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5748564 No.5748564 [Reply] [Original]

>reading an ebook just isn't the same as reading a REAL book

>> No.5748568

the texture of physical books is nice

>> No.5748575

Well it isn't the same.

But it is the same in all the ways that matter.

>> No.5748576
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>> No.5748584
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>> No.5748589


>masturbating to porn isn't the same as fucking a real woman


>> No.5748597

Obviously doing it in a different way isn't the same. Some people prefer ebooks, some prefer physical books. Does it really matter?

>> No.5748600


Paperfags are on the losing end of history and progress and deep down they know it.

That's why they resort to asinine claims like "ereaders are only for STEMfags who read genre fiction"

>> No.5748612
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>I don't care about small perceptions, they're a phony thing inveted by CONTINENTALS

>> No.5748620

Some people prefer the physical book, and that for a variety of reasons (they might find it more confortable to read; they might like to underline some lines with pencil and make notes in the margin; they might like to make dog-ears on the pages with favorite passages). Why do you care?

>> No.5748629

the only reason I have my e-reader is because I can get a lot of material online for free

if I had a choice between a screen and a book I would choose the book every time

>> No.5748633


Because then they come here and shitpost about how they are "superior", "patrician", and all that nonsense.

Nobody would care if they kept their shit to themselves.

>> No.5748658

>reading an ebook is the same as reading a REAL book

Recent studies suggest that people who read ebooks aren't using their full potential. I believe they had two groups of people, one group used ebooks, the other, physical books. The researchers found that those who read physical books, are getting more out of reading. Those that use ebooks don't even remember what they've read half the time, which is one of the reasons I don't use ebooks.

>[citation needed]
Yeah, I'll go look for it now.

>> No.5748661

No one does that, it's only the ereaders who come here and act superior

This thread is proof

>> No.5748664

But paper books are superior. If something happened that knocked out all of the electricity in the world for a month you would not be able to read anything, you will have a $200+ paper weight and not an actual book.

>> No.5748687

Also, the other capabilities of a kindle could really distract you

>> No.5748696

That is the stupidest argument I have ever heard. What the fuck. I mean, I'm not even on either side of this argument. I like reading physical and e-books. But seriously, what the fuck? Since when did making ridiculous hypotheticals that put the other party at a hypothetical disadvantage qualify as an argument?

What if the government when Fahrenheit 451 on our asses and burned all physical books? What if all the trees and paper in the world suddenly became petrified and you couldn't open your books anymore? What if it fucking snowed white-out one day and turned every book blank?

Seriously, boy-o. What the fuck.

>> No.5748698

Here it is, though I doubt anyone will even read it.


>Supporting this research, surveys indicate that screens and e-readers interfere with two other important aspects of navigating texts: serendipity and a sense of control.

>> No.5748702

I just spend enough of my life staring at a fucking screen that I'd rather stare at paper when I'm reading.

>> No.5748718



And let's not even mention the fact that even in that retarded scenario, an ereader will easily last a month so it would still win.

>> No.5748724

Yeah, this is true. I think I have an internet addiction, so it's nice to shut down, and go read for a an hour or two.

>> No.5748735


An ereader doesn't qualify as "using the Internet", you can turn the wi-fi off you know.

>> No.5748738

Let's be realistic here. A major power outage is way more likely to happen than any of your examples.

Also, >>5748718

>> No.5748741

But I'd still be holding a device which has access to the internet, thus I'd be using it, most likely.


>> No.5748743



I'd have no problem admitting it if it was, but I'm more concerned by the fact that you're so desperate you resort to unfounded claims of samefag to avoid losing the argument, which by the way you already did.

You're the modern version of people arguing for horses and against cars, look how that ended up.

>> No.5748754

This is just factually not true. The archive is there if you want to see it. OP is simply stating that they are pretty much the same thing in all the important ways.

>> No.5748757

I lost the argument? How exactly? I used common sense to conclude something, to which your rebuttal was over the fact that I called you out on samefagging. Your entire reply was irrelevant.

>> No.5748768

it isn't. it's literally different mediums. who cares though

>> No.5748770
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No, it isn't. Do you really think there's one big battery in some scientist's laboratory labeled "WORLD ELECTRICITY" that could just go at any time? How would all electricity just stop?

Also just because two people are agreeing that your shit argument is stupid doesn't mean it's the same person, DJ Fuckhead.

>> No.5748771

>Replying with cocky reaction images having no argument whatsoever
I prefer to hold the book in my hands, and it just doesn't feel the same. I bought an ebook, read many books on it, but it just feels a littl bit off to me.
Maybe it's the scent of the paper, the feel you get when you see how much you still have to go through, the actual weight of the book, I don't know.

>> No.5748773


You need a hypothetical worldwide catastrophe to even give physical books an edge.

Do you realize how fucking ridiculous that sounds?

And to top it off, you call it "common sense".

