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File: 24 KB, 400x400, the_rebel_sell-400-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
577444 No.577444 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a Poli Sci major who has to listen to hippies and communists all day.

Give me some good pro-consumerist books.

>> No.577450

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.577454
File: 95 KB, 651x540, 1271490164069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Majoring in Political Science

>> No.577460


sci is that way troll -------------->

>> No.577457

Leo Strauss

>> No.577470


You are trolling with an anime pic. Your trolling is therefore invalid.

>> No.577469

stfu and go back to masturbating to animes, maggot

thats right. I know

>> No.577476

I feel sorry for you, OP, that you have to listen to hippies and commies all day.

>> No.577479

>implying real life isn't an anime and you just don't realize it because you don't know how to have fun

>> No.577482


>Bumsore anons who chose the wrong major.

>> No.577484

Meh. I'm a Poli Sci major and just graduated with a hyper-prestigious scholarship sending me abroad. Oh, and graduated with honors. Life's good, guys.

However, I am one of the commies OP spoke about.

>> No.577490


What is the right major if I may ask?

Petrol. engineer here asking that you will kindly fuck off.

Know plenty of poli. sci's going to law school, and plenty without hopes for a job. The same goes for any concentration these days though.

>> No.577506

Polit Sci major here aswell OP, I feel your pain

>> No.577505

>self-loathing english major

>> No.577503


Your life can't be that good if you have to brag about it on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.577501

You're not using the word "asking" correctly, cock jockey.

>> No.577509

Hey OP, read anything by some FASCISTS why don't you

- love, communist hippie

>> No.577517


What? English majors get just as much shit as the rest of the humanities.

>> No.577518

Just saying Poli Sci's not that bad. If you're a hippie.

>> No.577523

The Prince

Good discussions are always killed by the feel good crap

>> No.577527
File: 2 KB, 256x256, missingthepoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.577533

>implying knowledge of political science doesn't lead one to becoming a communist

>> No.577536

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal and For the New Intellectual.

>> No.577538


I rephrase my statement.

Fuck off.

Or replace "if" for "that" in your head. I really hate 4chan sometimes.

To answer OP's question, the only pro-consumerist book I read was "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," and it didn't really say much other than the obvious.

>> No.577544


I'm willing to believe that you experience this problem often, seeing as you have such a picture saved. So maybe if you made your points better you wouldn't.

>> No.577556


That's some pretty bad logic dere my friend. In fact, I just Googled 'missing the point' in Google images for the purposes of using it in reply to your message :O

>> No.577558

>suggesting it does

>> No.577568


Oh really? Maybe you should keep the pic saved so you wont have to waste time searching for it in the inevitable event that you fail to make a point correctly.

>> No.577577


But then people like you will make points like this fool >>577544

>> No.577580


My logic was pretty sound based on the evidence I had. For all I know, you're (more than likely) a liar.

>> No.577585
File: 143 KB, 544x544, 1270860175824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying most people on 4chan don't have dozens of pictures saved as response pics

Sure is newfag in here.

>> No.577593


Sure is dumbass around here.

Show me your so called 'logic.

You kind of went from A to L as far as I can see.

>> No.577596

I have over one thousand. Don't know whether to attribute that being here for years, or a loser, or both. But damn some the pics are lulzy.

>> No.577604


You fail to make your point clearly.

Instead of correcting the mistake you choose to post a reaction image.

You have an image related to people missing points saved.

You have a hard time making your points.


Only newfags care to use that word.

>> No.577622
File: 65 KB, 729x694, 1270453513710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't know whether to attribute that being here for years, or a loser, or both.

Just depends on where you post most often I suppose. I've amassed a couple hundred in about a month from posting on /sp/ alone, but it's reaction-pic/meme crazy over there.

>> No.577634
File: 21 KB, 319x329, 1245811169233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first /tv/, no /lit/, /fit/, /gif/ and /adv/. Very incongruous. But yeah, /tv/ ruined me when it came to reaction images.

>> No.577631
File: 17 KB, 195x195, 1270138338676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only newfags care to use that word.

Blow it out your ass.

>> No.577638


More like:

You fail to grasp the point and believe I can't make a point.

Instead of realizing your idiocy precede to use bad logic:

> You fail to make your point clearly.
> Instead of correcting the mistake you choose to post a reaction image.
> You have an image related to people missing points saved.
> You have a hard time making your points.

> You have an image related to people missing points saved.
> You have a hard time making your points.

> You have an image related to people missing points saved.
> You have a hard time making your points.

Hurr durr.. this is like saying
> You have an image related to showing a recipe on how to make pancakes.
> You have a hard time telling people how to make pancakes.


>> No.577651
File: 220 KB, 476x600, 1269496612020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh dear god, you're taking this too seriously.

>> No.577657


People who use bad logic should be corrected. If they're joking, good. If they're not, fuck, it's definitely serious.

>> No.577659


Who is that?

>> No.577663
File: 68 KB, 800x600, 1271390493515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is philosophy teacher in here.

>> No.577668
File: 2 KB, 184x172, 1269827870836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiira korpi

Someone always asks when I post that outside of /sp/. lol

>> No.577671

As an Accounting Major I look forward to having a decent income while the philosophy and psi sci majors toil away on their Masters and PHDs just to begin to match the income I will have with my BS + CPA + 2+ years experience by the time they are done.

>> No.577672
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>> No.577675

/sp/ is filled with guys who follow figure skating? Gay.

>> No.577692
File: 26 KB, 329x400, 1266903451159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sp/ is filled with guys who follow attractive figure skaters


There's also a contingent that follows curling too.

>> No.577701
File: 61 KB, 400x350, 1267566082171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of many problems. Getting preachy doesn't help though.

