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5764726 No.5764726 [Reply] [Original]

>go to church
>the priest spends the whole sermon talking about politics and how muh big government is trying to take away our religious freedoms and that's why we should vote republican

This is why I can't take Christianity seriously. I really tried.

>> No.5764732
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>Go to church
>Pastor tells everyone to stand

>> No.5764750
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omg just like lucifer amirite

>> No.5764760


You probably went to a shitty Christian denomination.

>> No.5764764

Denomination doesn't matter, all Amurican churches are this way.

>> No.5764765

It was a Catholic church.

I've been to a couple Protestant churches before though and they were even worse/

>> No.5764769


>> No.5764774

>the priest spends the whole sermon talking about politics and how muh big government is trying to take away our religious freedoms and that's why we should vote republican
>It was a Catholic church.

Kek, America truly is lost

>> No.5764780
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there's only one religion that is still sincere and vital in its beliefs

>> No.5764783

>Not related to main topic.
Checkmate christianfags.

>> No.5764796

once during a sermon at my local catholic church the priest prayed for universal health care.

>> No.5764797

find someone who gives a better homily.

dominicans are always reliable teachers

>> No.5764810

He said he was just reading something the bishop wrote though.

I get the feeling that this is a flaw with mainstream Christianity in general, not just this specific church.

>> No.5764811

The non-fundie denoms anyway.

>> No.5764812

>voting in the usa


>> No.5764836

Or the Jesuits. Always the Jesuits.

Behhh, find a better diocese then. That shit is not cool, and it's too common, but it's also definitely not the whole of the church - definitely a bit of a struggle going on at the moment.

Thankfully we gotta pretty decent guy to be Pope. Bless you, Pope Frank

>> No.5764840
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How can you be this retarded?

>> No.5764841

I normally go to Catholic churches (I am catholic), but I have gone to several others. I found the Catholic Churches to be pretty diversified in how they did it (or rather the priest holding the mass). Protestant Churches talked more about politics.

The strangest one was when I went to an Orthodox Church where they refused to speak in English but in either Slavonic or Serbian or someshit., I can't really tell the difference between a lot of Slavic languages.

>> No.5764917

Damn, I can't believe someone actually has been to every single church in America! You should write a book on your experiences, and I'm curious about how you were able to pull it off; I'm assuming time travel or something.

>> No.5764924

There are some churches that are more "new-agey".

>> No.5765099

Dude, all churches are evil places. Anything that humans say ever is complete and total bullshit because of the natural covetousness of human beings. If you go to church, you aren't taking christianity seriously, you're just there for social interaction with nice and polite human beings so that you won't feel lonely. If you want a real connection with Christ, the whole thing is to be a hermit in the woods who reads nothing but the bible so that you can prepare your whole life to meet god when you died and you can finally appreciate that nice squirt of DMT you get from from your failing brain. People don't go to church because they are Christian, people go to Church because they need sympathy for the fact that they can't be.

>> No.5765146

I no longer identify as Christian, but I was raised a Catholic. There were two Catholic churches near us, one of which had shitty priests who lectured about the evils of the democrats, and one who was like Pope Francis, and who spoke a lot about taking care of the underprivileged and stuff like that.

>> No.5765175


>be going to catholic church in high school
>become voting age during first election following George Bush's second term
>Very anti-republican
>As sunday before voting day the church has a substitute pastor
>Tells everyone not to vote for Barack Obama because the gays and the new world order
>Don't go back to that church

Why do people have such a hard time grasping this simple concept. The people and the institution of religion does not equal religion. Anyone here could become a pastor. Pastors are not the end all be all of religious opinion. Find a better church with better people. Or better yet worship the lord in your own way. Reading the bible. Practicing humility.

I wish people realized that Jesus is the face of Christianity and Jesus was a good person. Not some priest raping a little boy.

>> No.5765182

>caring this much about a homily

Mass is about the Eucharist m8s

>> No.5765205

I'd rather not be associated with a religion that presents itself this way.

