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/lit/ - Literature

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578914 No.578914 [Reply] [Original]

When /lit/ is up late working on the next Great Novel, what type of coffee/energy drink do they prefer?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.578917

Cups of tea and pieces of fruit for me.

>> No.578922

Strong coffee... as in, 1/3 coffee and 2/3 water. Keeps me up for 48 hours. Though I was once sure my heart will explode, it's worth it.

>> No.578923

>Though I was once sure my heart will explode, it's worth it.

Nice grammatical tense, fuckwad.

>> No.578925

Coffee? Energy drink?

Bitch, please. I run on glasses of water and nowt else.

>> No.578926
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Home-grinded Santos beans on a coffee-maker like this. Not sure what it's called in English.

>> No.578929

Coffee press / French press

I use one of those. Delicious coffee.

>> No.578930

Well fuck you, I am drunk and not a native speaker. Also, cocks.

>> No.578934
File: 51 KB, 420x304, article400_whisky_glass-420x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee? Energy drink?

Bitch, please. I run on glasses of irish whiskey and nowt else.

>> No.578936
File: 40 KB, 673x390, caffe-in-grani-per-espresso-673x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that people don't drink real coffee any more. It's all Starbucks shit.

>> No.578937

The first half of the day I run on coffee, black as midnight on a moonless night. After that it's wine.

>> No.578940

Black tea, because it's faster and stronger than coffee.

Shit ton of water while I wait for a cup to cool down.

>> No.578944

I don't drink anything. I do get drunk before starting though.

>> No.578959
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bitch doesn't know about my espresso-cooker

>> No.578990

I have a caffeine problem. People dont understand the complications that arise from that shit.

I've spend whole days being really nervous about nothing. I had fairly constant heart palpitations that hurt my chest for an hour or two afterwards.

Seriously, shit sucks. Detoxing at the moment.

Fucking writing. I'm going to lose all my god damn mojo.

>> No.578994
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>> No.579008


>Black Tea
>Stronger than coffee

What weak ass coffee have you been drinking?

>> No.579033

Good old-fashioned determination keeps me going!

>> No.579078

If there's daylight when I look out the window, it might be time for a cup of tea. If it's closer to 3am, I just keep writing. I'm sure that slight delirium causes me to write a little better.

>> No.579083


>> No.579091


>> No.579095

We have that coffee!

Then again, I don't think we have starbucks in Belgium. I had some in London though, it was pig disgusting.

>> No.579104


>> No.579129

come on, nobody drinks coffee at starbucks.

its all about the extra shit they put in it, coffee provides just the basic taste and the liquid.

The irony is, they started by selling european coffee culture in the US and now they have shops in france and italy, selling a totally perverted version of their own shit to them.

>> No.579156

The US in general is just a perverted version of Europe.

>> No.579161

Coffee and pipe tobacco

>> No.579159

if nothing else, this should keep this thread on the front page for a while

>> No.579567
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sure is deutschbag in here

Also 12-year Bowmore. Fuck Irish whisky.

>> No.579571

/lit/ - food

>> No.579585

I've given up attempting to write anything. I always get too discouraged to continue.
So I usually just dick around on the internet for upwards of seven hours a day, and fall asleep before 9PM.
I'm not happy with my life, but I'm scared of changing, or attempting seriously to change my habits.
I've stopped fapping, so that's a start.

>> No.579586


U butthurt?

>> No.579630
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one is german one is some other language (I guess dutch. no, they are not the same).

and my 18 year old macallan beats up your tasteless bowmore with its left foot.

irish whiskey rocks, btw, you ignorant fool.

>> No.579633
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erm... how embarrassing

>> No.579641
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>> No.579647

This, like all smart folk.

>> No.579652
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>> No.579665

Grounf nutmeg-supreme creativity

>> No.579686

eitherway asshole

>> No.579697

disappointing, but when you don't have the cash...

>> No.580888
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>> No.580903
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Monster. But only when I really need to stay awake. Otherwise, Victory Coffee works fine.

>> No.580907

if i need to drug myself to stay awake i'm not going to write anything good.

>> No.580912

A mixture of 2 parts hot chocolate to 1 part coffee. Anything stronger gives me fiery shits, makes my heart race and my scalp sweat.

>> No.580940

That image is hilarious.

>> No.581646
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>> No.581658
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>> No.581669

