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5721647 No.5721647[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a chick.

You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking hair and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other women. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with a moist hole between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see men, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a woman.

>> No.5721658

Thats sounds exactly like buddhism

>> No.5721662

if you're going to be a mysoginist at least be funny about it

>> No.5721665

*tips fedora*

>> No.5721679

equality is the funny meme. female inferiority is just fact throughout human existence

>> No.5721688

*autism alert*

>> No.5721690

As a woman I can say with confidence that this is inaccurate

>> No.5721691

Can we please stop the /r9k/ overlap?

>> No.5721703

that's also a nice meme. but you know i'm right.

>but women were oppressed!!!

if you can be oppressed you are inferior. simple as that. that's why poor people are inferior and that's why third world people are inferior and that's why every oppressed minority is inferior. if you're oppressed you don't have the power not to be oppressed, so you are per definition incompetent. not being able to get while you want while others do means losing and being bad at life.

>> No.5721717

and the oppressors are then "winning" at life? They're happy, sustainable, fulfilled as they oppress others?

Not really, m8. Not really.

>> No.5721725


>> No.5721729

Hello. I'm not being a white knight, I simply wish to take you out on the promenade. Would you like to go for coffee sometime?

>> No.5721730
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That's strange since there are so many females who have achieved, who are achieving, and who will achieve so much more than you could ever hope to.

>> No.5721734

he is a psychopath! xD :) let him be! :))) Emotions are 4 the weak! DEXTER! xD

>> No.5721737


>> No.5721739

I don't agree with him but you're not exactly refuting his point and you're actually kind of proving it. Maybe you should post something constructive rather than copy the memes of males you see on here.

>> No.5721742

no, most oppressors still suck at life. but there are some who don't and they're truly the master race.

so are the ones who are happy being oppressed, in a way. it's all about getting what you want, or wanting what you get.

but apart from the happiness thing, i think it's ridiculous to assume women are of equal capability as men while they have always been second rate citizens. it's merely wishful thinking.

>> No.5721743

haven't been to /lit/ in a long while, but is all the teenage sadboy horseshit from /b/ and /pol/ leaking onto this forum now? i always thought this was the one place where this sort of nonsense was minimized. i'm seeing it in other threads too.

>> No.5721745


>> No.5721748


yes that must be it. they all "fucked their way to the top." grow up already.

>> No.5721750

>posting some photos of women
>haha there are women who do things in the world!!

I don't agree with him but your arguing tactics are shit.

>> No.5721752

If you look at the reactions of women on here, you'll notice anything said against them results in crying and meme-posting. They are no different. But I agree the thread is fucking retarded and the guy who made it should hang himself.

>> No.5721754

compared to the female population, the amount of women who achieve anything is few, not many, when compared to the amount of males who achieve anything relative to the male population.

>> No.5721756

It's gotten worse in the past year or two. The sexism here is even more insidious than the kind on /pol/ or /r9k/ because these idiots actually think they're intelligent

>> No.5721765

>I'm a woman
>I'm the same guy
>Claiming oppressed groups are inherently inferior because they're oppressed
>Implying I need to provide a refutation for that
>Implying I shouldn't just deride him for making such an offensively, repugnantly stupid comment

>> No.5721766

prove to me that this "achievement" you all value so highly is a good thing

It's that "achievement" that is destroying our environment, alienating everyone, and threatening us all with nuclear holocaust

a culture of ego-driven achievement is poisonous.

>> No.5721767

I never understood this meme linking atheism to misogyny.

>> No.5721770

there is nothing to refute the guy has a picture of an inferior fat slav manlet poster on his wall

this is how the retardation chart goes

red pillers>mras>tumblrinas>>feminists>fat shamers>/pol/aks

>> No.5721771


you blame the people reacting?

>> No.5721773

>doesn't actually prove why it's stupid
>subjective opinion on why it's stupid
>would rather act childish than prove him wrong

Nah, you chose the stupid option.

>> No.5721775

there's teenage, then there's naive college idiot and then there's realistic adult. considering women generally equal to men is not the adult position, so sensible person does. people may pay lip service to the idea, but when you look at society the facts don't lie. apart from some rightful exceptions, women generally don't play important parts in anything.

tip in advance: you can't prove this wrong by posting a few exceptions to the rule.

>> No.5721776


this is a completely separate argument.

>> No.5721780

No. The guy who made the post is obviously at fault but you're only going to reinforce the opinion by acting fucking retarded and spouting memes.

>> No.5721781

fatty detected
stop stuffing your mouth

>> No.5721783

It seeps in, but /lit/ is still one of the few boards that mocks these kinds of people and stops itself from become a close-minded, misanthropic circlejerk.

>I'm not him and I don't agree with him, but you're wrong and I agree with him
Yeah, totally not samefagging there, my friendless friend.

That's true, but that's because society kept them down for a long time. Why do you think we're seeing many more female leaders and thinkers in modern times compared to the past? It's no coincidence, it's because they now have more rights and less unbalanced social responsibilities. The gap will lessen closer to 50/50 within the coming decades as it has been.

Many internet militant atheists aren't very good at making friends and therefore not very good at getting girlfriends. They then proceed to blame females, Chad, and society in general for their own shortcomings. See Elliot Rodger.

>> No.5721785

No, it really isn't.

culture v. nature
male v. female

same dichotomy, same value judgment

>> No.5721789

you can't prove preferences. but if you like living in a world with modern medicine and conveniences, this achievement is a good thing. most women tend to like life in the wild less then men, especially during childbirth.

>> No.5721794
File: 87 KB, 636x467, tumblr_ndzlym9oOv1twa7huo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is like being back at wizardchan

>> No.5721795

I never said I agree with him. Why are you changing my opinion to fit your argument? You're stupid.

>> No.5721796

>use the term fat in a derogatory way
>fatty detected

the avarage /fit/ subhumans that frequent this board and they are swarming nowadays


jesus christ

>> No.5721800

consider that the culprit of this "achievement gap" is the society which limits women from being successful in a myriad of ways. not unlike the way it treats minorities. the class ceiling, are you familiar with it?

that's nice but that's not what we're arguing here. make your own thread.

>> No.5721806

>Again, I'm not him. You're wrong and you're stupid, but I didn't say that. Also, I'm probably him.

>> No.5721811
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>Post yfw female tactics at debate are crying and telling people to go back to other boards which they picked up from other guys

>> No.5721818

But I'm not him. Reply to him and I so I can screencap and prove it. Are you retarded or something? Stop changing my opinion just because you're insecure that two people don't agree with the way you react.

>> No.5721823


this is a cowardly position. the only way to stop this kind of toxic misogyny is to actively call it out. staying hoping it goes away only serves to embolden the perpetrators

>> No.5721825

>That's true, but that's because society kept them down for a long time. Why do you think we're seeing many more female leaders and thinkers in modern times compared to the past? It's no coincidence, it's because they now have more rights and less unbalanced social responsibilities. The gap will lessen closer to 50/50 within the coming decades as it has been.
my original point was that everyone who is kept down deserves to be kept down because they don't have it in them not to be kept down.

of course when women achieve not to be kept down any more, by whatever means, including the manipulative rhetoric of equality, then it's just as fair. any women that overcomes oppression and becomes oppressor rightly deserves to be called superior in the sense of capability. might makes right in all cases.

although i don't think i agree that the gap will close. the west as it is now is very egalitarian, but the west isn't very vital. asia is very unequal and hasn't had our hippie wave of political correctness. the same goes for russia and especially for the islamic world. if western hegemony wanes, so will its values.