>> No.5765219
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Oh, I love this country so much

>> No.5765225


Thats a shame because I love being associated with a religion that worships a man who gave to the poor and loved all people.

You'll find your way eventually, anon.

>> No.5765260

>a religion that worships a man who gave to the poor and loved all people

The modern version of the religion itself though is pretty much the antithesis of that. Most hardcore Christians are very much against anything that helps other people except when they can use it to boost their ego and improve their image.

There are plenty of secular philosophies I can follow involving altruism and love that haven't been hijacked by these rednecks and nutjobs.

>> No.5765270



heres your prob'lm ma'am

>> No.5765282

It was a Catholic church.

The priest said instead of giving a regular sermon he was just going to read something the bishop wrote because it really spoke to him or some shit, then he went on reading this long rant about how big government is evil because they're trying to make health insurance plans cover contraception and how that's a violation of our religious freedums and we need to be good American citizens and try to stop it.

>> No.5765298


But religion is a philosophy!

Its a set of standards on how to live your life. Give one argument against Jesus or against religion that doesn't involve contemporary man imposing his selfish greedy will on the doctrines of religion.

>> No.5765314

not Catholic ones, and 'New-Age' hyper inoffensive churches are only filled with old people since its the firebrand ones that attract the younger generation

>> No.5765318

>But religion is a philosophy!

Some of the secular philosophical aspects of Christianity are okay but I don't necessarily buy into any of the theological aspects and the way Christians present themselves doesn't really make me inclined to do so.

>> No.5765333

>not Catholic ones

OP here, it was a Catholic church I was talking about in my original post.

To be fair though I have been to Protestant churches too that were much worse. That doesn't mean the Catholics don't do it too though.

>> No.5765409

>almost all churches around the world are this way

>> No.5765427
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>> No.5765440

>>the priest spends the whole sermon talking about politics and how muh big government is trying to take away our religious freedoms and that's why we should vote republican
and then you, as a non-believer, wonder where do poltards get their opinions
truly sheeps

>> No.5765445

THATS why you can't take it seriously? Top kek

>> No.5765456

Not sure what you mean but I try to stay open-minded and search for truth through many different religious perspectives.

I know a lot of what Christians believe theologically is just ridiculous but I figure I might as well listen to what they have to say to see if there's anything of value before I just completely write them off.

>> No.5765461

>Give one argument against jesus

He never existed and the resurrection is obviously impossible. If god is omnipotent the necessity of raping mary to create jesus is frivolous and he should have intimately known all of time since before the beginning.

>> No.5765468
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>> No.5765483

Sure, but you should have realised religion is a load of bs by now

>> No.5765489

Historians agree that he existed but you're right that him being divine is debatable and unlikely.

>> No.5765495

If you're so hung up on, "The face of the religion in modern times" and care more about social props than actual thought or practice or history you fit in much more with the stupid church people you hate than you think.

>> No.5765499

Fucking lold

>> No.5765510

Christ did indeed exist. Besides the evidence of the bible and the gnostic texts with which you are most likely unfamiliar the Hebrew historian Josephus mentions Christ and his death on the cross.

As for your statement about the resurrection.... if you read the gospels carefully you will note that they do not claim that Christ rose in the same form in which he died. It was not a bodily resurrection

>> No.5765515

>I don't understand the debate and I'm an nonironic fedoralord

>> No.5765521

Historians can placate the drooling masses of middle america however the please. They draw from the same resources as everyone else, which is a resounding zero contemporary sources and one probably-tampered-with mention in passing by a strict jew decades after his supposed death.

>> No.5765522

Read a damn book on the subject before you speak.

>> No.5765531

white islamists look as ugly as brown ones. the more you know

>> No.5765537

I was never a part of this "debate" because the OP is retarded. You know what page 1 of a 4chan board looks like. Shut up.
Josephus barely mentions him at all for being the supposed messiah and his records have likely been tampered with. It was also decades later.

