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5780608 No.5780608 [Reply] [Original]

>read more and more
>become less straight

what's happening?

>> No.5780610

You are challenging your oppressive heteronormative western upbringing. It is a blessing.

>> No.5780626

>Read more and more
>Become slower and more miserable than before
>Obsessions spike

what's happening?

>> No.5780649

more this than >>5780608

>> No.5780669

It's actually a good thing to be gay, right now. Especially--ESPECIALLY--if you're a white guy. Here are the reasons:

-It's actually gone beyond being acceptable and has now cool as fuck to be gay. It's like the new black.

-You can actually use it to get things like scholarships, grants, and even brownie points in things like college applications. The same way blacks can use their skin color for these things, so can gay people use it for the "diversity tokens" every Uni seems to want, nowadays. Same as corporations and companies.

-Women are goddamn annoying, and you can have fun with them without actually dealing with any of the silly bullshit that goes along with a sexual relationship with them.

The only real minus nowadays is that some real backwards losers will sometimes make a bad joke or comment, or some tardfarm will preach about hell to you. Both are easily ignored (especially since hell is a hilarious fiction).

>> No.5780679

>Implying there is any other reason to talk to women

>> No.5780687

Women can be quite hilarious, as they're often a lot less reserved than men. You'd see it if you weren't constantly worrying about crap like "omg will we bang 2nite, I hope I hope I hope".

>> No.5780690


i wouldn't mind being gay if it wasn't for the whole fucking dudes thing. women are pretty boring and can't make a good joke to save themselves.

>> No.5780694


>Women can be quite hilarious, as they're often a lot less reserved than men.

Literally the opposite is true. Did I just teleport to Jezebel or some shit?

>> No.5780696

dont fuck dudes, let them fuck you, problem solved
or you may be a honorary virgin gay

>> No.5780697

>Women can be quite hilarious, as they're often a lot less reserved than men.

This exactly. You shitheads never make women comfortable, so you'll never find this out.

>> No.5780698

women really aren't funny at all though.

>> No.5780700


damn my disinterest in cock ruining what could've been a fabulous and carefree life of gayness

>> No.5780702

>Literally the opposite is true.

I swear it's not. Perhaps this guy >>5780697 explained your personal experience.

>> No.5780706

Pretty much. A shame it's not actually a choice.

>> No.5780707



>Read more and more
>Become more sentimental
>Start having teen angst again

Seriously what the fuck

>> No.5780708

you're completely full of shit
i am married and don't give a fuck around women
if they can't be funny around me it's their own fucking fault

>> No.5780710

Being gay might make you a minority, but not necessarily a visible one like ethnic or some religious minorities. How would you get such opportunities? It's not like you put how many dicks you've sucked on a resume.

>> No.5780712


>I swear it's not.

It really is. You will get the occasional outliers, sure, but women haven't had to really work on their personalities like guys have. They just passively let guys take their chance and audition for them. Which is all well and good, but unless you've been trying to work since you were young on being funny you're just not going to be funny like guys are.

The average woman appreciates funny, but isn't funny. You're living a SJW pipedream if you think they're equally as funny as guys are.

>> No.5780724
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>anyone autistic enough to attack women on a Mesopotamian Cuniform Board
>anyone autistic enough to waste time defending women on a Mesopotamian Cuniform Board

>> No.5780726

>How would you get such opportunities? It's not like you put how many dicks you've sucked on a resume.

Often, just a comment about your boyfriend/husband during an interview. If they take personal statements, something like that as well.

Your girls are being fun and funny when you're not around, believe it or not. Don't get me wrong, a lot of chicks are bland as shit and not fun at all to be around. But a lot aren't.

>> No.5780727

>You shitheads never make women comfortable, so you'll never find this out.

If that's true you should haven no problem listing some funny female comedians. After all, they don't know us, so we can't make them uncomfortable.

>> No.5780728

Lena Dunham

>> No.5780757


>Don't get me wrong, a lot of chicks are bland as shit

You've pretty much accepted the truth I don't know why you're fighting this so much. A genuinely funny girl is a rarity. It just is what it is. They have typified strengths that men don't and men have typified strengths that they don't.