>> No.5748793

>How would all electricity just stop?
An EMP, a solar flare, etc.

How would government destroy all physical books? Impossible. They'd get rekt.

Also, I know how to inspect element too, faggot.

>> No.5748805

Also, I'm not talking about "World electricity", I'm talking about my town.

Using an exaggerated example to win an argument? Idiot.>>5748770

>> No.5748810

Not even my town, but my fucking house.

>> No.5748813

I prefer books, but I see why E-readers are handy.

But, books anyday everyday.

>> No.5748815

>I'm talking about my town.

And you've already been told that even in your unlikely scenario, an ereader battery will easily last a month so you're still wrong.

>> No.5748816

I like that its harder to lose a physical library than a digital library.

One time when I thought my computer's HD had collapsed I would have paid the thousands of dollars that my music library would be worth in physical cds to have it safe.

There's also not a real convenient way to back up digital data, physical holders of the information would be superior. Too expensive tho, so I keep pirating everything.

>> No.5748823

Well it's good you know how because I don't

Seriously, resorting to calling "SAMEFAGG!!!!" is a pretty low blow. You must be desperate

>> No.5748828

>I like that its harder to lose a physical library than a digital library.

Not true.

I gave my digital library on two different clouds, my PC's hard drive plus an external hard drive. Short of nuking my country, there's no way I could lose it.

Meanwhile a physical library is susceptible to fire, water, rot, dust, mice, and simple degradation over time.

>> No.5748830

Clever rhetoric, trying to associate the real-book preference with the maligned fedora-wearers. Actually, the reality is that it's the fedoralords who are more likely to prefer an e-reader as they are technology enthusiasts and haters of Luddites. They're also STEM majors who love genre fiction. That's the e-reader type. The booklover type is the aesthete who gets laid lots and has no use for a fedora.

>> No.5748832

Where can I find pocket sized books? I like carrying one around to read on the train and so on but it's a bit of a hassle sometimes , especially as I can't bring one when I don't have my bag on me.
Looking for any graham Greene and The Moviegoer mainly.
>tfw you find a blogpost from some stupid woman and she links copies to all the pocket sized books she has but only the normal versions and goes on to say how much she loves the mini edition

>> No.5748836


>using sweeping generalizations and the fedora meme

Yeah, your side is clearly the superior one.

>> No.5748845

You asked me how electricity will stop, I answered you. If an EMP struck, you wouldn't be using your ereader. You keep going off topic. You illogical peasant.

>> No.5748857

My ereader fits quite comfortably in my pocket.

>> No.5748858

You are talking to multiple people, my man.

>> No.5748864


So by your own logic, in this regular, EMP-less world we ACTUALLY are living in, ebooks are superior.

Physical books would only be superior in case of apocalypse.

Am I getting this right?

>> No.5748894

>Paperfags are on the losing end of history and progress

Except the written word has survived on paper formats for millenia - the same can not be said of digital.

Technology is too unpredictable to know what it will be like even 10 years down the line - look at anything - storage mediums, file formats, file corruption etc.

>> No.5748905


>Except horses have been used as transportation for millennia - the same can not be said of cars.

>> No.5748924

>things have worked well before so we shouldn't ever try it differently

okay, guy

>> No.5748962

Yo read real books, dont just download the words to read on your shitty PDA that looks like you're reading books on an ATM machine. Books are beautiful, and if you think that's a stupid, check yourself because you probably watch four hours of tech reviews of smartphones in hd you fucking consumer technology loving retard.

>> No.5748988

yeah when i read on e-readers i find myself rereading a bunch of times and i dont remember as well ill be like "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST READ" its not like that with paper

>> No.5749060

>Except the written word has survived on paper formats for millennia


paper only really started being heavily used in Europe with the advent of printing in the late 15th century and wood-pulp paper only started being used in the mid-19th century

until 13th century parchment(cow or sheep skin treated, stretched and de haired) was the only writing surface used in books

the written word has survived on vellum for millennia - the same can't be said of Gutenberg and his paper "books"

>> No.5750386

>Honestly do prefer the feeling of a real book in my hands.

I don't mean to sound like a faggot fedora, honest. There's just something about thumbing through the pages of a meaty book that makes me feel comfy.

>> No.5750430

Yes that feeling is called autism

>> No.5750442

I like the collection I create with all my classics, not some virtual copy of them

>> No.5750449


>> No.5750505

>have two little girls
>4 and 17 months
>always talk up ready, really important, make sure I am always reading in front of them
>always on kindle because im in an apartment and my wife hates me filling space with books (she is right, i have hundreds but ive already read them)
>kids show no interest in reading
>get house
>dedicate a room to library, start reading real books again
>suddenly kids do nothing but read

I think I did them a real disservice and am mad at myself

>> No.5750650

Yes, this is the internet, where my opinions are better than yours and you're wrong for not falling in line with me.

>> No.5750671

Does playing chess on a board feel different than playing it via a digital device?