>> No.5765543

You have little to no knowledge on the subject which is why you've posted this banal copypaste idiocy as a knee-jerk defense.

>> No.5765544


Then they are not Christians. Just because people label themselves as something does not mean it's true. If you meet people who are selfish, judgemental and belligerent towards others they are not Christians. Christ spends most of his time in the gospels attacking the religious leadership of the day. If he returned tomorrow you can be sure he would have nothing much good to say about established religion which would in turn probably demand his head as happened on his last visit.

>> No.5765546

>experts in a field agree on a fact
>"well I disagree, so they're obviously just lying."
this level of butthurt.

>> No.5765547

>If you're so hung up on, "The face of the religion in modern times" and care more about social props than actual thought or practice or history

My point is that modern practitioners do not demonstrate any compelling reason to accept their thoughts and practices and in fact even tend to do the opposite and discourage me from accepting their belief system.

I like some Christian ideas in a secular sense but as far as their theological ideas go it really doesn't seem to be helping any of the people who actually buy into it all.

As far as history goes, historical Christians were far worse than they are now even.

>> No.5765554

And what evidence do you have?

>> No.5765557

have you christfags noticed a decrease in church attendance?


>> No.5765562

>dat projection

>> No.5765573

Why don't you prove that it's so well accepted considering there are no people from his time saying he lived?
>What evidence do you have that we have virtually no evidence


>> No.5765577

You've changed the subject. Of course Josephus didn't state he was "the messiah". Josephus would have suffered the same fate and his work would have been destroyed. If you want to debate whether Christ was God or even claimed to be that is a different matter to wherher he existed

>> No.5765587

Thank you for admitting that you're ignorant.

>> No.5765594

As I mentioned, I don;t think Christ or God would be too upset by a decline in church attendance. What goes on in church has little to do with the teachings of Christ

>> No.5765598

>I was never part of
Then why are you posting in this thread?

You shut up. Nerd.
*crosses arms*

>> No.5765602

>considering there are no people from his time saying he lived?

Tacitus wrote about him in Annals

>"Consequently, to get rid of the report, Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus, and a most mischievous superstition, thus checked for the moment, again broke out not only in Judæa, the first source of the evil, but even in Rome, where all things hideous and shameful from every part of the world find their centre and become popular. Accordingly, an arrest was first made of all who pleaded guilty; then, upon their information, an immense multitude was convicted, not so much of the crime of firing the city, as of hatred against mankind".

>> No.5765610
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>and his records have likely been tampered with.

Of the first mention of Jesus in Josephus' work:
>"The general scholarly view is that while the longer passage, known as the Testimonium Flavianum, is most likely not authentic in its entirety, it is broadly agreed upon that it originally consisted of an authentic nucleus"

Of the second:
>"Of the other mention in Josephus, Josephus scholar Louis H. Feldman has stated that "few have doubted the genuineness" of Josephus' reference to Jesus in Antiquities 20, 9, 1 and it is only disputed by a small number of scholars."

Seriously, why are atheists so intensely focused on trying to prove "Jesus wasn't a real person"? Not only is it blatantly wrong and disagreed with by the vast majority of historical experts, but it's not even a minutely logical or good argument against Christianity.

Some atheists are so butthurt about Christianity that they let it completely cloud any sense of reason at all and they end up making stupid arguments like this.

>> No.5765623

There are plenty of people from his time saying he lived. For a start the gospels themselves. And then the gnostic texts which paint a very different picture of Christ and his teachings.

>> No.5765630

That is just a confirmation that they have been regarded as a cult for almost two thousand years. Tacitus was BORN in like 50AD.

>> No.5765647

Atheists tend not to actually know the first thing about religion and prefer to pretend it has nothing to offer, rather than learning a thing or two about it.

>> No.5765662

>Some atheists are so butthurt about Christianity that they let it completely cloud any sense of reason at all and they end up making stupid arguments like this.

That's why no educated or well-read Christians bother to engage them or they simply leave after seeing their "intellect" so that people like the guy you responsed to think they've "won."

