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/lit/ - Literature

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5787992 No.5787992 [Reply] [Original]

How many pages a day does /lit/ read?

>> No.5788000

Never enough.

>> No.5788003

honestly not that much, anywhere between 0 and 300. I probably average 60 if you include days i do not pick up a book

>> No.5788019

30 and i'm spent ; ;

>> No.5788021

I'd say about 90-120 pages

>> No.5788026
File: 58 KB, 592x592, 1362191803434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few days ago I read 35 pages and felt proud of myself

>> No.5788029


>> No.5788040

I read at least 30 minutes a day, usually one hour, but the number of pages depends on the book, if it's in my native language I'll be fast, if it's in english It will take more time

>> No.5788047

I only read wiki summaries now

>> No.5788048

~200-300 in English
~50 in Spanish
~30 in German

I'm NEET tho

>> No.5788063

Depends on how much time I have and what kind of mood I'm in.
30 for short 150+ for long

>> No.5788065

that makes sense.
I'm >>5788003
and when I do 300 that's all I do that day: very rare occurances

>> No.5788081

30 - 150, really depends on how much I'm enjoying it.

>> No.5788085

This is me exactly

>> No.5788113

currently i'm in procrastination limbo and not reading shit, instead spending my days shitposting up and down the 4chins and ordering various kinds of takeout

>> No.5788127

lol, don't rip your dick off by masturbating too vigorously now....

>> No.5788179

I can't get past ~15 because of the way I read.

My WPM is fine, but my mind is always forcing me to reread each sentence just to make absolutely sure I read it right.

>> No.5788180

0 usually

>> No.5788209

Apparently the cool guy in the OP's picture would read a few novels a day, at least according to people who knew him in the late 80s/early 90s.

>> No.5790530

How do you convert posts to pages?

>> No.5790542

50ish on a slow day.

>> No.5790550

I try to do 40-50 but i dont read every day.
usually 25~-35~ pages for hour

>> No.5791264

50 pages a week, maybe 100.

I don't even care.

>> No.5791268

120 a day, when I'm not being a lazy depressed slob, which is most days

>> No.5791270
File: 119 KB, 347x293, hibari i love you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You saved the pic I got banned for doing! I love you anon!

>> No.5791283
File: 58 KB, 702x119, side smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And to your question: I try to go for a steady 30 with fiction, less if I'm bussy more if I'm hooked, I feel it's a good pace and I can finish between two and four novels a month if I don't have too much college stuff. Theory has its own pace and can be faster or way slower.

>> No.5791387

where did you hear this from?

>> No.5791409

>people treating reading like a chore to "become" sophisticated

good board guys

>> No.5791690

Can I ask you something, Hibari-avatarfag? Where did you find the Hibari-kun mango? The raw mongolian claymation is pretty easy to find, but I can't remember ever seeing the mango available.

>> No.5791699

>asking how many pages you read on average is someone treating reading like a chore

way to project brah

>> No.5791721

I saw the first four issues when googling around. It's a comedy manga so most of the time you don't even need the dialogue to understand what's going on (except that time hibari got psychic powers by eating garlic, I still wonder what was going on). I've asked some scanlators to give it a chance but if they don't want there's joy in harassing them.

I only use hibari pics in, at most, 10% of my posts. Maybe a bit more in /lit/ just because I love you guys. There's
no need to name me.

>> No.5791745

Okay, I suppose I'll have to wait for the mahn-jah to become available, then. I'll probably watch the chinese cartoon adaption in the meantime

>> No.5791746

Depends, I'm not a robot.
Read 100 pages for uni the other day, I've finished 200 page novels in a 24 hour span, most days I read about 50 pages, though, I'd say.

>> No.5791748

It's pronounced ganjah, dog.

>> No.5791762

It isn't. But I wouldn't expect your peabrain to know any Swahili, so don't feel too bad

>> No.5791785

You're home, now

>> No.5791792
File: 45 KB, 144x212, pointing crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you even say such mean things! You must have no soul to go around burning anyone who crosses your path of destruction like that!

>> No.5791833
File: 161 KB, 970x644, 1e7e2197a1a6aa2aba06d89f64ee1d34_970x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1-20 page but I'm reading shit load of other informative stuff (thesis,articles, etc.) on internet. I'm reading philosophical subjects mostly; that's why slow reading became my habit. I was able to read 200-300 pages a day when I was teenager.

>> No.5791845

I'm not saying it's a chore, i'm just curious how much the board actually gets to read

>> No.5791979

Well today was a pretty successful day and I only read around 70 pages. I'm a pretty slow reader.

>> No.5792306

5-10 pages in one or two hours.I'm laughing at the plebs in this thread rushing through their shitty YA novels. Once you start reading real books it becomes more about gaining a deeper understanding of the book.

>> No.5792320

I've been able to keep up at about 200 pages a day for the last few days.

>> No.5793075

I read 700 pages everyday.
Then I read them again and write essays about them.
Then I get edited and on the evenings I shitpost on /lit/.

>> No.5793521

About 15pages/hour but i don't have many hours.

>> No.5793526

400, at least

i am a neet

>> No.5793578

I'd say 75 average.

>> No.5794221

If im into a book 50-100 a day. If not usually 20 or even less if Im not feeling it

>> No.5794374

This semester I've read approx 100 pages.

>> No.5794386

i don't read 'pages in a day' i read 'books in a day'

ps everyone in this thread is a moron

>> No.5794531
File: 6 KB, 225x225, this nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself.

>> No.5794549
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>> No.5794677

I have quite bad ADHD, so I can't say exactly. Often times I find myself at the bottom of a page and can't recall anything I've just read because I've been thinking of something else at the same time.

>> No.5794693

300 or so on any given day, though on weekends and holidays it's more like 500.

>> No.5794694

>muh ADHD

sure, buddy.


>> No.5794709

I don't understand, does everyone say they have this or something? I have meds for it, which isn't really a justification due to how easy it is to look up symptoms of x disease or condition and regurgitate them to a doctor. I do find it difficult to pay attention while reading, I don't know what else to tell you, don't care enough to try and "prove" it to you

>> No.5795091


not a neet

>> No.5795106

Can someone explain this meme since I have not read DFW? Does he do author's notes in his books a lot?

>> No.5795209

There are over 300 endnotes in Infinite Jest which are an integral part of the book.

>> No.5796109
File: 31 KB, 316x475, 9859899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be a starter book for all /lit/fags that miss the point of reading.


>> No.5796115

about fifty