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File: 102 KB, 474x616, Marxpeace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5788935 No.5788935 [Reply] [Original]

Why id /lit/ so Marxist

If you are a Marxist, why?

>> No.5788937

Capitalism has failed.

>> No.5788943

critical marxism ≠ prescriptive marxism

>> No.5788952

How has it?
Technology has never been as advanced.
Absolute poverty is at its lowest in history.
Life expectancy is at its highest in history.
Violence levels are at the lowest in history.

>> No.5788970

For the reason that just because something is at it's lowest (or at it's "best" for that matter) doesn't mean there doesn't need to be change.
Marx for all of his criticisms of capitalism, also acknowledged the great advances it made.

>> No.5788971

Black people aren't successful and my parents won't pay my rent

>> No.5788979
File: 31 KB, 622x338, radical islam 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why id /lit/ so Marxist
The poltical beliefs here are very varied OP. This board is mostly full of reactionaries, marxists, anarchists and some conservatives. Mostly radical people.

>> No.5788991


Historical precedent is the worst way to talk about how great something is, particularly when you cherry pick and ignore things like the most slaves on Earth and most polluted environment are both at their highest in history too.

>> No.5789000

I want /pol/ to go away. I came here to talk about books. What the fuck?

>> No.5789008

Second one is a well known philosopher who writes many books, there's no reason it isn't relevant

>> No.5789018

Lol you inconsistent faggots are why the people who make you scream that a board exists post here to
>Except marx because he's le marx!

>> No.5789023

I meant to say 3rd
When you're talking about specific people/writers it seems alright

Granted I wouldn't mind if there was philosophical or political talk in general

>> No.5789034

It's like /lit/, unlike /pol/, isn't one person furiously samefagging to advocate some agenda.

>> No.5789037

>Mostly radical people.
Mostly apolitical or apathetic people, the radical people are just the ones who are extremely vocal in all threads that even passingly hint at their ideology or an ideology they hate.

>> No.5789052

Because capital is a metaspook. It's the spook to spook all spooks.

>> No.5789057

i giggled

>> No.5789061

>le epic not one person maymay

Literally >>>/pol/

>> No.5789138

>most slaves on Earth

In proportion or in absolute terms? The latter is irrelevant and the former sounds like bullshit. Source.

>> No.5789148

Because /lit/ can't into science and doesn't realise that Marxism is unfalsifiable dogma.

>> No.5789159

>three responses
>no one answers the question "How has capitalism failed"

>> No.5789174

The Marxist shit is a recent development. There have always been some Marxists on /lit/ but it wasn't such a dominant ideology and there weren't nearly as many Marxist-specific threads until a sudden explosion maybe a few months ago. There was also a parallel increase in SJW-type talking points and rhetoric strategies, which leads me to believe both changes are the result of immigration from outside communities.

>> No.5789179

>le science man
Are you lost /sci/?
Shouldn't you be posting on your Humanity Plus threads?

>> No.5789187

Analytics pls go

>> No.5789190

>/pol/ goes full right wing reactionary
>/lit/ reacts to this and goes full marxist reactionary
>/lit/ calls /pol/ reactionary idiots

>> No.5789195

Capitalism isn't failing, it just isn't working it self out as fast as it should.

>> No.5789198

>waaah academia shouldn't be rigorous
>please publish my unfounded, unscientific opinions

>> No.5789201

>capitalism will work itself out
>it just hasn't yet but trust me it totally will
Sure thing, Karl. That's why your followers had to violently incite revolutions to get your "worker's starvtopia" right?

>> No.5789210

Capitalism failed because of the continuous economic failures and lack of real substantial progress. Things can/could be better.
As well as the bourgeoisie stealing money from the proletariat

>> No.5789216

>implying it isn't 3deep5you
without philosophy you wouldn't even have a conception of "science"
science isn't some self evident monolithic thing, this has been proven (even empirically) consistently
Much to the demise of positivist fags

>> No.5789217

Communists are like Christians talking about how Jesus is coming.

>> No.5789222

The problem was that they tried to oppose capitalism and were unable to operate within it.

>> No.5789226

Really? There are lots of reactionries and conseratives here. Just see the /lit/ recommended books.

I would say /pol/ is more marxists now. There are more marxists there. Maybe it is because the stormfront shills aren't as strong as they were.

>> No.5789228

Jesus is coming, massive employment through automation be damned.

>> No.5789230
File: 62 KB, 484x449, for free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>continuous economic failures
As opposed to all the communist economic successes?

>lack of real substantial progress
So things are no different now as compared to the time of Marx?

>Things can/could be better

>As well as the bourgeoisie stealing money from the proletariat
pic related

>> No.5789236

You are talking about the utopian socialists, greekfag.

>> No.5789238

Who is they. that is very vague.

>> No.5789242

>not utopian socialist fucks

>> No.5789250

The Leninists, basically.

>> No.5789258

I'm not against philosophy, you moron. I'm against unfalsifiable drivel being passed off as philosophy. The 20th century, which saw great advances with the rise of analytic philosophy, was hindered by the dogmatic thinkers of, in particular, France.

Why would you think I am a logical positivist? Karl Popper already destroyed that just like Marxism.

>> No.5789259

So the actual people who enacted Communism.

>> No.5789260

>As opposed to all the communist economic successes?
There have been no communist economic successes or failures
There has never been a country or society to reach communism

There have been failures in certain models of socialism, but in relation to the failures of capitalism it seems only normal while things are being figured out
>So things are no different now as compared to the time of Marx?
What makes you think I'm suggesting this?
I'm not measuring progress in relation to major historical precedence, however in terms of modern history progress for those who are not of the bourgeoisie is fairly limited
>pic related

>> No.5789261
File: 7 KB, 200x200, smug pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a poppernian
>at any time

>> No.5789265

Communists aren't like that, unless you are talking about your average teenager who just read Das Kapital prologue.
Most communists know that there is a need of direct action.

