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5731289 No.5731289 [Reply] [Original]

>tell people I'm a materialist
>they think I mean materialistic

>> No.5731296


>> No.5731299

>discussing Marxism with anyone
bad idea

>> No.5731314
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>someone says materialistic
>means consumeristic and/or superficial

>> No.5731320

>check out marxist club at university
>pictures of Stalin and Mao on their posters
>USSR propaganda
>handing out bullshit revisionist history books

Like, how the fuck do these kind of people exist?

>> No.5731328

They're just edgelords, my friend.

>> No.5731341

>thinking there's a difference between the two in the end
>already fallen into the trap

>> No.5731348

same way neonazis are a thing

>> No.5731365

I made this mistake the other night. I was recommended a get rich quick self-help book.

>> No.5731383

interesting way to describe the Manifesto...

>> No.5731418

>tell people I'm a materialist
>they claim I'm being idealist

brainwashing is sad

>> No.5731423

Top lel

>> No.5731425

>tell people I'm an monotheistic-capitalistic-anarcho-idealist
>they assume I mean Christian

>> No.5731429

>tell people I'm a selfish asshole with no grasp on reality
>they assume I mean Libertarian

>> No.5731433
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>tell people I'm a liberal
>they assume I mean communist

>> No.5731439

>tell people I'm a solipsist
>they think I mean they disappear when I turn away

>> No.5731449
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As a leftie, I've grown to despise leftists because of how they act and shit.

>> No.5731459

>be marxist
>cant grow a beard

Sure sign I'm a revisionist.

>> No.5731475
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>tell people I'm a traditionalist
>they assume I hate brown people

>> No.5731482

>tell people I'm a Marxist
>they think I'm a Stalinist

>> No.5731499

>tell people I'm an analytical marxist
>hated by everyone except philsophy students
>hated by everyone that matters

>> No.5731502

What's the difference?

One you believe in hard science/no gods/no morals
The other you value hedonistic things, not caring about right or wrong or bad and good

Essentially the same thing, or at least one follows the other.

>> No.5731504
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>tell people I'm a naive, sheltered teenager who doesn't understand voluntary exchange, social interaction, or human nature, listens to edgy hardcore bands, and makes homemade firecracker bombs in bouts of shitposting on /pol/
>they assume I mean anarchist

>> No.5731508

Welcome to the club.
I know a lot of leftists and think they are right most of the time but they are so unbearably obnoxious that they make me want to defend the other side, every single time without fail. In fact they're the reason the left never wins.

>> No.5731509

>tell people identity politics is a load of shit
>they label me as "the guy who hates labels"

>> No.5731518
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>> No.5731519

Oh god, this one gets me.

>capitalism enables false consciousness
>I dont think thats true, captilism is freedom
>thanks for proving my point.

It's like they never grow out of cheap rhetorical tricks from being 14.

>> No.5731530
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>human nature
What a load of bullshit.

>> No.5731536

>tell people I enjoy ice cream
>they assume my parents owned an ice cream shop when I was a child and often let me try out new flavors and even, on occasion, come up with my own, which my parents would put alongside all the other staple-flavors.

>> No.5731545

>tell people I hate it when politicians discuss social issues and that they're just distractions and not really the government's concern anyway
>they label me a conservative simply because I don't want to talk about how oppressed guys who cut their dicks off are

>> No.5731547

>Stalin and Mao

What the fuck am I reading

>> No.5731553

ppl on /lit/ don't actually read books they just pretend to read books, sort of like wiggers of reading or someshit

>> No.5731558
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>tell people I'm a liberal
>they assume I mean the non-classical faggot variety who whines about how fast food workers should get 60 bucks an hour and guns are scary

Life is pain

>> No.5731559

>tell people I'm a patrician
>they assume I mean aristocrat

>> No.5731568

>Why are you spending most of your time and energy on fighting sexism and racism when we should be working on economic issues
>Of course you would say that, you're white
>You wouldn't understand, you've never lived without privilege

The left is fucking dead.

