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File: 190 KB, 1179x742, humble_anon_asks_4_help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5785418 No.5785418 [Reply] [Original]

Ok /lit/, so here's the thing:
I hate my life. I don't know what I want to do with it,. I'm living in a friend's house (actually just in a room). I got my degree like a year ago, but have no job, no gf, no nothing...shit, I can't feel anything inside me. I haven't cry for about 15 years, I think. No, I'm not joking.
Life is passing me by, I can feel it.
I want to read something to... I guess I just want something to feel alive. Something that tells me that there's still some meaning out there. Or not, that there isn't, but life is worth living nonetheless. Something that you felt, encapsulated some undeniable truth about our loneliness, our fears.

Please excuse any mistakes I might have made in my writing.
Thank you in advance.

>> No.5785428

What degree?

>> No.5785434


>> No.5785453

Life has no meaning.
Either anhero, embrace it, or lie to yourself.

>> No.5785457

Just to get a gauge for you, since you're a filmmaker - what did you think of Amelie?

>> No.5785460

Sk8 faget

>> No.5785461

1) Take a breath and relax. Life isn't as bad you think it is.
2) Change attitude/perspective. Jump on an adventure/new experience (any)
3) Open your chest. Don't hold in your feelings. Go out there and meet other folks.

Slowly but surely, life will unfold.

>> No.5785464
File: 35 KB, 315x500, The Ego and His Own - Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you got a degree in filmmaking, but have had little to no emotions in the past fifteen years of your life? You wanted to be behind the scenes?

You do realize you didn't ask any questions in your post? But I guess it's obvious. You want to read something that's going to make you not hate your life. Well, shit. I love books, but only you can make you get out of bed and do something about this "life passing you by"

>> No.5785468

are you a filthy gaijin? there is no philosopher's stone irl.

sage for >>>/adv/

>> No.5785483
File: 123 KB, 267x401, pessoa feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're into film making you should just plan your films, even if you can't afford to make them, just plan them out perfectly for that day when you can make them. Find a project you're passionate about and have a good time.

Also get a job, when I'm unemployed I'm depressed as hell. Even it you can't get one with your degree, just go work for McDonalds or anything, just so you have a reason to get up in the morning.

>> No.5785485
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Good goy, work for shekels. Live for shekels.

>> No.5785488

Throw your paycheck in the trash on your way out, the money is not the point, the point is having a place that expects you to report on time

>> No.5785508

It was fun but doesn't deserve the escapist masterpiece status that indie-hipster trash has given it.

>> No.5785512


Looks like that degree really paid off.

Such analytical prowess.

>> No.5785516

lmfao. abandoning thread.

>> No.5785521

Thanks for your words anon.

Yeah, basically I haven't been able to make any film 'cause of this stone studied in my cheast.
I guess my request would be for you to point me to some author(s) that could help me to get this out, to stop doubting my self and actually DO what needs to be done.

>> No.5785530


Yeah, because I created this threat to analyse a movie I don't give 2 shits about.

>> No.5785537 [DELETED] 

Jude the Obscure

>> No.5785548

*Stone stuck in my chest.

>> No.5785551

Okay I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. What are some movies that you give 2 shits about then? Surely, that will be easy to do.

>> No.5785552

>I hate my life.
So here we have a profound statement. You're not mildly unhappy, or experiencing a slight malaise, you actively 'hate your life'.

>but have no job, no gf, no nothing
Here you provide a few reasons as to why: No financial security, no regular sex. This is easily remedied, but I suspect your anguish runs deeper.

>I just want something to feel alive
>tells me that there's still some meaning out there
>undeniable truth about our lonelines
Aaah, here we have it. The crushing worthlessness of being a tiny cog in the system, a statistic, the lack of objective meaning and painfully short life, with death creeping closer at every sunrise; nobody around you who sees reality in exactly the same way as you do, who knows your experience and suffering, your human condition...

