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/lit/ - Literature

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5761815 No.5761815 [Reply] [Original]

Proof that a good book isn't possible with poor characters.

>> No.5761999

what are you trying to say, bud

>> No.5762069

im saying the characters suck and so does the book

>> No.5762074

I disagree with your opinion.

>> No.5762141

why do you think they suck? every one of them had their own very specific characteristics and they all had their own development

I loved this book

>> No.5762229

You're a terrible person if you didn't like Colonel Aureliano and Melquíades.

>> No.5762303

OP doesn't deserve to read about based Colonel Aureliano.

>> No.5762318

This is one of my favorite books. But if you can't look past a character's socioeconomic status to enjoy the story, it is really your loss.

Just keep a closed mind and continue reading things that pander to your lifestyle so you aren't too challenged.

>> No.5762321

Op you should read american psycho then.

>> No.5762333

Every person I have met who has read this book lost interest after the war ended.

>> No.5762379

>Proof that a good book isn't possible with poor characters
>good book
>winner of the Nobel Prize
Proof? or like your opinion?

>> No.5762436

I thought they were amazing

>> No.5762464

Colonel Aureliano is probably one of my favorite characters in literature. Noble as fuck. My only gripe with the book is the overlapping names between generations. I guess it made sense with the theme of the book, but c'mon. It just got tedious.

>> No.5762487

It really does make sense for the theme.

I know a lot of people complain about the names being confusing but I honestly didn't have a problem with it. Most of them are very distinguishable characters despite the same names.

Plus, that part were the twin's names are mixed up at birth, they live their whole lives with the wrong name, then are mixed up again when they are buried which puts them on the tombstone with their original names is one of the best pay offs of the book for me.

>> No.5762882

Neither did I. My copy came with a family genealogy though and I probably would have had a difficult time without it. Do some editions lack this?

>> No.5762965 [DELETED] 

I agree.

Garcia Marquez was a cuckold faggot.

>> No.5762982

yeah, a lot. but I don't really find it difficult. at first, jose arcadio buendía (father) is named with his first and second name, jose arcadio son is named just by his first names, colonel aureliano buendía at the beggining of the book its just called aureliano but when he becomes colonel the author starts to call him colonel aureliano buendia; and then comes arcadio, aureliano segundo, jose arcadio segundo, aureliano triste, centeno, amador, etc by the end or the book theres low probability to confuse gay jose arcadio and the last aureliano with the other ones

>> No.5762988


>> No.5762989


oh, that's interesting. i never considered he was talking about being poor in an economic sense, i thought he meant poorly written characters.

>> No.5763122

I wasn't speaking in the socioeconomic sense. The poster you responded to hopefully was just trying to be funny by being as le tumblr xD as possible. Otherwise they are very retarded

>> No.5763147
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>mfw /lit/ can turn a shitpost thread into a decent discussion on 100 YoS
And they say /lit/ is the worst board

>> No.5763180

I thought the put OHYOS as an example of a good book with good characters; it didn´t ocurred to me that he meant the opposite

>> No.5763574


>> No.5764338

The characters aren't good. Used and abused just to portray various concepts. Never actually come to life. Boring. Zero emotional investment in any of them.

>> No.5765265

I just don't understand this. I was really invested in the first and second generation characters. Everytime one of them died it gave me emotions. Don't tell me Amaranta didn't rival some of Faulkner's tragic spinster characters.

>> No.5767392

>socioeconomic status

Not sure if troll or retarded but actually laughed at this.