>> No.5765663

Catholic here, never been to Mass and heard the priest talk about politics extensively, and if he does, it's usually asking for peace, etc. Don't doubt your story though, just go to another church.

>> No.5765678
File: 35 KB, 332x500, 6ef1907bdbc81b1879c5f6ca75b4b110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Daily reminder that christianity is roman COINTELPRO. An intertextual reading of the gospels with Josephus's histories show that Jesus's ministry is a typological satire of Titus Flavius' military campaign through Judea.

You who quote the Testimonium, did you read what follow it? The sole other third-day divinity declaration in the history of literature, only Decius Mundus declares he is NOT a god. Religious people love to quote text, but only on a selective basis, they never read nor understand the clear comedy aspect of the Testimonium.

Jesus is another conceptual name of Titus Flavius, so Jews and slaves could worship Caesar without actually realizing it.

Pic related, it exposes the joke that christianity is.

>> No.5765683


>> No.5765684

There is enough evidence to very reliably assert that there was a man people call "Jesus Christ" and that he was executed. How is this surprising? The guy founded a damn religion that was named after him, and the method used to execute him was found to be one that was actually used by the Roman state. A lot of the Pauline epistles and writings were confirmed to have actually been written by the Apostle Paul as well.

Documents written within about ~100 discussing events in Antiquity or the Classical period are actually considered valid sources for determining whether or not a person existed, l2historiography.

>> No.5765702


>> No.5765703
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Lets shift gears here and talk about why an all knowing god who designed time needed to rape a shepard woman to produce himself to save everyone from himself sentencing them to eternal torture. What's up with that?

>> No.5765716

No, one guy saying that a cult had a founder 70 years later is not a valid anything.

>> No.5765732

Nobody's claiming that Jesus was actually divine or rose from the dead or any of that jazz, it's just clear that he did exist.

>> No.5765739

It's always nice seeing people without any background in history try to assert that something historical experts agree on is wrong. It's almost like watching people on /pol/ talk about the economy.

Thanks for the post.

>> No.5765755

You are offering subjective opinions. "Modern practitioners" of just about every human endeavour manipulate it for their own advantage. Everything humans do becomes warped over time with progressive small changes. I understand why you would make this argument. Dawkins based his whole "God Delusion" book on the same false logic and every left-wing intellectual on the planet jumped on board

>> No.5765762

how come there is only one god? people used to believe in multiple gods...
god is a social construct, m8s :^)

>> No.5765767

I went to Catholic school from elementary to high school, and the only time I heard a priest explicitly endorse something was regarding the continued legality of same-sex marriage, which he said we should support.

>> No.5765775


There are no material proof that some guy named ''Jesus-Christ'' ever existed. Only a single ''historian'', Flavius Josephus, mentioned him in the first century, and he's a known roman propagandist that no serious historian takes seriously. Suetonius and Tacitus wrote in the second century, and they have their own flaws. There is also contention on whether they actually wrote about Jesus, unlike Josephus.

Christianity has no historical basis.

>> No.5765779

Because the bible is a very silly book.

>> No.5765800

>he's a known roman propagandist that no serious historian takes seriously

*citation needed

>> No.5765808

No, let's stick to the subject which was "did jesus exist". You've introduced another range of subjective judgements which nobody on this planet can answer in confidence

>> No.5765839

It's called critical thinking, not that I expect you know what this is.

Josephus, among others things, dated the start of Vespasian's usurpation efforts way later than every other historian. that's because, just like his name Flavius shows, he was adopted into the IMPERIAL FAMILY. Favorable bias toward the Flavius is to be expected. He also invent a ton of fabulous stories that have no place in a serious historical work.

>> No.5765857
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>"historians disagree with x"
>can I get a citation on that?
>"it's called critical thinking"

>> No.5765863

All historians are propagandists. But propagandists don't usually invent people out of thin air. What about the Gospel of John, written by a disciple? Remember, most early followers of Christ were illiterate and the teachings were spread though oral recitation. It was only a little later that educated members of society became interested and it was put in writing.