>> No.5731570

>and that they're just distractions and not really the government's concern anyway
don't waste your time
you are right but even if you could somehow prove this it wouldn't do you any good.
if you find someone who already thinks this then confirm to him that he's not being retarded and then move on.
there's no winning against a mob

>> No.5731572
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>tell STEM students I'm a Marxist
>they laugh at my unfalsifiable dogma

>tell economics students I'm a Marxist
>they laugh at my labour theory of value and severely outdated methods and terminology

>> No.5731579


Populism fucking sucks man

We don't need Bernie Sanders, we need Caesar

>> No.5731588

>tell people I majored in business
>they ask for their spare change back

>> No.5731595

But fighting sexism and racism ARE very important battles to be had. Just tell them that these issues occur because of the material conditions of capitalism and preceding economic systems and the only sure way to defeat them is through scientific socialism, since liberalism only-- okay that's probably a bit too much but you can find an easy way to explain that reformism just continues capitalism and try and find the real revolutionaries amongst them.

>> No.5731596
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>tfw business major and also a Marxist

>> No.5731604

>Thinks there isn't a difference.
Yo, home-school.

>Tell people I'm an egoist
>They assume I mean egotist
HA just kidding. I never need to tell anyone.

>> No.5731607

They are very important, but if you only fight them within the realm of capitalism, oppression will continue to manifest itself in other ways, no matter how hard you reform civil law, and try to legislate ethics. They need to be part of the greater struggle against capitalism, not separate.

>> No.5731613

>Implying STEM students could tell you what Marxism is
i'm an engineering major at what is ostensibly one of the best engineering schools in the country. these people are all fucking retards if you're not talking about their specific major or how important net neutrality is

>> No.5731617

Don't be crazy. What we need are cadres that can enact some kind of strategy to reawaken the West from the post-USSR/post-Communist China anti-communist nightmare. Aren't the conditions right, with the still lingering effects of the 2008 depression, the militarization of society, and the World War Against the Middle-East?

>> No.5731621

The natural extension of feminism is communism

>> No.5731631

marxism is just secular judeo-christian morality; nothing more lame than a marxist who goes on about being athiest and how stupid religion is not realizing their whole system is just "scientific christianity"

>> No.5731640

>be a STEM student
>be a Marxist
if I had a nickel every time I've casually mentioned a Marxist term and heard that from peers I'd be oppressing the fuck out of third world brownies

>> No.5731647

Right, that's what I was trying to say. The left isn't really dead, it's just sleeping in the white noise of our current liberalism. If anything there's a strong current of Leftism that's been simmering under the surface, it's just anti-communism is so strong and past Leftism has been pushed so far away from memory that the vocabulary is lost.

>> No.5731648


This is why we all need to be Hegelians. Radical politics of the world spirit advancing through the ages as the process of the holy spirit in history leading to the end stage of the universe and the final judgement. Eschatology as a way of life and politics

>> No.5731649

Probably engineers.

I think there's a vast discrepancy between certain areas of STEM. Math and Physics students are more receptive to philosophy than Engineers and Comp Sci students, at least in my experience.

>> No.5731653

the american economy is hot again, you dudes missed your chance, worst economic crisis of a generation and all you got out of it was a black president...capitalism is not an "identity" that can be affirmative-actioned out of existence...

>> No.5731655

You have that backwards, but the natural conclusion of real feminism is communism, yes.

>> No.5731661


Yeah I think you're right. Engineers and comp sci kids also have an inflated sense of their own intelligence. Comp sci kids especially have a unique Silicon Valley messianic elitism

>> No.5731667

At the same time, we were all once Pavlovian dogs in the same way. It's amazing how easy it is to stick an uncritical thought-terminating response into a person.