>> No.5721827

men sure are insecure for being the best

>> No.5721829

The cancer is growing. What do you think happens when entire boards are sexist and unhappy, their cancer will spread as the only meaning they have is reproducing their illness.

>> No.5721830


*staying quiet

>> No.5721831

>Once more, I'm not him. Let me open my paint window and edit a screenshot just to further pretend I'm not him just so I can win an anonymous internet argument. You're stupid and wrong, again. Him and I agree with each other and disagree with how you act, but we don't agree on anything else because I am actually him.

>> No.5721835

>consider that the culprit of this "achievement gap" is the society which limits women from being successful in a myriad of ways. not unlike the way it treats minorities. the class ceiling, are you familiar with it?
my point is, that women allow themselves to be limited is enough to prove their current and past incompetence. whining about the ceiling is precisely a display of inferiority. it's complaining the men won't allow you to be equal. but how can someone even allow or disallow you something if he doesn't have you in his power?

>> No.5721840

Don't diss the poor folks at wizardchan. Your tactics are unsightly. It's better to just hide threads from people like OP.

>> No.5721841
File: 40 KB, 349x642, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.5721850

losing your temper and spouting memes without refuting anything actually makes misogynists more convinced in their prejudices

>> No.5721854


criticism is not "whining."


memes? what memes? i haven't "spouted memes" (that is the second time you've used the phrase). and neither has anyone else in this thread.

>> No.5721858


>> No.5721859

But it's a fact that more women are following careers and that more women are achieving in careers. I don't speak for Asia, I live in the West and that's my world.

>Go away, you're right!

Also, your shitty, overused meme does not even fit into the context of this discussion since I never laid claim to acting or being ironic. Congratulations.

>> No.5721860

No. The only way is to fuck those bitter virgins into submissions. I've seen it happen and it works very well. In fact if everybody had a fuck a week i'd wager there would be world peace.

>> No.5721862

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.5721863

>criticism is not "whining."
the point is that when you ask for equality, you're putting your superiors in the position to grant it or not. a call for equality is an admittance of inferiority.

>> No.5721864

>Go away, you're right!

>> No.5721865

kek ITT cunts acting all butthurt bc they can't accept the facts...keep going, you are hilarious.

>> No.5721868

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5721870

This is one of the most masterful copypastas i have seen in a while, the whole thing just drips with troll potential, and by the butthurt of this thread it has worked

>> No.5721873

>You can't prove preferences
Exactly. You prefer to think women are inferior because you're a neck-beard who wants to feel better about not being able to make meaningful relationships. Do you really think you arrive at ideological positions through looking at the facts?

>> No.5721875

Calling is different from asking. When did you ever hear a feminist ask "Can we have equal rights please"? Your post is redundant.

>> No.5721876
File: 1.60 MB, 228x180, a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw women respond with memes and copying shit they saw on /b/ and tell people to go back to /b/

>> No.5721879


to demand equality is to force others to acknowledge that an inequality exists. you have very juvenile and illogically circular ideas of power dynamics.

>> No.5721880
File: 4 KB, 240x134, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticism is not "whining"
>memes are criticism now

>> No.5721882

Only non retarded women are those of 40 years or more.

Retarded men are born like and never change.

Im a trans

>> No.5721883

epic. I was waiting for the women to start throwing around insults. Btw, this thread is very entertaining. Don't stop.

>> No.5721886

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal."

- Aristotle

>> No.5721887

>But it's a fact that more women are following careers and that more women are achieving in careers. I don't speak for Asia, I live in the West and that's my world.
i have no problem accepting that women may enjoy a period of superiority in the near future. i just don't think it will last. either outside forces will corrode western values (as immigration is doing as we speak) or western men will simply not accept the ideas of female equality any more. remember, female success in society is always dependant on men tolerating it.

i mean this in a very literal sense. once men stop accepting the current social mores, they will just start to rape and kill again. it has been known to happen. whenever societal order is disturbed, we start wandering in bands again like murderous rape apes who pillage and plunder. and it doesn't take much to upset this balance. any time the functioning of the state is disturbed it happens.

>> No.5721891

Quality thread

>> No.5721892
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>> No.5721893

Please may some mod delete this non-/lit/ related thread and ban both the OP and the hysteric answering him?

>> No.5721896

>im a degenerate and an abomination to god

I don't even believe in God.

>> No.5721897


are you the same person? why are you so fixated on people using "memes"? (when nobody is even doing that here?) or is that the only way you can reconcile criticism against your position? by dismissing it on imagined grounds?

that is not even a real aristotle quote. you should read aristotle before you go spreading internet misattributions.

memes indeed!

>> No.5721900

>mfw im playing a poltard an a libtard at the same time

when will you people learn... damn.. your opinion doesnt matter.. you are all worthless pieces of shit and no one gives a fuck if your an atheist or a buddhist or a red pill master or a virgin at 30 and your fav author is dosto

>> No.5721901

shouting "equal rights now" is no different from "can we have equal rights please big man? :3"

truly empowered people take what they want, they don't scream about wanting it like a child.

those in charge have always acknowledged inequality. they just didn't care. they still don't, really.

>> No.5721902
File: 315 KB, 330x184, What-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that is not even a real aristotle quote

Are you retarded?

>> No.5721905

all the angry women itt lol

>> No.5721906

>implying arguing doesn't tickle my pleasure centre

i win regardless.

>> No.5721908
File: 137 KB, 960x720, 1411494310514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the arguments which support the claim that women and men are equal in mental capabilities? Just curious.

>> No.5721912

>demanding is no different than politely requesting and words never did no good for nobody
That's what you sound like

>> No.5721915

They actually think inequality has the burden of proof, even though women are inferior at doing almost anything.

>> No.5721918

Go read the start again. Considerable amount of butthurt women who only use memes and then act mad when someone disagrees with them and then they themselves use memes in retaliation, for example: >>5721859

>> No.5721919

all the angry men in this site lol

>> No.5721922


>> No.5721923


>> No.5721926

>woman's only defence is to copy another post she saw and revert the gender

Typical woman.

>> No.5721927
File: 1.34 MB, 400x212, 1411073342257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, jews were pretty oppressed and treated unequally for most of history, didn't stop jewish men from contributing a fuckton to various intellectual fields (especially the sciences)

>> No.5721930

it's a form of manipulation and of course it's doing good since some people are actually buying into it now, but it's a process, part of an attempt to gain power. but the demanding shows that the power women want isn't in their hands yet, so as of now they are certainly inferior. gaining power is a lengthy struggle, especially if you have no force to back it up. women are like children in that sense, they have to trick their superiors into getting what they want, since they don't have the force to just take it.

but demanding may very well go a long way. it's just that the demanding itself rather than taking is a display of de facto inferiority.

>> No.5721931
File: 2.86 MB, 461x288, trved.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm >>5721859 and I have a penis

Look, I posted another meme. Even though there are no memes in >>5721859 , you slack-jawed mouth breathers.

