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/lit/ - Literature

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5729400 No.5729400 [Reply] [Original]

I can't think of a more artistic novel, can you?

>> No.5729401

define artistic

>> No.5729405


What the fuck has happened to this board over the last few months?

>> No.5729425

Everyone finally understands how great Thomas Pynchon is.

>> No.5729576

define months

>> No.5729589

Since gamergate and the celeb nudes 4chan has absorbed a huge amount of newfaggots from the more friendly, epic meme parts of the internet. The mods also wants all the so-called edgy oldfags to leave, and would prefer 4chan to just become an epic meme generator than the Internet Hate Machine. If you don't believe me go talk to the mods in #4chan rizon about it until you get banned.

>> No.5729598

/lit/ has always loved Pynchon?

literally nothing you just said it even remotely correct. Why don't you take a seat kid

>> No.5729608

Thank you based PT Anderson *tee hee*

>> No.5729609

You are massively ignorant and can literally confirm this yourself, but you're a lazy faggot so you're going to assert your lack of knowledge. Just shut up.

>> No.5729611
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>getting riled this easily
No you shut up

>> No.5729673

I don't that's the original problem

Nothing is wrong with the thread

But since it's probably the 10th Pychon thread it's meme tier and 4chan has alot of lame NEETs and board culture fit in tryhards from the weaboo and video game boards leaking out and the only way they know how to communicate is through repeating memes so here we are

>> No.5729682

Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus Christ you Americans are so stupid and uncultured.

>> No.5729695

>this eager to frame everything in terms of nationalistic dichotomies
Your insecurity is showing, mate

>> No.5729727

Define, 'define'.

>> No.5729743

/lit/ has this weird crowd of anti-Americans

like some autism obsession, it's not the /int/ banter I'm used to

>> No.5729982

it's a mostly American board, what do you expect