>> No.5731687

I'm quite sure that response is institutional. I remember that exact idea being generated in high school Government class textbooks, if they even mentioned Marxism at all.

It's not just a way to refuse an alternate to Capitalism, but it is a way to acknowledge the most general and shallow parts of Marxism as correct to better defuse any interest in it. Even better, if you hold the student's hand and draw them to that conclusion, they feel they've conquered the entire ideology in this way.

p frustrating.

>> No.5731699

i only finally realized how horrible marxism is once i realized the moral slave revolt that brought christianity to europe is a prequel to communism, 1000 years dark ages, no thanks

>> No.5731701

>Math and Physics students are more receptive to philosophy
that's because that stuff is philosophy

>> No.5731706

are you me?

>> No.5731711

i'm the first and last posts you quoted, but no

where you going to school?

>> No.5731714

Physics is not philosophy. Take a look at some undergraduate physics material.

>> No.5731715

> Tell Donald Trump I'm a Marxist.
> Anon, you are my nigga.

>> No.5731722

in a third world country.

>> No.5731730

oh when u said best engineering school in the country i thought you meant america but if that was the case you would have said best engineering school in the world

>> No.5731739

This is getting confusing.

are all me, and I do go to school in America. I suppose it is one of the best in the world

>> No.5731744
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>> No.5731880


>But fighting sexism and racism ARE very important battles to be had

[citation needed]

I agree that people shouldn't be able to lynch blacks or force women to stay in the kitchen but if you honestly think people making rape jokes or saying "nigger" are pressing issues that demands legislative attention you have a very skewed sense of priorities, and a frighteningly authoritarian outlook on what the government should be involved in

>> No.5731889

Racism and sexism precede capitalism and class struggle and should be tackled separately.

New Left, Neo-Marxism, etc

>> No.5731916

liberals, pls go

>Racism and sexism precede capitalism
>and class struggle
>and should be tackled separately.
Doesn't follow even if true.

>> No.5731935


>liberals, pls go

How is saying women's and minority's feels should take a back seat to real political issues liberal? Distracting social issues are practically all the left talk about these days.

>> No.5731960


>tell people I have recurring fantasies about starting a commune for enlightened patricians such as myself and then defending it against waves of statist pigs with my arsenal of terribly outdated slav guns
>they assume I mean anarcho-captialist

>> No.5732833
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Why does everyone thing that naziism and bolshevism/communism is so different? They're both branches of socialism, in general we can say that nazism is closed socialism while bolshevism is international socialism.

Why is it okey to proclaim you're a communist and not a national socialist when all the communist attempts have killed and caused more evil suffering than nazism?

>> No.5732838

>How is saying women's and minority's feels should take a back seat to real political issues liberal?
liberal is the go-to buzzword for confused americans.

>> No.5732844
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>I am a marxist

*tips budenovka*

Why follow something that has been consistently debunked by all schools of economics?

>> No.5732855

>tell people i'm not a marxist
>they assume i'm a Republican

fuck my university

>> No.5732863

>tell people I am interested in psychoanalytic theory
>they think I actually believe that everyone just wants to fuck their mother

>> No.5732864

Those are important conflicts exacly because you think that they aren't.

19th century dictators did not believe that improving the living conditions of factory workers was an important issue

>> No.5732868

> all the communist attempts have killed and caused more evil suffering than nazism?
ayy lmao

>> No.5732869

El protip: 'economics' isn't a science. Might as well ask astrologists of their opinion on marxism.

>> No.5732876

But Marxism is somehow "scientific" ? Do you lefties even realize how dumb you sound?

>> No.5732879

Marxism isn't even an economic theory/school of thought.

>> No.5732880

this image is relevant for you >>5732833
Maybe you should read up on some friedrich hayek and mises before making stupid sweeping statements

>> No.5732888

>But Marxism is somehow "scientific" ?
I never said that, also I'm not a leftist.