>> No.5721932


then we are looking at two different threads. i'm wondering how you can identify the women in this thread, by the way. do tell! (and no, "they're the ones who disagree with me" is not an answer)

>> No.5721933

I don't think it's a woman. It's acting a bit too much like a stereotype to be the real thing. I don't think the other side is sincere either. Trolls trolling troll.

>> No.5721936


>> No.5721940

look, another angry man lol

>> No.5721943

I can see your ugly vagina :D

>> No.5721944

look, another angry woman lol

>> No.5721946

>posting a krautchan meme on /lit/

Please don't open the floodgates.

>> No.5721953

Very few men believe in equality of the sexes. They may pay public lip service to it, but that's about it. There really is no such thing as a male feminist except for a few mental cases.

>> No.5721961

I love women. I love watching them. They are like adult children and I watch them with great enthusiasm. Their silliness because of their ignorance and their beauty is incredibly endearing.

But I hate them all secretly :^(

>> No.5721968


you're projecting your own prejudices. it's too bad you lack empathy and have a limited imagination.

>> No.5721970

Did they contribute to societies they were oppressed in? And you can't omit women from history, that's retarded. Boadicea, Joan of Arc, Cleopatra, Dido, Catherine the Great, Bronte sisters, Elizabeth I, Marie Curie, etc. That's all just pre-20th century women rhymed off of the top of my head.

Look, I can play your game just as well as you:
>fedora tipper

>> No.5721971

How is lacking empathy a bad thing?

Empathy is for the weak.

>> No.5721972


>> No.5721974

>Did they contribute to societies they were oppressed in
Yes, extensively.

It's true that there were great women leaders, but in terms of intellectual achievements they really fall short compared to men.

>> No.5721975

>Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time.
This applies to all vapid people, not just vapid females.

>> No.5721977


well at least you've finally just come out and admitted that you're human garbage.

>> No.5721979

I'm just sharing observations. I've never seen a white man seriously espouse equality when there are no women or minorities present. Once they leave the room, it's back to the 19th century in a flash. This goes from schoolboys to elderly millionaires and everything in between. Every one I've met.

>> No.5721986


you're projecting your toxic ignorance and prejudices again. i wonder if you have problems with people in real life?

>> No.5721990

Homo homini lupus est

The funny thing is a man's ability to detach himself from his emotions is precisely what makes him superior to women.

>> No.5721992

fedora: the post

>> No.5721994


i didn't say you were wrong because you are human garbage. i said you are wrong, and you are human garbage.

>> No.5721996

lol if you think non white men give a shit about feminism either

>> No.5721997

You can probably name at least a hundred people generally considered 'great' that were women. There are still way more people that are generally considered great that were men.

When someone says most cows in the world have four legs, bringing along even thousand three legged ones won't prove the difference. Parading around the exceptions doesn't help your case here.

>> No.5721998

Well there's this...

Gee, I couldn't possibly imagine Mr. Edgelord having any social problems.

>> No.5722004

epic maymay

I'd be interested into
1) Why I'm wrong
2) Why I'm human garbage

Can you formulate coherent arguments, or did your feelings override your judgement and made you post without thinking it through?

>> No.5722006
File: 1.86 MB, 300x229, iHrzcis7QeELK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post yfw white women claim they're oppressed yet they make more than black men

>> No.5722007

I'm just sharing what I've observed in the thousands of men I've interacted with. Take from it what you will.

Kek, I wouldn't even attempt to imply that. If anything, non white men are even more sexist generally. They're probably also more racist. It's just that I don't have experience with non whites having their private sexism, racism and cigars meetings since I'm white.

>> No.5722009
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>> No.5722010

Doesn't this thread not disprove your theory that everyone is a closeted sociopath just like you? This board is anonymous, and mostly male, yet still this thread seems balanced if not more in favour to the side of equality.

Okay, I'd just like to ask something since you're so desperate to prove women are unsuccessful compared to men. What do you do with your life? What makes you more successful than the women in your society?

>> No.5722018

>Can you formulate coherent arguments, or did your feelings override your judgement and made you post without thinking it through?

Dude, your entire argument is essentially "Women are vapid cunts because I take hyperboles seriously". Who the fuck is going to engage you seriously?

>> No.5722019
File: 128 KB, 646x350, black haroldbloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw black men are completely unfazed by feminist rhetoric

>> No.5722022

>Okay, I'd just like to ask something since you're so desperate to prove women are unsuccessful compared to men. What do you do with your life? What makes you more successful than the women in your society?

Right now I'm studying physics at university

>> No.5722023

>the thousands of men I've interacted with
I very much doubt you interact with many people at all. I suspect you surround yourself with people who possess similar unpopular political beliefs only causing you to feel your beliefs are further affirmed and correct.

>> No.5722028

So you plan to work in retail? Kind of weakens your arguments on successfulness.

>> No.5722031

>Doesn't this thread not disprove your theory that everyone is a closeted sociopath just like you? This board is anonymous, and mostly male, yet still this thread seems balanced if not more in favour to the side of equality.
People have already admitted to spouting liberal sophisms for laughs. People on 4chan aren't actually sincere a lot of the time. Also, /lit/ has plenty of women and the typical "I am a woman who reads" woman is also a "I'm a loudmouth about socio-political issues when my feefees are hurt" woman.

My real life experience is that every man is a racist and a sexist, even if they hide it most of the time.

>> No.5722033


oh look, it's the answer we all expected.

>> No.5722034

>Dude, your entire argument is essentially "Women are vapid cunts because I take hyperboles seriously". Who the fuck is going to engage you seriously?
Do all women strawman this badly?

I'm just saying that I believe that the ability which men have to control their feelings/emotions is one of the reasons (perhaps the main reason?) why men excell far more than women.

Do you at least agree that men cope with high stress situations far better than women (on average)?

>> No.5722035

>tfw I love female writer like Woolf, Austen and Rand but I can't help but have this inner contempt for the female gender

I just wish I can fall in love with a nice girl one day. They're just so rare to find.

>> No.5722036

GOAT thread

Will print to read in the morning

>> No.5722038


you think you deserve congratulations for being an undergrad studying a science? am i following this correctly?

>> No.5722048

I'd like to become a researcher, but honestly I don't know if I'm smart enough

I don't follow

No I don't deserve anything. I was just answering anon's question.
>What makes you more successful than the women in your society?
I think that studying physics makes me more "intellectually successful" than the average woman.

>> No.5722052

I want /pol/ to leave

>> No.5722053

>Do all women strawman this badly?
Dunno, but I can confirm at least some men do.

>I'm just saying that I believe that the ability which men have to control their feelings/emotions is one of the reasons (perhaps the main reason?) why men excell far more than women.
That's a whole bundle of unsubstantiated claims.

>Do you at least agree that men cope with high stress situations far better than women (on average)?
No, mostly because I don't depend on anecdotal evidence.

>> No.5722057

Mate, that's pretty fucking stupid but unfortunately you'll never change.

I'm in my late twenties and I have friends who went into Physics who have this notion that they're superior when it's completely unjustified.

Have fun not contributing anything to the world of science and just repeating equations someone made a century ago and feeling like you're more "intelligent" than creative folk.

