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/lit/ - Literature

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5749325 No.5749325 [Reply] [Original]

How 'le bohemian life" is your life right now /lit/?

For me it is
>wake up after noon
>put on some music
>watch retro porn
>listen to some post rockish music sometimes some other
>read some romantic poetry or some shit
>dinner and drink
>go out with group of friends
>get drunk and shit do stupid things etc etc
>if not stay in home, drink, read and write

>> No.5749330 [DELETED] 


>le cosmopolitan jew lifestyle

>> No.5749333
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>wake up, eat
>go to work at office
>get home, eat
>shitpost on /lit/ and drink until i pass out
living the bohemian dream

>> No.5749334

>le bohemian life
>obviously lives off the government or parents

You're not doing it right man.

>> No.5749342

i live off inherited money

>implying that being a neetbucks leecher or papidollas leecher isn't /lit/ as fuck

>> No.5749351

Bohemian life, life of an artist without the art.

>> No.5749362
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Well my night is ruined
My favourite camwhore just went into private show

>> No.5749365

>wake up
>hit up friend for ride to pawn shop
>if nothing to pawn then find ways to hustle up money, such as middlemanning
>get money and score some heroin
>come home and read/write while chainsmoking or have fellow users over and listen to music/chat
>redose throughout day

>> No.5749370

>wake up
>go to work
>shattered mirror of confusion governs inner workings of company on the brink of collapse
>cannot move to germany for bureaucratic reasons
>biding time until grad school for philosophy
>read hours on end
>practice piano maybe
>live above two bars
>droning roar of nightlife below me foils the lonely void within
>grip sheets tighter
>get dissected by two men as they pin me to a rock
>tomorrow will be different

>> No.5749382

My friend travels the world off of life insurance money.

Sure, her dad is dead, but fuck I wish I had her lifestyle.

>> No.5749421

Yeah it's /lit/ as fuck, but sure as hell isn't literary as fuck.
I hate to reference BEE, but you remind me of the Victor chapter in The Rules of Attraction.

>> No.5749467
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>wake up somewhere around noon
>have breakfast
>sit around in bathrobe drinking tea and cyberflaneuring the internet
>maybe read a bit
>shower and dress
>walk for an hour or two, starting when it's still light out and finishing when it's dark
>cocktail time, make myself a drink and start to make dinner
>eat dinner, have a drink
>coffee, have a drink
>consume media and browse the internet, converse with people online, maybe have a some drinks
>go to bed somewhere between three and six in the morning

Routine may be interrupted once every few months for guests.

>> No.5749488


legitimately lol'd

>> No.5749515


>girlfriend asked me to move in with her
>can't work legally in this country
>wake up around nine when she goes to work
>read and shitpost on /lit/ and /adv/ all day
>smoke some bud every once in a while, have some drinks, lift
>she gets home from work: we fuck
>go to sleep

Every day

>> No.5749540

that's pretty kafkaesque

>> No.5749541

how do i apply for this

>> No.5749562

my setup
>house and living paid for by rich, overworking wife
>have a 'job' as 'editor' for a health-industry journal. requires 6-8hrs of work a week, all telecommuting. pays 80k.

my days (obviously some variation)
>wake up at 7 to spend daily hour with wife
>rise at noon, coffee and reading until 4pm
>go meet 'friend' when she gets off work at 5, dinner with her, sex
>home by 9 to greet wife and set her to bed immediately
>9:30-3 continue reading, write if in the mood

i'm coming to hate myself

>> No.5749567


Here's a step-by-step for Americans:
1. Get a Canadian girlfriend
2. Make sure she has a good job
3. Make sure she falls madly in love with you (tip: you must be a significantly above-average performer in the bedroom)
4. Hint about how the distance is causing trouble in your mind and you wish to see her and sleep with her every day.
5. Pack your stuff.

