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File: 72 KB, 367x555, twilight book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
572278 No.572278 [Reply] [Original]

So. Anyone of you actually read it and have an opinion, or you just hate it because "Not elite enough for me xD"?

>> No.572282

People don't hate it because it's not elite enough, people hate it because it's CRAP.

>> No.572285

>because it's CRAP
is that your erudite informed opinion?

>> No.572290

Did you read it and KNOW that it's crap, or you just follow the hating crowd?

>> No.572295

I found the message put forward distasteful.
Understand why it is so popular.

>> No.572297

>read it
>it is crap
>after the second book she was just juicing all her fanbase
>her writing gets worse with every word.

>> No.572299

I don't have to eat shit, to know it wouldn't taste great. This book was written by overweight woman, that should be enough.

>> No.572302

>Not elite enough for me xD

>> No.572306

If elite stands for good, then it is not elite enough for me.

>> No.572311

I haven't red it, but I'm having my analogies and suspicions ready to be realized.

Will read the first book next weekend.

>> No.572312

You don't know about how good it is until you read it, but you've chosen to be a part of mindless hating crowd.

>> No.572314

I read the first page at a library.

I already knew it was horrible.

>> No.572315

God damn it why do people think it's impossible to hate Twilight for more than the fanbase.

Its. BAD. Okay?! Son of a bitch, the book is a travesty on literature. Whereas there's mindless fun books out there, this book actually manages to be detrimental to intellectual pursuit.

And yes I read the fucking book. I read all 4 abortions. The ONLY decent parts where in the 4th book when Jacob was the narrator and when we get introduced to vampires that are actually interesting.

>> No.572321
File: 3 KB, 126x95, mainstream..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have to eat shit, to know it wouldn't taste great.
up the shut fuck, kiddo, and do never again compare a hip and urban underground pastime with that disgusting clichee-ridden tidy bourgeois girl's book

>> No.572327

How does it compare to Harry Potter?

>> No.572332

I don't hate it. I just don't have any interest in it. I have lot of books to read that actually interest me. I just don't give a fuck, if you like it - good for you.

>> No.572335

>Anyone of you actually read it and have an opinion

I do. It sucks.

>> No.572336
File: 18 KB, 500x333, 1254170936336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's shit.

Really, it is. This isn't just a case of OMG IT'S POPULAR, THEREFORE IT SUCKS. It's just fucking bad. When your books have Mary Sues, wish fulfillment, protagonists with no personality, events that make no sense, and more misogyny than was thought possible from a woman, then your books are terrible.

Pic related if you think Twilight is legitimately good.

>> No.572340

same, i felt it was sufficient to judge the series and did not want to waste more life on it

>> No.572343

The opening paragraph is about the color of the sky and Bella's clothes.

It's pretty easy to tell that it's going to be a terrible book if all Meyer can think of as the opener is Bella's stupid fucking sweater.

>> No.572346

have you ever tried scat?

>> No.572349

Go back to /d/. Thank you.

>> No.572357

I read four books of it. It's wish-fullfillment taken to an extreme, targeted at young american girls primarily.

The writing is atrocious, and the story is ridiculous, but I've never felt more like an average american teenage girl. (And I'm a european man.)

>> No.572358

you call twilight crap without having ever tasted either?

>> No.572359

I read all four books on principle alone: I will not criticize something if I haven't read it.

Twilight was shitty, but readable. New Moon was the best of the four, if you can ignore Bella's whining. Eclipse was less shitty than Twilight, and Breaking Dawn fucking SUCKED.

My dislike of the whole thing stems from the messages it sends, the unrealistic way it depicts love, the horrid writing itself. That being said, I see how they suck you in, the same way I understand how romance novels suck in women, even if I don't have it happen. They portray this man who is willing to do everything for the woman he loves, who is devoted and who is "perfect". Bella is a hollow character that anyone can slip into and feel like. Edward is an overly-idealized man who any woman should theoretically love.

I honestly found him creepy and disturbing, and Bella a horrible self-insertive Mary Sue, but I can see how women who might not have the best relationships, if they have one, can get into it. It's pretty much relationship porn for them, because most women want a handsome, rich, caring man to fall for them and take care of them. It's escapism, even if it is fairly unhealthy.

>> No.572368

nigga, please

>> No.572372

>The writing is atrocious, and the story is ridiculous, but I've never felt more like an average american teenage girl. (And I'm a european man.)
Rejoice! Euro men do have a kink for our girls - take R.Polanski or Nabokov. Lolita was an American girl.

