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5743198 No.5743198 [Reply] [Original]

Why does analytic philosophy even exist?

>> No.5743207
File: 172 KB, 737x1117, woman-in-the-dunes-full-movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Men and women are slaves to their fear of being cheated."

>> No.5743208

partially because it annoys the shit out of naive pseudo-intellectual autists such as yourself

>> No.5743210

and why do they not use the metric system?

>> No.5743214

it can be useful, its just another tool. just analytic philosophers throw out the rest of the tool kit when they become autistic about analytics and the rest of philosophy suddenly dissowns analytics out of spite.

>> No.5743217

Philosophers want an exclusive intellectual pissing competition

>> No.5743219

Because someone came up with it.

>> No.5743438

analytic philosophy just seems like thing for people who want to be scientists but aren't good enough at math

>> No.5743446
File: 116 KB, 420x540, nig_image09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a more academically rigorous form of philosophy distancing itself from opinions, dialectics, dogma and unfalsifiable ideas.

>> No.5743461

Nominalism, starting with Ockham. It's really the standard mode of thinking in bourgeois societies.

>> No.5743468

That's hilarious.

>> No.5743473

so basically it wants to be math but for people who aren't good at math, so is it like... math for chicks?

>> No.5743476

No, it's not like maths. Many analytic philosophers were also mathematicians, though.

>> No.5743478

it's funny how black guys always look so smug when they're out with a white girl but then they see you with a black chick and this deathly serious look falls over their face...it's like "cheer up buddy, don't look so down, we post-racial now, right?"

>> No.5743482

just sounds like a desperate attempt to be scientific, but that is a waste of time since we already have science for that...sorry but analytic philosophy has never produced an interesting idea

>> No.5743483
File: 852 KB, 350x214, Zizek-Trash-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are no opinions, dialectical arguments, dogmas or unfalsifiable ideas in analytical philosophy
>also that pic
ignoramus detected.
remove ignoramus.

>> No.5743487

>negresses ever dating tiny dicked crackers
kek. dream on whiteboi

>> No.5743490

the fact that zizek is taken seriously at all shows the intellectual impoverishment of the 21st century...dude disses ideology but evey essay he writes is just a formulaic hodgepodge of marxism and freudian analysis, so awful

>> No.5743493
File: 11 KB, 300x377, popper-karl-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to post your meme 'philosopher' here, kid.

>> No.5743499

research as shown central europeans actually have the biggest dicks, don't project your tiny jewdick on the aryan race, sir

>> No.5743504
File: 49 KB, 540x360, niggers and jews bad news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only on the continent. Scientists are the new public intellectuals in the Anglo world.

>> No.5743505

>>also that picture
It's satire, which might not be obvious to a person who isn't into rap.

>> No.5743510
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>> No.5743516

Damn, that guy had the most thankless job in recent Philosophy, basically spelling out the most viable version of scientism in philosophical terms, only for the adherents of scientism to call his work superfluous, as its essense derives mmediately from common sense, and the rest of the philosophical world calling him the shallow cunt he was.

>> No.5743524

>A. Wyatt Mann cartoons
yeah right

>> No.5743559

You mean he picked the name of one the most lyrically proficient MCs by mistake?

>> No.5743569

>Only on the continent. Scientists are the new public intellectuals in the Anglo world.
That's because like the Romans before us we're too pragmatic (crude?) an empire for philosophy.

>> No.5743573

>not available in germany
fucking gema
And yeah, pretty sure. Rakim in that case is just [insert generic black-sounding name].

>> No.5743578


Yeah, seems impossible for it to be a coincidence, alright. I suppose it and all the other cartoons must actually be satire, then.

>> No.5743579

Just too smart.

>> No.5743582

no, we have assholes like Thomas Friedman to tell us how awesome outsourcing is and how if your standard of living is being destroyed by globalism it's your own fault for not stocking up on ivy league stem degrees, etc. so, yeah, we have "public intellectuals" it's just the shit they write is so wack you forget they're supposed to be "intellectuals"

>> No.5743591

You're too pleb.

>Thomas Loren Friedman (born July 20, 1953) is an American journalist, columnist and author.
> journalist
>philosopher or intellectual

>> No.5743595

but outsourcing is pretty fucking good you idiot, or does everything you buy come from your state?

>believing an economy "ends" within the legal borders of the country
>believing there's more than one, global economy

>> No.5743597

>too pleb.
Sorry for not liking unfalsifiable bullshit.