>> No.5749630


>> No.5749651

>wake up whenever I feel like it, depends whether I have breakfast with someone
>take a shower and/or a swim in the morning to wake up
>make myself a coffee, open door for the maids if I haven't the evening prior
>check if anyone else is home
>either read or take an Uber into town, have coffee or lunch or both with various people, maybe go to the uni once in a while
>wander around the city, meet people, buy smokes or a new suit maybe
>go home or have dinner in town, read some more or watch some TV
>go out to my regular bar, have a couple of drinks with friends there, do some coke, go out or buy a whore
>come back whenever, sleep til noon again

That's basically every day since I turned 20.

>> No.5749657

How do I get a job that pays enough to pay rent?

>> No.5749660

ITT: neet dreams

>> No.5749664

how do you do this?

>> No.5749749

what country is it? Can you get a job under the table? Even if pay is bad, just to get out of the house and do something. You obviously don't need to work, which is why it would be awesome:

>get shitty job with illegal coworkers
>pretend to take all your boss' shit for two or three weeks
>then, one day, tell your coworkers you are sick and will take it no more
>start standing up for yourself and talking back to your boss
>tension escalates
>start sabotaging your boss
>"What are you gonna do? Fire me? You can't fire me, I quit!"
>Leave job smashing shit left and right.

what's he gonna do, call the cops on you?

>> No.5749761

lovely. I just really wish for all of you neets or half-neets to be writing something worthwhile. I'm NEET too right now (worked in Australia for a while, now living in cheap Colombian town doing nothing) but I'm working my ass off trying to write. I will apply to MFA's maybe this year, maybe next, I'm trying to publish my shit in journals.

What I'm trying to say is, NEETdom is awesome, but try not to waste it away here on /lit/. Cut back your 4chan hours a bit and do more writing and reading. Try to become the artist we all want to become. I'm on my way, time will tell if I've made it or not.

>> No.5749767

How do you people even become NEET? Is there some technique?

>> No.5749770


Country is Canada. They won't touch an illegal.

But the funny thing about that story is it's kind of happening to my girlfriend right now. They told her they wouldn't pay her for training, then she worked 120 training hours, and now she's asking for training pay because the law says she's entitled to it. She called the Ministry of Labour on them today. They mad.

>> No.5749825

What does /boh/ drink?

>> No.5749841

I'm not an umeployed fuckwit, so not very.

>> No.5749975


>Seven a.m., waking up in the morning
>Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
>Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
>Seein' everything, the time is goin'
>Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
>Gotta get down to the bus stop
>Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)

>> No.5749982

>wake up
>coffee with profs

>> No.5749986
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is anyone else feeling increasingly ill equipped to deal with post-industrial society on a day to day basis

>> No.5749995

>wake up 430
>bike down to the loop by 530
>open the cafe at 6
>work until 130
>bike home
>maybe do some courier work
>get high
>get drunk
>sometimes fuck roller derby gf
>unsuccessfully work on plays

>> No.5750022

>wake up at 630 am
>scarf down yoghurt, pack lunch, and get my ass to bus stop
>work from 8 to 330 at special needs school
>simulataneously lel and rage at shit they do
>good food for thought though--consider it like guattari and his sanitarium
>take and hour to get back to my place on bus
>take a nap
>go to a cafe and study for a couple hours
>feel sad or manic depending on mood
>scarf down dinner
>fap and sleep

On weekends I'll drink with friends at night and spend day in café/book store.

>> No.5750032
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>become aware of reality beyond dreams
>struggle to remain in the rapidly diminishing realm of warmth and comfort
>don't wanna wake up
>fuck it the sun says so
>drink tea for an hour and shitpost and listen to uplifting music or whatever
>prepare breakfast: 3 bacon 2 toast 4 eggs with tabasco
>watch chess videos while eating and think about the health consequences of a high sodium intake associated with daily bacon consumption
>either work out on MWF or go to class around noon or 1
>tfw modernity is all they teach in college
>come home feeling crestfallen about various aspects of my life i hate:
>- few friends
>- only occasionally find fuck buddies, never anything meaningful
>- general sadness about being a weirdo intellectual
>after that watch a prententious movie or read a book
>make shit dinner with rice and chicken and whatever else i have
>more shitposting
>fall asleep questioning my ability to love and longing to know someone deeply
>repeat ad infinitum.