>> No.572373

My point exactly. Best part is, without the vampires and werewolves, this probably would have slipped under the radar.

Despite her inability to write something good, you have to applaud the success she's managed to drag out of this literary abortion.

>> No.572376

just like your parents did with you :3

>> No.572380

>and more misogyny than was thought possible from a woman
what misogyny? THIS IS A MAN's WORLD! The dumbfuck feminism from 1968 just doesn't world. It throws you out into the streets. Twilightesque joy over an anal pounding is the only modus operandi that is left to women short of a feminist world revolution.

>> No.572381

Poorly written with laughably bad relationship advice for any young women who reads it.

Basicly teaches you he only hits you because he loves you.

>> No.572383


Was it Mark Twain who said that if something is liked by many, many people, it likely wasn't very good?

>> No.572391

so THAT'S WHY democracy doesn't work very well!

>> No.572395

not who you were talking to but: http://hicsuntleones.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-Analysis-149008984.

Scroll to the bottom of the essay, it details the misogyny within Twilight.

>> No.572400

OP is a fag. We've had loads of these shit "have you actually read it hurr durr durr" threads.

>> No.572408

Read it, Edward was fun when he was insulting Bella. Otherwise, pretty bad. Its okay. But not high literature or even passible for popular modern novels. Dan Brown is better on all accounts even if his is a bit of fan fiction too.

>> No.572412

My feelings exactly. I read all four books, and describe it to men as porn for teenage girls. It's pure escapism.

I frankly don't see anything wrong with it. Porn is pretty much accepted these days, and escapism not only sells, but is kind of fun once in awhile.

Who takes these books seriously? Bodice-rippers sell by the truckload, and no one is salivating with hate over those ubiquitous things. It's pretty obvious fantasy, and that's about it.

>> No.572415

and how many people like mark twain? heh

joking. i think twain is one of the bigger and best influences on modern lit.

>> No.572418

It's the messages that these book send young girls that are the difference between these and bodice rippers.

>> No.572420


Most people who read bodice-rippers don't go around calling themselves Mrs. Cullen or declaring that Edward will be their husband. The mentality of the Twilight fans is what makes me rage. I know a girl I went to HS with, who is married with two kids, who regularly bemoans to me that her husband is not just like Edward, doesn't drive a Volvo, and that despite working 10 hours a day in a factory job so she can be a stay-at-home mom, doesn't make enough money to buy her a car like Bella's, and that she wants to move to the Olympic Peninsula so she can be closer to "the magic".

THAT is what I take issue with.

>> No.572427

>Who takes these books seriously?

Lots of desperate and lonely teenage girls and bored housewives.

Try going outside once in a while.

>> No.572432


The bitch whines too much, methinks. Just round them up, lock them, and feed them escapism shit. God, they give women a bad name.

>> No.572449

Not elite enough for me. If by elite you mean half-way decent. Troll.

>> No.572462

just why would i read an "it's racis" essay written by a deviant tartlet? even if i wanted i couldn't since your link doesn't work.
since you recommend it i'll trust you that you have read and comprehended their points. what holds you from telling them yourself? is your rhetorical skill not as good as that of a tartlet?

is fantasy bad just because i know a neopagan racist with a kink for drizzt do urden?

>> No.572469

at least it isn't hipster kitsch like kafka, hesse and kundera

>> No.572471

That doesn't make fantasy bad, but your choice in friends is another matter.

>> No.572474

I read it. And I hated it.

But aside from the shitty writing, I hated the way the morality waved throughout the series.

Started iff with "killing humans is bad m'kay" and by the fourth book, they admit that the vamps staying at the house are killing many humans in the nearby states or whatever and nobody gives a fuck.

Everyones too busy circle jerking to the babby.

>> No.572475 [DELETED] 

So teenage girls and bored housewives can't tell fantasy from reality?
Sounds as valid as some anti-porn arguments.

>> No.572479

this is the reason i hate these books. I read them. i did not like them, though i have read worse. it is the fan base that makes these books so horrible. i read them because a girl in my English class said how good they were.

>> No.572480


I don't need to read every book that was ever written to tell I won't like them. I don't even like vampire stories to begin with.

>> No.572485
File: 32 KB, 400x332, 1243309636920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too dumb to use a url.
Maybe you should try getting rid of the period at the end?

>what holds you from telling them yourself? is your rhetorical skill not as good as that of a tartlet?

I wrote it and uploaded it to deviant art. Posting a URL is preferable to copy/pasting fifteen pages of text every time some retard makes a Twilight thread.