>Maybe you should read up on some friedrich hayek and mises before making stupid sweeping statements
Consider for a moment that I did exactly that before speaking the truth about your scams.

>> No.5732889

Marxist theory of political economy is scientific in its nature due to its reliance of empirical data processed with scientific methodology.

If you want to criticize Marx or Marxism, even have the decency to read the basic works by him.

>> No.5732897

nice contradiction, commies.

>> No.5732901

Nice lack of knowledge, retard.

>> No.5732909

>tell people im an anarchist
>just kidding of course I dont. I am one but what would be the point?

>> No.5732910

Political economy =! Economics

>> No.5732917
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This is beyond fucking retarded

>> No.5732921
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>> No.5732927

Refer to this:
>why are you all eating shit?

>> No.5732936

>here come the /pol/ .jpgs

>> No.5732948

I for one find the rift and conflict between Marxists concerned with social policy (usually solely, too) and young hardline Marxists who believe that everything except directly enforced economic change is capitalist humbug somewhat distasteful and damaging. Go synthesize.

>> No.5732965

Literally all decent critics of marxism come from non economic sources.

The austrian school is especially bad at critiquing Marxism, mises essentially asserts that socialism is state ownership and only state ownership.

When critiqueing the value theory, they constantly conflate value and price. This is shit that is covered in the first chapter of capital, and they can't be bothered to actually read it.

>> No.5732970

>Marxist theory of political economy is scientific in its nature due to its reliance of empirical data processed with scientific methodology.

Lol, what a crock of shit. First of all, marxism was formulated BEFORE any attempts at socialism, so it is not based on any "empirical data" whatsoever. It is the inane ramblings of a single guy.

Also, every subsequent attempt at implementing marxism and collectivization has ended in catastrophic failure with millions of people dying of starvation. Meanwhile capitalist systems have produced the richest countries in the world and the highest standards of living in history.

How's that for "empirical data"!

>> No.5732971

The way to critique the labor theory of value is to simply point out its
1. unfalsifiable, or close to it.
2. draws sweeping conclusions which may be outside what the labor theory of value does actually explain.

The reasons the austrian school doesn't critique that, is because the austrian school would have to except its own critisms.

>> No.5732975

Guess whose fault it is that the conflict even exists? The reply is already in the thread.
Granted, the left apparently loves bickering with itself since its very conception.

>> No.5732976
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>he doesn't know marx wrote mostly about capitalism and history
>literally has to read the title of his main work to firgure that out
>mfw /pol/tards don't know how to read the word "capital"

>> No.5732991

> marxism was formulated BEFORE any attempts at socialism
Marxism is a worldview and method of societal analysis that focuses on class relations and societal conflict, that uses a materialist interpretation of historical development, and a dialectical view of social transformation. Marxist methodology uses economic and sociopolitical inquiry and applies that to the critique and analysis of the development of capitalism and the role of class struggle in systemic economic change.

>> No.5732994

>strawmanning this hard.
You should read the sticky on /pol/

>> No.5732997


How does that refute my post?

>> No.5732998

pls go back there

>> No.5733003

only if you come with me :)

>> No.5733004
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lenin called his system state captilism btw buddy

Not even a marxist, but once again poltard doesn't know how to read basic titles

>> No.5733008

I spent a few weeks there once. I still shutter about the depravity of those people.

>> No.5733017

>I still shutter about the depravity of those people.
Perhaps you are being blind :) ?

And? How does that change anything?

>> No.5733020

>Perhaps you are being blind :) ?

To what? The illuminati?

They kept using the word 'Cultural Marxism' without any basic grasp on what they were talking about.

>> No.5733026

Marxism doesn't equal to creation of a socialist/communist state. Its not a political ideology. It is a philosophical school, a method of analysing society.

>> No.5733028

It was a pun on the word shutter.

>> No.5733031

You cited the USSR as an example of marxism, I gave you an example that USSR can be described as a deviation fo such.