>> No.5750046

/lit/ is probably the drunkest board after /ck/

>> No.5750059

Fuck your lives are all way better than mine.

>> No.5750061

greentext it m8

>> No.5750064

fucking fag

>> No.5750066

not to sound like a republican but you all need to go to school or work or something, jeez

>> No.5750069

Fuck you faggot I don't need to do anything except feed myself and drink water

>> No.5750071

how does it feel to be a stereotype?

>> No.5750074

>Wake up at 5:40
>Get high
>Shower, read, study
>Go to classes
>Go to work
>Bite my thumb thinking about studying
>Get high
>Worry about my GPA
>Self-criticize, especially while high
>Try to chase lightning (the meaning, molded imagery and ideas) the thing that muses me, the deep thing in my head
>Write above down, sink my head into my desk
>Wallow around, think about my girl, get sick to myself thinking about how I will think about my musings on this girl in 6 months.
>Go to sleep

>> No.5750075
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>being this petit bourgeois

>> No.5750076

>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put a little make-up
>Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up

>> No.5750083

i mean if i had like inheritance or a trust fund or some shit i would definitely live like this but in today's day and age how can you exist otherwise without working or going to school

>> No.5750090
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This is how.

>> No.5750100

you are a fucking king.

>> No.5750104

I'm homeless

>> No.5750106

>Wake Up

Padre Pelágio at last Monster Bus coming down

Someday I'll write a book
a promise to myself
So I can have command
and freedom from this hell.

>> No.5750110

Now the real question: How dead are you all inside that you have to find satisfaction in smugly reading poetry next to a fireplace with a glass of wine? That you consume art and use it as a fashion statement? That you feel satisfaction in typing it all out for other people to read, hoping they envy you or compliment you for it?

Get a life you losers.

Sincerely, a NEET

>> No.5750121

>wake up at 11am at the earliest
>go to class
>get home and read for an hour or so
>go on internet and shit, watch TV or film
>wait till its 11pm so i can walk around for an hour or two and think about what the fuck i am doing with my life
>get home and read for another hour before passing out

fuck i hate college

>> No.5750124

I would hate to smugly type out how superior my NEETdom is.

>> No.5750143

>wake up at 6am
>immediately fall back asleep
>wake up at 730 or 830am depending on day
>decide if i want to go to class
>rush to 8 or 9 am class
>out at 11am or noon
>do absolutely nothing meaningful
>chores at 530pm before my parents get home
>work at 930pm
>home at 1030pm
>try to sleep, end up fucking around on internet
>bed at midnight

>> No.5750146
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>wake up
>drop siblings off to school
>concoct flat-white coffee and somethign to eat for breakfast
>write for an hour or two
>brose webs
>play games
>play some more games
>browse web
>play more games
>write a bit maybe
>pick up siblings from school
>go to work at dvd store
>get bored out my fucking skull
>finish work
>go home
>eat dinner
>browse web
>lay in bed with a book and read for 1-2 hours
literally every single day

>> No.5750161
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>he doesn't take his lobster for walks

>> No.5750163


>> No.5750174

>wake up, don't eat
>go to work, answer phone calls
>get home, maybe eat
>shit post on /lit/ and watch Chinese cartoons at my parent's house

It could be worse.