>> No.5743601

as Friedman couldn't take his pick of elite universities to teach at if the mood struck him...also, you had to wiki him? do you not read the new york times? and yet want to have a requiem for public intellectuals, where did you expect to find these intellectuals? on the funny pages? in a macy's catalog?

>> No.5743605

>thinks unfalsifiableness is of any relevance outside of a few hard sciences

stay autistic, nerd

>> No.5743607

>philosopher or intellectual

Mencken, tho.

>> No.5743609

Well, seeing how there's only one famous contemporary Rakim, and how it's a middle eastern name uncommon among blacks, it does seem that way to me. His stuff generally reminds me of Kelly, if less funny. If it's meant seriously, then the comedy level just increased about a dozen times over.

>> No.5743610

>outsourcing is pretty fucking good you idiot, or does everything you buy come from your state?

Are you retarded?

>> No.5743612

wait, but what about the opinion pieces zizek writes for the times, they appear right next to shit by friedman and brooks

>> No.5743614

>Well, seeing how there's only one famous contemporary Rakim, and how it's a middle eastern name uncommon among blacks, it does seem that way to me.

Why? Does it seem implausible to you that he could have heard of Rakim without listening to his rap? Consider then that I have heard of Rakim but have never listened to his rap.

>> No.5743616

I could ask the same thing of you if that didn't make you understand the broader point.

>> No.5743617

>middle eastern name uncommon among blacks

wow, you guys really don't have any blacks where you live do you? blacks in america have been using muslim names since the fucking 60s you retards. shit i just realized i'm talking to a bunch of shut-in autistics who live in some lilly white part of europe or some shit; fuck this, i'm out

>> No.5743618

>thinks unfalsifiableness is of any relevance outside of a few hard sciences
Do you even listen to yourself?

>> No.5743621

literature is unfalsifiable, why are you here again?

>> No.5743625

I live in Russia =P

>> No.5743626

I'm aware of the Nation of Islam, it's still mainly a religious minority within an ethnic minority, and there's still only one famous black Rakim.

>> No.5743628
File: 41 KB, 213x256, 127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literature is unfalsifiable
You really are an idiot.

>> No.5743631

>I could ask the same thing of you if that didn't make you understand the broader point.

The existence of trade - implying, as it does, the whole phenomenon of importation and exportation - does not speak to, never mind justify, the practice referred to as 'outsourcing'.

And look. I don't even give much of a shit about outsourcing. No-one does, or they'd demand more expensive shit built with domestic labour. But people who object to it aren't clueless schmucks who don't know that trade exists, or what it is, and pretending they are is a waste of your time.

>> No.5743632

if it's not falsifiable it's not worth a damn and that is a fact, wittgenstein proved it, now kill yourself

>> No.5743636
File: 9 KB, 247x249, Japanese hand fan smug pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a white man who is ashamed of his race.
Point at him and laugh!

>> No.5743637

retards :)

>> No.5743642

Why are non-STEMfags so insecure about themselves? Have you finally realised that a gender studies degree is absolutely worthless?

>> No.5743647

If you expect all value judgements to be falsifiable then you are either a bad scientist, bad philosopher, or both.

One must be skilled in living on mountains—seeing the wretched ephemeral babble of politics and national self-seeking beneath oneself. In the daily newspaper the concern with ephemeral matters is institutionalized and cultivated at the expense of genuine spirituality.

>> No.5743648
File: 55 KB, 540x960, 533955_566980313359615_353043709_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not using proxflow
fuck gema, man

>> No.5743649

>If you expect all value judgements to be falsifiable then you are either a bad scientist, bad philosopher, or both
Value judgments are meaningless.

>> No.5743651

Not at all implausible, but it seems strange. I've heard of Rihanna, but I've never heard any of her songs, so I wouldn't name a caricature after her. I don't deny it, it just seems, well, even dumber than what I'd expect from a guy who makes comics like those and actually mean it. I guess it's just a case of unfathomable stupidity.

>> No.5743652

>analytic philosophy
>not harder than everything except theoretical mathematics and physics

>> No.5743653

>or they'd demand more expensive shit built with domestic labour.

this shit right here, Im not saying that those who object to it ignore trade. Im saying that the entire development and advancement of human civilization can be resumed in "make things cheaper", thus outsourcing.

Not to mention "domestic labor" is a stupid concept, whats domestic? your town? state? country? Would Texas be better if they only bought "domestic" texas-made products?

>> No.5743655

Even if that were true, human behaviour assumes otherwise.

>> No.5743660

>babby thinking there is objective truth

>> No.5743661

>I've heard of Rihanna, but I've never heard any of her songs, so I wouldn't name a caricature after her.