>> No.5789266

>I'm not against philosophy, you moron.
reread what I said, you moron
>I'm against unfalsifiable drivel being passed off as philosophy
something doesn't need to be falsifiable to be true let alone useful

>Why would you think I am a logical positivist? Karl Popper already destroyed that just like Marxism.

>> No.5789267

I wouldn't associate myself with a philosopher in that way. To do that is to accept their beliefs as dogma, only continentals do that.

>> No.5789272

What aren't you a Marxist OP?

When do you plan on becoming a Marxist?
Soon, I hope.

>> No.5789273

>21st century
>labelling yourself as "X"ist
>being a logical posivist
Top kek. Have you played too much Democracy 2?

>> No.5789275

Karl Marx was fairly critical of utopian socialists

>> No.5789277

>reread what I said, you moron
You implied that I am opposed to philosophy because I favour science. That is just stupid.
>something doesn't need to be falsifiable to be true let alone useful
It kind of does.
How so?

>> No.5789278

Talking about the approaching revolution is like Christians talking about the Second Coming and Armageddon, or /pol/fags talking about the Happening or the Day of the Rope.

>> No.5789282

>labelling yourself as "X"ist
>being a logical posivist
I haven't done that, though.

>> No.5789283

What by Marx have you read?

>> No.5789288
File: 131 KB, 780x587, capitalism_vs_socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism has failed

>> No.5789292
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>There have been no communist economic successes or failures
>There has never been a country or society to reach communism
b8 or pure denial

>I'm not measuring progress in relation to major historical precedence
The how can one measure progress.

>progress for those who are not of the bourgeoisie is fairly limited

Nice denial on those last two points, bro. Sure swayed me to commushitism.

>> No.5789296

Didn't change the fact that he was convinced of his oncoming utopia.

>> No.5789308

Didn't know you were marxist.

>> No.5789309

>You implied that I am opposed to philosophy because I favour science.
If that's what you took from what I said than you're retarded
Karl Popper said something needs to be falsifiable to be considered "science"
I said that "science" isn't a monolithic self evident objective structure
And that something doesn't need to be falsifiable to be considered philosophy either
>It kind of does.
you're honestly retarded
even your version of "science" works with unfalsifiable or not yet falsifiable theories all the time
>How so?
Because Karl Popper's conception of Marxism is shit

>> No.5789314

Lel, guess where people are "happier" on average.

>> No.5789315
File: 33 KB, 405x305, 1299543_orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty buildings means society has improved

Check out these free, liberated workers reaping the benefits of the free market

>> No.5789316

check that shiny city, only a matter of time before a crow steals it.

>> No.5789322

Pyongyang has better symmetry and compositional unity.

>> No.5789329

>b8 or pure denial
You're honestly fucking retarded
Not even the USSR claimed to have reached communism
>The how can one measure progress.
Not by saying "Hey look things are better than they were 500 years ago!" because it means nothing
Things were worse 1000 years ago than they were 500 years ago but that doesn't mean we wanna return to what it was 500 years ago

Things can get better and for the majority they aren't really

>Nice denial on those last two points, bro. Sure swayed me to commushitism.
I'm not trying to sway you faggot
consider suicide
Communism isn't a utopia, in purely orthodox marxist conception it's what happens after capitalism when the workers take over the means of production and form a "classless" society

>> No.5789332

>Karl Popper said something needs to be falsifiable to be considered "science"
It wasn't just an opinion.
>I said that "science" isn't a monolithic self evident objective structure
>And that something doesn't need to be falsifiable to be considered philosophy either
It needs to be to be considered valid, however.
>you're honestly retarded
You consider this an argument?
>even your version of "science" works with unfalsifiable or not yet falsifiable theories all the time
Such as?
>Because Karl Popper's conception of Marxism is shit
Why is that?

>> No.5789340

Why do you willingly talk about something you don't have the first clue about? Aren't you embarrassed?

>> No.5789343

The only problem I have with capitalism is that it supports multiculturalism and diversity within nations.

Marxism and Capitalism are basically identical in their reduction of Men to their most basic economic values anyway.

>> No.5789346

So we agree that socialism is better for societies.

>> No.5789347

>why do you think I'm a logical positivist?
Do you even read what you post?

>> No.5789351

Communism will simply become inevitable when adaptive robots and AI bring about a post-labor society.

>> No.5789357

Yes, I am clearly not a logical positivist if I'm talking about falsificationism.

>> No.5789364

>It wasn't just an opinion.
How is that not an opinion faggot
Contrary to Popper
>It needs to be to be considered valid, however.
>You consider this an argument?
You consider what you're saying an argument? Lmfao
>Such as?
Theoretical physics
>Why is that?
Because dialectics is 3deep5him
And his whole idea of Marxism being "pseudoscientific" was only do to a paradigm shift in what was standardly accepted as "science"

>> No.5789366
File: 45 KB, 559x562, raymond aron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism is the opium of the intellectuals.

>> No.5789371

>I will redefine science to suit my ideology
stay young earth creationist

>> No.5789377

Science is constantly being redefined, just look at history
You're delusional to think otherwise

>> No.5789384

no. it's empty and materialistic. just like capitalism. two sides of the same jew.

>> No.5789390

Anticommunism is the animating force of the brain-dead.

