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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 191x264, shrugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5741377 No.5741377 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished "Atlas Shrugged", and I'm about ready to an hero. Please tell me someone feels the same way I do about this pile of filth.

>> No.5741390

ur gonna have a hard time finding someone on here that doesnt love atlas shrugged

>> No.5741407

I feared that.

>> No.5741431

ayn rand isn't a philosopher. she's a FAILosopher!

>> No.5741436

Plenty hate it too. So why dwell on it?

>> No.5741449

Is it bad? This is nearing the top of my to read list, should I not bother?

>> No.5741450
File: 125 KB, 864x936, Lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5741481

The point is this: a presidential frontrunner for the GOP is a senator named Rand Paul. RAND FUCKING PAUL. Our leaders are attempting to emulate the screwy ideas proposed by Ayn Rand, and that's not good.

If you have a bunch of time I'd say go ahead. It's good to see how the other side thinks, if only to be more able to refute them.

>> No.5741520
File: 160 KB, 1321x900, Albert Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand was a novelist. She was not very good with prose. She did not understand philosophy very well, but she did know how to use it to dramatic effect in her writing.

I think she eventually came to believe her own bullshit, definitely about the time she started cheating on her husband.

The main thing she is wrong on is Kant. Her description of Kant's work is so far off that I can only see it as intentionally misleading. She needed an antagonist, and she tried poorly to make one of Kant.

Her work mostly appeals to high school kids or those with high school as their highest level of education. This makes sense to me because her simplistic view of philosophy appeals to the undereducated. Philosophy is complex and takes time to learn. A simple view instills righteousness -- especially if it is inaccurate.

What she presents as her philosophical system, objectivism, is irrelevant. It is hard to explain. It's not that it is wrong, it is just not valid. What it describes as axioms are not axioms. It's tremendously simplistic and incomplete. This appeals especially to her political and economic ideas and the absolute most to her thoughts on family and children.

Try reading Camus. He is much better. The Plague is very good.

>> No.5741530

>Her work mostly appeals to high school kids or those with high school as their highest level of education.
Stopped reading there

>> No.5741550


Holy shit

Rand Paul... thought it just a weird name
Ayn Rand... fuck how

>> No.5741553

How do you pronounce Ayn?

>> No.5741559

We all know that feel bro.

>> No.5741571

As I read your post I began to refute the whole "her work mostly appeals to high school kids or those with high school as their highest level of education", as I know many people with college degrees, which are huge fans of Rand. Then I realized that they were all business majors, so your point still stands. Well put, sir.

>> No.5741589



I actually typed then deleted out, "or business majors."

>> No.5741602


Like Pynechon.

>> No.5741605

The only two people I know who like rand are a college freshman and a professor at Santa Clara. I don't know what to think

>> No.5741613

It goes much deeper than you think. Ron Paul's adoration is no secret. Look into her associations with Alan Greenspan and Barry Goldwater. Paul's anti-Fed stance is 100% Ayn Rand. Greenspan ended up running the Fed. There are lots of conspiracy theories on this, but it is at least really weird that someone who was part of a group who wanted to end the Fed and return to gold-backed currency ended up as Chairman of the Fed.

>> No.5741643

Oh God that video... In my high school economics class we watched it, and I burst into laughter when the interviewer calls Rand an "intellectual". I got a lot dirty look from the libertarian teacher.

>> No.5741677
File: 47 KB, 405x500, Greenspan-Rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Some kind of Freudian slip from old Ron I'd say.
Close enough to Ann, but some say it like "Eye" Eyen

>> No.5741720


I'd have thought she'd be into Kant seeing as he's a major influence in Mises and Nozick. What does she say about him?

>> No.5741831

Basically that Kant's rejection of Hume's empiricism and his brilliant discovery that the question of say, "What is a chair in itself," is not unknowable, or incomplete, or wrong, but that is is an irrelevant question is an attack on reason which makes man doubt himself and ultimately leads to communism. It's such a stupid interpretation that I have to believe that it is intentionally misinterpreted to create a bad guy. I also think she never really read Kant; she read the title, A Critique of Pure Reason, and figured that was all she needed.

>> No.5741841

OP is confirmed for patrician

the amount of Ayn Rand acceptance/appreciation I see on 4chan is frankly disturbing

>> No.5742286

>Try reading Camus. He is much better
Put some effort into it, m8

>> No.5742312

I couldn't even finish Atlas Shrugged, but I really enjoyed The Fountainhead. It was like watching a really camp movie, especially with the unintentionally homoerotic relationship between Roarke and the newspaper magnate.

>> No.5742315


>work mostly appeals to high school kids or those with high school as their highest level of education.

Just like Camus!

>> No.5743232

I maybe retarded, but I thought /lit/ liked stirner? And I thought Stirner's and Rand's opinions ran paralell quite often?

Also don't bash raynd paul. How else will we get our ebin habbening maymays?