>> No.577703

Even gayer. I lose my respect for /sp/.

>> No.577709


Whatever man, if you cared you could've spoke up. Anon was giving me attitude--even called me a liar-- I gave it back.

>> No.577715

Never ceases to amaze me when people connect being interested in attractive female athletes with gayness.

Sure is insecurity in here.

>> No.577723

Every time you watch women's figure skating, you're living out your fantasy of twirling around on ice in a wispy dress in front of thousands of adoring fans. Admit this to yourself and you will start to enjoy your life more.

>> No.577727

>Anon was giving me attitude--even called me a liar-- I gave it back.
>taking bitches seriously

The only way to constructively debunk illogical fallicies is to respond with something even more absurd, or to mock them - then piece together the correct argument if they stay in the conversation.

>> No.577740
File: 241 KB, 424x600, 1266971851545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.577742


Well that sounds a bit tiresome.

But I suppose I do lack a bit of tact.

How would have you responded to this >>577517 and pretending you responded the same way I did how would have you replied to >>577544?

>> No.577764

To be honest that whole discussion line makes little sense, just seems like trolls trolling trolls.

You're trying to make sense out of something that had none to begin with.

>> No.577767


Well you sure showed him, sir

>> No.577789



>> No.577810


Who likes being called a liar, ever? Even online?

Maybe I'm just sensitive. It feels like an injustice, but then again, it is probably better to have had an injustice done to oneself than to commit an injustice.

>> No.577821


This is the internet. Anyone would be wise in assuming you're a liar.

>> No.577831


I'm the opposite. Unless it's an obvious troll, I give people the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.577835

You don't really care about being called a liar. Stop pretending.

>> No.577839


Then you're unwise, naive if you will.

>> No.577840
File: 120 KB, 733x1008, 1395018721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm on to you...

>> No.577854
File: 74 KB, 500x320, cuteanimalpics12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I probably am naive, but then again I'm young. I fit the young idealist characterization of much of my generation. It's gotten me into some wasted time, but oh well. There are results of both kinds... people who end up discussing rationally and those who continue not to...

>> No.577869

> You have an image related to showing a recipe on how to make pancakes.
> You have a hard time telling people how to make pancakes.

If you need a picture to show people how to make pancakes then it wouldn't be illogical to think that you have a hard time explaining it yourself.

>> No.577876


>> No.577877

You have Asperger's, don't you?

>> No.577881


Your logic. I fail to see it.

>> No.577883


Meh, I'm not the best at thinking up great counterexamples.

I know it's bad logic because the conclusion is wrong.

It's more of an extrapolation or inductive thinking... that's not really deductive logic.

>If you have an image of something
>That means you have difficulty with that something

Any help?

>> No.577884

No dice.

>> No.577892


lol dunno if you are mocking me >>577881

The internet makes it hard to pick up nuances like sarcasm. That's why people say its better to assume people are trolling or lying. In real life, this would be like having Asperger's.

I'm pretty much off the autism spectrum in real life. You can believe me or not if you want.

>> No.577897
File: 48 KB, 369x369, 1269500227626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.577898

I don't think either of you know what Asperger's is.

Also, epic samefagging ITT.

>> No.577901

>on 4chan
>denies being mentally deficient

>> No.577904

I was saying that Asperger's and retardation were nowhere near the same thing.

>> No.577908

>Any help?

Oh, so now all of a sudden you're being specific about what kind of logic you mean. This is just evidence that you really don't know how to properly formulate a point because you aren't being specific enough when you need to be very clear.

Inductive reasoning is still logic. You also seem to have a problem with viewing this from another person's point of view. You see, while you may know exactly why you have a picture saved, that does not automatically make someone else reasoning out why you have the picture saved illogical just because they're wrong.

Being wrong is no the same as being illogical.

>> No.577909


don't make me pull out my logic

mentally deficient =/= Asperger's or autism

>> No.577920

Aspies are extremely logical and take it to quite far extremes. Not exactly an insulting question or assumption, particularly considering this is 4chan and you can't throw a rock without hitting one in the head.

That said, I'm not sure where this thread's going.

>> No.577926


Inductive reasoning can be strong or weak. Yours was still weak, and led to a false conclusion-- basically 'bad logic'. It doesn't really take away from my point.

>> No.577937

Explain to me how autism is not a deficiency or a disability?

>> No.577936


Me neither. I'm actually not this logical irl. I think 4chan turns me aspie-ish.

>> No.577944

It should do the opposite.
You're like one of those weird squares that smoke weed and all of a sudden go into extra serious mode.

>> No.577947


My point really is like

if someone said "you're orange juice."
i said "no i'm not"
you say, "if you're on 4chan you're juice."
i say, "doesn't mean i'm specifically orange juice."

yea I was just being overly technical

>> No.577949

Thanks for the retarded mental image, Orange Juice

>> No.577951


When I smoke weed it makes my thoughts speed up a lot. It seems like it slows most people down? Not sure the main trend. But if that fits, I think you're on to something.

>> No.577952

Maybe you should speak English? I have no idea where you're from but that's not how anyone talks in America.

>> No.577953


Any time, fellow juice.

>> No.577954



You make a point poorly.
Instead of explaining or reiterating the point you post a picture that merely points out that a point was missed. Who's fault it was that the point was missed is entirely irrelevant, but that you chose not to clear it up would understandably make people believe that you either had no point or simply can't put it a better way. Hence why it's not illogical to think you can't make a point well. You've only been proving him right this whole time.

>> No.577956


lol shuddup I'm Canadian okay

>> No.577957


Okay fine I can't make points.

>> No.577958
File: 596 KB, 240x160, this thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]