The average woman is fun but not funny. It just is what it is.

>> No.5780763

Here we are on a Patagonian Spelunking Collective and all you can do is make non-statements.

>> No.5780764

No, because a lot of guys are bland as shit.

Let me put it this way: funny girls are just as numerous as funny guys. The difference in your case is that girls can't talk to a hetero guy without the guy thinking she wants some dick.

When girls know the guy isn't interested in sex, as in the case with an obvious or openly gay guy, their defenses fall and they are often better--personality and funny-wise--as men are.

>> No.5780770

>Mesopotamian Cuniform Board
>Patagonian Spelunking Collective

These are funny. Is anyone collecting them? Probably my favorite meme, and I hate memes by and large.

>> No.5780771

>Start reading
>Become a childish irrational leftist

What the fuck!?

>> No.5780773


There have been some genuinely funny women on Comedy Bang Bang, but that podcast is all improv. As stand up they are routinely unfunny. You'll get the odd mention of Maria Bamford and Tig Notaro but apart from that it's all meh. I honestly couldn't even name five good female standups and I WANT to like them. They're just so shit.

>> No.5780781

I take it you don't like Sarah Silverman nor Margaret Cho.

>> No.5780789


What kind of person does it take to like that kind of comedian?

>> No.5780794


They're shit. Though Amy Schumer is worth noting as well. People could complain that she gimmicks too hard but she doesn't gimmick any more than a Louis C.K does.

Still, the disparity in funny between men and women in stand up is massive, and really speaks to the greater truth of the situation beyond any single opinion.

>> No.5780798

You guys are forgetting a lot of male comedians suck. Almost all of them, in fact.

>> No.5780804


And black comedians often have every second joke about racism. People go with what they know and regularly experience.

And when you're surrounded by guys who are trying to fuck you it's no surprise that you might have an inordinately large number of jokes about fucking. Don't be this retarded.

>> No.5780807


>Almost all of them, in fact.

Apply yourself if you're going to bait, lol.

>> No.5780818

I think if you take all the male comedians in the world, you'll find the vast majority of them are not very funny.
And is it really that hard to believe with chucklefucks like Kevin Hart, Jim Jeffries, Larry the Cable Guy, and Kevin James still going on?

>> No.5780819


>> No.5780824

ur becoming more beta

>> No.5780830

this is the best thread on /lit/ in a long time

>> No.5780834
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>wouldn't actually fuck a dude(too scared, seems icky and unappealing)
>lust after attractive men worse than women


>> No.5780836

>collecting memes
>on a Micronesian Children's Book Bulletin Board

>> No.5780844

The best one was burmese mailing list. It's never been funny since.

>> No.5780847


>I think if you take all the male comedians in the world, you'll find the vast majority of them are not very funny.

And if you take all of the great comedians in the world, you will find that all of them are men. Your point is redundant.

>> No.5780851

To me, both contrary processes happened
My lust for intellectual men rose
And my acceptance for a relationship with a woman too (still find them way less sexually atractive)

>> No.5780866


>read more
>become less straight
>what's happening

coincidences are always going to be there when you search for them.

What's really happening is you finally hit puberty and you probably hang around /b/ too much wishing your could gargle trap cocks.

It has nothing to do with reading.

Same goes for
Faggots are the worst, dude.

Don't be a cock sucking faggot.
You see that it's a choice now, right?
You'll get over it.

Anyone in this thread saying women don't have anything to offer, aren't funny, aren't entertaining etc, are probably neckbeards who haven't talked to anyone but their sister they can't fuck, or their mom, or someone that turned them down which caused them to develop a disorder of self loathing and childish woman hating behavior, like /pol/tards except the ones here are willing to act like they would rather suck a cock than keep trying with other women.

Women are the shit when you actually get out of your fucking house and meet them you stupid fucks.

>inb4 you're a chick

Hell fucking no.

>inb4 I was born gay

God could not be so cruel

>> No.5780881

>And if you take all of the great comedians in the world, you will find that all of them are men
I imagine that's true, but it's irrelevant to the idea that most male comedians aren't funny.