You might, if the name struck you as a representatively stupid example of "those stupid names they have".

>> No.5743670

Prove that there is not, then, if you're making the claim.

>> No.5743671 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 540x538, 1414415477957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


analytic philosophy is white people voodoo. don't worry about it Chaim

>> No.5743673

>Not to mention "domestic labor" is a stupid concept, whats domestic?

Let's tentatively define "domestic labour" as "labour whose displacement won't be paid for by your taxes".

>Would Texas be better if they only bought "domestic" texas-made products?

They'd certainly be better if they could. The fact that they can't is not some indicator that everything ever done in pursuit of profit is entirely unobjectionable.

>> No.5743680

>implying you've read any

See, but you act according to them, anyway.

>> No.5743686

>but you act according to them
No, I act according to empirical evidence.

>> No.5743688

>you in charge of the burden of proof

>> No.5743691

You made the claim, bud. It's a controversial one, too.

>> No.5743693
File: 35 KB, 282x304, 1410215528350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>white people .gif

Funny how racism against whites is normalized.. Stereotyping white people I guess is fine, but if we had a .gif of black people shooting each other, or jews robbing banks that would be "racist" right?

>> No.5743698

I didn't think so when you first mentioned it, but now it really seems you ignore what trade is, or why do people trade.

What if Dallas or Austin decided to only use Dallas or Austin-made products? Don't you see that it simply doesn't follow? You are basing your economic opinion on an invisible land in the sand.

I agree that taxation and unemployment welfare may tip the balance, but that's a whole other subject and not an inherent flaw in outsourcing.

I dont want to sound too libertardian, but Bastiat offers great common sense insight on related subjects.

>> No.5743699

You assume that certain things are valid. You act (presumably) as though there is an external reality. You act as though certain things are better than others.

>> No.5743700

Apparently this is racist >>5743446 but the OP gif is not. Must be a tumblr invasion.

>> No.5743706

why would jews rob themselves?

>> No.5743705

There is obviously an external reality, it's right here.

>> No.5743707

>No, I act according to empirical evidence.


>> No.5743710

>why would jews rob themselves?

to gain an even bigger advantage.

>> No.5743711

how so, what makes you think there is objective truth in the first place

>> No.5743712


>> No.5743713

>Funny how racism against whites is normalized.. Stereotyping white people I guess is fine

Yeah. There's a whole deal with power and privilege etc. Plus I'd bet heavily that a white person made the gif, which is a further complication.

>> No.5743717

>power and privilege
Those have nothing to do with race, stop spouting tumblr bullshit.

>> No.5743719

It's that there's been little wide-spread racism carried out towards whites in recent history. They're both racism, but one of them smells of lynching, poverty, and police brutality. The other is a benign joke.

>> No.5743721

>What if Dallas or Austin decided to only use Dallas or Austin-made products? Don't you see that it simply doesn't follow?

Then there'd be lots of stuff they'd want but couldn't buy. This is clearly different from merely paying slightly more for something they can buy in either case (ie, whether outsourcing takes place or not).

>I agree that taxation and unemployment welfare may tip the balance

It's not about 'tipping the balance' (or a flaw, inherent or otherwise, in outsourcing), it's about a definition of 'domestic labour', which you were asking for, that's all.

>> No.5743725

>buzzword without context
>period to make dramatical statement
use a "~" why don't you, fag:^)

>> No.5743728

Yeah, I disagree with the Tumblr idea that "you can't be racist to white people!", but I do prefer stereotypes that haven't led to people being murdered

>> No.5743731

>Those have nothing to do with race

They have no necessary connection, no. But then there is no necessary connection between the picture you're talking about and the phenomenon you allude to in talking about it. Thus we may conclude that you do not deal exclusively in necessary connections and are perfectly fine with mere circumstantial, contingent connections. Your reasoning in rejecting this specific contingent connection can only be guessed at.

>> No.5743736


>> No.5743738

>Implying there is no such thing as objective truth
>m-muh feels are more important than facts!!!1!

>> No.5743740

projecting much ?

>> No.5743741

But you can't accept that unless you trust your senses, etc, etc. I'm not trying to push skepticism - I think you should assume the existence of an external reality, because what the fuck are you supposed to do otherwise, but that it's worth acknowledging that you have to assume certain things to do that, and that you have to make certain arbitrary value judgments in order to think that anything is something you 'can' do.

>> No.5743746

what does your objective truth consist of?

