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/lit/ - Literature

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5784800 No.5784800 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me books that cure pessimism, please.

>> No.5784807

The end is nigh.

Deal with it

>> No.5784826

I'm sorry son, it's terminal.

>> No.5784829

I'm 200 percent nigga

>> No.5785027

Swallow a frog

>> No.5785044

Anything by Schopenhauer.

you could try that strategy book writed by 50 cent

>> No.5785047

Brothers Karamazov

Specifically, the story of Father Zossima

>> No.5785056

Feel your forehead really strongly, like maybe knit your brow and have yourself accumulate and concentrate in your forehead

>> No.5785060

The Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mein Kampf.

>> No.5785064

>Mein Kampf.
It would be a seriously inspiring book if not for all that about Der Juden. What an absolute idiot he was really, raises his country out of poverty and despair to prosperity and brotherhood and then fucking ruins it because 'muh jews'. He certainly fucked up Nationalism forever, though maybe it was doomed anyway

>> No.5785065

Associate respectively these songs to the books:

Look, I want to help you, I really do, so don't be fucking weak now, you will have to read this great post >>5784647
to cure yourself. Pessimism is widespread here, don't be fucking surprised.

>> No.5785076

Hitler avoided reading German newspapers because these were anti semitic: chapter 2. You just showing that you never actually studied this.

>> No.5785084

What are you trying to say?
He wasn't an anti-semitic then?

>> No.5785085

I don't know what you're talking about at all, Hitler was very obviously Anti-semite, and I sympathize with him about almost everything else he thought. If you don't believe in the Holocaust there is little point in continuing this though because I've read your endless macro images and pdfs and I am unconvinced. I literally believe in Facism, in Nationalism, in any number of related ideologies as much as I do in their counterparts of Egalitarianism and Globalism, but I cannot for an instant agree with Anti-semitism, it was idiotic and criminal.

>> No.5785093


>> No.5787903

The myth of Sisyphus is a good read before your suiciding attempt.

>> No.5787911

Zionist confirmed. Go suck more baby dick, Ezra.

>> No.5787925

>raises his country out of poverty and despair to prosperity and brotherhood

oh my...

>> No.5787926

No no NO, this is all wrong you fucking shit-for-brains.
You don't instantly start insulting them as soon as you encounter opposition you fucking mongoloid, this just discredits your already idiotic ideology even more.
Your Fuehrer would be disappointed.

>> No.5787936

I'm not the guy you dialed up your bullshit crocodile tears for, you're just obviously a zionist.

>> No.5787941

Troll or double-digit IQ confirmed.
Back to /stormfront/

>> No.5787946

That's nice but I'm still not the original poster and you're still obviously actual JIDF or whatever

>> No.5788590
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>> No.5788626


>> No.5788657
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>raises his country out of poverty and despair to prosperity and brotherhood

Have you an idea of how fucking much amazing the Weimar republic was?
Einstein, Fromm, Gropius, Hesse, Mann, Fritz Lang... and so on.
If only Stresemann hadn't died so young...

>> No.5788666

Best post so far.

>> No.5788676

dat debt doe

>> No.5788691


>> No.5788710
File: 39 KB, 434x351, 1416779361709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily remember that '29 was for all the world.
Germany had a good financial plan till Stresemann was in charge.

>> No.5788737

Read Siddhartha bra, you'll feel better.

Life is beautiful bra

>> No.5788894

Just keep in mind that life is a great thing. That doesn't mean you have to be happy. Instead of looking at everything as overwhelming and complex just see everything as a story. You don't put down a book because there are bad things happening to a character. It's the same thing because eventually the plot will progress and the next act will start.

Crime and Punishment
Cat's Cradle
Infinite Jest (once you finish)
Plato's Apology

>> No.5788910

an optimist's tour of the future by mark stevenson

>> No.5789006

Blood Meridian or The Evening of Redness in the West
Cormac McCarthy

>> No.5791638

>Jesus Christ

Confusing to read an apostate condemn apostasy.

>> No.5791653

Sheet music to the Ring of Nibelung?

>> No.5791669

Yeah, because Jews don't control the media, the banks and the government in America. Oh wait.

>> No.5791697

The Book of Disquiet

>> No.5791706

>but I cannot for an instant agree with Anti-semitism

Why not? Obviously the holocaust happened and it was a tragedy but Jews really do have a destructive (or positive, depending on your political inclination, but nonetheless unique and significant) influence on white western culture and it's idiotic to deny it. At the very least you have to admit that Jews have both certain unique cultural traits and a disproportionate amount of power in banking and media - these two facts alone precipitate that it's at least POSSIBLE to reach "anti-semitic" conclusions via process of deduction.

Read some of this guys work

>> No.5791722

He truly was retarded about the whole Jew thing. What was he thinking?

>> No.5791897

>implying Hitler is the only person of note to be anti-semitic in European history.

>> No.5791909

hey OP why don't you go for a little run or play some b-ball or soccer. this isn't really a problem that literature can solve for you! if you want uplifting books though, try the new testament!