>> No.5765866

Those are objecticely the facts of the bible. If you're upset about the term "rape" that is too bad as it's what an omnipotent creator of being itself is doing to the dustmonkey.

>> No.5765877

Go and read up on the difference between subjective and objective knowledge and you might understand more

>> No.5765896

I'm not your personal servant. You go looking for citations yourself, this is a image board, not a doctoral thesis review board.

For anybody considering Josephus a reliable historian, consider this except:
>Now within this place there grew a sort of rue (10) that deserves our wonder on account of its largeness, for it was no way inferior to any fig tree whatsoever, either in height or in thickness; and the report is, that it had lasted ever since the times of Herod, and would probably have lasted much longer, had it not been cut down by those Jews who took possession of the place afterward. But still in that valley which encompasses the city on the north side there is a certain place called Baaras, which produces a root of the same name with itself (11) its color is like to that of flame, and towards the evenings it sends out a certain ray like lightning. It is not easily taken by such as would do it, but recedes from their hands, nor will yield itself to be taken quietly, until either the urine of a woman, or her menstrual blood, be poured upon it; nay, even then it is certain death to those that touch it, unless any one take and hang the root itself down from his hand, and so carry it away. It may also be taken another way, without danger, which is this: they dig a trench quite round about it, till the hidden part of the root be very small, they then tie a dog to it, and when the dog tries hard to follow him that tied him, this root is easily plucked up, but the dog dies immediately, as if it were instead of the man that would take the plant away; nor after this need any one be afraid of taking it into their hands. Yet, after all this pains in getting, it is only valuable on account of one virtue it hath, that if it be only brought to sick persons, it quickly drives away those called demons, which are no other than the spirits of the wicked, that enter into men that are alive and kill them, unless they can obtain some help against them

This is a joke, or the raving of a fool. Consider this the historical basis of your religion if you want, but don't expect to be taken seriously.

>> No.5765905

>But propagandists don't usually invent people out of thin air.

Yes, they do. Especially when deification is involved.

>> No.5765929

Don't go to a protestant/non-Apostolic church anon

>> No.5765936

>Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews, written around 93–94 AD, includes two references to the biblical Jesus Christ in Books 18 and 20. The general scholarly view is that while the longer passage, known as the Testimonium Flavianum, is most likely not authentic in its entirety, it is broadly agreed upon that it originally consisted of an authentic nucleus, which was then subject to Christian interpolation or forgery.[35][36] Of the other mention in Josephus, Josephus scholar Louis H. Feldman has stated that "few have doubted the genuineness" of Josephus' reference to Jesus in Antiquities 20, 9, 1 and it is only disputed by a small number of scholars.[37][38][39][40]

>> No.5765945

I'm not upset about anything. I am interested in your opinions. That Mary was raped by God is not an objective reading of the gospels. That's the Hollywood version. The gospels are a series of parables because we do not have the exact words to describe or understand the real message. Everything in the Bible can be read at different levels of understanding. The ways in which one can raise one's consciousness and understand the real nature of our existence are the actual teaching of Christ. The gnostic tradition concentrated entirely on these "mystical" elements which are common to the core of all the great religions. The mainstream cannot help but go off track and be led by ego and the vagaries of personality, yet the core truths remain in schools and monasteries. If you seek these truths you can find them but by definition they cannot be available to the majority

>> No.5765958
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>yfw some local church claims to "bless" bricks so you can buy it to build your home and make your house blessed.


>> No.5765989

I don't recall Josephus making any claims about the divinity of Christ. The subject of this thread was "did Christ exist". Personally I can't think of anyone in history who was invented by historians and then elevated to divine status.

>> No.5766003

Christ threw the money changers from the temple. This has nothing to do with his teachings

>> No.5766020

If you're going to dedicate this much time to esoteric roleplaying why would you not just join the freemasons?

