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/lit/ - Literature

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5765150 No.5765150 [Reply] [Original]

working on a story, right now on its own but possibly in the future part of a wider novel.

I'm working on a sort of low Sci-Fi fantasy sort of thing
the main premise is a post transhumist society, except completely perverted and far different than the original utopian plans for it, not to mention a plethura of transhuman ideals all in a huge distopian mess together where society is basically collapsed and broken up into a sort of 'dark age' where the majority of higher learning has been lost to the majority with small bastions of it here and there.

basically I'm working to create the early middle ages following the Gothic Wars where everything is just a mess, but not necessarily all doom and gloom like nuclear or viral apocalyptic stuff.
I basically take my entire setting from history (not a carbon copy but the general themes) since I am a history major and Medievalist, but as if 'Rome' fell 50 years ago instead of like 1500
also taking place in the US like any novel of worth, not to mention I enjoy the idea of mixing feudalism with American style Democracy so you have a number of small republics and Republican fiefs all about

I already wrote one story relating to the world, just a short one about the character I have put the most work into developing. shes a young half-black woman with sort of dark reddish hair done up in thick ropey braids, she's partially cybernetic which hypothetically is a great boon for strength and various endurance shit, but most of her 'parts' are either old as hell and falling apart/rusted, or are knockoff cheap garbage taken out of necessity since she basically cant function as a normal human due to her implantation.

the story mostly involves some aimless adventuring for any lost scrap to sell or otherwise worthwhile shit in ruins, and sort of devolves into this conflict with a 'Beastman' like race which basically inhabits all the dark corners of the wilderness; they actually being the result of long term unguided mutation without eugenic control, with people in the past having 'designer' babies or genetically augmenting themselves to have more animal like traits, eugenic programs falling apart as social systems do so their impure genetics spread out creating these beastmen.

there is some NotRape! shit that goes down as well as her basically becoming a glorified ornament for the Cheif after being stripped of her cybernetics, as sort of a total de-powering point for her in the story (also because I write Erotica on the side)

drawing isn't mine btw, I wish I could draw well enough for some concept art, but it always comes out looking cartoony

>> No.5765162

You don't really have a story there, just a setting.

>> No.5765174
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>> No.5765201
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I know that's the point
I'm trying to think of deeper motivations for the MC, but right now she basically exists as a glorified scavenger with some past mercenary experience, she requires a constant flow of cash or parts since most of her cybernetics are either in the process of breaking down, or have broken already
I see her as a beat up old car who's parts have stopped being made and he basically has to make do with what she can fine (tbh though that is sort of the general plot of the movie Robot, but I think it works as a general 'handicap' of sorts to prevent her from being too overpowered and mary sue)
other than that I'm not sure how to write women convincingly without making her story seem too 'edgy', or alternatively turn it into a full on BDSM story (a little is ok though)
I just don't want to write a male character because I feel it would end up turning into just me, so a Black woman is basically the opposite.

>> No.5765262
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also I want to expand upon the Beastmen as well, right now they just seem like a generic 'monster' and Barbarian stand-in, tbh I stole their general look from Warhammer, even if I changed up the reasoning as to why they exist.

idk if it makes sense for them to be so uniformly animal-like as they are now, but then just random generic mutants isn't as exciting.

I'd like to expand the conflict beyond merely scavengers and the beastmen as some point to include wider politics and other 'abomination' type deals as well as superior beings with 'perfected' genetics.
the main point of the story is to sort of sing the praises of Humanity unaltered

I've also thought about changing up the begining of the story to focus more on a sort of 'Werewolf Hunt' like the Beast of Gévaudan then decent into the conflict with the beastman tribe

>> No.5765269

>I'd like to have a story, plz tell me my story, this thread is about my non-existent story

>> No.5765288

Why Jack D, though? It's so tasteless.

>> No.5765293

I have stuff written its just disjointed as hell and I'm not sure how to put it together
I've only ever written porn before to any length
I basically just really love low-fantasy/scifi where anything truly fantastic is extremely rare and opaque, as well as disdain utopian Liberals, tech worshipers, and cosmopolitans.

>> No.5765309

>i've only ever written porn to any length

People do this? Write Porn?

>> No.5765320

mostly on commission because im a whore and enjoy the excess autismbux of furries

>> No.5765353
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The fuck is with the high school bad sci-fi enthusiasts today?

OP don't you have math homework due tomorrow?

