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File: 32 KB, 499x382, Lit_incarnated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5721874 No.5721874 [Reply] [Original]

So, is Buddhism just a friendly death cult?

>> No.5721903

is my dick just a your mouth plugger?

>> No.5721910

I wish girls like Daria existed IRL. She would give me such a chubster if I met her.

>> No.5721916

I got a bj who looked like daria. Wasn't very good though.

>> No.5721988

no, and I encourage you to study it before shitposting. why do you conclude that it's a death cult? what does death cult mean to you? why do you hope to fit buddhism into the umbrella of death cult?

your attitude is shit m8. start from the bottom up, i know making pretentious, sweeping statements is the norm on lit but really, go forth with earnest curiosity or die the slow intellectual death of claustrophobing labels and preconceptions.

>> No.5721999

is not shitposting i am seriously curious about it.

dont be so defensive mate.

>> No.5722046

Okay, to be straightforward, mostly no. Buddhism basically plugs into indian mythologies and sciences, making significant revisions and reorienting the spirituality in some way. It asks slightly different questions about the nature of life and finding satisfaction. It's difficult to talk about Buddhism and most Eastern philosophy because much of it's significance is tied to an intricate web of schools and influences. Buddhism, in some forms, acknowledges the existence of demons and gods and is more focused on their appeasement and servitude. Others, like chan buddhism, vehemently reject much of the divine with a stubborn, insistent, indifference. It's also difficult to talk about Buddhism because it rejects it's own labels and is often iconoclastic towards itself, so while one school may stress a certain meditation, the other might dismiss the practice as frivolous at best or lethally distracting from their practice. Thus, it's really best just to take a look at a smaller slice of Buddhism that attracts you and then compare it with associated schools or one's that directly oppose it. Really, even then it's difficult to make all encompassing statements about Buddhism but at least your idea of it grows.

>> No.5722075

In short, it's a death cult in the sense that Western philosophy is a death cult.

>> No.5722125

All religion is is a comfort. It's for morons who are so scared of death that they'll believe some fat Indian prince holds the secret to enlightenment.

>> No.5722141

>fat Indian prince

u wut mate

>> No.5722148

please be a troll. you couldn't neckbeard harder if you tried.

>> No.5722150

And the 'most unintelligent post of the day' award goes to you.

>> No.5722155

the ideal for a buddhist is to embrace nothingness, that is become a living corpse. in short, yes, although some of its principles are helpful to normal people who actually want to live their lives.

>> No.5722161

Ad hominem arguments are as credible as your 'faith', I guess. It makes sense that you would use them.

>> No.5722167

Nobody reply to this guy.

>> No.5722170
File: 157 KB, 790x592, Sokushinbutsu7[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and loking good at the same time

>> No.5722433


Here's your friendly death cult OP. Segment from the Pali Cannon, one of the earliest Buddhist scriptures.

>> No.5723350

except his 'elightenment' was just suicide minus some reincarnation bullshit

if buddha was born today in 20 years he'd learn about evolution and that and he's be like fuck this 8 fold bath shit I can just kill myself to end suffering because reincarnation isn't real and then he'd jump of the san fran bridge but he wouldn't die because it's not like it's hitting concrete or anything

>> No.5723367

Tumblr is full of them.

>> No.5723373

>embrace nothingness, that is become a living corpse

You seem to have a very poor understanding of Buddhism.

>> No.5723399


>> No.5723410

enlighten me

>> No.5724724

>he'd learn about evolution and realize reincarnation isn't real
nothing about the theory of evolutions has any bearing whatsoever on reincarnation. Also, care to explain how you know that reincarnation doesn't exist?

>> No.5724816

bump this