>> No.5750175

>worked for a week-long event and made decent pay
>live with parents and pretty much live off of oats and tea
>wake up at 7
>breakfast and clean up house
>go for a run with friends or by myself
>read for a bit
>do general house work
>go for another run

If i didnt run I think I might have killed myself
>go for

>> No.5750201

>Wear WWI-era Turkish army jackets over vests, skinny ties and skinny jeans every day, with either cowboy boots or converse sneakers
>Have recently pulled off such hairstyles as mutton chops, a mustachio, and a mullethawk
>Work "from home" teaching online courses, doing graphic design and writing literary reviews, although a local cafe decorated with classical nude paintings is usually my "base of operations" for such work
>Spend a majority of my time participating in community theatre, working on abstract paintings and post-modernist short stories
>Other hobbies include reading classic literature, fantasy genre literature (ironically), and listening to exclusively 80s pop and post-punk
>live in a one room studio apartment with no furniture except for bean bag chairs, Persian carpets, and one low lying table
>Regularly host nude tea parties for friends and acquaintances
>have been in poly relationships with a guy and a girl at once, a guy and a guy at once, and a non-poly relationship with a hermaphrodite who identifies as agendered

>> No.5750203

Wake up at 2pm
Go to work at warehouse at 6pm
Get home at 5am

>> No.5750213

magdalena my queen

>> No.5750231

>existing at the time of WW1

>> No.5750241


Ottoman military jackets. Derp.

>> No.5750248

>wake up at 6pm
>make a quick weed run before shops close
>sit in my parent's yard smoking joints
>watch netflix and youtube for hours
>go to sleep at 7am

>> No.5750251

Describe your perfect martini.

>> No.5750257

whats some good utube

>> No.5750262


A saccharinely sweet appletini with two cherries, lined with salt.

>> No.5750264


I watch vids of car accidents, cooking shows, old tonight show tapings, old looney tunes clips, prison documentaries, Yale lectures, academic debates, etc etc etc

>> No.5750311

Sounds like you take your escapism seriously.

>> No.5750330


It's long since evolved from a pastime into an artform

>> No.5751332

So you don't read or write, why are you even here?

>> No.5751382


artists live off of others' support, usually. it's the only way to have the time to develop

>> No.5751454

>Wake up around noon
>Shitpost as a namefag on /lit/ and /x/ and read until ~2
>Shower, smoke week with/get picked up by friend for work
>Smoke throughout work
>Go to bars for twofer tuesday/wing night/friday saturday bands often with girlfriend and friends
>otherwise read or shitpost/try and discuss through the shitposts
>Listen to jam band music if not reading throughout entire day
>During summer go to music festivals or the beach
>Periodically get massively depressed and nostalgic, feel like I'm going to hate like in a decade or so unless I'm willing to be uncomfortable for a bit
>Drink thoughts away until actual existential crisis

>> No.5751497

wine, cheap beer and abisnth

>> No.5751501

i dont have fireplace
I read my poetry in small room, filled with smoke, curtains always on, he said.
A pleb, he said

>> No.5751526
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>wake up
>drive to tourist attraction hill
>walk up hill
>maybe talk to qt tourist if around
>get coffee in town
>maybe get a book from the library if there's anything
>maybe talk to qt in town
>buy groceries
>get online, speed chess, emails, dating, news, here etc
>will read if I have anything from the library
>try write lyrics or prose
>often don't
>go to bed

Through various means I lost all contact with people I know. Now I'm totally alone, haven't had a proper conversation for months.

>> No.5751534

>wake up 11am
>have brekkie
>play league for 3 hours while listening to Dire Straits
>Watch anime for 1 hour
>play league for 3 hours
>Din dins
>Watch a film
>one more game of league
>Read 1-2 chapters of my book
>sleep and wank
Sometimes I will go out with friends and get baked but only occasionally

>> No.5751550

>wake up at 9.30
>gf goes to work
>back to bed for an hour or so
>make dinner if I feel like it
>read more
>go to a cafe in the centre
>go to work in the evening and teach a bit, preparing lessons is for idiots
>get home at 11
>eat dinner that the gf made
>watch X-Files or Twin Peaks with the gf
>Sex or sleeping

>wake up
>movies or vidya
>getting shitfaced in bars

>> No.5751570

6 days a week goes like this.