>> No.572489

my choice in friends is fine. it's your reading comprehension that sucks.

>> No.572496

my niece was really into twilight, so I tried to read it. fucking mind numbing. So, I downloaded an audio version. Figured, hell, at least it's read by a women, this might be hot. I was wrong. Just high school drama with vampires. my opinion. If you like it, then fuck everyone else, man. Life's too short to be complaining and fighting people.

>> No.572497

are you too busy or too retarded to summarise your raging piece of tl;dr?

>> No.572498

Good point. I haven't seen it taken to that extreme, although I did have a friend plunge into the escapism when she divorced her husband and got a boyfriend 20 years her junior.

I wonder if these women would have found something else, though, if Twilight hadn't come along. If you're open for insanity, it doesn't take much to tip you over.

>> No.572503

I read it. It actually made me laugh out loud many times, it was so bad. I suppose I kind of enjoyed the experience.

>> No.572506

You're the one hanging out with the kid who probably thinks Wicca's real. If you know them, their religious preferences and their fetishes, you're likely friendly with them on some level.

>> No.572512

also, I thought there were two messages:
1) since edward was like a vegetarian vampire (didn't drink human blood) I kept thinking this was a subversive vegetarian book. Eating meat is morally wrong, it turns you into a monster blah blah. doing the right thing is more important than giving in and making bella a vampire too.
2) I think women like vampires because they take away the blood, as in menstrual cycle. They can empathize with were wolves because at one time of the month they have those uncontrollable emotions or what ever.

just throwing it out there. what do you think?

>> No.572518
File: 73 KB, 637x627, dumbass cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, since you're a lazy sack of shit who can't use URL links properly, I guess I can burden it upon myself to copy/paste this one paragraph of my writing.

>Bella Swan is the antithesis of a modern, female role model. She is a moody, two-faced liar, whose only positive attribute is her body (more specifically, the scent of her blood), who wants absolutely nothing in life aside from her handsome, insanely rich boyfriend; she embraces the shackles of the happy homemaker at the age of eighteen, romanticizes teenage marriage and pregnancy, her entire mental stability hinges on the emotional support of her boyfriend, who without she will and previously has gone through a complete mental breakdown. Her value as a human being, her happiness, and her sanity is measured only through her complete dependency on Edward. I couldn't paint a more insulting and misogynist portrait of the female mind than Stephanie Meyer has if I tried.

If you want concrete examples and the specifics of how I came to that conclusion, you're going to have to learn how to use URLs.

>> No.572520


Well, I actually had to stop talking to her. After a few weeks of "how horrible my life is without Edward Cullen", she starts with "don't you wish Markus was just like Edward, that sweet and loving?".

At that point I was really over it, and her insinuating I would love my boyfriend more if he were a creeper with rainbow body glitter and a Volvo SERIOUSLY put me off talking to her.

>> No.572521

I read the first three, thought they were bad. Very bad. But they worked as fanfictions, ie, schlick material. No need to get your knickers on a twist because of that.

>> No.572525

I can't get through the prologue and take it seriously. The only way it's acceptable is when you read it aloud with silly voices.

>> No.572527

So, I guess people are a little put off by the twilight series because of the fans? I kinda get that. I wasn't really getting the whole LOTR series. people dressing up. not wearing shoes. didn't really grab me.

>> No.572538

Not the guy you're replying to. >>572336 here

-Edward's behavior is the epitome of an abusive relationship and Meyer romanticizes it. Edward is jealous, controlling, and potentially violent. Meyer doesn't portray any of this as being harmful or just bad; she makes it seem wonderful and that Edward is the perfect boyfriend.

-Bella has absolutely no aspirations for her life. All she wants to do is marry Edward and be a good wife. That's it. No job, no career, no college education; just being his wife and raising his child. It's not like this novel takes place in a more restrictive period like the 1950s where being married meant that you pretty much didn't leave the kitchen (yes, I'm thinking of The Bell Jar); this is modern-day where a married woman can have some self-sufficiency and independence. Much like Edward's abusive behavior, Meyer portrays this as a good thing.

-Bella only really accomplishes three things in a matter of four novels: graduated from high school, married Edward, and gave birth to his child. Shit, Meyer romanticizes teenage pregnancy when it's anything but.

-Bella can't even function without Edward. She has complete mental and emotional breakdown because Edward dumped her. I understand that being dumped is not fun and it makes you feel like shit, but going this far? Going to the point that Bella can't even live without Edward? That she needs him to be happy at all? That's just insulting.

