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File: 78 KB, 414x275, the-home-based-workout-overrated-2758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5725984 No.5725984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think working out is an anti-intellectual activity, /lit/ ? what the fuck ?

>> No.5725991

inb4 shirtless mishima

>> No.5725992

Fuck off, pleb

>> No.5725996

I work out, but I have to admit (and so do you) that a shocking majority of the guys who lift are some dumb, dumb motherfuckers.

If you see a bunch of retards doing something, that thing becomes a "thing" retards do.

>> No.5725998

Nobody here thinks it's anti-intellectual, we only oppose valuing the body over the mind. We'd rather be a Stephen Hawking than a wrestling star.

>> No.5726001

Nobody thinks that.
but gulping roids and looking the dumbass like your OP pic is aesthetically rather anti-intellectual

>> No.5726002

The act of working out is anti-intellectual because I would say you're not really using your intellect while you work out. I mean motivating yourself might be intellectual, but only barely?

If you mean intellectuals don't work out, I'd disagree with you; and if I was forced to agree, I'd say it's because they spend more time reading or doing other intellectual things.

>> No.5726008

Because I know people that drink bull semen because it has protein in it.

>> No.5726010

the two things aren't mutually exclusive, you can be swole and still be intelligent you know

>> No.5726015
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>> No.5726029
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Intellectual activity is related to the mind. Working out is for the body, not the mind.

If you are one of those /fit/fags who lifts all day and never read then pls go.

>> No.5726050

I don't think it is, because it gives you knowledge of your body as well helping you think more clearly

>> No.5726063

Who thinks that?

>> No.5726067

Being a troglodyte closeted gay pussy boi with a self esteem issue is in fact anti-intellectual.

>> No.5726075

Have you heard Floyd Mayweather try to read?

That's why.

>> No.5726076

since when this whole ebin maymay of "becoming an übermensch, the manliest of all" started?
I've seen way too much of this shit in /fit/.

>> No.5726078

lacking use of intellect isn't anti-intellectual as asocial isn't anti-social

you can, but as there's limited time in each day most of us would rather spend it reading or shitposting on 4chan

>> No.5726091
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>I exercise regularly

>> No.5726095

being a gym moron is slave morality

>> No.5726103


Only retards think exercising is anything but great to the brain.

>> No.5726134


LET ME REDIRECT YOU: http://www.reddit.com/r/justneckbeardthings


>> No.5726137
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>I redirect people to reddit

>> No.5726139

>Intellectual activity is related to the mind. Working out is for the body, not the mind.

Describe your feelings when you are BTFO like a gay man's asshole.

>> No.5726148

trololol u got him good

>> No.5726155

lmao how insecure are you?
Do you even know what does intellectual activity means?
I've seen many faggots like you posting on /fit/ saying that you just need to lift. Have you even read those websites?
Seems not. Now back to your home made gym.

>> No.5726156

just like the le may may hat of winning internet arguments :->

>> No.5726162

>working out is for the body, not for the mind
>this is a literal quote of you
>all this backpedaling

>> No.5726164

I don't, I like to work out but unfortunately I don't have gym access ATM. curling 30's at home and pushups/doorchinups and body weight squats + walking.

>> No.5726166

this is like a /pol/ or /b/ thread

>> No.5726173

Do you even know what the fuck does working out means?
Working out is for the body. That it helps for an unknown reason (thata reason isn't even specified in your retarded sources) to the mind is a secondary effect.
are you retarded?

>> No.5726176

no one gives a shit about your desperate vanity you attentionwhores. keep your stupidity on /fit/

>> No.5726206

I don't know what backwards shithole you live in, in America working out covers all forms of exercise, not that a fucking communist would understand that

>> No.5726214

Kek. I hope you aren't being serious.
>mfw you are serious
>mfw I have no face

>> No.5726219

oh god this is the best. when little beta faggots say shit like "i-i just dont care about the material world, i only care about the pursuits of the mind! y-yeah, that's it!" put the xbox controller down and pick up some weights, faggot.

>> No.5726226

Not that it matters, "working out" in your sense is still healthy and you're a vapid retard if you don't know this.

Google "health benefits of lifting" while I laugh as you become blown out like Bono

>> No.5726229

And how the fuck is that an intellectual activity? It isn't. Accept the fact that you are doing nothing but lifting.

