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/lit/ - Literature

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5755894 No.5755894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>you will always be stuck with your day job

>> No.5755897

Not if I kill myself, you cretinous pleb mongoloid

>> No.5755906

>implying hell won't be you working your job 24/7

>> No.5755924

lol wageslaves

>> No.5755929

>implying it will be

>> No.5755937

But I love my job. I own a small company that builds pianos. Even if I wasn't getting paid, I'd still build pianos.

>> No.5756242

jokes on you, champ. I don't have a day job!

>> No.5756246

What do you do?

Data shmuck here

>> No.5756251

>tfw warehouseman
>tfw it's a book warehouse

The fact that the product happens to be books doesn't really change anything. The only literary benefit is getting damaged books for cheap every now and then. Last time I paid 1€ for Critique of Pure Reason that was in prime condition but the paper cover had been torn.

>> No.5756268

but i'll always have my night life.

>> No.5756270

Can you build me a piano, anon?

>> No.5756273

Nope, tomorrow I start writing "the novel of our generation".

>> No.5756299

I want to be a samnyasin.

>> No.5756443

this really scares me

>> No.5756446

I used to work in a warehouse for an online bookstore.

>tfw you're constantly reminded of how 99% of what people order is pleb shit

>> No.5756449

Can you give any examples? What do normal people who aren't interested in lit read?

>> No.5756469

Well, it was around the time of 50 shades of grey. So pallets and pallets of that. Otherwise also mostly middle aged women tier novels, a lot of self-help, cookbooks and travel books. A lot of Harry Potter and other kid stuff, a bunch of textbooks, and a small amount of literature, mostly affordable paperbacks of well known classics.

Once in a while I got excited when someone ordered Aristotle or something but then you realise a dozen people did at the same time so it's just for a course. But you do get the rare gems like some person ordering Kant or Hegel or Kierkegaard or a specific part of Nietzsche's nachlass or something. You know people don't buy stuff like that on a whim.

>> No.5756477

Why is that a problem?

Modern work life, at least in America, demands immersion. The 40 hour work week is a myth. If you put in the agreed upon 9 to 5 and nothing more, management will consider you a slacker. You have to be on call, available to text, checking your email, driving to god knows where. and for what? The potential that you might get slightly more money and MORE work hours.

I prefer to make work a separate part of myself. It is nothing more than a fulfillment of my social contract. I have to do it. I also have low expectations for my living situation so money means nothing. I have no problem with putting in minimum effort for minimum return. Minimum is all companies are willing to give you, so why put in maximum effort on your part? The spiritual fulfillment of a job well done?

Do your day job and pursue your passions.

>> No.5756607

explain to me why notes are very slightly easier to compress the farther up the keyboard you go

>> No.5756619

Not him but the cords are smaller. Which is also why the notes' pitch is higher.

>> No.5756625

ty anon

>> No.5756633
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I'm going to kill myself after I get my degree.

>> No.5756637


>> No.5756640

I don't want to live

>> No.5756642

>having a day job
>not a career

I don't understand.

It's not that hard.
Do well in school, and you will be better. Day job = career you enjoy and wanted and can make a life with.

Why do lazy fucks always complain about their situation when they know exactly why they are where they are...laziness. Stupidity. Idiots raised by single mothers with no fatherly influence.

>> No.5756643

yes but why? what's so bad about living?

>> No.5756644

But i don't want a career. I don't want a job at all; i just want to be idle.

>> No.5756645


>I'm so depressed let me tell the 4chin that imma kill myself so I can get the attention I crave and don't receive because I have continuously failed my parents and they are fed up with giving their every last dime and energy into making me a better person

>> No.5756650

>I will be living with my parents for life

hint: no one wants to fucking work you dumb cunt.

Stop thinking you are special because you believe you hold some higher intellectual ideals about the world and how it should be, everyone thinks just like you, you are so fucking average it's painful. How do I know? You're on 4chan you stupid cunt.

>> No.5756655

Some people aren't in their career yet and are working a day job in the meantime.

I'm going to grad school for a future career but I'm working a wage job for now. What's wrong with complaining about it?

>> No.5756660

But i never said i was anything more than average, or some kind of intellectual. You're the one projecting here friend.

>> No.5756679


You are truly retarded.

I am giving you the benefit of the doubt that you're not simply a useless waste of life too dumb and stupid to even care about being pathetic.


Go ahead, google it.

>> No.5756761


There you go friend ;^)

>> No.5756763

Not the guy you were responding to, but holy shit you're flipping the fuck out over nothing.

>> No.5756764

>you will never work by night

>> No.5756786

Definitely projecting. It's a textbook case.

>> No.5756799


>> No.5756802

>no one wants to fucking work

>> No.5756853
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>getting this mad because some guy likes to take it easy

>> No.5756926
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>> No.5756986

this man is mad about something unrelated to the anon not wanting to work

>> No.5756995

this man is mad

*points to dilz*

>> No.5756998

So much this.

I think this is part of a bigger issue in society (at least in America) that's related to things like drug liberalization/legalization, gay marriage, and the general "outrage culture" of social media: people seem to have trouble accepting that they are not in complete control of their environment. People are so wrapped up in what other people do that they don't consider why they care so much.

I suppose there are reasons to care, though, such as the welfare debate.