>Wake up at 6:00
>Go to high paying blue collar job which I'm bad at. (150k/year)
>Get home at 18:00
>Avoid partner who I've been with for 5 years and have come to resent but don't have the heart to send her back to her shitty family's influence.
>Think I have original deep thoughts and I'm secretly a blue collar snowflake.
>Original thoughts are not original and extremely Kantian and Hobbesian
>Contemplate finishing year 12 so I can go to uni.
>Realize this isn't a realistic option until I give the missus the boot.
>Fuck I'm 24 soon and don't have any friends anymore or hobbies.
>Gym to drown emotional pain with physical pain
>Listen to strange music
>Read books which tease me of an escape from this poor reality I am letting my self exist in.

>> No.5751607

/lit/ seems suprisingly to consist out of people that i'd actually would hang out with.

>> No.5751616

*forgot something:
>endless procrastination with civilization 4

>> No.5751623

Always thought this board had cool people, would like to meet someone from here some time.

recently moved to the us for a semester, my days are mostly completely unorganized so the order varies depending on mood.
>wake up from 9 to 12 depending on day and class
>stay in bed reading either on my phone or current reading
>make and drink tea
>either go to class or hang at home, smoke a bit of weed, read or spend time on the internet
>try to find something to write about, realize I never had any experiences that could ever be of interest to anyone
>breakfast a few hours after waking up, whatever I'm in the mood for
>run, usually just 5k but been working my way up to 10k recently
>listen to music all throughout the day
>study and write papers at some point
>feel essentially lonely and long for an American girl, all the cool ones are taken
>"oh my god what am I going to do with my life"
>either stay at home and get gradually higher until I fall asleep or hang out with friends doing practically the same

>> No.5751625

Where in the us?

>> No.5751636

California, why?

>> No.5751639

>>play league for 3 hours while listening to Dire Straits

i would have never imagined this combo in my life

>> No.5751646

>Always thought this board had cool people, would like to meet someone from here some time.
Same here but what are the chances of finding one of you guys in St. Petersburg?

>> No.5751684


>St. Petersburg

The little St. Petersburg in the U.S. or the big one in Russia?

>> No.5751707

The big one, where people love to read.

>> No.5751714

marry her

>> No.5751716

>wake up
>read once tears dry
>maybe /lit/ maybe cry some more
>tfw gf is convinced if she just keeps me reading I become cioran
>read and try not to cry more so she still loves me

>> No.5751783

If you were in New York City we could have started a whirlwind friendship.

>> No.5751807

>Wake up
>Put on business casual
>Go to work at a Fortune 150 insurance carrier where I make more money than the median US household income while being age 23.
>Go home
>Read, bed

Fuck you bohos

>> No.5751811

>waiting for visa so I can re-entry my country of choice
>stuck in parents' basement until that happens
>wake up at 12 or 13:00
>eat lunch with parents
>drink copious amounts of coffee while answering the night's emails
>maybe work a bit on my thesis
>play games
>read from 20:00
>go to bed at 3:00
>rinse, repeat

Going for six weeks and counting

>> No.5751812

any english neets here?

>> No.5751813

the funniest part is its lies

>> No.5751836


Bridget Jones pls go

>> No.5751841
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>nude tea parties

>> No.5751869
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>> No.5751953

>least fun routine on here
>a-at least I make money guys


>> No.5751980

bit old for 4chan arent you, grampa?

>> No.5752009


>> No.5752050

>wake up early
>get kids ready for school
>drop off at school
>clean/grocery shopping/read the news
>pick up kids from school
>make dinner
>watch tv with family
>put kids to bed
>hot-tub or cocktails with wife
>play vidya
>go to bed, read

>> No.5752058
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shipyard pumpkinhead, and this

>> No.5752064

move to the mountains, and stay off of twitter/tumblr/and social outrage threads here

>> No.5752066

>flavoured beer
>flavoured vodka

post qt tits

>> No.5752068

>tfw propane fireplace

>> No.5752074
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>> No.5752086

>muh franklins babe!!!
>b-but i got money guys!!!
>d-dont laugh at me, he stuttered

>> No.5752092

do you work out to "dancing queen"?

