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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 720x405, crimes-and-misdemeanors-woody-allens-rape-case-gets-murky-mia-farrow-and-dylan-malone-farrow-lay-questionable-claim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5719437 No.5719437 [Reply] [Original]

>live at home for uni
>no friends or acquaintances despite being in final year
>have only fucked prostitutes and done nothing else with girls ever
>have a laptop and internet access at home and no more classes today
>will still go in to uni computer rooms and library because it makes me feel less alone
>uni is filled with hot girls
>when I go to uni I see them and hate them for having lives on easy mode and I think r9kish thoughts about them
>"she has a life on easy mode"
>"she'll get fucked by 10 chads tonight"
>"they have access to instant sex from 50 men just by tapping their phones a few times"
>(I walk in to a room and people, some of them grills, look to see who came in and I think in a mock high pitched voice) "omg he's not even Chad! Why is he allowed to be here! This is rape!"
>dislike all males as well obviously

Is it worth writing a book about my internal monologue?

OK, this was going to be a 100 % troll topic but surely an actual loser male is an under represented topic in art? One of My Twisted World's * most innovative aspects was its honesty about male loserdom.

*one of my favourite books, along with Lolita and Kavalier & Clay

>> No.5719442

Did you seriously read all of "My Twisted World'"?

The unrelenting self-indulgence of that prick was almost more repugnant than his gross indifference to human life.

>> No.5719448


Only if you start drinking or doing something interesting besides being a judgy jude.

You don't even work a shitty job, the fuck you talking about easy mode?

>> No.5719449


I mean, it's one thing to be a "loser male" (that's quite fine in fact!), but nobody likes a "loser male" that is self-absorbed, bitter, unkind, and has no sense of agency or responsibility.

Actually, nobody likes anyone with those qualities, be they alpha or beta or male or female.

There's a real danger of becoming deeply misanthropic if you're cut off from a good, supportive and stimulating social context. I don't mean to be judgmental about it, I get why it happens and I've experienced it a bit myself, but you've got to try and break out of that loop or it'll consume you completely.

>> No.5719452

get over it faggot, at least Elliot saw the world for what it really was

>> No.5719459

>surely an actual loser male is an under represented topic in art?
Are you actually fucking serious?

>> No.5719465


>at least Elliot saw the world for what it really was

Can anyone actually think this?

>> No.5719468



top kek

One of the most lollable aspects of elliot was the media's attempts to dehumanise him and use him for their own agendas afterwards.

"No he wasn't mentally ill at all, he was literally the personification of male entitlement / millenial entitlement / misogyny / 1 % entitlement / PUA insanity etc. (pick one)"


>self-absorbed etc.

vague rubbish. And what really lols me up is that people only get accused of this if their self-delusion isn't fed by others. i.e. a celebrity / instagram girls don't get accused of delusion / self-absorbtion.

Just admit it m80, you are a slave to what popular media wants you to think. This faux-edgy post-edgy "I'm posting on a website for losers but I will criticise the losers" attitude is transparent and not actually edgy

Losers who have no friends and don't make social media accounts to assist advertisers in targeting ads at them are scum of the earth.

Instagram attention whores are great people, no questions asked.

>> No.5719472

He was deluded about himself, but at as far as the world around him he was very perceptive and honest

>> No.5719480


I'm not regurgitating quotes from the media. I've watched his videos and read pages out of My Twisted World.

His sense of entitlement was actually astounding.

The universe doesn't owe anybody anything. It just doesn't work that way. Things just are, and sometimes the way they are brings us pain.

To think that somehow we're getting shafted-- that everyone else who enjoys life is in on a conspiracy to make us miserable-- is not just self-centered but false.

>> No.5719485


You didn't ask me about celebrities or "instagram girls" (whatever the fuck that is lol).

There's plenty of delusion to go around in our society, plenty of self-delusion. I think all this power-chasing, money-chasing etc. is perfectly delusional.

>> No.5719495
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>> No.5719497

>One of the most lollable aspects of elliot was the media's attempts to dehumanise him and use him for their own agendas afterwards.
>"No he wasn't mentally ill at all, he was literally the personification of male entitlement / millenial entitlement / misogyny / 1 % entitlement / PUA insanity etc. (pick one)"
I'm actually surprised it went away as quickly as it did.

>> No.5719504

I read it and liked it. It has over one million reads

>> No.5719513


And paintings by George Zimmerman sell for thousands of dollars. That doesn't make them art.

My Twisted World is just serial killer paraphernalia.

>> No.5719517

Great list
Should add My Twisted World (really, if Elliot had worked on that a bit more it he could have published it, at least as a satire)

Although in most of those books the main character does still have sex and relationships in some manner. There isn't really much literature that deals with virginity to an advanced age. OP you should write a book about it.

>> No.5719519

>nobody likes anyone with those qualities

Females usually are quite attracted to someone

>self-absorbed, bitter, unkind, and has no sense of agency or responsibility.

>> No.5719521

lighten up you miserable cunt, it's one of the most gripping and fascinating pieces of literature in the 21st century.

>> No.5719536

>My Twisted World is just serial killer paraphernalia.

which is why it is interesting, even if it has no artistic value

>> No.5719540

bukowski lost his virginity when he was 25 or something

>> No.5719542
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Why /r9k/?
I've never visited that board (most of the time I just visit /lit/). According to google is a board that only allows original content, and... ?