>> No.5789391

>How is that not an opinion faggot
Is this the first you're hearing about it?
>Contrary to Popper
No. Do you know who Popper was?
That's not an argument.
>You consider what you're saying an argument? Lmfao
Are you trolling now?
>Theoretical physics
Which parts specifically?
>Because dialectics is 3deep5him
No, I don't think you've read 'What is Dialectic'.
>And his whole idea of Marxism being "pseudoscientific" was only do[sic] to a paradigm shift in what was standardly accepted as "science"
I don't think Marxism, being the dogma that it is, was ever considered scientific. Sociology too.

>> No.5789392
File: 220 KB, 1162x850, 4th crusade best day of my life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these salty communist tears

>> No.5789395

>I don't think Marxism, being the dogma that it is, was ever considered scientific.
It was prior to the 1930s-ish
Still is in continental Europe for a good part

>> No.5789400

>this shitty /pol/ tier memes

>> No.5789404

>communism is shit
>/pol/ maymay
it's pretty much a known fact in most parts of the world

>> No.5789405

Technically not. More anarchist leaning.

>> No.5789410
File: 276 KB, 1536x1024, o-OCCUPY-WALL-STREET-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communism is growing, though, in different shapes.

>> No.5789414

And it's looked down on by anyone with the intelligence to see it for what it is.

>> No.5789416

>4th crusade best day of my life dot jay peg
>not a shitty pol tier meme
>in most parts of the world
which is why most parts of the world outside of post-McCarthy USA have major communist/socialist parties

>> No.5789417

>It was prior to the 1930s-ish
By who?

>> No.5789422

It's actually from /vg/'s grand strategy thread. Delicious Byzaboo tears.

>> No.5789423

>Not a communist
you should just kill yourself already

>> No.5789431
File: 800 KB, 320x184, who are you talking to question mark.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even talking about?

>> No.5789432
File: 498 KB, 680x418, my comrades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a communist
>kill yourself

>be a communist
>get killed by the state

>> No.5789439

>all white

>> No.5789442
File: 31 KB, 470x400, fidel would like to say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a communist
>kill yourself

>be a reactionary
>get killed by the state

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5789446
File: 120 KB, 596x650, slav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slavs white

>the state only killed reactionaries

>> No.5789451

Communists don't really kill noncommunists.
I think the whole flippant meme"go to gulag" thing is problematic because anticorruption was taken very seriously in communist regimes.

>> No.5789452
File: 154 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tu quoque

>> No.5789453

No, they kill everyone equally. Anything else would be anticommunist.

>> No.5789456
File: 77 KB, 781x586, 1412901835830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false equivalence

>> No.5789459
File: 265 KB, 504x397, 14373769314_6a1b4bd112_c-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, Syriza will be taking over soon making it a socialist stronghold
that'll make up for the shitfest that it's been for the past 300 years or so

Next stop on the socialist revolution train is Spain
pic related

>> No.5789460

nothin but bait

>> No.5789461

I at least agree with you that Byzaboos are disgusting.

>> No.5789462
File: 869 KB, 500x342, full communism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using a term with being absolutely, 100% sure you knew what it meant

To the gulag

>> No.5789463
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>begging the question

>> No.5789464
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>not white

>> No.5789466

>Legitimately defending these regimes

modern academics are some octave above edgy mall goths. FUCK YOU, HOME NATION! I WANT BREAD LINES! THE USSR WAS ACTUALLY COOL! GULAGS WEREN'T BAD!

>> No.5789467


>> No.5789470

Nah, most of the academia actively supports such movements, this is the reason why they are so popular in the first place.

What people need to understand is that you can't fight the intelligentsia. What they want, they get. It may take a little long for it to happen, just like Republicanism took a entire century to bypass all "Austrian reactions" and "Concerts of Europe" to become dominant, but since the intelligentsia is 99% Marxist, and everyone who is anything in the world is educated by these guys, the communist future of the world is guaranteed.

Not that i particularly like it, but we will have to deal with it.

>> No.5789475

>back at you

>> No.5789479
File: 49 KB, 280x390, lenin di caprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communist fucking shits.
Lenin was right, he knew that a direct transition to socialism or communism would ruin the USSR, but the retard of Stalin and all the next leaders disregarded Lenin and started to shit Russian and the rest of socialist republics.

>> No.5789482

Most reactionaries went to Miami. Many guys who got killed by Castro were his former guerilla comrades.


>> No.5789483

>don need nun dat buklernin dats wha ah gots da tee vee fer ah shr do lak lissenen to dat der feller on da fox nus

>> No.5789486
File: 40 KB, 645x773, darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will never be able to undo the great mistake of 1789

>> No.5789490

Because soup lines never existed in America lolololol

>> No.5789493

>comparing soup lines to the vast death count of USSR

>> No.5789496

Most communist academics are against 20th century attempts at communism

>> No.5789501

>intelligentsia is 99% Marxist
You need to stop believing all that reactionary propaganda.

>> No.5789502

I'm not though, that's a poor use of tu quoque because it assumes that commies gulaging corrupt officials is on par with the murder of capitalism, which the communists take fault with because it doesn't even allow the poor to commit crime before sentencing them to death.

Like I said, false equivalence. Please explain how I am reaching a circular conclusion when I am telling you that killing a corrupt officials or antirevolutionaries who actively and intentionally subvert your peoples regime is different from killing poors.

>> No.5789503

Did you forget to take your risperidone this morning?

>> No.5789511

>>comparing accidental deaths to the slaughtering of millions by capitalist hitler

Oh wait it has "socialist" in the party lel must have been a 100% exact envisioning of Marx's ideas

>> No.5789514

in Europe it largely is
Not that I'm complaining

>> No.5789518

1789? The ride began in the 16th century.