>> No.5743749

I want the cultural marxists to leave /lit/.

>> No.5743758

>want the cultural marxists to leave

I have some super good news.

>> No.5743760

i am not a marxist

>> No.5743763

I want people asking others to prove their point to prove their own.

>> No.5743765

haha nigger please learn basic reasoning - the fact you come to that conclusion from my post is hilarious

>> No.5743773

>A makes claim
>B wants A to elaborate claim
>you want B to prove their point for asking A, who initially made a claim, to elaborate it
le master retard

>> No.5743779


Go ahead. Answer the question: what does your objective truth consist of?

>> No.5743787

>cultural marxists

Holy shit murrikans and their Devil/Marx flipping

>> No.5743801
File: 87 KB, 678x1000, 1414323930123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want the cultural marxists to leave /lit/.

we all do.
they need to go back to >>>/pol/ with all the other SJW and marxist shills.

>> No.5743818

no no, /lit/ is a leftist board, atleast in the plurality leftist, people like you need to get the fuck out

>> No.5743833

Then why are people on this board so obsessed with Marxist philosophy?
I am not American.
Objective truth is a truth that is free of bias.
And no, I have not read thousands of books about the concept of objecive truth, so I can't give you a ten page essay on it.

>> No.5743840

>why are people on this board so obsessed with Marxist philosophy?

Marx is a giant in philosophy. Even ardent anti-Marxists are intimately familiar with Marx. That's how shit works.

>Objective truth is a truth that is free of bias

What the fuck is "a biased truth"? What kind of relativist claptrap are you importing into your definition of truth, you little shitweasel?

>> No.5743867

> I am not American.
Then why do you believe in the existence of something called cultural marxism?

>> No.5743870

>Even ardent anti-Marxists are intimately familiar with Marx.
That's what you'd think, but every thread on anything remotely related to marxism (including this one, of which not even that is true) is proof to the contrary.

>> No.5743873

The only people who deny that cultural marxism exists, are either uninformed or lying.

>> No.5743878

How self-serving.

So then, please define your view on what cultural marxism is?

>> No.5743885

>muh white guilt

back to /pol/ you go pleb

>> No.5743886
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Nice proof brah, but still better than I-don't-know what conpistard website.

So what's the goal of the commies/1%/Jews/CIA? Fun? Hatred against their own kind? Pact with Satamarx?

>> No.5743890

>Why do you think cultural Marxism exists?
>People who think it doesn't are wrong.
Nice argument, m8.

>> No.5743892

pact with cthulhu

>> No.5743904
File: 22 KB, 360x480, 1327347106653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Cthulhu is a metaphor for the Proletariat

>> No.5743907

He's not making a value judgement, that's an objective truth, right there.

>> No.5743908

>a truth that is free of bias
But isn't all 'truth' free of bias by definition? And you can certainly be wrong if you're unbiased (at least to the extent that you can be 'unbiased,' I suppose) or right but biased.

Objective truth would simply be that which is the case. But whatever you say is the case, some asshole on 4chan can always ask "But how do you know that?" recursively until you run out of explanations. Belief in the existence of objective knowledge and inferiority of other knowledge will always lead to knowing nothing.

>> No.5743911

>I have not read thousands of books about the concept of objecive truth, so I can't give you a ten page essay on it.

>"Im uniformed, yet I strongly believe there are objective truths!"

It seems you haven't even read a paragraph on irony either.

>> No.5743935

>speaks multiple languages
>2 meters
>specialist in martial arts

Yeah that sure is your typical cracker

>> No.5743945
File: 230 KB, 430x430, 1411308798098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists love to use black people but not as a means to elevate them (an already quite racist idea), but to denigrate themselves. That's why a decent-looking black with a happy childhood will get nothing from them but "traitor" insults.

They just need imaginary big-dicked stupid animals so they can play their role.

>> No.5743947

Dolph Lundgren is basically the ubermensch.

>> No.5743950

Nice analytic philosophy thread we have here.

>> No.5743969
File: 330 KB, 1221x1570, Women in Relationships.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women and men are totally equal, despite what biology tells us
>research on the relation between genetics and behaviour is racist/sexist and should be banned
>all cultures are equal
>sleeping with millions of people is sexually liberating
>all art and music is equal and should be treated as such
>objective truth doesn't exist
>critical theory
>people who criticise certain narratives are extremist right-wingers/members of the KKK/fascists/nazis/have internalised misogyny, racism or homophobia
>white people are inherently racist
>race and gender are social constructs
>European colonialism is the reason why Africa is poor, despite the fact that countries that have never been colonised (Ethiopia and Liberia) are dirt poor, whereas the most heavily colonised countries (South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ivory Coast) are also the most successful ones. Even Haiti, a country that has been independent since 1804, is very poor as well.
>white guilt
>multiculturalism is good for Western countries

>> No.5743972
File: 26 KB, 437x500, 1406389952010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can achieve this if I work hard enough

plz gimme azngf

>> No.5743981

Apart from critical theory, that's just basic neoliberal thought.
Seriously, how does it connect to marxism?