I bet you are one of those retards who believe in the whole alpha male meme.

>> No.5726242

Anyone got that post about Socrates being ripped as shit?

>> No.5726256

Everything that improves your general health improves your mind, idiot

I bet you think lifting means injecting steroids and eating nothing but protein shake and hitting the gym 4 hours a day

>> No.5726271

top post

>> No.5726314

>he thinks it doesn't
You literally don't even lift brah

>> No.5726315

I think there is some confusion here between an activity not being an intellectual pursuit, and an activity actively being anti-intellectual.

>> No.5726338

Have you ever studied the mechanics of a squat? It's pretty complicated.

People who 'work out' aren't doing shit, actually training and making long term progress is an intellectual activity as you have to process a lot of information and be able to cypher out the shit information. Unless you have a coach, then you don't have to know shit.

Also, having a heavy ass weight on your back for the first time and having no one by yourself to get it up once you go down is a pretty enlightening experience.

>> No.5726347
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>he's a dualist

The body and mind are one, shitlord.

>> No.5726351

>not knowing that mind and body are the same fucking thing

Cmon guys, this is only the first stage to enlightenment, you gotta do better

>> No.5726357
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>I gotta get in shape. Too much sitting has ruined my body. Too much abuse has gone on for too long. From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups. There will be no more pills, no more bad food, no more destroyers of my body. From now on will be total organization. Every muscle must be tight.

Does the Travis Bickle workout work?

>> No.5726363

I don't know, when I work out i can't read after it, i just end too lightminded to do any serious thinking.

>> No.5726371

The only distinction you've made is "people who do things poorly do things poorly" and "people who do things well do things well"

>> No.5726384

Squatting is not an especially complicated lift. You can keep working on hip flexibility to improve it, sure, but the movement itself is a very intuitive one. Surely the clean and jerk or the snatch would be your go-to "complicated body-mechanic" lift?

Still doesn't make it intellectual, but other than autists on 4chan, who really cares?

>> No.5726388


>tfw slowly becoming travis irl

>> No.5726391

If it makes your brain foggy, then you need to breathe more heavily during lifts and afterwards, do a cool-down and relax for 30 minutes while your body calms down

One of the worst things you can do is workout without trying to "feel" your body. You need to push yourself, yes, but push yourself within your limits. Many people today are horribly underdeveloped muscularly and physically and are unwilling to admit just how shitty their body is

>> No.5726393


>> No.5726395

>this is somehow a bad thing

I've been The Underground Man for too long, might as well pack on some muscle mass and graduate to Bicklehood.

>> No.5726396


That effect wears off after 1h or so for me usually, and I can concentrate better when I exercise regularly.

>> No.5726407

Damn. Workouts sound like too much work for me. 50 pushups and 50 pullups is simple. And I wouldn't even have to leave my house to buy anything besides a bar.

>> No.5726408


>tfw recommended notes from underground to some friends, and they laughed at him as being pathetic and couldn't relate

>> No.5726412

This is what I find too. It's not as if you do a 30 minute jog and then you stop, fall into a chair and start reading. But a 30 minute jog every day, and you'll notice your general levels of cognition improve. Your mind and memory get quicker

>> No.5726418


I don't know, I have been lifting for like 5 months, and my depression hasn't got better. In fact I started having heart problems and some weird sickness because of it.

>> No.5726422

It's nowhere near as hard as you think. If you can't do that right now, you probably have tendonitis in your shoulders/arms from never doing anything and eat shitty foods

>> No.5726423
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>Raven is a member of mensa
>you are not

>> No.5726429

That's because depression and muscles aren't directly correlated

If your goal is to cure depression, then you have a lot of things you need to do. Shift diets, change daily routines, get multiples kinds of exercise

>> No.5726442

> /fit/fags who lifts all day

It doesn't take very long to work out properly just a bit every other day.

>> No.5726445

This board is not really the place to go into it, but you can have a half decent workout without a gym, using leverage in lieu of weights. Invest in a pair of gymnastics rings, and download a copy of Building the Gymnastic Body, or something. If you want more info, look at the sticky on /fit/, if I recall correctly it isn't bad. The rest of the board is a terrible place though.

>> No.5726467
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