>> No.572540

>people dressing up. not wearing shoes

>> No.572541

I've read it. It's a decently written escapist fantasy. I can find the same stuff, written slightly worse, on the internet in two seconds.

Like previous anons have said, the book itself isn't rage worthy. It's bad as lit but fine as wistful brain candy. The issue most people have with it is the stupidity of those who don't see it for what it is and actually want to be Bella.

The value of the book hinges entirely on if you can stomach the characters. There's no, "I hated Edward but I can see what Meyer was doing with him." It's much too shallow for anything like that.

>> No.572544

I read all four books.
I dearly wished to have my time and my money back after I was finished.

>> No.572549

I never understood why people are constantly comparing Twilight to Harry Potter. They're completely different story-wise. The only thing they've got going for them is they both are going through/have gone through a surge in popularity and Robert Pattinson had a small role in one of the HP movies.
It's like comparing apples to oranges imo.

>> No.572553

>If you want concrete examples and the specifics of how I came to that conclusion, you're going to have to learn how to use URLs.
There's absolutely no need to do it seeing how much of a retard you are by your text. Enjoy you virgin christian-feminist vagina, prudish mormon bitch.

>Bella Swan is the antithesis of a modern, female role model.
read up on dialectics, stupid whore. the modern female role model does have obvious flaws which have to be negated by people like stephanie meyer.
>She is a moody, two-faced liar,
well, well, well, so your liberated modern woman should stick to medievalish christian virtues? when is your 13th birthday, bitch? wait till it strucks and get back here. your idiocy is pathetic.
>whose only positive attribute is her body (more specifically, the scent of her blood), who wants absolutely nothing in life aside from her handsome, insanely rich boyfriend;
as opposed to what? what are you, bitch, doing in life? seeing that you're here I somehow doubt you're doing engineering to sustain yourself, you fucking hypocrite.
>she embraces the shackles of the happy homemaker at the age of eighteen, romanticizes teenage marriage and pregnancy,
and what do you suggest instead, prudish communsit-wannabe bitch? what's wrong about marriage and
>her entire mental stability hinges on the emotional support of her boyfriend, who without she will and previously has gone through a complete mental breakdown.
if you want to keep your man you have to know when and how to bitch around, bitch.

>> No.572554


>Her value as a human being, her happiness, and her sanity is measured only through her complete dependency on Edward.
this is a man's world, bitch. untill there's a feminist revolution we do depend on men. there is a photographer, R.C.Hörsch, he does make pictures of the starved syphilic whores who populate atlanta. Is that your modern antithesis to bourgeois marriage for women?
>I couldn't paint a more insulting and misogynist portrait of the female mind than Stephanie Meyer has if I tried.
That's because you are a retard. You evidently couldn't do anything save spouting hollow nonsense rhetorics.

>> No.572560


Because they're both close in release dates and extraordinarily popular.

>> No.572566
File: 92 KB, 679x516, discution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell me you are trolling, because i cant believe that someone is really arguing with you.

>> No.572580
File: 96 KB, 277x386, 1264813569515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn. How far your tampon's went in this time?

Seriously, this is still the internet. No need to go on a full-on rage because you're too lazy to read a tiny essay.

tl;dr for you since you love it so much.

>> No.572586

Stephanie, shouldn't you be off writing another novel?

>> No.572588

Ah! another whore! why do you even come here, bitch!? if you want agreement, stay in your adult kindergarden that is woman's studies. This and die.

>> No.572589

I read all four. To me the biggest draw back is the fact she wrote them all in first person. The first three are written in first person as Bella. The last book is written in first person as the three main characters Edward, Jacob, and Bella (separated into "books"). For me, it made me slightly confused since I was so used to reading the books as Bella. The forth book was a neat idea but poorly executed.

The writing in general is awful. At times she uses very corny teen-like words, such as, dazzle. Other times I could swear she wrote a sentence and then took a thesaurus and replaced simple words with intricate ones, all in some sort of weird need to make the books look more sophisticated and intelligent. To me, it is a teen romance vampire novel attempting to be a classic work of literature but trying not to stray too hard from what it is intended to be.

To be con't

>> No.572590

con't from >>572589

The content is questionable. Yes, both male leads come of as abusive, overprotective, and stalker-ish. I realize at one point, as a teenager, I saw those exact types of guys as perfect, protective loving boyfriends. Meyer plays to this need and want by the reader of such, by overshadowing their flaws with beauty, smarts, talents, etc. Bella comes of as flat but she is written so the reader can self insert. Don't want to make Bella too intelligent or the less intelligent girls won't be able to see themselves as Bella. Same with the pretty girls. Make her average at everything and give her a not-a-flaw flaw and everyone can be Bella. So she comes off as nothing special if you don't self insert.