>> No.5752094

Glitch Mob and Itunes U courses

>> No.5752096

>tfw you got deported without prejudice

>> No.5752098


Quite the hunk

>> No.5752320

Wake up at 630, three slices of bread and coffee for breakfast
Go to work in finance at 07:20
Lunch at 12
Work until 17:00
Go to uni at 17:45 , working towards masters at corporate finance
21:00 commute back to my place
22:00 Another three slices of bread plus tea for dinner.
Go to sleep by 23:00.

Saturdays 9 to 5 schooldays. Sundays for home assignments.

No money. No time. No realistic future prospects. No time to hang out with friends and no gf for a year now.

Doesnt get more soulless.so about the least bohemian?

>> No.5752392

> wake up around 10
> breakfast (yoghurt and fruit and muesli)
> make italian expresso
> read mails, look for cool jobs, reply to messages
> go into town
> get something to eat (brunch, sandwich, whatever)
> bookstores, secondhandshop, thrift stores
> go home
> read, write, edit
> make dinner (alone or with friends)
> browse the internet
> go out to a show, poetry reading, exhibition opening
> hit on girls, hit on boys, mess with peoples head
> get bored
> go home
> read, read, read

This gets interupted by work, meetings and general shenanigans.

>> No.5752406
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>wake up
>go to high school
>play games on my school issued ipad in every class
>after school ends go to drama
>after drama ends go out with gf, sometimes just for dinner, on weekends go to her house for 5 or 6 hours
>go home
>text gf and play games until i fall asleep

I lack the mental energy to read books right now.

>> No.5752423

>Wake up at 5:30
>Go for a run if the weather's alright
>Make fancy breakfast for myself
>Walk to university, sit in a coffee shop on campus and read until I have my first lecture
>English undergrads are 70% female
>impress them with my knowledge of George Eliot and Virginia Woolf
>get drunk after class

>> No.5752427

>high school
You better be a teacher

>> No.5752479

>simultaneously lel and rage at shit they do

must be taxing, but quite fucking hilarious. give us some examples please.

>> No.5752534

0/10 bohemians
i work for most of my waking hours. When i get home, i jerk off to porn that disgust even me. I'm tired.

>> No.5752541

I love that song so much. My friends call me afag, but they don't know. They haven't experienced the magic.

>> No.5752564

>Wake up
>Get behind the wheel and drive for five hours
>Take mandatory 30 minute break, as required by the DOT
>Drive another five hours
>Park truck, read/write/play guitar,
>Go to sleep, rinse and repeat.

>> No.5752652

>9-5 job
>grad school
>read listen to music for leisure
>watch sports
>stopped smoking weed so I'm almost entirely sober

Not very bohemian

>> No.5753656

(aside) charles bradley is a cool guy

>> No.5753789

Although your life's seem nice, you don't really sound happy. Are you new to being /bohe/?

>wake up at 12
>eat some soup or ramen noodles
>write or make some music
>drink coffee, check mails and browse some /lit/ or work on my blog
>make me a nice dinner
>take a relaxing bath while listening to some music
>meet with friends in a bar or watch a movie, also coffee

Been doing this for 2 years now and I'm happier and calmer than ever.

>> No.5753926

>tfw I took a spontaneous little nap halfway down my second triple vodka

>> No.5754002

>Implying artists aren't ultimately dependent on patronage.
>Implying you can create if you have to work for a living.

>> No.5754032

he's too american not to think bohemians should be PRODUCTIVE HARD WORKEN CITRIZENS

>> No.5754055

>wake up at 8:30
>work 9:30 to 5 usually
>get home
>smoke weed
>make dinner
>sometimes have band practice
>if not, consume media (books, tv shows, movies, podcasts, comic books) either on my own or with some of my chill housemates
>asleep by 2 am

and on the weekends i'm either destroying my body with alcohol or oversleeping/fapping

>> No.5754065

1. Wake up past 1pm. Take advantage of how powerful my imagination is when I'm bordering consciousness and sleep and masturbate for an hour.

