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File: 635 KB, 1252x1920, movie tiein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5779543 No.5779543 [Reply] [Original]

I went to B&N a couple days ago and noticed they already have NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE covers for Inherent Vice
What does /lit/ think?
I made this same post but not as its own thread. I'm just very curious.

>> No.5779550
File: 301 KB, 680x1022, Inherent-Vice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison

>> No.5779551

At least they tried with this one.

>> No.5779555

I like it better than the original, honestly.

>> No.5779565

Surprisingly good.

>> No.5779569

It's still a good cover, though I generally prefer not to have the "NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE" message.

>> No.5779577

Joaquin looks just like this guy I smoked weed and drank Jack with a few months ago.

>> No.5779580

I prefer the original, but it's not bad. Not too sure about that "people in hair" thing they're going with for the book cover and film posters. Seems kind of fucking weird to me.

>> No.5779595

Well obviously a very important physical attribute to doc sportello is his permed curvy hair, and him being around all these different characters constantly probably causes them to be in his head even when he's not with them, subconsciously

>> No.5779603

A pornstar on the cover of a Pynchon novel perfectly fits.

>> No.5779605
File: 178 KB, 700x288, Inherent-Vice-Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... and this?

>> No.5779611


>> No.5779613

no idea, gunna go fap now tho thanks for that

>> No.5779616
File: 348 KB, 848x473, X8GhYLn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5779623

Oh.. gross.

>> No.5779632

figured id post here instead of starting another pinecone thread; i read vice, it was ok, read lot 49, loved it, have V. and GR waiting. which should i read first?

>> No.5779641

I bought The Road recently and it had Viggo Mortensen on the cover, that's all they had. Fuck that

>> No.5779648

Read V. before Gravity's Rainbow, definitely

>> No.5779662

If you're interested in Gravity's Rainbow now, just go for it. You should have a grasp on Pynchon's style from Lot 49, and you won't enjoy V. if you're wanting to read Gravity's Rainbow the whole time.

In my opinion V. and GR are his two best, so they're both good reads, basically just read whichever you want to right now. It's just that V. is quite an investment in itself, you can't blow through it as easily as you can with IV or L49

>> No.5779734

thanks anons. i will pray tonight and hope the Lord God reveals the answer to me

>> No.5779744

Well, jesus you can't make a decision for yourself? Which do you want to read first? V., is a bit easier of a read, but really not by much and there's only about a 200 page difference in length

read whatever you want

>> No.5779756

I wouldn't really call V. 'a bit easier to read.' It would be best to be at least familiar with Pynchon before entering the Zone. Doesn't mean that he can't just pick it up and read it anyway, though.

>> No.5779761

Man I feel like everyone on /lit/ including me reads Crying and then Inherent Vice before moving onto more pinching.

>> No.5779781

One is easy and the subject of a new movie and the other is one of Pynchon's best and easy. This shouldn't be a surprise.

>> No.5779791

It's not really a surprise it's just kind of interesting that his first book and second most recent book make up the core Pynchon-lite. Even before the movie came out.

>> No.5779804

V. is his first book. The Crying of Lot 49 is his second. Also Pynchon-Lite is such a silly term, but if we're going to be using it, I don't think Lot 49 fits in. Even if it is an easy read, it's far too Pynchon-y and complex to be grouped with Inherent Vice and Vineland.

>> No.5779846

I think the term fits because it's short, sweet, and relatively unconvoluted. Also because it seems to be where most people jump in. That being said, I'm obviously not a Pynchon expert as I've only read the previously mentioned two and 50 pages of V. and Vineland respectively, although I hope to get through at least one of them soon.
Anyway I've typed an awful lot without really saying anything at all so I want to stop adding filler to this thread.

>> No.5779982
File: 1.32 MB, 960x1226, fellows_inherent_vice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5780002
File: 9 KB, 403x534, 1408231005377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5780016

Pretty sure that the entire banana is dipped in chocolate, not just the tip.

>> No.5780026
File: 13 KB, 403x534, 1408231231444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what someone said last time

>> No.5780062

I would watch a movie based on this poster

>> No.5780204

That's surprisingly decent. Usually they just take a promotional image and touch it up a bit and slap it on the cover.

>> No.5780501



Just like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Cult classic box office bomb incoming.

>> No.5780634

I admit this is the picture interesting me in reading IV and psyching up for the movie.
I should keep it a lesson not to judge a book by the cover.

>> No.5780653

Honestly in this case, that cover does a pretty decent job of describing like 60% of the book
it takes a pretty sharp turn after that though

>> No.5780893

Don't think so. It'll be the hipster movie of 2014. Frank and Grand Budapest Hotel butthurted.

>> No.5781064

I ordered the book on book depository like 2 weeks ago and it's still not here FUK

>> No.5781131


You could squire it by other means. I recommend just be patient. You're up against the holiday shipping season, things just take longer now.

>> No.5781224


this phrase seems so out of date in 2014.

>What are these motion pictures you speak of?

>> No.5781234


It would actually be a striking poster at the multiplex where every movie poster looks like some sort of Gillette ad.

>> No.5781365

IV's my first pynchon book, and I'm enjoying it immensely. What makes it Pynchon-lite? If the rest of his work tops this, then I think I found a new favorite author.

>> No.5781494

It's just a fancy way to say "film"
Doesn't have the same ring to it.

>> No.5781799

It sounds better.

>> No.5781956

Film is as outdated as motion picture, for the most part.

>> No.5783367

Yeah, but the pop culture and period topics for the setting were really ladled in there less like a soup and more like a gravy. Every other page he's mentioning something like the Manson family or brand mascots. There is no point of any illusion of Doc's drug use affecting his perception except for the two or three hallucinogen parts, but he knows the dream from reality. A drugged out surf-stoner in the 60s wouldn't have that good a hold on his faculties; I've known quite a few hippies, and they are all gone.

>> No.5783374

At least they don't still call them Talkies.

>> No.5783392

I want a tie-book with 'Now a Minor Motion Picture' on the cover.

>> No.5783401

*tie-in book

>> No.5783548

Why do movie covers always look worse than the original cover?

>> No.5783585

Because movie covers tend to be just pictures of the actors with a bit of added effects