Honestly, if you read Twilight expecting it to be what it is, a teen romance novel, then that's what you get. It can be fun and humorous read as long as you see it as such. There is nothing deep about the story. The characters are not special. It's series of books written by a woman who honestly, can't write well and it was written for teens.

Though anyone who is pissed about the way the mythology of vampires is handled... They have every right to be pissed.

Sorry for the long opinion.

>> No.572609
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>> No.572610

This is /lit/, not the angry virgin misogynist club. Act like an adult and stop writing like a tool. No one is impressed with your comments. No one thinks they're funny. You will never meet a woman who likes you. Sorry.

>> No.572615

>you're too lazy to read a tiny essay.
by the quoted dumb conclusion it is evident that the author has the talent and mind of an average deviantart user. I'd rather read de Sade's Justine than this moronic American teenager's drivel.

>> No.572623
File: 1.03 MB, 900x1302, korean laughs at youre math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too fucking funny. I feel like I'm really talking to a fan of Twilight. You rely entirely on ad hominem insults, and all the arguments you've made I've already refuted in the essay which you've neglected to read.

>stupid whore.
>when is your 13th birthday, bitch? wait till it strucks and get back here. your idiocy is pathetic.
>what are you, bitch, doing in life?
>prudish communsit-wannabe bitch?
>you are a retard.

I'm saving your response just because it's so god damn funny.

This pyramid is an accurate representation of you. You're on the bottom.

>> No.572624

it's still dumb since substance-wise they're not that alike.

>> No.572626

If you're going to reply to the toll at least sage.

>> No.572628

Interesting blood theory. I have to admit I kept wondering why Bella never went on the rag. Guess that would have been tooooo complicated.

>> No.572629
File: 19 KB, 489x493, Heath Ledger is dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather read de Sade's Justine than this moronic American teenager's drivel.

U mad.

>> No.572630

I am so fucking confused. Why is a Twilight fan, by definition a lover of fucked-up Mormon sexual values, insulting someone else by calling them Mormon?

>> No.572635

Obviously, but most people are stupid, so there you go.
>not the angry virgin misogynist club

You mean /v/ and /a/?

>> No.572641

You know why you just said that? Because you cannot bring up anything against the arguments. The only thing that you can do is crying, pointing a finger at me, and calling me a virgin nerd from /b/, dumbfuck.
Western university Feminism is the greatest waste of paper known to mankind! Stephanie Meyer is the only true feminist to be even close to this thread.

>> No.572651
File: 135 KB, 400x400, twilight fan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So guys you you hate Twilight for a reason, or are you just following the crowd?
>Here's some reasons why Twilight sucks, I came to these conclusions after reading the book.

>> No.572652
File: 1.22 MB, 1024x768, Hellsing 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the characterization of a family of immortal mother fuckers that feed on blood n shit is a big problem for me. specially the part where one of them who is a hundred n something years old and can read minds falls in love with an average looking mildly socially retarded introvert.

pic related: what immortal doods who need blood in order to exist would be like if they where real

>> No.572655
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You know, you're really amusing. I know I speak for the others when I say, thank you for the laughs.

>> No.572658

I bet you cry after masturbating and have never touched real breasts.

>> No.572663
File: 360 KB, 330x178, 340x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a sad, strange little man, and I pity you.

Never thought I would be inspired to quote Toy Story, but these are strange times.

>> No.572665

read that dumbfuck american baptist girl "feminist"'s essay:
>She is a moody, two-faced liar, whose only positive attribute is her body
She was obviously the troll itt. She wasn't even a she, it was a grown neckbeard who quoted this moronic essay to troll lit

>> No.572676

Every word in your post is an English word, but I don't understand what the hell it's supposed to mean.

>> No.572678

I don't need to masturbate because don't take the feminism out of an American baptist's mouth. I am a two-faced lying whore. Hate me, Hitler.

>> No.572694

are you a troll or a retard? I'll hope for the latter and will elaborate:

Here is a novel that presents us a woman who makes the best of her life. And what do you do?
You call her a liar and a traitor to the feminist cause. Why? Because she didn't follow your brand of virtue ethics that would have lead to a life in squalor.

I don't even know why I would be wasting time on a dumb teen like yourself. I'm guessing I'm just nice today.