Marxism claimed that socialism wouldn't be possible in a pre captilistic society. So did the people who "created" the soviet union. If they were implementing marxism, then how could they be socialist? You've got to have one or the other m8, can't have both. Check and MATE.

I was assuming you had even the slightest grasp on marxist theory to begin with, guess I have to stop being subtle.

>> No.5733042

>I still shutter
>being blind
You cheeky cunt.

>> No.5733046

Lmao you guys keep contradicting yourselves. So marxism is an economic system, then it's not an economic system, then it's a political system, then it's not a political system. Make up your minds already.

>You cited the USSR as an example of marxism
Where did I do that?

>> No.5733056

Between the lines m8. You can't claim every attempt of marxism has failed, and then ignore the russian revolution.
It's impossible

>> No.5733062

>if marxism is an politcal system then what you said makes no sense
>hahaha you said it IS a political system

>> No.5733066

While some other guy said it was not. Hence my confusion.

>> No.5733077

You think the russian revolution was a good thing?

>> No.5733080

> So marxism is an economic system
No. Nobody has said this. It is a way of analyzing political economy.
> , then it's a political system
Nobody has said this.
> then it's not a political system
Its not.

>> No.5733081
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>tell people I'm a Kropotkinist anarcho-communist
>they assume I'm some edgelord advocating random acts of violence

>> No.5733084

Which of the four Russian revolutions inbetween 1905 and 1919 are we referring to?

>> No.5733085

no, i was saying the russian revolution was at least a wee bit marxist. Which means either your definition of socialism is wrong, or your definition of marxism is wrong

>> No.5733087

>tell people I like to suck cock
>they assume I'm some sort of faggot

>> No.5733097

The bolshevik one

Not failed in the sense that they failed to gain power. Failed in the sense that they failed to provide a better alternative to capitalist societies.

>> No.5733107

> The bolshevik one
It provided a better state in general than the 1905 revolution and the February revolution. It is impossible to say whether Bolsheviks provided better state than the anarchist revolution would have, had it succeeded.

I would say that Bolshevik revolution increased to quality of living in Russia on long term, albeit reduced it on short term due to civil war hijinks.

>> No.5733112

and given that marxism stated that you can't bring about socialism from a pre captilistic society you're either misreading marxism or misreading socialism.

Also, bit off topic, but Im not sure the russian revolution can be dismissed willy nilly in regards to "progress".

Life expectancy rose, and russia, despite being a feudal country with one trainline became a superpower within 15 years or so years.

Not saying it was good or even worth it given the abuses that went on there, just that it's not all that black and white. To put an example, Hitlers decision to refuse to pay back the reparations for WW1, helped the german economy to some degree, even if you agree the quazi keynesian policies did more harm.

>> No.5733119

and you know the hollocaust thing

>> No.5733121
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say he's the santa claus of political theory
>yfw it fits too well

>> No.5733134
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>I would say that Bolshevik revolution increased to quality of living in Russia on long term, albeit reduced it on short term due to civil war hijinks
Imperial Russia would have eventually industrialized. It would have done so more slowly, but more organically.

Soviet Russia was a giant with clay feet. It industralized quickly, but at an atrocious human cost.

>> No.5733138

i said that, but also life expentacy rose.

If you were to put it all into a calculator, they were much better off, just with no agency witch doesnt justify it

>> No.5733143

They are revisionist, just because they yell out "revisionist" the most doesn't mean they own the use of the term to describe different ideologies. They just hijacked it. The term revisionist originally referred to social democrat who betrayed socialism. Stalinists betrayed socialism, and their totalitarian states have reformist "planning" which mirrors the idea of social democracy. except the planned economy only ends up benefiting the bureaucratic elite

>> No.5733146

>i said that, but also life expentacy rose.
Life expectancy rose all over the world. It had nothing to do with soviet policies.