Most of the demons, OP, are within you. I can't offer you the ultimate solution, only you can find that, but I can buy you some time for your quest. A lot of your negative outlook will have seeped out into your environment; you will look around your town or city and reinforce the concepts you dislike in a poisonous feedback loop. Get out. You need to rebuild yourself in the image of the man you're capable of being. Seriously, something radically different, with no hint of your former self. Maybe try applying for an NGO in a poor Indonesian village for a year, get a job in the Borneo orangutang sanctuary, work for a Charity building orphanages in Zambia. Seek out a completely new environment.

>> No.5785554
File: 25 KB, 412x352, 1381599369386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stone studied in my cheast
And filmmakers can't speak English for shit.

>> No.5785556
File: 21 KB, 460x276, Ingmar-Bergman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, basically I haven't been able to make any film 'cause of this stone stuck in my chest.

>> No.5785562

>not making a film about the stone stuck in your chest

Goddamn, son. Why the fuck did you get that major.

Perk the fuck up you stupid son of a bitch. Go join the marines; you need to get fucking yelled at, or better, shot at.

>> No.5785566

>not making a film about the stone stuck in your chest

I doubt he writes screenplays. He's probably waiting for a script about existential pain to land his in his lap.

>> No.5785580

Power of Now

>> No.5785640

>You need to rebuild yourself in the image of the man you're capable of being

Best advice Ive heard on /lit/ in a long time.

>> No.5785700
File: 35 KB, 364x345, 1414474665574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being capable of anything

>> No.5785720

I'm a film dropout because it's impossible not to realize that majoring in film studies is bullshit.

I've worked on five films, have one published book, and I'm working on another. I'm 29. Get your shit together.

>> No.5785721

Yeah, assuming you're srs, I'd suggest reading some of the stoics -- Marcus Aurelius, mayhaps? Regardless of whether you have a degree or not -- and whether whatever job you may obtain is of little value to said degree, you must work. Stewing about will only put you deeper in your sorrows. Any job, just as long you are making money.

>> No.5785734

don quixote.

>> No.5785925

Read the Greatest Salesman in the World. That book made me cry and motivated me some recently.

>> No.5785926

They were manly tears, ofc.

>> No.5785939
File: 46 KB, 290x378, Heidegger-black-notebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not capable of being.

>> No.5785944

Go teach English in a foreign country you giant numpty. Also not crying is pretty normal for adult male humans.

>> No.5786122
File: 75 KB, 900x675, 1377965183507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being capable of anything other than being

>> No.5786278

Listen to the song 'I dont love' by Have a Nice Life till the point where you hate yourself so much that you start adjusting your environment to some superior existential conditions just to prevent yourself from more potential self-loathing.

Works for me every time.

>> No.5786287

/mu/ pls go

>> No.5786291

Hey, it's a five minutes longexercise and it does the trick for me every time, if I had to read my favourite books on depression every time I needed to feel better I'd run out of time in my life

>> No.5786310

not to mention that the 'I dunno, I just hate my life' people happen to kill themselves before they finish their reads, shit happens

Though yeah OP, if all the arts have failed you, don't get anxious, there is still a lot out there in the world for everyone. Even emptiness can spawn some kind of meaning out of nowhere.

And don't listen to all these 'hehe just kill yourself' /lit/rolls, you can definitely climb out before it's too late.

>> No.5786314

Read Marcus Aurelius or kill yourself.

>> No.5786318

Start with the Greeks

>> No.5786341

I know everyone here is gonna burn me to the ground but here goes:
Read ''the leader who had no title'' by Robin Sharma.It did the job for me.

>> No.5787108

>tfw you're so naturally happy that sad songs just make you feel happier
Feels pretty good, man.

>> No.5787470

In my case, moving to an environment which subjects me to depressing circumstances in person everyday hasn't helped my mood, not that I'm depressed

>> No.5787589

don't read anything. just go run around. have a sprint. or play soccer, basketball, or play with a doggie.

>> No.5789155
File: 8 KB, 679x427, 1357-ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there's your problem.