>> No.572700

But I just joined this thread...

>> No.572701
File: 25 KB, 400x400, psychotic fundamendalist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. This made my day. Your seething hatred, irrationality, and inability to create a counter-argument brings a smile to my face.

>> No.572708

whatever, samefag

>> No.572709
File: 146 KB, 688x330, you are a dunce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You call her a liar and a traitor to the feminist cause. Why? Because she didn't follow your brand of virtue ethics that would have lead to a life in squalor.

Well, clearly you didn't read the essay and you're jumping to conclusions. The essay provides examples from the text of Bella being lying, manipulative, moody, and irrational. But I guess you can't be bothered to read arguments, it's so much easier to just say "bitch, bitch, you whore, stupid bitch, come back when you're 13 years old."

>> No.572711

what has become of /lit/?
why don't you recognize that twilight is just good?

>> No.572724


sure is closed minds in here

>> No.572726
File: 11 KB, 125x125, 1269477900403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: butthurt twifags who want to justify their obsession and who defend themselves via poor counter trolling

>> No.572731

>stupid whore.
>when is your 13th birthday, bitch? wait till it strucks and get back here. your idiocy is pathetic.
>what are you, bitch, doing in life?
>prudish communsit-wannabe bitch?
>you are a retard.

Wait a second. Who's the closed minded person here?

>> No.572734
File: 118 KB, 1024x663, RcPio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Thread summary

>> No.572736

>The essay provides examples from the text of Bella being lying, manipulative, moody, and irrational.
Well? The modern woman shan't lie and shan't manipulate the man? And you are angry because I call you by your name you stupid baptist feminist wannabe?

>> No.572742

moar liek twidykes

>> No.572749

@all the twilight haterfags
what are the books with female protagonists you like?

>> No.572768

This is my final reply to you, since there is simply no reasoning with you.

>The modern woman shan't lie and shan't manipulate the man?
Not what I said. I said that the modern feminist role model should overcome misogynist and stereotypical perceptions of women. Something which Bella fails to do. If anything, she reinforces negative stereotypes of women which perpetuate misogyny further. With role models like these, further progress for the feminist cause is futile because it paints such an ugly portrait of women.

This is all addressed in the essay which you refuse to read for some reason.

>> No.572783

He watched her as she slept from a window in her room. How the fuck is that romantic? I agree wholeheartedly with your statement that Edward is creepy.

>> No.572789

Twilight is average at best, piss poor at worst. The fanbase has caused me to loath the work though and the massive amount of women that fawn after Edward just prove that women love it when you abuse them and treat them like shit.

>> No.572803
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I'm thinking she can't read any type of walls of text.

Notice her short answers and chopped up paragraph seen in >>572518 turned into >>572553.

Apparently, there is no such thing as cohesion perception in this person's reading abilities.

>> No.572820

>I'm thinking she can't read any type of walls of text.

Then how the fuck did she read Twilight in the first place?

In all seriousness, you're probably right. Twilight's target audience never wasn't much for thems who do book learnin'

>> No.572821

I actually read it. I did a masters degree on horror literature and have an interest in keeping up to date with the genre.

What can I say? Its badly written, clichéd, derivative of much better books (mostly rips off Anne Rice) and has a really obvious nasty fundamentalist Mormon anti-sex subtext. Its pretty bad
Also cliched and derivative, but much, much better written and much more engaging.
I concur. Only skimmed the essay but it seems fairly accurate.

>> No.572823

Your drivel would so much easier to understand if you would provide an alternative, praiseworthy plot or role model or stereotype. Nobody can understand your point as of now, you seem to be saying two mutually exclusive things:
On the one side you say she portrays the female gender as manipulative rich vampire's whores - that's stereotyping
On the other you claim she tells the girls to be moody and loyal towards their men - that's a bad role model.

The only impression I get is that you're trying to rationalise your irrational hate towards this masterpiece because it was written by a woman for a change. You're that obedient to males. And to the bible ("ye shan't lie").

>> No.572830

>this masterpiece

Your argument just went out the window.

>> No.572832

>You're that obedient to males. And to the bible ("ye shan't lie").

Oh yeah, fuck being honest. Who does that anymore, amirite?

>> No.572838

Being honest will get you crushed if don't have any power and today's western women don't.

>> No.572843

The women must be thaught being machiavelli. Because fighting the patriarchy will get you killed or turn you into a hypocrite.

>> No.572847

>Nobody can understand
>Everybody except me can understand
Fixed for you. No need to thank me.