>> No.5722058


i know what you said. my point is that being a fucking undergrad studying physics is in no way special or superior to anything.

your perceived superiority is based on a fiction. you haven't done anything. you haven't published any papers. you haven't done anything other than being an unaccomplished student. and yet you want to denigrate actual successful, influential women on the basis that they haven't done enough. now go away and let the adults speak amongst themselves.

>> No.5722065

>I don't follow

What he's saying is you sound like a caricature of a STEM undergrad. Then lo and behold, you're a Physics undergrad.

>> No.5722066

Shitty meme, I hate that place

>> No.5722069
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>woman doesn't like you saying she's boring and inferior because she coasts on her innate sexual capital
>she tries to shut you up by implying she wouldn't fuck you or that you can't get women to fuck you
>literally can't even stop using her sexual capital in an argument about how she has sexual capital
>mfw feminists are constantly implicitly admitting women are just walking vaginas
>mfw I tell them I'm gay and they get visibly confused as to how to argue with me

>> No.5722073

Of course you suspect that, it would allow your beliefs to remain cosy and secure. You wouldn't want any cognitive dissonance.

But your cognitive dissonance stems from the fact that you don't have access to the secret boy club meetings so you only see the public façade. Most men don't even respect their partners, let alone women in general.

>> No.5722074

I am a man who is being serious in his posting. I may be racist in the way I have presumptions of people based on their race and I may be sexist in the way I'll sometimes talk about mutual women friends to male friends in a sexual way, but that is not racism and sexism in the way you describe. Those traits do not affect my politics and do not affect the politics of the majority. If everyone was racist and sexist, then the most right wing party would win most Western elections since the secret ballot exists.

>I'd like to become a researcher, but honestly I don't know if I'm smart enough
I just hope your physics is better than your opinions.

>I just wish I can fall in love with a nice girl one day. They're just so rare to find.
Are you a nice man?

>I think that studying physics makes me more "intellectually successful" than the average woman.
Are you familiar with Rosemary Lisa Wolfe Gotto?

>> No.5722079


>Are you a nice man?

HAHAHAHA jesus christ

>> No.5722080

I don't know. I'd be lying if I said I knew I was a nice man. I want to love, is that nice?

>> No.5722081


see the military. women suck at war.

>> No.5722082

Are you a nice man?

yeah i bet he's a "nice guy"

>> No.5722086

Do you even know what cognitive dissonance is? What age are you?

>> No.5722092

To all femanons here posting in this thread, seriously:

Put exactly how is your perfect man, what are his purpose on life, his traits, etc.

And attach a photo of him.

Also put who is the perfect friend, and the perfect father if you want.

>> No.5722094

You must want to love for selfish reasons since you detest women so much. So that's not very nice, it's just "nice" as >>5722082 points out.

>> No.5722101

> when it's completely unjustified.
Why is it unjustified?

>Have fun not contributing anything to the world of science and just repeating equations someone made a century ago and feeling like you're more "intelligent" than creative folk.
Lol, and I'm the one who is "projecting".

I hope I'll at least be able to solve the Barnett identity in my lifetime.

Undergrad is first two years of uni, right? I think the equivalent of what I'm doing right now would be masters in the anglo saxon system.

>your perceived superiority is based on a fiction. you haven't done anything. you haven't published any papers. you haven't done anything other than being an unaccomplished student. and yet you want to denigrate actual successful, influential women on the basis that they haven't done enough. now go away and let the adults speak amongst themselves.
It's true that I haven't published anything. I'm not denigrating successfull, influential woman. I'm just stating the fact that so far, compared to woman born the same year as I was, I'm smarter and more successful than the average.

> let the adults speak amongst themselves.
You speak like a child throwing a tantrum, I hope you realize that.

Mmh. Perhaps people who study science in uni are colder/more distant? Or perhaps just smarter. I don't know.

>I just hope your physics is better than your opinions.
Time will tell. I'll mention 4chan in my nobel prize acceptance speech.

>> No.5722105


i am not even a female, but this post is amazingly telling. it really tips its hand in showing that at the bottom of it all, these guys are just upset that some girls don't like them. they feel entitled to their affection and they're completely confounded by the fact that they're not getting it. and that makes them angry.

>> No.5722108

I don't detest them. I love many female writers and admire them a great deal. I just have a greater dislike to women compared to men. Probably mother issues.

>> No.5722109

>projecting meme

Are you fucking retarded? Deflection much, I don't do physics and don't do anything involved with Physics. Go back to your uni lad mates talking about shagging women, pleb.

>> No.5722110

Just fyi, your ego will get in the way of you ever earning a nobel prize

Clearly you love your own inflated sense of intelligence more than physics

>> No.5722112

>wow all women have to do to excel in life is be attractive

cry more bitch

>> No.5722114

It's a fact that there far more extraordinary men than women.

Men have more variance in IQ, hence more highly intelligent people.
And we have more aggression and find it easier to take risks and be egocentric.

I don't know why feminists get butthurt over these simple facts of nature.

They want so badly for men and women to be equal in every way but they aren't.
Men are the best and worst of humanity.

>> No.5722116

>I'm just stating the fact that so far, compared to woman born the same year as I was, I'm smarter and more successful than the average.
Wouldn't it also be true that you're smarter than most men born in the same year if you're doing physics masters? That doesn't make women on average dumber than men, that just makes you smarter than most humans. Which isn't that huge an achievement when we look at the quality of the most popular media.

>> No.5722117

>I am a man who is being serious in his posting. I may be racist in the way I have presumptions of people based on their race and I may be sexist in the way I'll sometimes talk about mutual women friends to male friends in a sexual way, but that is not racism and sexism in the way you describe.
It is, really. You're just not very much aware of it or honest with yourself about it. You may be less militant about it than some, but structurally it's the same kind of prejudice.

>Those traits do not affect my politics and do not affect the politics of the majority. If everyone was racist and sexist, then the most right wing party would win most Western elections since the secret ballot exists.
Most of the world's politics are very right wing. They're so right wing that some people even consider "marginally less right wing" (liberalism) to be left wing. The actual left is barely represented in democracies at all. Even the so called socialists are generally centrists at best.

>> No.5722121

Joan of Arc seemed to do a'ight, and I'm sure the average woman can be a bullet ridden corpse just as easy as the average man.

Again, you seem to think hyperboles are literal.

>> No.5722126

ITT: femanons that pass themselves as men since they can't just deal with the trolling

seriously, any male anon would not give a flying fuck and keep trolling

women are really stupid to don't realize this.

>> No.5722131

Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.

A good example of that might be hearing that most men are secret bigots when you don't generally experience them as such.

>> No.5722136
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one Physics undergrad in this thread that thinks he has the whole world figured out

Oh, man, reading this as someone in their early thirties who went to University with these cunts is actually hilarious.

>> No.5722140

>I don't know why feminists get butthurt over these simple facts of nature.

because they ignore other contributory factors like, take the great artists for example, they are often brought up by their artists fathers. they are pushed from an early age and in these stages they can both develop/demonstrate their skill in the arts. this doesn't really happen with women. they were raised to be wives and mothers

>> No.5722142

ITT insecure men and women

Men, validating your misogyny and self imposed detachment from women on 4chan is pretty gay

Women, arguing against such men is ultimately fruitless, even if you had a good argument no one here is going to awknowledge it

>> No.5722143

>Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.
Literally copied straight from Wikipedia. Now please elaborate on how I'm suffering from cognitive dissonance.