>> No.5780896

not sure if sjw or fedora

>> No.5780901


It couldn't be more relevant. It shows that there is a greater percentage of funny men over women as they occupy all the top positions of achievement in the field. One of the most democratic fields out there, I might add.

If you're going to play semantics you really did pick a poor topic for it.

>> No.5780905


Not sure if intentional shitposter or severely closeted.

>> No.5780907

here's what you do son. whine about being gay virgin to your female friends. drop some hints you just wanna find out what an ass feels like. soon enough one of them will offer up her butthole to you because "it doesn't count"

>> No.5780913

>since he don't suck dick
>he's closeted

top kek, fags.

Worse than goddamn /pol/ with your propaganda and irresponsible conclusions.

>> No.5780915

source: I've gotten BJs and anal from over 50 women by pretending to be gay

my usual routine:
>get drunk at a random bar never to be seen again
>start whining about being a gay virgin to a nearby attractive female
>act real gay, hug her, cry in her arms
>eventually ask her if she'd let me experiment just because I want to know what it feels like and no guys want me
>she usually gives in

you're welcome

>> No.5780918

>I'm actually gay

>> No.5780920

It's not that you don't suck dick
It's your awkward, kinda-angry approach to homosexuality
I'm not even one of the anons who said you're closeted but anyways...

>> No.5780927

fuck off fag

>> No.5780928


You seem closeted because of the desperate nature of your post. "D-don't b-be a cocksucking f-fag, w-women are the s-shit.."

Women are chill and all but that post reads like you trying to convince yourself of something as opposed to actually talking to other people.

>> No.5780932

>so gay he attributes biased vibes in order to insult

dear fucking god, shut the fuck up.

>> No.5780936


>biased vibes

I think anyone could read that and see the desperation in it. I'm not sure what the desperation is pointing to but it's definitely there.

>> No.5780937

don't be a women hating homothug

>> No.5780938

it's okay anon.

>> No.5780953

fuck off shithead

>> No.5780959

who cares about being funny? are you one of those clown guys who makes all the girls laugh at parties and then goes home and wacks it while the football team gangbangs them?

>> No.5780961

>Mesopotamian Cuniform Board
Fuck off with this stupid shit, I know it's the same fag (you) who keeps trying to force it. The only one that makes sense is Chinese Cartoon site because it plays on how people who don't know what anime is confusing it for being Chinese.
Piss off

>> No.5780968


>> No.5780978


>who cares about being funny?

Female comedians?

Weird projection you tacked onto that though. "While the football team gangbangs them"? What? Is this the sort of shit you worry about in your personal life?

>> No.5780980

Kryptonian Graffiti Course

>> No.5780985

>Is this the sort of shit you worry about in your personal life?

not him, but this is a common sight if you ever go to bars or clubbing. i always cringe hard at those clown guys

>> No.5780986

>you'll never be woman surrounded by men who want to fuck you all the time

>> No.5780992

you're the one cares if people are funny as if you watched so much tv that you now think reality is a sitcom where something funny has to happen every 30 seconds, kill yourself jokeboy

>> No.5780993

>tfw you're a woman
>tfw not getting fat is all it takes to have your every need catered to for the rest of your life

why even live

>> No.5780994

>whining about the memes on a Swahili knitting catalog

>> No.5781006


>you're the one cares if people are funny

Join us in the real world. One of the main things women look for in guys is the ability to be funny. They "care" about it as much as we do.

>> No.5781011

>even the female denizens of r9k have relationships and lots of sex

>> No.5781012
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How gay is /lit/ on the Kinsey scale?

>> No.5781013

It does.

And I see most of the posters in this thread are resorting to saying that the average woman is dull. The average person is dull. We construct the concept of averageness by removing things that are very bad or very good. Average people are dull by definition.

My friend group is composed of women with degrees, and they all have fine senses of humor and are good conversationalists. Both of these qualities come with intelligence.

Also if you want to understand why there aren't that many women comedians, you need to understand that lower level comedy venues are full of some of the nastiest men in the world.

>> No.5781014


>> No.5781015

did you read that on some gay PUA site or something and now you are on a quest to joke your way in to women's pants? you are sad, friend.