2. If I managed to ejaculate, go downstairs and have a cigarette and a cup of tea. If not, save these for later and switch on my computer.

3. Browse 4chan until 4:30pm. At 4:30, tidy the house before my Mum gets back from work.

4. At around 7pm, Mum gets back from work. We eat, I go back upstairs and browse 4chan for the rest of the day, stopping occasionally to drink tea and smoke.

5. Go to bed.

>> No.5754080

at least you're not an alcoholic

>> No.5754084

How are you people not bored yet of all these stupid activities you engage in?

>> No.5754085

I like this. Which brand?

>> No.5754091

i've gone through months of not having a steady job and it's nice for a while but then i just turn into a shithead with no redeeming qualities

>> No.5754295

we are all pacified by our consumption of useless texts

>> No.5754355

Naw everyone is /scot/ here.

>> No.5754883

>get up at 5 am, goto school at 7 until 12
>leave school, come home
>eat, sleep, get high, sober up, try to become productive
>don't become productive usually
>sleep more

>> No.5754922

I'm hardly human any longer.

>> No.5755649


>> No.5755836


>> No.5756593
File: 459 KB, 1462x991, 1410049181713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up at 6:00
>get to the gym by 7:10
>class until 13:00
>work on cleaning up data for paper I'm co-authoring until 19:00
>ride stationary bike for an hour while watching Twilight Zone
>read for 40 minutes (Somerset Maugham)
>in bed by 22:30

Le true boho

>> No.5756594


These sound fun

>> No.5756707
File: 155 KB, 250x240, pedo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rise at about ten o'clock
>drink some coffee and spin some records
>read in the afternoon
>have a nice dinner
>watch one or two films in the evening
>read some more

>> No.5756717

I've spent the whole year travelling, drinking and fucking, with some good reading during downtimes, so pretty well, I'd say.

>> No.5758251

Are you alluding to Prometheus?

cher poetry please

>> No.5758580

>Rise with the sun
>lay fire for the evening and brew coffee
>Fill thermos and pack food
>grab guitar or flute and satchel and go outside with dog
>Don't bother to lock rustic cabin b/c 10 miles deep in forest.
> Walk and Identify plants I see while playing music when the mood strikes me
> When I get hungry I sip at coffee and eat some things, feeding dog scraps
>Gather mushrooms as I walk in preparation for dinner
>Meditate in secret grass clearing and write and read until I get chilly from the dusk
>Go home, light fire and feed dog
>Paint the sunset in the window-room
>4chan/email then yoga
>cook delicious feast of dinner and put on a new record
> Reflect on the day and play guitar
> Write Poetry
>Go outside for night swimming
>Come home, bathe and burn incense, pray
>Go to bed for full 10-hour night


>> No.5758780


Fellow Chicagofag?

>> No.5758787

>bohemian life

Nice euphemism for being a worthless shit, mate.

>> No.5758798

Do you got a gf?

>> No.5758810

>school issued ipad
fucking stupid

>> No.5758859

>wake up
>eat breakfast
>go into work as caretaker of a state park
>fuck yeah plants and nature and shit
>get off work, go home
>eat dinner
>read for a bit, shitpost, maybe have a friend over to talk or netflix
>go to sleep

>> No.5758878

/r/ homeless coke fiend anon

>> No.5758961
File: 23 KB, 446x362, 1407809981863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>read/play instruments for a bit
not very bohemian

>> No.5759115

Which province?

>> No.5759120


hey i know that frog

his name is fregg and he is having a seizure, right

>> No.5759127

>get up
>too scared to push my personal brand on facebook
>do it on /lit/ to discharge the energy

>> No.5759138

I just sat in the passenger seat of a Pontiac with an Asian girl in the driver's seat while our male friend gave another guy a blowjob in the backseat.

I read the dictionary on my phone the whole time but I don't remember any of the words because I was too focused on the slurping noises.