>> No.5743984

Yeah so what makes those views marxist? You're just picking and mixing various views on thing (most often strawmen of quasi-leftist movements) without any real connection. What does objective truth or critical theory have anything to do with those anyways?

>> No.5743993


This, basically. Just take a hodge-podge of boogeymen, both real and imagined, which haunt the days and nights of the average /pol/tard, stuff them all into a bag with "Cultural Marxism" written on it and Bob's your uncle.

>Seriously, how does it connect to marxism?

I'm guessing it's an attempt to piggyback off a certain reflexive dualism engendered by the Cold War. But who knows.

>> No.5744004

Here in France, it's actually called the "neoliberal agenda", which has to make man a merchandise among others.

Unlike "cultural Marxism (evil!!!!)", you can still give a thought about it.

>> No.5744006

Americans are actually the biggest exports of cultural marxism in the world. They just also add a bit of globalist capitalist to made some money too.

>> No.5744011

>I'm guessing it's an attempt to piggyback off a certain reflexive dualism engendered by the Cold War.
That's probably it, but it doesn't explain the rampant antisemitism of people who believe it's a thing.

>> No.5744016


>how does it connect to marxism?

Actual defenders of the theory are randists, libertarians and PUAs who can't accept the fact they are part of the problem, which is the break-off of all rules and general nihilism.

>Dieu se rit de ceux qui déplorent des effets dont ils continuent de chérir les causes

>> No.5744020

No black guy ever did that

They actuallly don't care about dating outaide their race

>> No.5744026
File: 130 KB, 950x1261, fassbendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Untermensch detected

>> No.5744037
File: 199 KB, 712x881, 1412611617620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vladimir Lenin would have called people like you, 'useful idiots'.
Then why are so many Jewish Americans pushing the radical leftist/cultural marxist agenda?
Is it all just an unfortunate coincidence?

>> No.5744045

How are those things Marxist? What does your fanfiction on Lenin matter?

>> No.5744052

It's about cultural marxism, not political or economic.

>> No.5744054

>Vladimir Lenin would have called people like you, [thought-terminating cliche].

At least I'm useful.

>> No.5744056
File: 39 KB, 296x314, 1386017906243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marx was a jew
>A huge portion of bolsheviks were jews
>A huge portion of spartacists were jews
>Virtually all members of the frankfurt school were jews
>A huge portion of "civil rights" activists and leftist activists in the USA were (and still are) jews

Le coincidence faec

>> No.5744059

>citing a study from 20 years ago to make his point

>> No.5744061

>/lit/ is a leftist board

>> No.5744067

They never assimilated (I don't consider this a good thing), so it's natural you can find them in many idealist/fringe groups.

It's not
>Jews killing Jews to achieve Jew domination
Serve even in death XD

>> No.5744078

>>women and men are totally equal, despite what biology tells us
Women should be legally equal, that doesn't make them biologically equal.
>>research on the relation between genetics and behaviour is racist/sexist and should be banned
What other reasons are there for doing such research?
>>all cultures are equal
Only unbias conclusion. The only way you can claim one culture is above another is by using values from a specific cultural background. Westerners will think their culture is best, Indians theirs, etc.
>>sleeping with millions of people is sexually liberating
Sleeping with multiple people is the technical definition of sexual liberation. Are you trying to say sexual liberation is a bad thing (which would be everything but objective) or are you disagreeing that sleeping with more than one person is sexually liberating?
>>all art and music is equal and should be treated as such
If you want objectivity than judging art of any kind is contradictory. To evaluate art you need cultural values that are anything but objective.
>>objective truth doesn't exist
You are one ironic little bastard.
>>critical theory
Only marxist thing in your list
>>people who criticise certain narratives are extremist right-wingers/members of the KKK/fascists/nazis/have internalised misogyny, racism or homophobia
This is too a ideological narrative, boi.
>>white people are inherently racist
Marxist are generally white, this wouldn't make sense.
>>race and gender are social constructs
They're linguistic constructs, big difference.
>>European colonialism is the reason why Africa is poor, despite the fact that countries that have never been colonised (Ethiopia and Liberia) are dirt poor, whereas the most heavily colonised countries (South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ivory Coast) are also the most successful ones. Even Haiti, a country that has been independent since 1804, is very poor as well.
European colonialism is a big part of Africa's current condition. Haiti is dirt poor because France fucked them when they granted Haiti's independence.
>>white guilt
Cultural phenomenon (not a marxist invention)
>>multiculturalism is good for Western countries
This has been a prevalent thought in the European intellectual world since the Renaissance.