When a temporal ruler conspires with barons and court intellectuals to expropriate the property of the Holy Church, nothing can be the same again.

>> No.5789521
File: 89 KB, 519x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't support the poor you are killing them
So patronising

>> No.5789525
File: 72 KB, 634x397, capitalismo-socialismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Latin American and it's the same here.

I am complaining.

>> No.5789527

It isn't. Yes, there are many of them who are socialist, but not marxist. Also, there are shitloads of academics who are liberals or libertarians, and criticize marxism more than the KKK hates blacks. If you think liberals are in some way marxist, then you are wrong.

>> No.5789531

It began with known heretic, Martin Luther.

>> No.5789535

>implying that image is wrong

>> No.5789538

>"The rebelling group of insurgents was a mix of former Batista soldiers, local farmers, and former allied guerrillas who had fought alongside Castro against Batista during the Cuban Revolution."
>Killing guys that fought with you but then turned around and fought against you with the enemy you fought against
Makes sense.

>> No.5789546

Top kek. In latin america is the other way round. Leaders of the so called pink tide country are, indeed, leftitsts, but intellectuals there aren't. They are either liberal (in the economic sense too) or conservative.

>> No.5789547

>the same century modern science, writing, philosophy and technology began


By the way, baroque music didn't start until Florence was looted of it's harpsichords. As it turns out, the people with the life and energy in them to steal also have the life and energy to create amazing music

That's also why niggers consistently make better music than white people since some time in the 20th century

>> No.5789554

>implying Latin America is worth a shit but for coffee and forests

The net worth of your nations are a sack of beans you dirty spick

>> No.5789560

I guess from the romanticised and biased view of dogmatic socialists. It's either an owner or the state. Only one is held accountable.

>> No.5789565

Art is bred from struggle. No one can deny that blacks have struggled.

>> No.5789568

>muh pre-archive
>muh reagan-sama told me so

>> No.5789572

Where is your anti-imperialist internationalism, comrade?

>> No.5789575

>Art is bred from struggle
how do you know that?

>> No.5789580

why do you post lies?
That book was printed like once and everyone went mad at it.

>> No.5789581

You're right art is pure self expression and thus all works are equal :^)

>> No.5789582

>It's either an owner or the state.
what is decentralized planning for 500, Alex

>> No.5789585

>I'm a euro-shit Latin American and it's so bad that my daddy is only moderately rich since the big bad socialists came to town, how can one with with only 5 Ferraris and knowing the peasants have drinking water?

>> No.5789587

>Implying I watch television
>If you don't attempt to spread a cancerous, parasitic ideology and defend gulags you are a redneck
>Being working class is bad

Wow communists are literally evil lying faggots

>> No.5789590

Something that will never happen

>> No.5789592

I agree, the best thing for white people is to rip their rug out and make them poor

Watch the fatties and tumblrites die, breed übermenschen

>> No.5789596

What is Yugoslavia
What is every worker owned business ever
What is a co op

Try again faggot

>> No.5789601

>what is decentralized[sic] planning(?)
No different to private ownership.

>> No.5789602

Of course I have it, comrade, I'm merely satirizing the capitalist propaganda.

>> No.5789605

>something that will never happen and provide a viable system.

>> No.5789609

>being offended that someone said you watch TV
>given all the shit you've said of socialists

You don't get to be morally indignant when you're slinging shit

>> No.5789610

>somebody PLEASE think of the 'peasants' (I think you meant to say 'the poverty stricken')
Nice slave morality.

>> No.5789611
File: 166 KB, 1200x800, jamal's visit sweden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristocracy is bred from struggle. "History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and wooden shoes coming up", said Voltaire, and he was right in a sense. The barbarian thugs of today are the warlords of tomorrow and after a few generations have legitimized their rule, they become the nobility. The Turkic ruling class of Pre-XXth century Islam used to be slaves too. The coming aristocracy will be black (and it's priestly class will be jewish).

Communism may or may not be it's legitimizing political formula. It doesn't really matter.

>> No.5789614

look it up faggot
>private ownership
Collective ownership

>never happen and provide a viable system
you're wrong seeing as all of these have been viable
except the end of Yugoslavia but that was for other more complex reasons

>> No.5789615

Oh, I know the answer: capitalism!

>> No.5789619 [DELETED] 

what can a white man do, merchant?

>> No.5789620

>look it up faggot
Stupid Americuck.
>Collective ownership
Under the command of the state.

>> No.5789622

Lol look at all these poor people why didn't they work hard to inherent the only clean aquifer? Lazy fucks!

>> No.5789628

Actually, these Marxist intellectuals in Latin America are the sons of the old elite.

>> No.5789629

that guy in that picture was an actor and also the middle man for pain pills in Hollywood. He was later caught for drug dealing.

>> No.5789631

>Implying you don't watch television
>Implying you aren't spreading the most cancerous, parasitic ideology that defends the largest, most inhuman prison system ever devised and that anyone but an ignoramus would defend such a thing
>implying all rednecks are working class, implying all rednecks sound like that
Wow, racist much? ;^)

>> No.5789636

Why do you think you need to help them? Because of your weak, Judeo-Christian culture, I suppose.

>> No.5789639

This is a fairly weak argument, but yes, participation in the suffering and exploitation of the poor is bad.

>> No.5789640

>Implying you aren't spreading the most cancerous, parasitic ideology that defends the largest, most inhuman prison system ever devised and that anyone but an ignoramus would defend such a thing
>defends communism

>> No.5789643

>Under the command of the state.
under the command of the workers who report to the state
decentralized planning

>> No.5789644

If Yugoslavia was so good why people emigrated to capitalist countries? And unlike other Eastern bloc countries, it wasn't just rich people emigrating, but working class people moving to places like Sweden and Germany to work at factory floor.