P bohemian I guess

>> No.5759207

>work as a train conductor
>play harmonica and read books when we stop
>drink in hotel bars and sleep in hotels every night

>> No.5759210

> wake up at 10 am because dad demands it and I'm tired of arguing
> look at shit on the Internet
> try not to make it too obvious that I'm not working on finding a second part time job
> go to work at dinnertime at restaurant if I'm scheduled
> get home late
> surround myself with snacks
> say goodnight to parents
> browse Internet or play games
> bed between 2 and 4 am

Occasionally I'll read a book or go for a walk. Will have to pick up a second job soon; not sure what I want. Another restaurant job? Something that uses my editorial experience?

Wonder if I'll ever realize more of my potential, get a fuller social life, get a gf, confront my possible depression and social anxiety more aggressively, do interesting things, be someone younger me would have respected

>> No.5759240

Should browse /r/watchpeopledie and liveleak. Howard stern, wtf with marc maron, comedians in cars getting coffee, and comedy bang bang are also good.

>> No.5759311

Ugg this is me.

>Doublemajored in Philosophy and Poli Sci at prestigious college
> Existential crisis upon graduation
> Get $40K 9-5 job
> Want to kill self
> Work there a year then quit
> Now's my chance to pursue mah dreams
> Move to CA, do stand up, acting, writing
> Get shitty waiter job
> After 2 months, get real sick
> Almost die. In hospital for 2 weeks. IV antibiotics 2 months.
> Fall in love. Get heartbroken
> No acting. Did standup twice. Too nervous to enjoy it. Did poetry slam. 90% black crowd hated me.
> Writing as little as I did at my old job.
> At work today random customer at table goes "Oh so do you go to school around here. Is this like your sidejob?"
> "Nope. Just desperately underachieving."
> Back together with ex from 2 years ago. Not sure if I love her.

I wonder if I'll ever have the drive to be anything less than a failure. Historically speaking, unless it miraculously finds me one day out of nowhere, I doubt it. My dad is currently killing himself with alcohol. I think that's my inheritance.

>> No.5759321

how the fuck you get your bluecollar u dick

>> No.5759329


>Did poetry slam.

Wow you really did hit rock bottom.

>> No.5759355

>college days is over this year
>plenty of time to read my books
>free time to read and circlejerks about politics
>taking advantage of all those final year parties to drink and eat whatever you want
>ill make a tour using the ID of my father, so i wont need to pay anything since he is retired, and retired dont pay for most public servisse
>writin poetry when alone
>fapping to lap dance vídeos at the night, and throwing the semen on my neighbor roof
>reciting Shakespeare naked at my room

life is good

>> No.5759398


I used to watch Howard stern and norm macdonald.

>> No.5759804

> wake up
> go to work and do some meaningless empty work
> get home, shitpost on /a/, /tv/,/lit/
> watch cartoons

well, at least I don't get to talk to anybody, only once a week with my family to pretend I'm doing great

>> No.5759862

>get up between 8am and 9am
>small breakfast and coffee
>take a walk, have my first smoke maybe run some small errands
>prepare for russian lessons
>fast lunch before going to school
>five hours of russian lessons with teacher qts
>Eat ramen and bread for dinner
>learn some more russian
>read, write, draw

Trough the whole day I consume litres green tea and numerous cigarettes.

On weekends and tuesday nights(no lessons on Wednesday ):
>go out with fellow students
>bar, club, whatever
>witness confusing and rather sad social life of other students
>come home at dawn
>write and smoke until too tired

It's nice I guess

>> No.5759906

>tfw feel like shit if you don't run

>> No.5759910

>din dins
gotta be from uk

>tfw i didn't even read 'wank' until after i wrote this post

>> No.5759915

you should either lie about your age or be 18-21

>> No.5759918

>rising with sun sun (4-6am)
>getting 10 hours sleep
yet you say you do 'night swimming' when you go to bed at 6pm? lel lies

>> No.5760420

Are you Tao Lin?