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/lit/ - Literature

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5754163 No.5754163 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I've got a daughter on the way, and I wanted to give her a literature-inspired name. I'm considering naming her Lesbia. Convince me out of it.

>> No.5754171

Name her pynchonetta.

>> No.5754176

if you call her lesbia everyone will call her a lesbian. Call her Catherine or Leslie.

>> No.5754192

Why do you want your child to suffer?

>> No.5754203

Lesbia is a great name

Do it, OP

>> No.5754206

nice pasta

i see you op

>> No.5754369

oh god damn this thread again

>> No.5754374

If you want to give the little shit a lesbian name from the Greeks, call her Sappho

>> No.5754384
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>not naming your children after deceased family/friends
>not naming your children biblical names or names derived from your races ancient culture

>> No.5754400
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>biblical names

>> No.5754408


>> No.5754585

Name her Saphos instead.

>> No.5754596

Audibly laughed, thanks anon.

>> No.5754601

I enjoyed this pasta

>> No.5754603

Sophonisba you fucking noob.

>> No.5754604

name her Meme

>> No.5754611

Name her Dolores.

>> No.5754617

Only plebs would automatically think its a reference to Lesbians

>> No.5754618

guess what children are

>> No.5754648
File: 1.36 MB, 200x150, 1361046844781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebeians are, by definition, most fucking people.

Thus, only most of the people she will meet in her entire life will automatically think it's a reference to Lesbians.

>> No.5754651

i fuckin hate plebs, can't even use the term "to ratchet up something" without being misunderstood, fucking slang is linguistic rot

>> No.5754665

White pridester detected

>> No.5755241


Call her Clodia if you're so obsessed with Catullus

Personally I'd go with Artemis or Minerva or Persephone or Andromeda, any Greco-Roman name is the shit

>> No.5757139

Post her a Fuckia

>> No.5757183

I suggest Sappho, but Calliope is even better.

>> No.5757188


>> No.5757210

Stop making these threads.


>> No.5757213

It's a bona fide /lit/ classic

(not really, mostly just sucks)

>> No.5757218
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>names derived from your races ancient culture

>> No.5757244

This has to be a troll.
If you name your daughter one letter off of lesbian her whole childhood/life will be hell and she will hate you for fucking ever. You are not a celebrity/rich, she will not forgive you.

Even if she is a lesbian, her childhood will be hell.

>> No.5757337

plebs will think it's a spyro reference or something tho

>> No.5757342

I think it would be an interesting psychological experiment to see if she does become a lesbian after all.

>> No.5757344

all our normal modern names stem from the bible m8

>> No.5757352

No it wouldn't. You're either gay, straight, or somewhere in between. No one is going to turn into a lesbian if her name sounds like lesbian you fucking idiot.

>> No.5757359

>claiming sexuality is genetic/biological rather than environmental with no evidence

>> No.5757367

Writing in the English vernacular is linguistic rot

>> No.5757374

Okay then you would have no problem going through with this experiment then: it could only prove you right.

Now lets do it, and we'll document how she thinks about vaginas yearly on how she likes her birthday cake, which is shaped like a vagina every year (that's part of the social experiment too)

>> No.5757396


>> No.5757426

The point was that that experiment would prove nothing and anything you could draw from it would just be you ruminating on a fucking random genetic occurrence. God, fuck /lit/ you all are so fucking stupid.

>> No.5757449

u still ain't providing proof, boy

>> No.5757471

If dubs OP names his daughter "Gaylord"

>> No.5757512

>all these shit teir names

>> No.5757530


the statistical fact that homo sex occurs at 10-12% in all pack mammalian species is not enough?
It occurs at the same rate in humans and is not increased by a gay friendly culture. not even the guy you are responding to but you are fucking retarded.

your ideas are unfounded so you should be providing "proof" of your own

>> No.5757533

more like 2-5% m8

>> No.5757567

Helen of Troy.


>> No.5757572

The best women in all of literature

>> No.5757574

And where did that number come from? You?

>> No.5757580


>> No.5757590

>pack animals

>> No.5757601

>That feel when I live in DC and am gay

>> No.5757604

Not the twat you're arguing with, but if you read your own (wiki) source, it says that this % is the number of adults who IDENTIFY as gay. The percentage of adults who engage in homosex is far greater than the number of those who identify as gay.

Here's some video research: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98fBiOVEcyI

>> No.5757615

>tfw you don't even realise you are arguing with a gay man
hahaha stupid lesbo

>> No.5757619

But people who engage in homosex aren't all homosexuals

>> No.5757634


>> No.5757638

>having children

Kill yourself, you monster.