>> No.5722146

>announces his own maleness to make his opinion bear more weight
now that is telling.

>> No.5722147

I honestly didn't understand your post. Could you rephrase it more clearly?

Most nobel prize winners have absolutely huge egos.

That is also true. Once again, I was just answering anon's question : >>5722010

What are you doing with your life, and what are they doing with theirs?

>> No.5722152

Google Artemisia Gentleschi (probably a typo), example of a Baroque woman very luckily born to an artist father.

>> No.5722154

Yet more and more women are attending college, and more and more women are opting for careers instead of marrying and having kids.

Weird, given their completely natural and evolutionarily determined propensity towards dependence, right?

>> No.5722157

Extremely rare exceptions don't prove me wrong, anon. I don't resent women for it, but it's pretty obvious that fat low-test overly emotional creatures are less efficient murder machines.

>> No.5722158

I work as an accountant and they work as secondary school teachers and as Uni lecturers. Face it, bud. You don't belong on a /lit/ board.

>> No.5722162

>Face it, bud. You don't belong on a /lit/ board.
Why not?

>> No.5722166

Yes, I'm not wasting my time with custom definitions. You should read the rest of my post, where I elaborate on how you're suffering from cognitive dissonance.

>> No.5722174

You're too stupid to realise you're not a special snowflake.

>> No.5722175

All women are vapid.

>> No.5722183


Elevated levels of testosterone only lead to elevated levels of aggression if their is a PERCEPTION by the patient that elevated levels of testosterone lead to elevated levels of aggression. It has also been found the patients on testosterone treatment reported increases in contentment and empathy towards others.


>tl;dr testosterone doesn't really do what everyone seems to think it does

>> No.5722184

What do you mean by "special snowflake". That I'm not special due to my above-average intelligence? Don't worry, I realize that. I know very well that some of my classmates are way way smarter than me. In fact, I'm tempted to say that this "special snowflake" attitude is more prevalent in liberal arts, but let's stop here I don't want to create a stupid STEM flame war.

>> No.5722187



>> No.5722189

To the people saying women weren't encouraged or whatever:

>I suppose the stock explanation for any such difference is that women were not encouraged, or were not appreciated, or were discouraged from being creative. But I don’t think this stock explanation fits the facts very well. In the 19th century in America, middle-class girls and women played piano far more than men. Yet all that piano playing failed to result in any creative output. There were no great women composers, no new directions in style of music or how to play, or anything like that. All those female pianists entertained their families and their dinner guests but did not seem motivated to create anything new.

>Meanwhile, at about the same time, black men in America created blues and then jazz, both of which changed the way the world experiences music. By any measure, those black men, mostly just emerging from slavery, were far more disadvantaged than the middle-class white women. Even getting their hands on a musical instrument must have been considerably harder. And remember, I’m saying that the creative abilities are probably about equal. But somehow the men were driven to create something new, more than the women.

>> No.5722193
File: 18 KB, 225x225, 1413430297385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do feminists feel about Islam becoming the dominant ideology in the future?

>> No.5722196

>implying it's about equality of entities, not about equality of opportunities

>> No.5722199

>a myriad of
right in the dumpster you illiterate faggot

>> No.5722209

You realize you're probably descended from peasants, right?

>> No.5722224

from sea creatures as well. what's your point?

>> No.5722227

>getting shithole shredded and triggered


>> No.5722236

God I hate you

When we finally have our feminist egalitarian utopia where everyone is free from oppression and coercion, I'm gonna memory hole the FUCK out of you, wrongthinker

>> No.5722239

This post gave me ptsd

>> No.5722241

>feminist egalitarian


>> No.5722247

>tfw 4chan is just the same cyclical shit peddled over and over as new plebs engage with the same trite ideas
>tfw "you will never leave" is bullshit
>tfw 4chan is boring

au revoir

>> No.5722249
File: 35 KB, 796x594, 1410306616759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5722254

it's like I'm on /pol/ or /b/.

What on earth are the mods doing (nothing, I know)?

>> No.5722255

i like you

>> No.5722259

See you tomorrow, cutie. If you're serious, would you like to go out for coffee sometime?

>> No.5722264
File: 146 KB, 600x615, 4_yew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


observe how mild mannered, seemingly inoffensive and agreeable 'equality of opportunity' slithers sluglike into 'equality in fact' (feat. jezebel)

>You know how you can tell that black people are still oppressed? Because black people are still oppressed. If you claim that you are not a racist person (or, at least, that you’re committed to working your ass off not to be one — which is really the best that any of us can promise), then you must believe that people are fundamentally born equal. So if that’s true, then in a vacuum, factors like skin color should have no effect on anyone’s success. Right? And therefore, if you really believe that all people are created equal, then when you see that drastic racial inequalities exist in the real world, the only thing that you could possibly conclude is that some external force is holding certain people back. Like…racism. Right? So congratulations! You believe in racism! Unless you don’t actually think that people are born equal. And if you don’t believe that people are born equal, then you’re a f*****g racist.

'Does anyone “really believe that people are born equal,” in the way it is understood here? Believe, that is, not only that a formal expectation of equal treatment is a prerequisite for civilized interaction, but that any revealed deviation from substantial equality of outcome is an obvious, unambiguous indication of oppression? That’s “the only thing you could possibly conclude”?

At the very least, Jezebel should be congratulated for expressing the progressive faith in its purest form, entirely uncontaminated by sensitivity to evidence or uncertainty of any kind, casually contemptuous of any relevant research – whether existent or merely conceivable – and supremely confident about its own moral invincibility. If the facts are morally wrong, so much worse for the facts – that’s the only position that could possibly be adopted, even if it’s based upon a mixture of wishful thinking, deliberate ignorance, and insultingly childish lies.'

>> No.5722265

Their job? If you feel oppressed by the posts ITT there are plenty of websites with rampant censorship where you will feel safe and happy.

>> No.5722268

You are either
[ ] a beta cuckold faggot
[ ] a femicunt whore bitch

pick one and only one

>> No.5722272

I agree this thread isn't related to literature and should be deleted but it's fucking retarded to cry about it. You can hide it you know.

>> No.5722273

eat shit bitch. no one wants you in our thread

>> No.5722280

top lel

i wish i was gay, we could just use them as breeding devices and be done with it.

>> No.5722282

It doesn't matter whether I agree with your sentiment or not, this isn't related to this board.

Take it to

They will probably also agree with you.

>> No.5722286


so open minded
so enlightened
so /lit/

>> No.5722289
File: 115 KB, 960x641, you and your keyholder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men, stop rationalising your virginity, you virgin virgins! Virgins!
>Miladies, 'tis an awesome thing to see you arguing so bravely, but I fear 'tis falling on deaf ears!

>> No.5722294

no, lick my shit you little bitch

ill talk about what i want where i want. you can harden the fuck up, wipe the tears off your keyboard, and hide the fucking thread

does you're dad know you're such a little faggot?