>> No.5733151

Also Stalinist states historically had right-wing values and oppressive social systems in place.

They were not socially progressive.

>> No.5733159

> Imperial Russia would have eventually industrialized.
Yet the imperial Russia had already been lost in February revolution, and nobody knows the long term prospects of Provisional Government. Judging based on its agrarianism, factionalism and relative strength of military, I believe that it could have had a trajectory similar to Nationalist China which partly industrialized in 30s without the human cost, but lost its merits soon in foreign invasion.

>> No.5733186

>Marxism is not a philosophy. The central thread of Marxism is historical materialism, which is a dialectic method of both historical and contemporary analysis. What Marx understood by communism or "scientific socialism" was the application of historical materialism to the study of the struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie.

>The materialist conception of history is not an ideology and does not include a political dogma; only when this method is applied to a material struggle (for example, that between proletarians and bourgeois) does it offer any theoretical direction. From this, you can see it is a critical dialectic, offering no positive content that cannot be found in the historical process being analyzed or in other processes discovered to condition the original process.

>In short, Marx did not practice any sort of positive philosophy, but critiqued the existing ideology of system-creating philosophers. Marx neither created nor attempted to create a philosophical or political system of his own, and later attempts to do this in the name of Marx must be regarded as antithetical the the critical method of Marx himself.

>I really hope this is the last time I have to post something like this.

It never is the last time.

For a general outline of historical materialism and scientific socialism:


Pay special attention to the prefaces.

For a basic explanation of the economic roots of class struggle:


Watch carefully how Marx establishes the theory of value and explains the modifications it undergoes in appearance under the pressures of competition.


Look! Look! A Galleanist! Hey, anarchist, where's your bomb? Careful not to blow off your hands, silly wrecker!

>> No.5733198
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>waahh wahh, my perfectly idealist version of Marxism that has never been TRULY tried before would totally work guys, I s-swear

What is the fucking point? There is zero reason in being idealist and arguing about what ifs because IN THE REAL WORLD it will just end up like USSR 2.0

>> No.5733202

If only, if only.

>> No.5733232

> wahh wass
> strawman
> whats the point
> zero reason
> in the real world
> it will just end up like
pure ideology

>> No.5733309

As opposed to the totally open-minded and non-ideological point of view of marxists, amirite?

>> No.5733354

>be fat autistic slavaboo who poses with fake Soviet uniforms and Mosin Nagants in between rounds of shitposting on a Cambodian flipbook imageboard discussion website, who pretends to have conducted exhaustive studies of socialist philosophy when in fact I have only skimmed enough of the Manifesto to get a tl;dr understanding of Marxism
>people assume I'm the average modern Marxist

>> No.5733686

Royalists didn't think republics could work... They still don't. The counterrevolutionaries are still trying to push us back to their ideal government, be it monarchy, imperial, fascist, oligarchy, plutocratic or whatever.

We have moved this far away from that (to the proverbial left) and have suffered only the strains of trying to maintain our advances.
Could Marxism work?? I don't care. Can we just democratize the workplace now? Can we get private money out of politics? Can we stop crying about Stalin and the Soviets?

>> No.5733900

but that's what it means

>> No.5733914

>>be fat autistic slavaboo who poses with fake Soviet uniforms and Mosin Nagants in between rounds of shitposting on a Cambodian flipbook imageboard discussion website, who pretends to have conducted exhaustive studies of socialist philosophy when in fact I have only skimmed enough of the Manifesto to get a tl;dr understanding of Marxism
>>people assume I'm the average modern Marxist
they are right

>> No.5733970
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>tell people I'm marxist
>tell people I'm a materialist
>obviusly I'm a idealism
That's how i roll

>> No.5735529


That's the joke you goober

>> No.5735549

>tell people I'm gay but not a faggot
>leftists call me "internally oppressed" when I try to explain there's a difference

Life would be easier if I was straight, but not for the reasons liberals think.