>> No.5744082
File: 161 KB, 475x391, 1412610927193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's lots of things that I disagree with on /pol/ but the thing about Jews pushing a certain agenda is certainly a bit fishy. At a certain point it can just not merely be a coincidence.
Maybe that's because they've been kicked out of over a hundred cities/countries in the past two millennia.

>> No.5744087


Most hate crimes and interracial violence happens against whites. It doesn't make the news. Vast majority of interracial rape is against white women not white on blacks or minorities.

Go look at crime stats in Europe or USA and see the disproportionate racism at work.

>> No.5744091
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>> No.5744092

A minority of upper-class Jews and European royals work hand in hand to achieve a globalist agenda, the communists were the good guys all along.

>> No.5744093

I love how /pol/fags like to act like there's a gigantic conspiracy, but don't seem to give a shit that corporations are crafting policies in their legislature.

>> No.5744099

>doesn't think we're still living in the Holy Roman Empire
holy fuck try harder next time 2/10

>> No.5744100
File: 115 KB, 857x1046, 1414829518888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also relevant.

>> No.5744104
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>> No.5744106

why do I see more white doctors then
consider this
black plebs don't even get to apply, while there's tons of untalented white kids applying

>> No.5744107
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>> No.5744108
File: 55 KB, 882x680, degeneracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>European colonialism is the reason why Africa is poor, despite the fact that countries that have never been colonised (Ethiopia and Liberia) are dirt poor, whereas the most heavily colonised countries (South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Ivory Coast) are also the most successful ones. Even Haiti, a country that has been independent since 1804, is very poor as well.
>European colonialism is a big part of Africa's current condition. Haiti is dirt poor because France fucked them when they granted Haiti's independence.
Also, during WWI, Germany tried to integrate bankers into the upper-class to fuck with France and America's ability to collect debt on them. America invaded Haiti, killed all the Germans, and gave them a new constitution.
For the banks.

>> No.5744111
File: 268 KB, 748x1104, Hibernian Conspiracy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5744113

What is cultural marxism? Like how is it a subset of marxism? You keep dodging the question.

>> No.5744115


It's beautiful. /pol/ is so uniquely good at believing the craziest shit.

>> No.5744116
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>> No.5744118

Don't feed the Logical Postivists, it encourages them.

>> No.5744122


This is excellent. I hope someone has the energy necessary to fully flesh it out.

>> No.5744131

The difference is that the irish in america became completely assimilated.

If irish-americans had exclusively intermarried together, had used their political clout for the benefit of Ireland, and had "laws of return" to Ireland, you can bet your ass that people would be mad against them.

>> No.5744138

I'd like to add that since pretty much all the borders for what we now know as "African countries" were drawn during the colonialist frenzy with fuck-all regard to the real, organically-formed lines that the people actually living there determined themselves, you really can't say Europeans had no hand in making the African continent a shithole without being completely delusional.

>> No.5744150

> The difference is that the irish in america became completely assimilated.
If Irish Americans would have become completely assimilated, then why are they having their own quasi-religious ceremonies, live on their own areas and refuse to accept being called Americans?

> had used their political clout for the benefit of Ireland

> had "laws of return" to Ireland
Irish nationality law provides for Irish citizenship to be acquired on the basis of at least one Irish grandparent. The entitlement to citizenship of all people born on Ireland and its islands was stipulated by the 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State, and the 1937 Constitution of Ireland and reinforced by 1998 Belfast Agreement. A person born outside of Ireland with entitlement to Irish citizenship through an Irish-born grandparent may pass that right on to her or his own children.

>> No.5744154

>had used their political clout for the benefit of Ireland


>> No.5744155

>white people
>brown hair

>> No.5744159

Also, all the kingdoms and nation-states who made contact with European traders got tied up in proxy wars started by the European powers.

>> No.5744160

It's delusional to think that Africa would be a thriving, successful continent if Europeans had never settled there.