>> No.5789648

Drop all ties to stupid shit like 4chan and enslave yourself to a better cause, retard

>> No.5789650

How is it objectively bad, you quasi-religitard?

>> No.5789654

The ethic of reciprocity

>> No.5789655

what is this "better cause"

>> No.5789659

>under the command of the workers who report to the state
So it's just the state running everything with the workers as their pawns?

>> No.5789661

I don't, shit on the poor if you want you fuckhead, but don't pretend you're being moral while doing it

>> No.5789663

>But anon your non-communist government did all those things and on a much larger scale that continues to this day

>> No.5789665

That's not objective
Morality is a spook, an idol.

>> No.5789666

Wow. Are you seriously just going to assert I watch TV? This is how pathetic you are? You people are so fucking stupid. It makes me legitimately angry seeing that seriously every single fucking communist is just some sarcastic shithead who is literally unable to even speak without constantly ad homs and strawmen with no basis in reality. Holy
Fuck. How do you even live with yourselves? How do you exist with each other when you're all this stupid and terrible?

>> No.5789669

>non-communist government did all those things and on a much larger scale that continues to this day

>> No.5789671

>completely free and subsidized school giving it the most educated workforce in the world
>massive personal income tax


>> No.5789672
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White people will still exist, though not in a dominant position. The examples of history show that a subjugated former dominant people still linger around in the new regime, so even when the Germans made their kingdoms in the former Roman territory, they kept Roman magistrates, or when the Turks established their Khanates in the Middle East, they kept Persian administrators.

So whites will be kept around as bureaucrats, managers, engineers, harem "slaves" etc

>> No.5789674

Carve it yourself you pussy faggot. If you ever want political respect you need to stop expecting people to give you a formula and to carve one yourself

>> No.5789675

Please demonstrate a satisfactorily objective ethic.
If you cannot, please explain why ethics should be absent in a discussion of political theory.

>> No.5789676

>If Yugoslavia was so good why people emigrated to capitalist countries?
People didn't, until it collapsed
and even then they stayed to kill all the other ethnicities
>And unlike other Eastern bloc countries
Yugoslavia wasn't part of the Eastern bloc you fucking scrub
>it wasn't just rich people emigrating, but working class people moving to places like Sweden and Germany to work at factory floor.
The Balkans are nostalgic as fuck for Tito era times
I don't even dick ride Tito as much as them

>> No.5789677

Absolute horseshit. Don't start this false war ebin meme. There has not been an increase at all. There has been an increase and /pol/fuckery which I'm sure you are a part of. We're practically being raided right now.

>> No.5789684
File: 1011 KB, 359x204, huhh ehyugh kuh kuhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes post after post where he does nothing but assert what others believe
>goes apeshit when someone suggests he watches tv
>his intellectualism is so weak that he has to defend the idea that he's never used a device before

>> No.5789685

Top kek black males are like 6 percent of the population and over a full percent of that is imprisoned. White people still unquestiomably dominate everything and the trendy idiots pushing against their own best interests haven't seen any uncomfortable results yet. Stop going to /gif/ so much anon.

>> No.5789686

>posting your cuckold fantasy repeatedly because you can't accept that you're a little bitch faggot who's scared to become a man

>> No.5789687

>please explain why ethics should be absent in a discussion of political theory.
It's unscientific.
Is that how you hide from opposition?

>> No.5789689

They didn't got "decentralized planning" though, so maybe they didn't really care about this.

>People didn't, until it collapsed

No, during the Cold War, the Yugoslav regime actually enlisted it's people as "Gasterbeiter" in Western European countries, citizens of the socialist titoist utopia were on the same level as poor peasants from southern Italy and the mountains of Turkey.


>Third, and by far the largest wave, was economic emigration started in the 1960s when several Western European countries signed billateral agreements with then-Yugoslavia allowing the recruitment of workers from Yugoslavia to work in the industrial sector of those countries, and lasted until the end of the 1980s. Main destinations for Serbian emigrants were West Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and to a lesser extent France and Sweden. That generation of Serbian diaspora is collectively known as gastarbajteri (after German word "Gastarbeiter" meaning guest-worker, since the most of the emigrants headed for German-speaking countries).

>> No.5789693

>Is that how you hide from opposition?
No, but when you shift and distort what I say with hyperbolic language I'm not going to take it seriously

>> No.5789696

You responded to me calling the gulags bad with
>don need nun dat buklernin dats wha ah gots da tee vee fer ah shr do lak lissenen to dat der feller on da fox nus

and are now posting this autistic mess I have quoted above. This is your actual life anon. You are legitimately this fucking retarded.

>> No.5789697
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Oh, man. Nice effort though, kid.

>> No.5789702

If you think the gulags were bad, check out those funky German concentration camps!

Thank god for that capitalism

>> No.5789703
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>he's still going at it

>> No.5789713

Wow anon, you're an epic nihilist troll who pretends they can't type properly and saves anime reaction images! I sure am mad now, and you totally aren't a dickless retard with absolutely no understanding of people beyond LOL YOU CALLED ME DUMB BECAUSE IM DUMB I WIN

>> No.5789715

does the laughter help hide the tears from being BTFO?

>> No.5789720

Please show me sufficiently scientific political theory.
Also, language is unscientific but we don't abandon it's practical use in our daily lives and intellectual progress, why ought we to abandon thought that is not materially based? Should we abandon all useful thought that is not physically observable?