>> No.5765387

how to good sci-fi?
honestly it could be a lot worse because most people I know who have started into writing just go for the generic 'im so depressed and lonely, this is my life' sort of thing which has been way overdone

>> No.5765404

as it is tbh its barely sci-fi, aside from the cyborg bit and some other background things, its more a sort of 'history repeats' sort of deal, and the USA is the Western Roman Empire in final decay

>> No.5765561

what is the 'redemption' part though?
you cant just have her become a amputee rape puppet with no comeback

>> No.5765777

I find it easier to put stuff together if i just sort of vomit it all somewhere

>> No.5766229

Bank heist. Lab heist. Lots of heist. Even heist in an office. That's the story I'm writing.

The title isn't heist, tho. Already on chapter two, no heist yet. Maybe one in a chapter or two.

Y'all enjoy it I'm sure.

>> No.5766406

I read a book sort of like that when I was younger and I loved it
something about the ancient wonders of the world and people trying to collect them all in a series of heists

idk how well it would hold up not that im older

>> No.5766432
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>Had thoughts about generic science fiction setting
>Had thoughts about the aesthetic of one character
>Got so far as to realize history can be precedent
>No plot
>No characters
>Nothing executed at all
>Posting on /lit/

Just quit bruh

>> No.5766458
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So it takes place 100,000 years in the past, society is really advanced, but it disappeared for some reason.

The main character is a teenage girl by the name of Velva, and she's forced to take part in the yearly "Gladatoria" a sacrifice to the gods where they send a group of teenagers on a seemingly impossible journey across dinosaur territory. No one has ever made it back, but then again, they've never had someone like Velva take part!

>> No.5766590

>No one has ever made it back, but then again, they've never had someone like Velva take part!
Sounds like a case of Special Snowflake. Give her a better reason to exist.

Also it's a fucking sacrifice, obviously no one ever came back.

>> No.5766613

I've never written anything substantial where the character motivations went beyond >Muh Dick!, the setting beyond a Vagina, and the plot beyondl fisting

>> No.5766620

just not sure where to start, right now ive just been writing various note and short little blurbs on characters and settings

>> No.5766622

I was thinking of setting heist on Earth first.

Then Mars would be colonized. Heist will happen too.

And then, a portal will open to another universe which is fully developed with lots of aliens and spaceships. And more heist.

Maybe I could go for the universe ripping itself to reveal that we're just ants in an experiment led by giants. Then they'll ask my protag's team for help in another heist.

>> No.5766663

I'm doing plans for a fantasy book about a small expedition who go to explore a newly discovered land that's ruled by a Matriarchal civilization, I want portray a feminist utopia. Then have it all destroyed and torn apart when the real world comes crashing down on them.

>> No.5766685

>Matriarchal civilization
You know, there where many matriarchal civilization across history that went really well. But then the white european man came knocking.
> Feminist
Cease to exist.

>> No.5766715

I don't want it to be a solid anti-feminist reactionary thing, but I do want to explore the biological aspects of why Men and Women exist as they do. The matriarchal culture I have notes on feature a lot of transexuality in their males, and I nearly made it so the Protagonist would want to change his gender after falling in love with their people. The main synopsis would be about how the Expedition come to the Matriarch's to help defend them from savages and marauders that threaten their way of life, but in order to do so the Expeditionaries force the Matriarchs to change their way of life, the Protagonist (the leader of the Expedition) forces them to abandon their pacifist philosophy and make them fight for their own survival, but it's out of love for their endangered culture.

>> No.5766769

>Then they'll ask my protag's team for help in another heist.
that's pretty fucking good if you can pull it off in a serious but somewhat humourous way

>> No.5766835

Oh but it got plenty of serious in this shake.

The setting is the year ~2060, the world is divided between America and the Rest of the Entire Fucking World. We follow tRofEFW's side. For a while, A tried to steal lots of stuff from tRofEFW's side. It's now *its* turn to steal A. So an insidious group goes hiring four merry men to steal lots of stuff related to America for various motives, going from bombing a whole country to just mess with A.

This feud will go up to Mars and beyond, with the two sides always trying to fuck eachothers. It should last about a century and robots will look back at this era as "that time an advanced specie nuked its own home, despite having clear means to avoid it."

>> No.5768224

Start with writing shitty short stories. Because they will be shit. Then, once you get the hang of yourself, you can start writing better things. Even though it will still be shit.