>> No.5744168

>If Irish Americans would have become completely assimilated, then why are they having their own quasi-religious ceremonies, live on their own areas and refuse to accept being called Americans?
Really? Irish americans live in segregated neighborhoods and refuse to be called americans?

In what reality do you live in?
These are more the equivalent of Zionist societies than the equivalent of "american" societies.

>Irish nationality law provides for Irish citizenship to be acquired on the basis of at least one Irish grandparent. The entitlement to citizenship of all people born on Ireland and its islands was stipulated by the 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State, and the 1937 Constitution of Ireland and reinforced by 1998 Belfast Agreement. A person born outside of Ireland with entitlement to Irish citizenship through an Irish-born grandparent may pass that right on to her or his own children.
Are you seriously comparing Israel's laws of return with Ireland's laws to gain citizenship?

>> No.5744170

shut the fuck up

>> No.5744176

>college professors, nerdy tryhard kids, and other such upper crust who engage in slacktivist grandstanding and academic analysis and call themselves Marxist are generally white.


>> No.5744181

Well obviously the borders had to be drawn by europeans, considering the fact that africans hadn't evolved yet to the point of having countries/borders.

>> No.5744183

>The difference is that the irish in america became completely assimilated.
That's what you think. Truth is, we've just been culture-fucking America for so long that you can't even tell where I end, and you begin.

>> No.5744186


It's true. Only six foot plus blondes can truly be white. Everyone else is just posing

>> No.5744188

>It's delusional to think that Africa would be a thriving, successful continent if Europeans had never settled there.
I was going to call you out on your bullshit, but you know what, there's nothing wrong with that statement at all. Because the criteria for a "thriving, successful continent" and even the very idea of progress/technological advancement is immaculately Western. So it logically follows that if Europeans had never got involved with Africa, it wouldn't be "thriving and successful" because the very concept wouldn't have been shoved down the inhabitants' throats.

>> No.5744191

>Well obviously the borders had to be drawn by europeans, considering the fact that africans hadn't evolved yet to the point of having countries/borders.
"The zek’s ancestors did less work than a corporation owner. They didn’t know what work was. They lived in a condition J.J. Rousseau called “the state of nature.” Rousseau’s term should be brought back into common use. It grates on the nerves of those who, in R. Vaneigem’s words, carry cadavers in their mouths. It makes the armor visible. Say “the state of nature” and you’ll see the cadavers peer out.

Insist that “freedom” and “the state of nature” are synonyms, and the cadavers will try to bite you. The tame, the domesticated, try to monopolize the word freedom; they’d like to apply it to their own condition. They apply the word “wild” to the free. But it is another public secret that the tame, the domesticated, occasionally become wild but are never free so long as they remain in their pens."

>> No.5744194

>So it logically follows that if Europeans had never got involved with Africa, it wouldn't be "thriving and successful" because the very concept wouldn't have been shoved down the inhabitants' throats.
So you agree that without european influence, africans would be a loose collection of cannibal tribes in a state of perpetual warfare?

>> No.5744198
File: 65 KB, 301x450, Potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw knowing the Irish will eventually reveal their global conspiracy, take over America, and force us all to eat potatoes for the rest of our lives

>> No.5744199

Russell's Paradox motivated philosophers to put mathematics on a sound footing.
Philosophers were concerned about the role of language in philosophical arguments.

I am not a student of philosophy, but this how it seems to me.

>> No.5744201
File: 47 KB, 640x480, frust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? You don't think people living on different sides of a river stayed on their side of the river to wash their clothes?

They had different languages in different places, there were kingdoms, trade systems and religions, what makes you think they couldn't just say "your people live here and mine live here"?

>> No.5744204
File: 70 KB, 1191x842, 1191px-War_deaths_caused_by_warfare.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rousseau's conception of peaceful and noble savages has been debunked eons ago.

>> No.5744209

While these statistics are probably bullshit, let's switch these percentages to numbers.

>> No.5744214


Top kek, those weren't even considered white you raging snownigger.

>> No.5744215

>Really? You don't think people living on different sides of a river stayed on their side of the river to wash their clothes?
Not if they were of different tribes. They would have fought for the right to use the river, the losers ending up being eaten or, if they were lucky sold to arab slave traders (and if they were really lucky sold to europeans and transported to america, where blacks had the highest standard of living of any blacks on earth)

>They had different languages in different places, there were kingdoms, trade systems and religions, what makes you think they couldn't just say "your people live here and mine live here"?
There were only a few kingdoms (Mali, Ethiopia,..) in precolonial africa, and today's Mali and Ethiopia both have similar borders than in precolonial times.