>> No.5789728
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>being this upset about watching tv

>> No.5789729

Yes, we should

>> No.5789731
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>language is unscientific

>> No.5789738

>No, during the Cold War, the Yugoslav regime actually enlisted it's people as "Gasterbeiter" in Western European countries
Yeah but that was only partly, they were still Yugoslav citizens and would eventually return to the country
It would help make up for some of the unemployment and bring in foreign currency
In the end it didn't really hurt the economy

>> No.5789739

Is there political theory that meets the criteria of physical science?
We should stop using language, then, since it's authenticity is not verifiable by physical evidence? You seem to feel that way about ethics, so why stop there for any thought unfalsifiable by science?

>> No.5789746

I became a Marxist in university when I joined a Marxist organization and started going to their study sessions. I found it to be a compelling, if far-fetched, idea. I spent a lot of time in the organization, not really any "activism" but we did a lot of intellectual work.

I am still nominally part of the organization, but I now live in a rural area where I can't do as much as I used to, and I have begun to question the significance of my time spent in it.

Being a Marxist is only worth it if you make the revolution, otherwise you're just an autist at the intellectual periphery of society. That said, I don't regret my time as a full-fledged Marxist. If I didn't find Marxism in college, I'd probably be a shill for the democratic party by know.

>> No.5789752

The prevelance of you pointless, pure-for-the-sake-of-it shitposters out of nowhere really makes me feel like 4chan is finally deader than dead. I mean yeah it's been really bad for a while but this downright xD contrarianism for the sake of being retarded in this severity is recent and it's totally saturated. Where in the fuck did you all come from.

>> No.5789753

Also why?

>> No.5789756
File: 25 KB, 338x277, 1282908922326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously being this fucking cloistered

>> No.5789758

Marx is a hack for le edgy non-ivy first years

Speak for yourself, fool.

>> No.5789762
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TV's not ALL bad, really.

>> No.5789765

You think believing in some unfalsifiable dogma is intellectual?

>> No.5789770

>unfalsifiable dogma
>le eben karl popper may may in 2000+14
that's only historical materialist analysis anyway faggot

>> No.5789771

No really where. Was it /v/, reddit, tumblr, /a/, /mu/? You all came from somewhere right around this whole autistic gamergate bullshit. Is it all of the above?

>> No.5789776

And dialectical materialism. So all of Marxism.

>> No.5789777

dood occupy wall street died

>> No.5789782


I love how Marx lived his life, directly contradicting his work. Truly embarrassing.
Gives a terrible name to Rousseau.

>> No.5789783

>unfalsifiable dogma
>If I keep saying it it'll be true one day

>I love how Marx lived his life, directly contradicting his work.
I can't even tell if this is ironic.

>> No.5789784

>Subjecting yourself to advertisements.

>> No.5789785

It is true, read Popper, pleb.

>> No.5789787
File: 20 KB, 400x300, calm down bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5789791

>going to their study sessions
What the hell did you study?


>> No.5789795

Theoretically speaking someone could make pure utilitarian arguments for a socialist economy that eventually has the characteristics of communism
get rekt faggot

>> No.5789800

>trying to appear smart by using dictionary.com's thesaurus
how sciolistic.

>> No.5789802
File: 107 KB, 257x294, the shadow of my face when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is true, read Popper, pleb.

>> No.5789803

Read Thomas Kuhn pleb

>> No.5789806

That's not Marxism, you idiot.

>> No.5789808

The fool lived off his buddies $, and by reading his work you can easily effortlessly discern the dude never had a beer with a working man in his life.

>> No.5789809
File: 72 KB, 200x299, no seriously just go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a thesaurus for the word cloistered
>admitting this on /lit/

>> No.5789812

I have.

>> No.5789813

>Technology has never been as advanced.
pick any date in world history.
that moment in time is the most advanced till that date no matter the system. So your point is invalid.

>Life expectancy is at its highest in history.
Long boring lives. more time to work more .

>Violence levels are at the lowest in history.

>> No.5789816

That's a 5th grade level word, pleb.

>> No.5789822

American education at its finest.

>> No.5789826

Should I assume at this point that you're done replying and that you can't actually defend your dismissive position? Should I believe, as I have from the beginning, that you don't know what you're talking about?

>> No.5789840

Yes, but I don't think Marxism can really be understood in those terms. It's an historical perspective above all else. It's a way of understanding. For a long time some of the most intelligent people were attracted to the idea, now some of the dumbest people are I will admit.

I'm not one of the nitwits on this board that posts all the dumb zizek threads or thinks badiou is some kind of profound messiah, but I do think the classical works of Marxism deserve the utmost of study considering they shaped the course of world history.

More than the bourgeois revolutions, Marxism was the largest attempt to "intellectualize" society and put a hand on the rudder of world history than anything else. Sure it was a huge botched failure, but Marxism always has been. There's a reason Marx didn't have any other friends besides Engels. And Lenin despised the company that he had to keep. It's a tough idea to really wrap your head around. It attracts the most brilliant and the most craven and crass.

>> No.5789843

This thread proving once again, nothing worse than an anti-commie. See you all again tomorrow? kek

>> No.5789844

>I'm not one of the nitwits on this board that posts all the dumb zizek threads or thinks badiou is some kind of profound messiah
Get out

>> No.5789846

>get called out on using a thesaurus after you misused a word
>immediately try to shift the accusation on your accuser
this isn't even quality shitposting

>> No.5789851

Am I saying false things? Have you read about his life?