>> No.5722303
File: 2.56 MB, 317x238, picard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lick my shit you little bitch

>> No.5722309
File: 1.98 MB, 359x346, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post yfw women claim men should stop treating them as sexual beings/objects and that they are equal in society but as soon as a man disagrees with them they call them "virgins" or "neckbeards"

>> No.5722312

The thing they forgot is that people had equal opportunity once in hunter gatherer societies, but starting from those equal opportunities the men have won.

>> No.5722314

It's not related to this board.

It has nothing to do with whether I agree with it or not.

Are you really this dense?

We aren't discussing pizzas or assault rifles on /lit/ either

>le back 2 le /b/

>> No.5722317

I love this. Every. Fucking. Time. This happens

Cunts being cunts m8

>> No.5722318

>power dynamics go both ways


>> No.5722319

>women are oppressed/were more so historically, therefore they must be innately inferior for all time
>is part of a category that was historically oppressed, doesn't even realize it

>> No.5722320

What's with all these /pol/ threads recently? Fuck off morons.


>> No.5722325
File: 1.91 MB, 280x188, 1319273433421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We aren't discussing pizzas or assault rifles on /lit/ either
>pizzas or assault rifles
>tfw both invented and perfected by men

>> No.5722326

There are tons of threads not about literature, but it's precisely this one that bothers you. Coincidence?

>> No.5722328

Naw, you're just being an asshurt little bitch and hiding behind the rule to get threads that hurt your feelings deleted.

Stay cuck assfaggot

>> No.5722331

You can hide and report it, pleb.

>> No.5722334


not all the time, most of the time.

>> No.5722336

>anything i dont like is pol
>ive never heard of r9k

>> No.5722343

Exactly. It doesn't belong here.

>> No.5722349
File: 18 KB, 280x278, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starting from those equal opportunities the men have won

Every time I see someone say "the men have won", all I can envision is Charlie Sheen.

>> No.5722350

Women are pretty bitter on average compared to men, but you obviously have never seen a woman in love or a good mother before.

>> No.5722353

I will, I'm just also telling them to fuck off. Stop making these threads nobody gives a shit that you're still a virgin.

You're right this guy could possibly be from /r9k/, there have been lots of /pol/ threads in the last few days though so I wouldn't be surprised if he was from there, or both even.

>> No.5722354

so, you acknowledge that you're innately inferior, and your current status as future-Nobel-prize-winning physics-doer is a historical fluke? in 100 years we will probably all be ruled by the houses of Bourbon and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha again?

>> No.5722356

godamn why can't people just let go of the whole fucking paradigm. There are more interesting things then the difference between genders and there are greater pleasures than sex. Having said that, if sexual frustration is your game here then just go on fucking tinder and you will find someone to fuck quickly unless you live in hobunk fucking nowhere. Get your mind out of the gutter, not everything is dicks and pussies and sluts and douches. So fucking adolescent, christ.

>> No.5722359

I think the feminazis and pollacks should just fuck each other.

>> No.5722361

>never made this thread
>my second post
>calls me a virgin

Refer to this: >>5722309

>> No.5722362

>Most of the world's politics are very right wing. They're so right wing that some people even consider "marginally less right wing" (liberalism) to be left wing. The actual left is barely represented in democracies at all. Even the so called socialists are generally centrists at best.


>> No.5722364
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>> No.5722366

>you're still a virgin



You fell for the trap m8

>> No.5722378

not innately, but de facto, as I said in another post. women are inferior as long as they allow themselves to be oppressed. the same goes for peasants or black people or white people or men. the oppressed ones are per definition inferior as long as they are oppressed, as is show by their inability to self-determination.

it's like watching a footrace. the guy who comes in first is faster. you may argue that the guy coming in last has the ability to be faster, but until he demonstrates it, he is in fact slower. if women are equal or superior to men, they merely have to demonstrate it.

and they very well may for a bit in our current western society. until something happens to shake it up, because when the delicate structure of our society and its institutionalised violence is upset they will be at the mercy of men again.

you could even ask the question if it would be wise of women to even want power and high positions, considering the eventual backlash.

>> No.5722379

Yes your frustration over your virginity goes hand in hand with both your misogyny and your view of women as sexual objects. Your point?

Regardless though this still has nothing to with literature.

>> No.5722386

What the fuck? These are my only posts and I agree with none of the women hate here. You're fucking retarded.


Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5722388

The fact that you guys are getting so defensive about being called a virgin just proves that that's actually where this is stemming from.

Fuck off nobody cares. /lit/ isn't your blog.

>> No.5722394

Oh and by the way, I've got a gf, you manhating pleb.

>> No.5722396

I wasn't calling you a virgin I was calling the OP a virgin, improve your reading comprehension.

Although if you agree with OP then I rescind that last statement, you a virgin and please fuck off.

>> No.5722397

>Saying that calling someone a virgin is a circumstantial ad hominem fallacy is something a VIRGIN would do!

woman detected

back to your having no Will to Power


>> No.5722403

How the fuck were you calling the OP that if you were replying to me? Are you stupid?

>> No.5722407

"Stop making these threads nobody gives a shit that you're a virgin."

How could this possibly be aimed towards you unless you're the one making these threads?

Like I said, improve your reading comprehension. 4chan is 18+ pal

>> No.5722419

I'm talking about this
>"Yes your frustration over your virginity goes hand in hand with both your misogyny and your view of women as sexual objects. Your point?"

You sent me that. You have the shit reading comprehension. Go back and read the posts.

>> No.5722424

whatever bruh you're still wasting your time on the internet trying to rationalize why women don't like you instead of having sex

my point was that nobody cares. /lit/ is not your blog. fuck off back to your containment board

>> No.5722426

Name some states without a market economy where the workers control the means of production.

>> No.5722427

What being a man is like.

Imagine a life where you have never been great at anything, never felt the urge to be great at anything, never felt that magnetic admiration to someone who was great at something, wanted to imitate and ultimately defeat him. Just nothing. Literally all you do in life is exist. Occupy space. pass the time. You're a dude.

You're bored, as usual, tweeting about your fucking pubes and not even feeling any kind of happiness from it, just soothing your constant need to be bitter and cunty and petty toward other men. Every single thing you've done in the past year was mundane, shallow, and boring. You spent the last six hours reading kinda-interesting Reddit stories about people who made interesting Halloween hats for their kids or some stupid bullshit that you think is interesting and you may say is interesting but you're not really sure if it's really interesting. You're just fucking sitting there, gestating, fermenting, with swampy balls between your legs that guarantees you'll at least never have to get up and move around and work to support yourself.

And then you see women, over in some corner, having fun. You've never seen this before. What are they even doing? Instead of their consciousnesses merely sitting in their thick skull and revolving around itself, they are imbuing their conscious energy and intentionality into external objects, crafts, goals, projects. All the bitterness and cuntiness you feel nonstop seems to be absent, as they congratulate each other for being victorious, and happily learn from someone who defeated them. These creatures are truly content to be alive. They have found purpose in a purposeless universe.

And your gaze turns back on itself, on your self, and you realise you've never had that. You can never have it. You're just a stupid cunt.

So you get up, you walk over there, and you fucking ruin everything. Just ruin the whole fucking thing. The five seconds of attention you get will be worth destroying it. Because you're a man.

>> No.5722435

>women logic is the change the gender in a post

>> No.5722437

>You sent me that.