Most of the interior was devoid of organized civilizations though.

>> No.5744224

Are you a dumb nigger? The pic has a source on it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Before_Civilization

Obviously, in absolute numbers european and american deaths far outweigh tribal deaths. But the interesting statistic isn't the absolute number of deaths, it's the number of deaths per capita.

>> No.5744225

>Mali and Ethiopia both have similar borders than in precolonial times.

Were there borders in precolonial times or weren't there? Make up your mind.

>> No.5744228

>So you agree that without european influence, africans would be a loose collection of cannibal tribes in a state of perpetual warfare?
It's cute how you just assumed that all pre-civilizational African tribal groups were cannibals. But I digress. I think a state of perpetual, primitive warfare is the only condition in which any sort of power structure or established order (be it the State, the Economy, etc.) cannot possibly form or take hold. Thus, primal war is the only condition in which freedom is preserved.

>> No.5744232

If you weren't a braindead moron you would have connected that statement with the one that immediately precedes it :

>There were only a few kingdoms (Mali, Ethiopia,..) in precolonial africa,

>> No.5744239


Because I am not an idiot, I retain a memory of the discussion persisting farther back in time than one post and hence, was thinking of:
>Well obviously the borders had to be drawn by europeans, considering the fact that africans hadn't evolved yet to the point of having countries/borders.

I ask again: Did they have borders or didn't they? I urge you, again, to make up your mind.

>> No.5744241

>It's cute how you just assumed that all pre-civilizational African tribal groups were cannibals.
Not all, but most. Especially the further you got from the "civilized" parts of Africa.

>But I digress. I think a state of perpetual, primitive warfare is the only condition in which any sort of power structure or established order (be it the State, the Economy, etc.) cannot possibly form or take hold. Thus, primal war is the only condition in which freedom is preserved.
Fair enough.

>> No.5744254

>I ask again: Did they have borders or didn't they? I urge you, again, to make up your mind.
Like I just said before :

>There were only a few kingdoms (Mali, Ethiopia,..) in precolonial africa,
These few kingdoms had border yes (although they were rather flexible).

The vast majority of the african continent wad borderless and stateless, though.

>> No.5744266

Interesting, now al you have to do is connect the things you call 'cultural marxism' to any of those people. But don't bother, we all know you won't be able to do that.

>> No.5744270

>These few kingdoms had border yes

Glad you finally landed somewhere.

>> No.5744274

>the day an unrelated pic triggered a bunch of /pol/lacks
nevar forget :DD

>> No.5744280

The point being that the vast majority of Africa didn't have borders.

>> No.5744297
File: 5 KB, 183x142, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hurrr let's make fun of the superior race that is responsible for civilization and science and human rights and culture


>> No.5744307

>there are people who can't tell the difference between OP's gif and shit like >>5743446

God damn, /pol/. If you really get offended by "lol white people can't dance," you're even more thin-skinned than the liberals you hate.

>> No.5744311

>being this ignorant of history
>thinking white people invented everything

You're just so fucking stupid. Chinese people, Middle Eastern people, South American people, Native American people, and African people all made massive contributions to civilization and science. Read a fucking book.

>> No.5744314
File: 191 KB, 746x718, more to life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not if they were of different tribes. They would have fought for the right to use the river, the losers ending up being eaten
So every river in Africa was just a brawl waiting to happen since the beginning of civilization?

>or, if they were lucky sold to arab slave traders (and if they were really lucky sold to europeans and transported to america, where blacks had the highest standard of living of any blacks on earth)
The Arab slave trade and the European slave trade occurred at completely different periods.

>There were only a few kingdoms (Mali, Ethiopia,..) in precolonial africa, and today's Mali and Ethiopia both have similar borders than in precolonial times.
Does that elipsis refer to The Kingdoms of Dahomey, Matamba, and Koya? Or was it meant to denote the Oyo, Yoruba, and Kong Empires? Or did you just not want to get into the Aro Confederacy?

There was barely any civilization though.

>> No.5744319

Ok, let's be perfectly clear about this: if this picture offends you even in the slightest possible sense, you are infinitely worse than any SJW from any rage thread on /pol/.

>> No.5744322

>God damn, /pol/. If you really get offended by "lol white people can't dance," you're even more thin-skinned than the liberals you hate.

Non /pol/tard here. I find the phenomenon strange insofar as it seems to me to hearken back to the "natural rhythm" stereotype about black people, albeit negatively. But it desn't really bother me.