a bow better than a boy and hits a target dead centre before running away all mischevious. Needless to say I didn't watch more than the first episode.

It's obvious what her purpose is. She's the strong girl who don't need no man.

>> No.5791015

Oh, stereotype doesn't sound so bad. Thank you.

>> No.5791019


I only watch the TV show because Grum is a terrible writer, but I find her, Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion the Hound, little Finger and maybe Sansa and Fat boy to be the most interesting characters. Onion Knight and John snow get honorable mentions.

I'm 400 pages into Game of Thrones and I can't continue because of the way it is written. I wish I could because Grum sure can make interesting characters and story arcs and I don't want to wait until next year to continue with the story.

>> No.5791028


>a really fun psychological archetype.
>Next time you meet a girl who witnessed her father die, or has a brother crippled, take notice of how masculine she is. Such women come to take the world on themselves, knowing too well the frailty of men and seeking no refuge there.
>They're also very commonly lesbian, those girls.

I can't tip my fedora hard enough, please stop posting so much.

>> No.5791031

>calling something pleb shit
>not seeing that a scene is used to characterize how the boy doesn't care about fighting (which is later developed in his interest for politics and a posterior arc in which he has to man up)
>assuming she'll be strong and independent when all she does is try to show off and gets her ass kicked
SoIaF is pleb for many reasons, but it's successful because the plot works. You can hate a lot of things like prose, conceptual value, verisimilitude, arcs; but plot is the only thing it does right.

>> No.5791035

Why would you be tipping your fedora? lol

>> No.5791039


Oh yeah I forgot Dany and her cuckold.

>> No.5791045



Also you seem to write the way you speak. "I'm a faggot, no? (m'lady)"

You are a repulsive creep.

>> No.5791046

To kill melly sanders in the last book.

>> No.5791048


>Resorting to shit post

I'm not even reading your argument with this guy but you just lost.

>> No.5791052

so you can have a non-good looking female for the tumblr crowd to feel attached to.
if there is one of these and she's relevant then you can pump the rest of the series with fetish fuel hot bitches and they won't bitch.

>> No.5791054

There was none, he just appeared out of nowhere and started sperging.

>> No.5791056

>This character from the 90's was meant to appeal to this web 2.0 site I don't visit

>> No.5791060

Fair enough, I shouldn't have cat-faced after that bit about Arya being a lesbian. The character certainly does bring up certain memories for me. You're more a child than me a creep, though.

>> No.5791062

Exactly, bar from the not visit part.

>> No.5791065

I explained the character, you little bitch.

>> No.5791067

Not you, the mad guy complainign about you.
You're still a shit tripfriend.

>> No.5791072

Each Stark has an important purpose in providing sympathetic pov introductions to key lore concepts in the world. Jon is there to teach the reader about the wall and beyond. Cat/Robb teach the reader about the various diplomatic relations, Sansa provides a POV for the royal family, Bran teaches the reader about warging, Arya teaches the reader about the various dubious organiations working behind the scenes ie bwb and faceless men.

>> No.5791074

And your posts are fountains of marvelous, mate. :)

>> No.5791079

She is going to kill Lady Stoneheart.

>> No.5791088

Also, it's girls like Arya and who have lived through that, who are strong and sassy. I do enjoy them, I don't have any shame in it. They're competitive and fun like normal girls aren't. There's nothing left in life to love unless something broken, anon.

>> No.5791129
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>I do enjoy them, I don't have any shame in it. They're competitive and fun like normal girls aren't. There's nothing left in life to love unless something broken, anon.

>> No.5791133

You'd make a good anti-natalist if you weren't a Christian, anon.

>> No.5791140

That's also why a lot of them become lesbians btw, because they are competitive. GRRM slaughters notions of inherent sexuality with all his homosexual characters, too.

>> No.5791629

The show has nothing to do with the books. Why are you even on this board?

>> No.5791637

She gets to be a badass ninja assassin girl, that's the point!

>> No.5792685

>inb4 it happens to her
you obviously haven't read the fragments of the next book floating around on martin's website
she will eventually kill everyone before dying

>> No.5792690

not even close

>> No.5793628

People who only watched the show probably just think Catelyn's a bitch, too.

>> No.5793698

People who read the books probably think they're well written.

>> No.5794287
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>tfw people waste all their shitposting on ASOIAF while BOTNS nerds are allowed to unironically compare Wolfe to Nabokov

>> No.5794325

>Well, her character arc is probably the most transformative of them all.
>Who the fuck is Theon Greyjoy

>> No.5794344

Melisandre isn't going to be outdone by some little twat with a knife a million miles away. She's going to showdown with Bran.

>> No.5796040

And rightly so.

>> No.5796288


Her story arc fleshed out the world and introduced the narrative of the brotherhood, R'hillor from the perspective of the common man and the evils that the Lannisters were doing the countryside.

Assassins assassinate. My money is on Daenerys (but I've no idea how to back that up)

>> No.5796303
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>> No.5796526

Strong independent womyn that don't need no man

>> No.5796681

>thinking mel actually has any power
she's fucking useless. worst red priest by some distance.

her only powers are a short range one-shot shadow baby assassin, and terrible prophecies.

arya is going to be the mariest sue of all mary sues by the time she gets back to westeros

>> No.5796766

An eunuch. A fucking eunuch.

>> No.5796902

She'll kill either Aegon to prove he's a phony or someone close to Stannis.

Now Lady Stoneheart, there's a pointless character.