Yes it was a response to the post you referred me to. Why refer it to me if it wasn't relevant?

The post you're quoting was a response to a post you made misinterpreting my original response to you anyways. Improve your reading comprehension.

>> No.5722438

>"no u", the post

>> No.5722445
File: 1.22 MB, 223x200, 1406855937158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the proof that women are retarded. holy shit

>> No.5722446


try dealing with your schizophrenia first, then come back with a coherent reply.

>> No.5722448

Why write that just under my post number and not reply to the post I quoted?

Learn how to use 4chan, newfag.

>> No.5722462

You referred it to me mate, and I was responding to you. Your referral to that post seems to indicate that you agreed with it, so my response applied to both you and the person that made the post.

Now fuck off back to your containment board.

>> No.5722470 [DELETED] 

Ah, I think I get it. Apart from the edginess factor and the fact that you conveniently don't have any moral obligations, I don't see the point in thinking like this, though. All it means is that you now have to revise your ontological beliefs with every social shift, and effectively renounce any possible attempt at seeing the big picture. It's the sociopolitical equivalent of cheering for the sports team you think is going to win, which is IMO a cold and boring-ass way to watch a game.

>> No.5722473

>You sent me that.

ayy, this isn't facebook chat darling

>> No.5722476

Fedoras are associated more with mysogany than atheism outside of /lit/.

>> No.5722477

You make no sense. I only agreed with that post on how women use the virgin defence tactic and contradict themselves. You are obviously a newfag and think anyone who doesn't agree with your opinions is from /pol/ or /r9k/.

You are stupid.

>> No.5722483
File: 15 KB, 350x233, GeorgeClooneyLaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag the movie
>what is replying

>> No.5722487

>I only agreed with that post

Which is exactly why I gave you the response that I did. Again, improve your reading comprehension.

>You are obviously a newfag

If you say so, bud.

>> No.5722491

>anyone who agrees with that post is a virgin and women hater

Kill yourself, bud.

>> No.5722494

Ah, I think I get it. Apart from the edginess factor and the fact that you conveniently don't have any moral obligations, I don't see the point in thinking like this, though. All it means is that you now have to revise your ontological beliefs with every social shift, always follow the crowd (even though that's what "inferiors" do) and effectively renounce any possible attempt at seeing the big picture. It's the sociopolitical equivalent of cheering for the sports team you think is going to win, which is IMO a cold and boring-ass way to watch a game.

>> No.5722497

how is it a contradiction?

>> No.5722501


is this word being used incorrectly?

>> No.5722502

Well, considering that the post was about hating women for calling them a virgin and getting all defensive about it, then yeah I'd say that's pretty accurate.

>> No.5722503


>all white

my sides

>> No.5722507

They claim men shouldn't sexualise women and yet use an ad hominem and call anyone who disagrees with them "virgins."

How is this not a contradiction?

>> No.5722511

Point to the part in the post that says you should hate women. It was simply pointing out hypocrisy, pleb.

>> No.5722513

Are you blind? There are three black women and an Asian in that pic.

>> No.5722514

sexualisation and virginity are really different. it's not really a contradiction at all. maybe you should explain the connection better

>> No.5722515

Jesus Christ you must have never had a conversation with a woman in your life.

>> No.5722517


it's already been reported. but that was hours ago. either the mods aren't around or they don't care that an off-topic thread is persisting

>> No.5722523


>> No.5722524

How is it a contradiction? The people who get bitter about being virgins are the ones who tend to sexually objectify and even hate them.

>> No.5722526
File: 940 KB, 965x1200, Michel_Pieta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize during mankind's golden ages women never counted for shit
>yfw you realize during epoch of high culture men always start to turn away from women
>yfw you realize the most important women in human history have all been mothers

we have fucked up royally brothers

>> No.5722529

>>yfw you realize during epoch of high culture men always start to turn away from women

this isn't even true lmao

>> No.5722530

Why do you think they get bitter? Are you stupid?

>> No.5722533


right and the men who get laid left and right always hold women in high regard

except that's not true, they don't. they're called womanizers, and women can't get enough of them

>> No.5722534


I'm a guy actually. This whole thread is just fucking stupid.

>> No.5722540

>yfw you realise the greatest men will always be those who hold women in scant regard, not hatred, but apathy

>> No.5722541

particular women can't.

>> No.5722544


they think that feminists aren't supposed to get angry ever for some reason. conservatives play this same logic trick whenever a liberal says something off-color. like "oh i thought you were supposed to be TOLERANT you hypocrite"

as if the ideology behind feminism means being nice to assholes. no, the ideology means systemic equality between the sexist. if someone is being a little fuckface cocksucker, then i'm going to say so. and that is not a contradiction. even if it hurts the feelings of assholes.

>> No.5722545
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>sexualisation and virginity are really different

>How is it a contradiction?

>> No.5722546

The first known novelist and poet were both women.

>> No.5722548

You're not a guy :^)

>> No.5722550
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>I don't see the point in thinking like this, though. All it means is that you now have to revise your ontological beliefs with every social shift, and effectively renounce any possible attempt at seeing the big picture. It's the sociopolitical equivalent of cheering for the sports team you think is going to win, which is IMO a cold and boring-ass way to watch a game.
i don't have to revise any beliefs if I always go by might is right. all i would have to conclude is 'while women were inferior for most of human history, they are equal or superior now' if such a thing were to happen. just like you would say 'lazio sucked but they're great now' or something like that. all i renounce is making silly claims based on my preference such as 'women are equal they just hide it very well' and such. "seeing the big picture" as you call it seems to me more like entrenching yourself in eternalised generalities in a perpetually changing world and therefore always suffering from a lack of static consistency.

i don't like cheering for teams really, i take much more joy in seeing who is doing what to who and in which ways rather than getting emotionally invested in one group and feeling upset when they deservedly get fucked over. i observe for the spectacle, not to be validated.

but as far as things have gone, merely by observation you can say women have been losers for most of history. they're up and coming, but i doubt they will ever take the throne, especially when you consider that the western world is the only place where women are even considered remotely equal.

>> No.5722551


>i'm a man
>I can't laugh at women

ayy lmao

>> No.5722553

>this fact that can't be proved
>earliest known
>What is africa and Mesopotamia

>> No.5722555

It's just myriad, anon. There are myriad shitposts in this thread.

>> No.5722556
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>yfw you realize the Greeks considered both misogyny and philogyny to be aberrant modes of thinking

>> No.5722557

Because they see women as sexual objects and get mad that they aren't having sex with them?

>right and the men who get laid left and right always hold women in high regard

True, not always. They definitely don't tend to go on the internet and talk about how much they hate women though.

cool tumblr gif, you really proved me wrong m8

>> No.5722560

virginity implies a lack of experience with women i.e. the subject in question.

sexualisation of women is a reduction of women to one purpose. virginity and sexualisation are both related to sex but their use as a point of argument are really different. if you can't see past "well they're both related to sex" then you should go back to school or keep up the study in your esol classes

>> No.5722566

oops the second part of this post was a response to >>5722533

>> No.5722570

>tumblr ad hominem meme

nice one m8

Why do you think they see them as sexual objects if women constantly reinforce the view by calling them virgins and making fun of them? Are you stupid?