>> No.5766029


>> No.5766030

I don't consider the Testimonium a forgery. I think thought it has been grossly misinterpreted. Consider the passage immediately following the Testimonium:

>About the same time also another sad calamity put the Jews into disorder, and certain shameful practices happened about the temple of Isis that was at Rome. I will now first take notice of the wicked attempt about the temple of Isis, and will then give an account of the Jewish affairs. There was at Rome a woman whose name was Paulina; one who, on account of the dignity of her ancestors, and by the regular conduct of a virtuous life, had a great reputation: she was also very rich; and although she was of a beautiful countenance, and in that flower of her age wherein women are the most gay, yet did she lead a life of great modesty. She was married to Saturninus, one that was every way answerable to her in an excellent character. Decius Mundus fell in love with this woman, who was a man very high in the equestrian order; and as she was of too great dignity to be caught by presents, and had already rejected them, though they had been sent in great abundance, he was still more inflamed with love to her, insomuch that he promised to give her two hundred thousand Attic drachmae for one night's lodging; and when this would not prevail upon her, and he was not able to bear this misfortune in his amours, he thought it the best way to famish himself to death for want of food, on account of Paulina's sad refusal; and he determined with himself to die after such a manner, and he went on with his purpose accordingly. Now Mundus had a freed-woman, who had been made free by his father, whose name was Ide, one skillful in all sorts of mischief. This woman was very much grieved at the young man's resolution to kill himself, (for he did not conceal his intentions to destroy himself from others,) and came to him, and encouraged him by her discourse, and made him to hope, by some promises she gave him, that he might obtain a night's lodging with Paulina; and when he joyfully hearkened to her entreaty, she said she wanted no more than fifty thousand drachmae for the entrapping of the woman. So when she had encouraged the young man, and gotten as much money as she required, she did not take the same methods as had been taken before, because she perceived that the woman was by no means to be tempted by money; but as she knew that she was very much given to the worship of the goddess Isis, she devised the following stratagem

>> No.5766036

>She went to some of Isis's priests, and upon the strongest assurances [of concealment], she persuaded them by words, but chiefly by the offer of money, of twenty-five thousand drachmae in hand, and as much more when the thing had taken effect; and told them the passion of the young man, and persuaded them to use all means possible to beguile the woman. So they were drawn in to promise so to do, by that large sum of gold they were to have. Accordingly, the oldest of them went immediately to Paulina; and upon his admittance, he desired to speak with her by herself. When that was granted him, he told her that he was sent by the god Anubis, who was fallen in love with her, and enjoined her to come to him. Upon this she took the message very kindly, and valued herself greatly upon this condescension of Anubis, and told her husband that she had a message sent her, and was to sup and lie with Anubis; so he agreed to her acceptance of the offer, as fully satisfied with the chastity of his wife. Accordingly, she went to the temple, and after she had supped there, and it was the hour to go to sleep, the priest shut the doors of the temple, when, in the holy part of it, the lights were also put out. Then did Mundus leap out, (for he was hidden therein,) and did not fail of enjoying her, who was at his service all the night long, as supposing he was the god; and when he was gone away, which was before those priests who knew nothing of this stratagem were stirring, Paulina came early to her husband, and told him how the god Anubis had appeared to her. Among her friends, also, she declared how great a value she put upon this favor, who partly disbelieved the thing, when they reflected on its nature, and partly were amazed at it, as having no pretense for not believing it, when they considered the modesty and the dignity of the person. But now, on the third day after what had been done, Mundus met Paulina, and said, "Nay, Paulina, thou hast saved me two hundred thousand drachmae, which sum thou sightest have added to thy own family; yet hast thou not failed to be at my service in the manner I invited thee. As for the reproaches thou hast laid upon Mundus, I value not the business of names; but I rejoice in the pleasure I reaped by what I did, while I took to myself the name of Anubis." When he had said this, he went his way. But now she began to come to the sense of the grossness of what she had done, and rent her garments, and told her husband of the horrid nature of this wicked contrivance, and prayed him not to neglect to assist her in this case.