>> No.5789855

He still misused it. Unless he actually means to say I'm sheltered. Which is an interesting decision given the standard response is to call your dissenters "ignorant"

>> No.5789859

>I'm not one of the nitwits on this board that posts all the dumb zizek threads or thinks badiou is some kind of profound messiah, but I do think the classical works of Marxism deserve the utmost of study considering they shaped the course of world history.

>More than the bourgeois revolutions, Marxism was the largest attempt to "intellectualize" society and put a hand on the rudder of world history than anything else. Sure it was a huge botched failure, but Marxism always has been. There's a reason Marx didn't have any other friends besides Engels. And Lenin despised the company that he had to keep. It's a tough idea to really wrap your head around. It attracts the most brilliant and the most craven and crass.
Marxism just means dialectical and historical materialism. It is a method of societal analysis. It is unfalsifiable and dogmatic, only an idiot could so blindly accept it.

>> No.5789861

What about his position has suggested that he blindly accepts marxism?

>> No.5789866

People like you who try to deradicalize or rationalize Marxism deserve to be shot

>unfalsifiable and dogmatic
>if i keep post le ebin may may than maybe it'll catch on

>> No.5789871

I'm not sure what you're saying. If you've ever read Rousseau's "Confessions" than you will know that he didn't quite live up to his "ideals" either.

But about Marx, I don't care if Marx never worked a day in his life. He didn't have to. The whole point of Marxism is that scientific socialism does not immediately emerge from "class struggle" or "oppression" or whatever you dumb fucks working at Target on black friday think when you complain about your shitty jobs. The intellectual underpinnings of Marxism come from outside the workers movement. Marx and Engels had no qualms about themselves being bourgeois intellectuals. And neither did the working-class that subscribed to their ideals later on.

It wasn't until the 1960s and '70s that dumb student leftists thought you actually had to "experience" the struggle of being poor to be a Marxist or whatever. It was ridiculous and anti-thetical to the of Marxism.

My dad is on the board of a fortune 500 company. His generous income allowed me to study at a top university where I had the free time for my own intellectual pursuits instead of having to get some part-time job. I'm grateful for that because it allowed me to get exposure to Marxism, a world-view I still find helpful, if not always that compelling anymore.

stay mad fagit

>> No.5789878

To accept it at all is to block out everything else.

>> No.5789882

>you can easily effortlessly discern the dude never had a beer with a working man in his life.
You do know that Marx and Engels went on a week-long bender when they met in Paris, right?

>> No.5789886

>It wasn't until the 1960s and '70s that dumb student leftists thought you actually had to "experience" the struggle of being poor to be a Marxist or whatever. It was ridiculous and anti-thetical to the of Marxism.
That was actually the 80s and 90s with the introduction of "social justice"

>> No.5789890

Have you?
Marx regularly entertained all sorts of international visitors at his house.

His daughters complained that his desk was trashed with all the ash from his tobacco pipe. And take a look at any of his early manuscripts, they are all full of wine stains

>> No.5789894

>He still misused it.

Are you being serious?

>> No.5789900

>kept away from the outside world; sheltered

>> No.5789910

And I have gripes with Rousseau, too. Dude gave away his kids without naming them.
>B-but Plato told me to!

He told it emerges from capitalism, that it's the last regime with class struggle.
What does this have to do with what I said? He tells a part of the oppressor class has convince the oppressed to revolt.
>Le too dumb for there own good!

>I don't care if Marx never worked a day in his life. He didn't have to.
But this is a crucial thing to consider, he believed the workers were so oppressed, rigid, and unhappy. He thought working was a huge pain, when in reality, most are fine with being a working grunt.

>Daddy bought me good school! I swear!!
Now tell me, how does this in any way help your position? It just makes you seem as uncultured as Marx was.

>> No.5789912

You haven't. You've read some propagandistic summary of his life that tries to assassinate his work by attacking his character, but of course it's incorrect. Even if you're being an idiot and only define "work" as "purely physical labor" he did "work". Any correct definition of work would show that he did quite a large amount of it, moreso than you ever will. Stay alienated, friend. (Just kidding, I do hope you wake up some day.)

>> No.5789915

>he's serious

Take a breath.

>> No.5789917

>international visitors
bourgeois intellectuals, not the working class.

>> No.5789919

oh please tell me how i'm in the wrong

>> No.5789920

>He thought working was a huge pain, when in reality, most are fine with being a working grunt.
He was a journalist so he reported on this stuff
Not to mention if all those workers were just "fine" with the conditions of their work and the poverty they lived in than why were there revolutions and huge labor uprisings throughout Europe after Marx's ideas took off (this is prior to the USSR mind you)

>> No.5789921
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>> No.5789924

I've read the entirety of his work, anon.
And yes, the current definition of work I'm speaking of is not the one you have in mind.

>> No.5789927

>I've read the entirety of his work
Oh yes so all 100 plus volumes I'm assuming?

>> No.5789930

Yes, some are unhappy, but it's not a permanent state.
Obviously I've not claiming all to be happy all the time.

>> No.5789938

If it's only "some" than why is it outside the US workers consistently vote for labor/socialist/communist oriented parties

>> No.5789939


I don't even know what you're trying to say. How's your 200 level philosophy of science class going? I met plenty of you dolts in school. You guys were more dogmatic than anyone else. So no, the world isn't cut and dry. Things still need to be thought out. All politics have an element of dogma to them. And to ignore or dismiss "politics" is to just be a complete fool. It's the reality of the world : There are people in positions of power making decisions for you based off their own "dogma"!

