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5786843 No.5786843 [Reply] [Original]

Hey some of you may have seen my thread the other day where I promised to do Graffitti that's literature related.

I DID get caught, but funnily enough it was by an aborigional woman, she asked me for $2 and offered me sex while I was writing Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear.

The wall just says 'Nothing happens' I have to go back and fix it later.

I'm going out tomorrow night but hopefuly to spraypaint somewhere with less traffic.

I ended up writing Romaes Enut Domus 100 times although that's kinda off topic abit.

Suggestions on what I should spray next? this thing took forever to write so something short and sweet?

>> No.5786845

maybe you should practice a little first so your shit doesn't look like garbage

>> No.5786858

you SERIOUSY need to get stencils

>> No.5787001

You mean Romanes eunt domus, right?

>> No.5787041

thats cool

>> No.5787044
File: 422 KB, 1598x901, v4b96r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks nice...

That was a joke man

Check for yourself

>> No.5787051

This. It'll make you grafitti much neater and it'll also make it quicker. Lay down, spray over, go.

>> No.5787059

please graffiti this from blood meridian:
"there is no such joy in the tavern as upon the road thereto"
please bonus points if you do it on the side of a bar

>> No.5787062

why do you need OP to do it

>> No.5787067

i live in an old english village and i don't want to fuck up 16th century cottages

>> No.5787080

ancient stuff is more worthy of vandalization
don't you know shit

>> No.5787186


>> No.5787197


man oh man that's a great line

>> No.5787211

OP, you need to practice your handwriting. >>5787044 shows that it's not just being a noob with cans, your penmanship sucks. practice legibility, consistency, and then speed in notebooks.

as for cans:

hold the can as close to the wall as you're able without bumping the wall when making the curved lines. press the button full-blast and move it as fast as you're comfortably able, same speed as if you were using a marker on a big sheet of paper. At a measured pace, walk alongside the wall the same speed the whole time. Script can be helpful since you don't have to co-ordinate as many stops/starts with the nozzle. if you still get drips, back up from the wall slightly. these methods will improve both the look and your speed simultaneously.

find a practice wall.

I vote for something from the last stanza of Kublai Khan, either

>And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry: “Beware! Beware!"


>Weave a circle ’round him thrice,
And close your eyes in holy dread

>> No.5787220


OP, if you plan to graffiti more often, it would do you some good to practice at home (if you have the space). I don't know if I would go so far as to say that graffiti is an art, but it needs to be practiced like one to be good at it. You need to improve your handwriting skills, your kerning, and, apparently, your speed. It would also do good to know what kinds of surfaces you should graffiti on. It helps to have a flat wall (unlike the one you graffiti-ed on) as it will be easier to read. Otherwise, you should invest in some stencils (like one of the anons in this thread said) and practice with those as well.

>> No.5787225

Our posts are so similar :O

Anon, a-are we soul mates?

>> No.5787230


OP I request that you write

"To say goodbye is to die a little" somewhere

people will think it's deep

(it is)

>> No.5787234
File: 26 KB, 500x402, cartoon edward graf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you write?

as in graf?

>> No.5787247

meant for >>5787225

>> No.5787256

is that from the ray charles song

>> No.5787257

What these anons said is correct, minus the handwriting bits. My handwriting is nigh illegible to anyone beside myself, but my graf is fine. I've been doing graffiti and street art since my junior year of high school and it's always been clear and legible without looking goofy like yours.

Just practice can control. Don't stand in one place and reach and stretch to continue a word, move your entire body and keep the can in front of you at all times, even if it means crouching down or whatever.
The closer your can to the wall, the thicker and clearer your lines will come out, but they'll also drip quicker so you'll want to practice writing fast while remaining clear to counter this.
Also, curves aren't in the wrist, they're in the shoulder. Always keep your can vertical and if you need to curve a line, move your entire arm to do so. This helps maintain control. You'll notice your arm getting tired but this means you're doing it right. That fatigue goes away after you've conditioned your arm. You build stamina after a while.

Good luck

>> No.5787260

Make yourself some stencils or paste-ups. Just stop being such a toy

>> No.5787280

No, actually :P
It's just that what OP needs to do to get better is so jarringly obvious.

>> No.5787287

>stop being such a toy
Ugh, the term "toy" is so deplorable when used in a negative connotation.
Everyone starts off as a toy. Nobody started doing graf and was just instantly amazing at it. It takes time to develop technique and learn what's good habit and what's bad. Don't be such a condescending prick about beginners, and if you insist on being a prick about beginners at least do it because they decided to even begin doing graffiti in the first place.

>> No.5787300
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Aren't we all ;)

I will
Also the surface wasn't flat to my credit

I can

What can security gards do other than follow me? I saw a few when I was pasting stickers


Paper work ok? I'll go over the letters so I can pop them out

I will buy some cardboard and use a box cutter

I had the 'fly' part overhanging for visual reasons it wasn't a misteak

Anyone else think that looks cool?

I do

>> No.5787313
File: 101 KB, 1278x721, IMAG0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was funny

>> No.5787332

'make a beautiful mark
its all shakes in the end'
wtf does that mean
your handwriting is shit
also learn to use apostrophes

>> No.5787338

>what can security guards do other than follow me?
In my experience, they can't "do" anything, but if they catch you they'll call the police and make you stay on premises until they arrive. Then you'll be cuffed, taken to a station, and charged with either vandalism, destruction of property(or both) and (depending on where you wrote) trespassing.
So the best case is to avoid security if possible, and if they do manage to catch you then run at the soonest chance.

>> No.5787401

how the? what the? mother? fuck?
my two year old son writes better than that

>> No.5787414

no he doesn't

>> No.5787462

Come on OP you can do better. This looks it's written by some elementary student.

>> No.5787466


there is a homeless schizophrenic in downtown Toronto who also writes on walls and the ground

his handwriting is better than yours

>> No.5787480
File: 1.65 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying sorry.

The surface was very bumpy.

Tomorrow night I will try to prove you wrong.