>> No.5766076


>So he discovered the fact to the emperor; whereupon Tiberius inquired into the matter thoroughly by examining the priests about it, and ordered them to be crucified, as well as Ide, who was the occasion of their perdition, and who had contrived the whole matter, which was so injurious to the woman. He also demolished the temple of Isis, and gave order that her statue should be thrown into the river Tiber; while he only banished Mundus, but did no more to him, because he supposed that what crime he had committed was done out of the passion of love. And these were the circumstances which concerned the temple of Isis, and the injuries occasioned by her priests. I now return to the relation of what happened about this time to the Jews at Rome, as I formerly told you I would.

Do you see the joke? Probably not, you lack the necessary historical references. Consider ''Decius Mundus'', most probably a satiric reference to Decius Mus.


Mus offered himself as a human sacrifice for the Roman state. Another way to say this is:He died ''for our sins''. How many time in literature is there a guy who declare his is or not a god on the third day? I know only two such people, and the ''proof'' of their existence is right in the same book, the same chapter, the very same page depending on your edition. Neither ''Decius Mundus'' nor Jesus existed, this all part of an elaborate joke played on us by Josephus, among others people.

>> No.5766084

This is the Testimonium, what is immedietly before what I previously posted.

>Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, (9) those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day; (10) as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.

>He was [the] Christ.

This is a divinity declaration. Josephus says he was anointed in the divine essence.

>> No.5766092

>How many time in literature is there a guy who declare HE is or not a god

Typo, my mistake

>> No.5766101

Not a bad suggestion. I've been to a few masonic events to see what they get up to. Unfortunately these days just a social club for middle aged men with boring lives.

>> No.5766108
File: 111 KB, 500x500, 1355345888886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mus offered himself
>Publius Decius Mus is the name of three Romans

>> No.5766112

I disagree. Horus does not appear to ever have been considered human and there is no historical record of his origin/revelation

>> No.5766131

>go to bible study group
>first day we study the passage in Paul where he talks about gays being bad

I'm not even gay but that sent me away from that place 5ever.

>> No.5766149

Did you explain that he was only talking about temple prostitution because he was butthurt that the pagans chased him out of Ephesus?

>> No.5766600

Most atheists seem to think non-belief is a rational position. They forget that through history the vast majority of the great thinkers and teachers believed in god. Einstein believed in god and so did/does a majority of theoretical physicists and cosmologists

>> No.5766610

.....wow. If this is your thought process and beliefs then I legitimately don't even know what to say as you are thoroughly retarded. Einstein was a "theist" in the same sense that I am. That does not prevent christianity from being entirely ridiculous.

>> No.5766615

You got it better than I did.

Last time I went to church, the priest sermonized about how homosex is wrong and satan is "working his ways" in the brains of US judges.

It's kind of interesting that they're still holding on, despite the changing world. Interesting in a, "wow, this clearly won't work, but look at him try..." way.

>> No.5766635


>relatively intelligent person
>expecting to hear anything remotely interesting from a homily given by a clergy member who isn't a traditionalist, male, High Church Anglican / Episcopalian


>> No.5766776

>They forget that through history the vast majority of the great thinkers and teachers believed in god

Appeal to authority isn't rational. Throughout most of history you'd literally get murdered if you didn't follow the mainstream religion.

>Einstein believed in god

"My position concerning God is that of an agnostic. I am convinced that a vivid consciousness of the primary importance of moral principles for the betterment and ennoblement of life does not need the idea of a law-giver, especially a law-giver who works on the basis of reward and punishment." - Albert Einstein

>> No.5766792

>a made up issue that does not exist except in the mind of political hacks

>> No.5766923

All three Mus did sacrifice themselves in battle. They might be mythological like Jesus though.

>> No.5768080

I thought we were talking about god, not Christ alone. The point I was making is that belief in a creator is not the reserve of simpletons

>> No.5768092