>> No.5757666

>tfw my ex gf is pregnant with my child
>I want to name her Xanthippe
>she's planning to name to name her Sophista

>> No.5757972
File: 69 KB, 343x550, sappho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sappho is the obviously patrician choice my friend

Ophelia is second, followed by Helen

>> No.5757987

Why not Eurydice?

>> No.5758023

Penelope nigga

>> No.5758036


>> No.5758041

Penelope has very little personality, she's just a well known female character.

>> No.5758046

She's a clever operator and a loyal wife, mate.

>> No.5758047

Phoebe or Ophelia

>> No.5758050

How many times are you going to make this thread, dumbass?

>look at all of these newfags

>> No.5758053

She ain't that clever, the extent of her wit is extracting gifts from the suitors.

She's not a loyal wife, she fucked Hermes while Odysseus was away and gave birth to Pan.

>> No.5758058

Her ploy with the shroud was good too. And her quizzing Odysseus to make sure he was legit.

And Hermes fucked a different Penelope by the way.

>> No.5758522
File: 1.98 MB, 245x271, Tilda and David.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't heard that name in a long time.
Ichg! Penelope is better than all those, imo.

It's like a troll-y prompt for favourite names
S'okay, take your best shots.
Lierni, Isa, Marieke, Rahn, Rae, Amalasuntha, Ariadne, Iustitia.
The OP has all those other Greek islands to use as names and he chooses that? Such a troll. Or how about words that could easily be used as names like Eleutheria or Ataraxia.

>> No.5758625

I'm gonna name my daughter Cecily, and my son Ariel. Is this a good idea?

>> No.5758728


>> No.5758933

name her Kafkaesque

>> No.5758965

Agrippina is a nice name or Callipso or Clytemnestra.

>> No.5759007

Disregarding that that's as bad as naming your kid Jezebel, the name is really cumbersome, no one would ever call her by the whole thing.

>> No.5759061

Substitute Clytemnestra with Lysistrata

Nawww. How about Europa instead?

>> No.5759076


>> No.5759079


cant get more patrician than that.

>> No.5759089


>> No.5759092


>> No.5759101



>> No.5759103

Skippy or Boon, please.

>> No.5759104


If I have a son, I'm naming him Scipio
If I have a daughter I'm naming her Athena

>> No.5759149

Name her Myrrha, yo.

>> No.5759170

>not naming your son Dorian Wolfgang and not giving a fuck what your wife names your daughter

>> No.5759193

I believe there is a porn studio that goes by that name. I think they spell it Lesbea though.

>> No.5759239

Name her "Kelly C"

>> No.5759274

Name her Plesbia instead, in honor of her father.

>> No.5759281

>the statistical fact that homo sex occurs at 10-12% in all pack mammalian species is not enough?
Citation needed, motherfucker.

>It occurs at the same rate in humans and is not increased by a gay friendly culture.
Obviously not, frequency of men-on-men sex is wildly different in different human cultures.

>> No.5759284

>thinking Spyro will have cultural relevance by the time it matters for the kid.
Anon, please.

>> No.5759466

>frequency of men-on-men sex is wildly different in different human cultures.
Frequency of reports of men-on-men sex differ wildly between culture.

>> No.5759476

Nigga she gonna get harassed and we all know it

>> No.5759487
File: 129 KB, 676x507, all purpose reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "Dorothy"
>no results
>ctrl+f "Beatrice"
>no results

/lit/, I am disappoint.

>> No.5759798
File: 45 KB, 240x240, hdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giving your kids Greek names
>Giving your kids anything but common English names

>> No.5759799


>> No.5759863

Call her Lolita. Then travel with her around your country.

>> No.5759889

>no one would ever call her by the whole thing
"Hey Clyt you done my homework yet?"

>> No.5759896

Tfw she herself turns out to be a pleb, despite her litterary inspired name.

>> No.5759900

Op, I implore you! Think it through! What if she actually turns out to be a lesbian? Do you want your daughter to be known as Lesbia the Lesbian?

>> No.5760157
File: 62 KB, 960x719, Sacha Goldberger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you enjoy humor, but you're not funny. You consider to change that. And again you fail.

>> No.5760173

It's a fake, anon. This same post has been coming up for years. Just give us some names you like

>> No.5760180

Patricia N. "Surname"

>> No.5760190


>> No.5760193

name ur daughter cunnalingua

>> No.5760289


>> No.5760294

Bérénice obviously