>> No.5781016

what does incidentally homosexual mean exactly? And where would you draw the line between incidentally and more than incidentally?

sorry if that's a stupid question m8.

>> No.5781017


>> No.5781019


underrated post

>> No.5781023


>activate full bait mode

Nah, you know it is what it is. They value the ability to be funny just as much as we do. Try to bait your way around it if you want though.

>> No.5781028

>hey value the ability to be funny just as much as we do

so they don't value it at all? cool.

>> No.5781029

Fuck off

>> No.5781030


>Also if you want to understand why there aren't that many women comedians, you need to understand that lower level comedy venues are full of some of the nastiest men in the world.

which is compensated by the fact that if you're an even moderately funny female comedian you'll be thrown a deal far before a guy will because there are so few of them and the markets are always screaming for them

>> No.5781033

this scale would probably be better represented by an x/y graph, where varying degrees of asexuality would be represented in the negative axis

>> No.5781037

the average man is still less dull than the average woman.

>> No.5781049

Polls have proved him right

>> No.5781050

too much time indoors, losing muscle mass

exercise more and you'll feel less gay

>> No.5781054

>getting this mad on a Macedonian pottery forum

>> No.5781057

Bodybuilding is masculine, and male homosexuality is hypermasculine

>> No.5781058
File: 24 KB, 500x338, idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, of course, men haven't heard most of women's jokes... because women mostly joke ABOUT men

>> No.5781060

>implying women answer polls honestly

>> No.5781062

I'm willing to bet your average interaction with the average woman accounts wholly for your opinion.

>> No.5781065

You're retarded, I'm glad that you aren't posting this stupid shit on ther boards it doesn't even make sense

>> No.5781068

2 irl

3 in porn

>> No.5781070

It's just a natural consequence of starting with the greeks

>> No.5781075

you're just a woman hating faggot, it's cool, bro, instead of posting angry posts about how everyone should be funny why don't you go to a gay bar and tell some jokes

>> No.5781078

>homosexuality is hypermasculine

you're retarded

>> No.5781081

look at this.

this is female wit.


>> No.5781084


>that one kid who wants to bait but he gets too excited and carried away with himself so he ruins it

>> No.5781087

that's probably some bitch ass tranny who could never get laid as a man and after a decade of being brainwashed by hypersexualized japanese cartoons and jewish analsex porn decided to go on hormones and get his dick chopped off, in otherwords it's you in a couple more years

>> No.5781092

>the guy who calls every post that doesn't agree with him "bait"

stay autistic faggot

>> No.5781095


>please get mad I'm really trying here

>> No.5781101

this is the most juvenile I've ever seen you guys.

must be the holidays.

>> No.5781129

the angry gay comedian brought down the level of discourse, just delete this shit, it must violate some rule or another

>> No.5781134

It is, why do think that it plays on hypermasculine stereotypes?
It's the absence of women.

>> No.5781147


Agreed. I'm opening a psychoanalysis practice to cure homosexuality. Reply with emails and I won't charge you much as friends from 4chan.

>> No.5781151


>> No.5781173 [DELETED] 

>If you don't like gays you're immature and juvenile

Fuck you, SJW cunt.

>if you don't suck dick
>you're a homophobe



>> No.5781193


>> No.5781205

only met two women I would ever fuck

>> No.5781213

A Zelig?

>> No.5781214

maybe if you left the basement and met more women than your mom and your sister that would change

>> No.5781255

1. I would pay money to be 0, to be tied to the great chain irrevocably

>> No.5781259

slightly rustled

>> No.5781441

3 master-race reporting in

>> No.5781507

why did you quote me, i just tried to help him with [useful] advice

>> No.5781542

Glorious 0 master race reporting in.

>> No.5781654

It's not one person but some people take it too far to force it. The "viable" examples and spin offs of the original all keep the same thing, [Asian country] [Form of animation] [Synonym of "board"] like Tibetan clay-mation bulletin. It's when you fuck with the formula does it mess up.

I get it too, I think it's just your heart opening up more or getting more aware of life through what you're reading. Literature more than other formats has a good way of portraying humans and their troubles vividly.

>> No.5781847

What if she introduces you to her horny gay friend? What then?