>> No.572848
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Twilight fans need to stop trying to rationalize with trolls. Internet 101.

>> No.572853

well go ahead and explain what the fuck this dimwit meant!

It is an antithesis to the modern woman's rolemodel because the modern liberated women should not manipulate and whore around? Sorry but if you can understand this drivel, you too must be an American baptist having a wildly warped concept of woman's liberation movement.

>> No.572857

I know I shouldn't be shocked that a Twilight thread can get this terrible, but I am.

>> No.572858

who's trolling whom?

>> No.572860

>western women don't have any power

I'm sorry, are we in the dark ages still? Western women certainly do have a lot of fucking power, certainly more than women in the middle east, certainly a lot more than they had fifty years ago. Women can wear pants, vote, get any job they choose (even if they choose to join the army!), they can walk around outside by themselves or with other girls instead of being escorted by men everywhere, they no longer have to strictly adhere to rules of femininity, they can discuss politics and not be scoffed at and they can be politicians. Jesus, have you been living under a rock for the past fifty years?

>> No.572867

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.572868

So wearing pants is what woman's liberation is about to you? You're everything that's wrong with western feminism.

>> No.572873

care to elaborate?

>> No.572877


You're still at the bottom.

>> No.572879

this is a man's world.

either you marry edward cullen or you get crushed, hypocrits.

>> No.572885

cry me a river bitch. that's obviously the only thing you can do.

>> No.572895

I guess you have to differentiate. Its not like women don't have any power. But they are still discriminated against. For examply in most jobs they get paid less for the same work men do. In the upper ranks you find only a few women among a vast majority of men.
Apart from that, womens rights in the west did basically explode during the 20th century.
Its a matter of society, especially the preferred image of family. In the US the ideal that is still deemed ideal is the "neolocal core family" as Parsons described it in the fifties (providing husband, stay home mum, kids, living seperated from their respective families due to the husbands job). But that could be found only in a very short period of time, the fifties, and even then it applied only to roughly 50% of the population. This ideal is part of the reason why women aren't just discriminated against in the workplace but are pressured to fullfill the role of the caring housewife as well as having to work a job because it is economically necessary to support the family.

>> No.572898


If you can't understand it after this long then I don't think it's remotely possible to let logical ideas into your brain right now. Far too narrow minded.

>> No.572903

>certainly more than women in the middle east
Iran and China do have a higher percentage of female science students than the west. That and not the pants you're wearing, is woman's liberation.
You have no choice but to "adhere to the rules of feminity" because the West belongs to males. It's just that your feminity today also includes pseudofeminist psychobabble.

>> No.572906
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Let me tell you a story. There was this guy Hercules. He had to clean out a horse stable because he pissed off some gods or something. It doesn't matter why he had to do it, he just did. So this horse stable is full of horse shit, right. It's completely full of it. Shit is fucking everywhere, and there's no way in hell Hercules could hope to get that shit out of there in a timely manner (or at all). So he decides to divert a fucking river through the building and wash all the shit away. So that's what he does. He diverts the river and runs the whole goddamn waterway through this building to wash away all the shit. Afterward, the stable is almost usable, and Hercules was happy.

Now, the reason I told you this story is because your head is that horse stable. What you need to do is run a river through your goddamn head, because it's so hopelessly full of shit that there's no fucking salvaging that mess without some divine intervention.

Once you've done this, come back and talk with us. Until then, get the fuck out.

>> No.572912

trolls trolling trolls ITT
and you smell of vagina

>> No.572918

>another daft anon confusing feminism with women's liberation, oh my

>> No.572920

>Apart from that, womens rights in the west did basically explode during the 20th century.
Who told you that? FOXNews? All walks of life are dominated by the male. Yes, the man does not batter the wife as often as he did before but she is still the slave, a slave, to quote de Beauvoir, who's locked in a golden cage.
You can pretend you're free by wearing pants or you make the best out of it like did Bella.

>> No.572927

>or you make the best out of it like did Bella.

What exactly did Bella do to prove that she was "free" from male society? I'm curious.

>> No.572930

erm, did you read anything else I wrote in that post? And I don't even remotely care about twilight.

In fact, I am as indifferent to that topic as it gets.

nice try, tho

>> No.572965

You're clearly delusional.

>> No.572969

I'm still hoping she responds to this.

>> No.572999

she pursues her happiness with no regard to your "feminist" and christian dogmas you lay out in your essay.

In a better world we would be the tough vampires, but sadly, we're not. Reading american highschool pamphlets on abusive relationship won't help us in an any way.