>People like you who try to deradicalize or rationalize Marxism deserve to be shot
I'm not trying to deradicalize it or anything. But I do think it's an all-or-nothing gamble. Unless you make the revolution and transform society, then Marxism is pointless. Marxism was more plausible 100 years ago than it was now, it's less plausible now because it's goal is more far-fetched. I can rationalize it's appeal (because people are attracted to it for a lot of the worst reasons) without diminishing the quality of the ideas. In my time in a Marxist organization, I had to deal with plenty of thirsty virgins only marginally attracted to our ideas because we had some cute girls. Dudes who would spend 6 hours a week in our reading group discussing Lenin and Zinoviev just so they could spend 5 minutes afterwards chatting with one of our girl members. (we also had some thirsty grills come too)

No. Look at the history. In the seventies there was a turn to "point-of-production" organizing. Young, bright college students took jobs in factories to try to influence the masses. Nothing really happened. Not to say this hasn't continued to the present day, but it definitely started before the 80s.

>> No.5789947
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>He's a Marxist
>He's presumably over the age of 18
>He will never earn a wage that isn't paid in satisfaction for "contributing to the cause like a true comrade"

>When you think about it, he literally wants to do it for free.

>> No.5789950

>In the seventies there was a turn to "point-of-production" organizing. Young, bright college students took jobs in factories to try to influence the masses.
Sure but that's different than saying that the workers experience is more privileged in understanding capitalism than the intellectual
If anything it's the opposite or else the workers wouldn't need radicalizing

The idea that only "women can talk of women's issues", "blacks of black's", etc is relatively new and post the whole New Left movement

Undoubtedly it was influenced and a response to it though

>> No.5789951

lemme guess, you're from reddit?

>> No.5789960

>mostly radical people
>on 4chan
A-Are you sure?

>> No.5789982

I paid $200 a year to have the privilege. We had a lot of expenses to cover.

>The idea that only "women can talk of women's issues", "blacks of black's", etc is relatively new and post the whole New Left movement
ehh.. I consider it to be the part of the new left moment. definitely at least part of its legacy. there were some decent new left intellectuals, but they've been mostly forgotten.

fun fact: after trotsky visited america he thought that blacks spoke a different language(/dialect?) and that they needed to translate their texts into that language to reach the black population. let's just say trostky wasn't hip to the jive-turky

>> No.5789998


whole fields of thought are unfalsifiable. mathematics is unfalsifiable. its a level of abstraction that exists entirely beyond, removed, from the concrete of reality. you can't touch, taste, see, hear, nor feel numbers. you may try to argue that i can observe two apples for example, but this point fails. what i observe are the apples, not a number.

similarly, a great amount of your own internal life is unfalsifiable. emotions like courage or loathing may exist in your head and condition your experience of life, but they aren't falsifiable. like the numbers, they still "work"

>> No.5790013

>there were some decent new left intellectuals, but they've been mostly forgotten.
The whole Critical Theory movement has been influenced by them largely
To a degree at least.
New Left is more attached to Foucault and the Frankfurt School while Critical Theory/Post-Marxists seem more into Althusser
But it's also dependent on Geography

>> No.5790023

>fun fact: after trotsky visited america he thought that blacks spoke a different language(/dialect?) and that they needed to translate their texts into that language to reach the black population. let's just say trostky wasn't hip to the jive-turky
This is pretty funny however

>> No.5790025

>i don't understand it so it must be unfalsifiable
>proofs don't exist

>> No.5790030

>greentexting is a viable substitute for robust and rigorous arguments

let's just say i've...

falsified your hypothesis

>> No.5790050
File: 25 KB, 253x253, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematics is unfalsifiable

>> No.5790068

>anime reaction pic

yet another person who rather than trying to engage with my argument, condescends without really saying anything. epic. crossing my fingers for a third person to post a nice meme to invalidate my point. i think objectively speaking, the more people quote my post with greentext, reaction images, and profanity the more it means what i posted is untrue. that's how it works on 4chan, right?

>> No.5790120

not sure what you mean by "critical theory"

for a lot of people, "critical theory" is a synonym for the frankfurt school, which really pre-dates the new left in important ways. horkheimer was a red guard during the german revolution, so was marcuse, adorno was too young and just spent his time studying with krackauer. the frankfurt school was originally conceived as a western version of the soviet institute for marxist studies, but of course the relations fell through.

and also althusser is really an "old leftist" he's a veterarn of the french communist party who became too influenced by maoism circa '76

>> No.5790121

>greentexting is a viable substitute for robust and rigorous arguments
welcome to capitalism :)))

>> No.5790127

>This is pretty funny however
yes. I think the story was he was exiled to siberia, found a boat to take him to san francisco, then traveled across the country to NYC and went back to yurop.

one can only imagine his reaction when crossing the midwest lol.

>> No.5790185

>200$ a year
Hell, I'd sit in a mall and talk about Marxist theory like I know my Lenin from my linens for half that.
I could buy some nice Christmas gifts for the little shits who don't really deserve them that way.

>> No.5790193

u wot m8?
i wasnt paid that much, i had to pay that much

>> No.5790201

I know. I was implying that I'd render the same service that the organization rendered you.
God, use some of that critical theory that you weirdos are always talking about.

>> No.5790224

sorry, i thought you were an idiot

why would you want to sit in a mall and talk about marxism? how would that get you some xmas gifts? sounds like a nightmare to me

>> No.5790237
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>mathematics is unfalsifiable

>> No.5791312

But they are. I study mathematics and I told you so. Mathematics are not science; they are not even close.

>> No.5791317

>i study maths guys!
>posts shit clearly from some garbage philosophy major

>> No.5792042

Mathematics is unfalsifiable
Even Popper reached such a conclusion

>> No.5792097
File: 191 KB, 1000x577, laughing gojiras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a poppernian