>> No.5792294

antisemitism was the global norm until after hitler tried to kill the jews, anon. people have always hated jews.

in a way, the holocaust is the best thing that ever happened to them.

>> No.5793112

That's what movies are for you silly goose.

>> No.5793753

Recommend me some, please.

>> No.5794402

Bukowski got me through my depression. Give it a try

>> No.5794418
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Oh shit you're looking for pessimism, my bad it 4am here and I'm tired.

>> No.5794485
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th Republic would have survived it's endebting, and become modern russia culturally by th 5os.
th Rothschilds & House Saxe-Coburg-Orleans could have prevented th war.

>> No.5794491

>implying anyone should ever read Bukowski
>"le i wish i could rape her XD"

>> No.5794542


>in a way, the holocaust is the best thing that ever happened to them.

Maximum kek. If I wasn't so ashamed to be lurking 4chan I would share this post with many people

>> No.5794548

La Bella Vita

>> No.5795467
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how's that for a book

>> No.5795474

>mfw the hasidic jew.

>> No.5795479

Welcome to the NHK.

>> No.5795492
File: 39 KB, 320x469, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.5795498

>the Buddha
>bored rich guy

This is some mid-tier bait.

>> No.5795502

>black dyed hair is maladjusted and lonely
>red dyed hair is outgoing and sociable

>> No.5795507

>outgoing and sociable
with who? the local bible study group?

I'm pretty sure most normal people are, as you would say,
>perverted and decadent.

>> No.5795508

do you even history

>> No.5795509

They don't, and you're a dumbass. Unless you're trolling, in which case I'm a dumbass.

>> No.5795512

I know the story of Siddharth Guatama, but calling him a "bored rich guy" is about the poorest description of his life one could offer.

>> No.5795521

>Unless you're trolling, in which case I'm a dumbass.
I have nothing substantial to add to the discussion. I just wanted to say these kinds of posts make me happy for some reason. It seems more human that most for some reason. I don't know.

>> No.5795525

It's seeing someone, even though they're on an anonymous website, admit that they may have fucked up.

4chan as a whole would be substantially better if it weren't for all the people who actually resort to "lol I trole u" when they get tired of an argument.

>> No.5795529

>with who? the local bible study group?
With whatever adequate group of people you can have fun with, and if you can't find the right people or don't put any effort into doing so, than you're most likely a shitty, boring person in life, as statistics would show

>I'm pretty sure most normal people are, as you would say,
>perverted and decadent

most people are to a certain degree, but not enough to turn them into sub-human trash in that aspect of life

>> No.5795532

Relative to what?

The TRUE way of life that somehow aligns exactly with your views?

>> No.5795534

>using dyed hair as a standard for determining one's position in society

>> No.5795543

relative to the intersubjective standard of what it is to be an appropriate member of society, in that aspect of life

>> No.5795547

>an appropriate member of society

What is appropriate, and exactly what kind of society?

>> No.5795565

>What is appropriate, and exactly what kind of society?
To relate to the intersubjective norms of what is essentially decided through time by the interpretations of the educated and cultured parts of society and like in every activity we seek advice from the most informed and stabile authoritorial figures.

>> No.5795572

that is, if you want to be a part of that society

>> No.5795574

What this guy said. >>5795572

Because you had no choice in the matter of being born in said society, you are in no way obligated to act in accordance with the subjective agreements of others.

>> No.5795579

I agree, it's your choice

>> No.5795581

But, this isn't relevant to the original argument: that being in high standing in a society makes you immune to existential crises.

I don't see any reason as to why a "working class", "sociable", "athletic" person couldn't have an existential crisis.

>> No.5795597

Well adjusted people typically don't have existential crises. Well adjusted meaning, well adjusted to their circumstances, including their society.

>> No.5795601

>But, this isn't relevant to the original argument: that being in high standing in a society makes you immune to existential crises.

I never said this. The pic loosely encapsulated the idea, in that the individuals on the left are more prone to it, but the point is that their lives will always inevitabely end up being fucked up in comparison to the ones on the right, where they will lead more healthy and satisfying lives and their occasinal "existential crises" will carry a much healthier tone

>> No.5795602

>typically don't have

Exactly. They may not be AS prone to them, but they can still have them nonetheless.

>> No.5795605

>people who have existential crises are inevitably fuck-ups in some aspect
>the poor and misfortunate
>the sickly, frail and mentally ill

>implying you can't be born into these circumstances

>> No.5795609

nobody's implying anything bud

>> No.5796188


>> No.5798034

Why not? Are you one of those people who hate on Bukowski cause random bitches post his quotes on fb and tumblr?
Say what you want but Buk is really good read when youre feeling blue.

>> No.5798716


>> No.5798726

The Alchemist

>> No.5798937

This is true. Bukowski is the literary equivalent of that moment when you're in deep shit and you suddenly have to laugh at it all.

>> No.5799088

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

>> No.5799123

>They don't
Confirmed for not living in the U.S.