>> No.573013

i <3 twilight ^^

>> No.573016

"Not elite enough for me xD"

>> No.573021

>she pursues her happiness with no regard to your "feminist" and christian dogmas you lay out in your essay.

So Bella frees herself from a male dominated society by being happy that she is subservient to an abusive boyfriend and by being happy that she has no aspirations beyond being subservient?

You're a feminist by happily choosing not to be a feminist?

Makes perfect sense.

>> No.573022

i have read it and disliked it. I have read all the books in the series( It's not a saga, check dictionary)
http://www.comicsalliance.com/2010/03/17/twilight-drinking-game/ that says everything

>> No.573027


>> No.573223

to you feminism means pants and christian virtues, to me it is a conscious and pragmatic approach to my sexuality and my relationships with men.
to me you are a "fake feminist", or a "western feminist". A proper feminist is someone who reads Prankhurst, Zetkin, August Bebel, Kollontai. Fake feminists to me are people who talk about pants and demand to ban books for no reason at all.
In the USA what became to be called "the feminists" in the public are some sort of a second catholic church. they have their set of quite simplistic dogmae (women are awsome) from which they will derive any position you pay them for.
you get justifications for imperialist aggression, for reactionary politics and general blunt nonsense moralism which is degrading the feminist cause in my eyes.
I blame the rule of media. The west is obsessed with the superficial.
"Who cares that in the USA more teenage girls are forced by conditions into prostitution than in all of western europe? Who cares that baptists and mormons enslave their women from birth? Let us wear pants and degenderise language instead."

>> No.573247

I have nothing to say to that except: good for you.

why aren't you more happy about the fact that you aren't retarded?

>> No.573277

>why aren't you more happy about the fact that you aren't retarded?
I'm terribly happy and I spread the joy by praising twilight.

>> No.573283


>implying that there is anything wrong with prostitution


>> No.573301

Prostitution isn't reasonable, it kills.
That's why I like Twilight.

>> No.573304


>it kills

A puritan AND a liar

>> No.573310

prostitution is the main cause for AIDS. It's spread in the countries and the social strata which provide most prostitutes. Twilight, propagating bourgeois boyfriendhood, is actually the long sought for cure for AIDS.

>> No.573320
File: 8 KB, 560x472, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for it to get good, but it never did.

You know that plot line you did with books in school? Well, Twilight's looks like this

>> No.573322


>prostitution the main cause
>not unprotected sex between untested individuals

>> No.573325

>Oh look it's THIS thread again.jpg

>> No.573328

>twilight cures AIDS

3/10 please troll again

>> No.573329

Fucking Mary Sues.

Bella is a Mary Sue.

Edward is one as well.

Not just one, but TWO of the main characters?


>> No.573333

So who would in a fight Buffy of Bella?

>> No.573335

it's all about the quantity and the quantity in twilight is just right. of course it's not a fine read for someone over 14 thus we can only judge it by the values it contains and propagates

>> No.573343

> twi/lit/e
> 156 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.573346


>Implying prostitution isn't a major source of income for organized crime


>> No.573370


>> No.573455



>> No.573458

Read the first one.

Loved Carlisle, hated everyone else.

>> No.573565

thats like my thoughts on the whole serise, needs moar Buffy. Buffy should go to Forks and kill the whole lot of them.

If I ever have any daughters, I'm making them all watch Buffy.

>> No.573589

When the first one came out, I loved it.
Then everyone started to like it.
Then I started to hate it after I analyzed it a bit more.


>> No.573675

You know what would've gotten Twilight five stars in my book?

As soon as she met Edward, she should've filed a restraining order on his stalkerish ass. Book over. The end. No "vampire" love story bullshit. There, I just made your shitty book a thousand times better.

>> No.573693

>168 posts
Never change /lit/

>> No.573712


>in 7 hours
Indeed, never change.

>> No.573727

Vampires were once the paramount of occult aspiration, the phantom wisp of sexually seductive demonic power. Now vampires are a laughing stock who "sparkle" in the sunlight and have passionate romances with generic homely girls. Fuck, call me archaic but my nostalgia goggles are both on and thick for any real vampire literature.

>> No.573731

"Not elite enough for me xD"?

More like too retarted for a human being.

>> No.573736

Even Hellsing (an ANIME series!!!) manages to beat twilight by miles in terms of....let's see.....EVERYTHING.

>> No.573742

f/a/g get out of here.

>> No.573745

trolling is a art, amiright?

>> No.573748

Hey! I'm just saying.......

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