>> No.5722574


that's because they're better adjusted, and bitch about women to their friends IRL

I went to school with a guy who fucked 13 different girls his senior year. hot girls. the kind of girls I could never get. he told me after we graduated that all women belong in some kind of asylum. true fucking story

>> No.5722577

i think you're stupid in that you can't even explain your point properly

>> No.5722584

>doesn't refute my point
>doesn't explain how my point wasn't well explained

no need to back out too soon autismo

>> No.5722587

cool, he had sex with girls insecure about their worth as human beings who were taught that sex is their only purpose. it's nice that he recognises that kind of insecurity as an abnormal thought process though

>> No.5722591

How can it not be proven anon? The earliest known poet was a lady named Enheduanna who lived a little over 4000 years ago, and she's also the earliest known literary author in general.

The first novel is The Tale of Genji by a Japanese lady named Murasaki Shikibu.

>> No.5722592

:'^)----{----^--< Look I can prove it.
I laugh at ur mum as she shat all over my dick.

>> No.5722596

i did refute your point

>wahhh do everything for me sensei i'm too intellectually lazy to do anything other than posture

>> No.5722597

>deleting posts

i don't really follow or root for anyone really, aside practically for whatever is in my own interest. i'm just saying that as a casual observer, like an alien entity would perhaps, when you look at the world you would quickly conclude that woman is the less powerful sex.

>> No.5722599

>calls my point stupid
>thinks that is in any way constructive

I'm done with you now, you're boring.

>> No.5722602


Some of them were like that, but many of them were very secure mentally (or as secure as someone can be at 16-18 years old)

amusingly enough, his particular charm doesn't seem to have been as effective outside that age group. he struggled to pull girls in college and winded up settling down with an old flame. true story

>> No.5722604

>you will never live in a culture where "disregard females, acquire boipussy" is the motto

>> No.5722607

yeah it tends to get boring after you get rekt. good defence. meanwhile my refutation will sit there unacknowledged

>> No.5722611


holy shit.

if you are complaining that you are used as an sexual object, and categorized because of that, then you do the same fucking thing when you call someone a virgin, because you are implying that your power over him is that you have the key to make him lose his virginity. You are becoming that sexual object.

>> No.5722613

>>tumblr ad hominem meme
>reverse image search

>Why do you think they see them as sexual objects if women constantly reinforce the view by calling them virgins and making fun of them? Are you stupid?

How are they reinforcing the view? Your frustration over your virginity stems from your view of women as sexual objects, and your misogyny stems from your frustration over your virginity. They're criticizing the whole process.

>> No.5722614


>implying who wrote the first (subjectively considered novel) is in any way significant
>implying it's not the collection of writings and the most prominent and influential that is important

>> No.5722617


careful, now he thinks he won the argument (which is typical when you stop engaging with dumb, circular people)

>> No.5722623

>doesn't know what ad hominem means

I'm not a virgin lel and neither am I misogynistic, go read the posts again

>> No.5722628

calling someone a virgin (especially when this is categorically true) is not reducing one to a sexual object. it's describing an actual scientifically observable state of being. you weird dumb fuck.

>> No.5722636

>categorically true


>> No.5722642

>You are becoming that sexual object.

it's not actually making an argument from that person's point of view - it's playing into the 'virgin's' point of view that women are sexual objects and using (what they perceive as) their logic, the 'virgin' is frustrated at women for not having sex with him. it doesn't represent the accuser's point of view about male/female sexual relations. it's demonstrating how absurd the 'virgin's' worldview is

>> No.5722655

Oldest findings of the wheel are in Poland, doesn't mean they make the best cars.

>> No.5722674

>implying it's not the collection of writings and the most prominent and influential that is important

The Tale of Genji was insanely influential in Japan and so prominent that it's required reading there in schools and they put a scene from it on one of their currency notes. Jorge Luis Borges loved it too.

Enheduanna was probably pretty influential and important too considering that she was literally the first author/poet that anybody thought was worth remembering, and it wasn't just one person either; the Sumerians carved her name and likeness fucking everywhere. She was also apparently important and influential enough for people to bother preserving her writings for over 4000 years.

>> No.5722690


So, what if the commentator isn't virgin? when the woman thinks this is true, she just appeals to what she perceives is the cause of the problem, which implies that she thinks that the problem wouldn't be if the virgin had his solution: that the woman has the power to solve as a sexual being

>> No.5722691

But men used to always dress as women in Japan.

We have no proof it was a woman.

>> No.5722703

Holy shit you're fucking dense.


>> No.5722704
File: 49 KB, 499x499, Fuck you smug pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using the word 'misogynist' unironically

>> No.5722709


had sex with a short slut from the midwest who told me she had sex with 21 guys before me. It was awful but I did it because I was alone in a foreign country. Sex isn't all that great, or at least, no sex I've ever had.

>> No.5722719

Not that guy but please kill yourself.

>> No.5722720

>falling for his bait that easily

Come on, for someone who loves Ancient lit, you need to step it up.

>> No.5722726
File: 2.64 MB, 400x225, 1410229405877.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the lonely betacuck white knights in this thread

>> No.5722748

guys can accuse other guys of being a virgin as well

also note that it's not necessarily the same women accusing men of being virgins who are also trying to overcome being seen as sexual objects

and again it's not representative of the woman's point of view

>> No.5722756
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>there are literally men in this thread defending women who are anonymous on a cartoon Guatemalan image forum board

>> No.5722757
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I don't care if you landed a spacecraft on a comet, your shirt is sexist and ostracizing

>men explore space and advance humanity
>women bitch about clothes and muh sexism

equality fucking never

>> No.5722759

If you say so, mate. For someone who isn't a virgin or misogynistic you sure do seem mad about women making fun of virgins.

>> No.5722761

>toxic misogyny
This isn't your personal social justice blog, just so you know.

>> No.5722765

>astronauts are always men

>> No.5722766

Nah, just saying it's pretty hypocritical

>> No.5722777

>le youre mad i can see u behind the screen anon-sama meme


>> No.5722785

>men explore space and advance humanity

Women worked on the rosetta spacecraft too though.


>> No.5722789

Do you think these women's boyfriends/husbands have to listen to them blather on about inane bullshit that transpired that day, or do you think these women have interesting things to say?

>> No.5722797

>all white women


>> No.5722803

Are you blind? Get your eyes checked anon.

>> No.5722806

>Post yfw white women want more rights but don't do anything for black males or black females

>> No.5722812

Reminder that people who are equal don't ask to be equal.

>> No.5722813

>50 women
>only 4 non-white

Get your eyes checked.

>> No.5722826
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Isn't it funny how the authorian left praises diversity in people, but hates the idea of diversity in ideas and thoughts?

>> No.5722828

Not really? They make fun of misogynists and those misogynists hatred of women usually tends to stem from their bitterness over their virginity, as I explained above. Go to /r9k/ for good examples of this.

sexually objectifying women -> why aren't women having sex with me, I thought they're only good for sex? - > god I hate women

^It's the whole process that they're making fun of.

Well I'm not the one crying on a Venezuelan Shadow-puppet board about how being a virgin is so unfair and how le women are evil XD so I kinda doubt it's projection.

>> No.5722832


I'm sure many tasty sandwiches were had anon