Maybe I should go to /r9k/ since honestly, I enjoyed most of those books

>> No.5719548 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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But he compensated those "lost" years

>> No.5719669


Excellent choices. I think I'll read My Twisted World next

>> No.5719673

Too late, OP. As always.

>> No.5719677


The list is our recommendations to them, most people in there have barely read a book in their lives.

/lit/ came out of the first big /r9k/ break up and there's no need to go back there ever.

>> No.5719700

Man, for me uni was when life stopped being shitty. No sex, mind, but friends and good times. I do feel bad for anyone whose life still can't get gud even at university.

>> No.5719714

Nothing can compensate for a lonely youth

>> No.5719786

I can only imagine what I'd be like if I had never been so successful with women from ages 18-20, before I went bald. It's a really dehumanizing experience to be sexually selected against. Every day is a reminder of what love truly is; Cockroaches scuttling through this world looking for someone to swap protein packs with. It's a biological process, it has nothing to do with the soul, or with a meeting of personalities. Love won't save you. We don't get that beacon of hope.

Thankfully, from an early age I seemed to know how stupid it is to depend on other people for anything. I could never put my self esteem, or happiness, or hope for the future in someone else's hands, for them to decide on. The key is to find happiness in solitude. Yeah, maybe it's sour grapes. Or maybe it's a blessing in disguise. From the beginning I knew I didn't want to live the same life as everyone around me, or before me, for better or worse, and living this life I've come to realize that we are never more free than when we are alone. After all, we can't take anyone with us where we're going.

>> No.5719789

Meant to post this instead:

>> No.5720020

>no friends or acquaintances despite being in final year
>have only fucked prostitutes and done nothing else with girls ever


>> No.5720029
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>go to university for MA
>no financial aid for MAs
>be homeless
>live in a different men's shelter every night
>eat at soup kitchens and churches
>sell cocaine to pay tuition
>store all my shit in a storage locker for next to nothing
>write papers while riding subway/bus back and forth across town, with big duffelbag full of library books
>steal/use free wifi
>meet tons of humanities chicks on craigslist/okcupid/pof
>have sex with them
>don't have permanent residence
>just do it in random grad offices and classrooms and bathrooms at the university
>have giant awful hobo beard and smell bad
>get drunk on fortified wine while fucking them
>they don't even care
>tfw snorting coke and walking around to find a bus stop to sleep in while reading a book about buzzard parasitology

>> No.5720055



Jesus Christ

>> No.5720082

>Going to /r9k/

Mate, I've been on /lit/ for years and despite having a shitty life and shitty childhood compared to most people on here, I deciphered how bullshit that place was in a week. Don't let them poison your mind. They're right about women being inferior though.

>> No.5720088

/r9k/ is 100% right about women, they just whine too fucking much. The omegas are fun, the misogynists are correct if a little overly excited about it sometimes, but the betas are the fucking worst. So many low testosterone faggots there.

>> No.5720096

Not 100%. They are wrong on a lot of things. It may be true that there are less interesting women out there compared to men but there's an abundance of them and I've met a great deal of great women in my life. You just have to look, however rare.

>> No.5720100

for real?
pls be real

>> No.5720124


Society is based around things to which we are justly entitled and the responsibilities which entitle us to those things. I'm not even talking about Rogers.

>> No.5720130

/r9k/ is all 100% omega

why would you ever take even the smallest piece of a life view from a loser with no life experience?

>> No.5720132

Yeah, like supreme gentleman style. It would obviously be a best seller!

>> No.5720143
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>> No.5720155


>Society is based around things to which we are justly entitled and the responsibilities which entitle us to those things

It's one thing to get this wrong in particular instances, but to imagine this as some kind of guiding, general principle is almost insane.

The universe is huge. It's full of cars, airplanes, people, and lots of planets and stars and things that have nothing to do with people and couldn't care less about people.

Society is a picture in the sand, changing constantly, giving no guarantees and unable to act as an absolute onto which we can graft our life and identity.

It's all in a flux. The universe doesn't care if you feel you're "entitled" to something. Society doesn't either. Occasionally it lines up that way but there's nobody in charge- there's no supreme arbiter making sure people get things for which they have the "responsibility which entitles."

It's just how it is mate, you can live in a dream world of how it should be or you can live in reality.

A lot of people let themselves get eat up with this. They get laid off or they don't get into a university and they think, "I did what I was supposed to! I am entitled to this!"

In my last relationship I thought, "It is not fair that it should be this way! I am entitled to your love because I once had it!" And I acted half-crazy because of this strange belief.

>> No.5720168

>Man, for me uni was when life stopped being shitty. No sex, mind, but friends and good times.
For me it was the straight opposite. I have agf with whom I have sex once or twice every week but I feel that either all my friends got tired of me or that they were never my friends in the first place. Life in general has become better in some ways but I never had suicidal thoughts before uni.

>> No.5720170

kill uerself b4 u kill others

>> No.5720178


A lot of people seem to have a blast at uni, and a lot of people seem to have bad identity-crises and feelings of depression/alienation.

I've also noticed that people's experience at uni tend to be greatly influenced by seemingly small events: the kind of roommates you had your first semester, your freshman year relationship, whether you transferred or not etc.

My conclusion is that ones social life has a huge bearing on joy and success at uni, and that this is more or less random for people who are shy.

Some will have the fortune of meeting a few good friends early on and then snowballing into socially confident people with lots of friends. Others will latch onto a group they don't quite fit into and feel weird and awkward and decrease in confidence before getting fed up with the whole project.

>> No.5720187

I was that last sentence

Also no OP the male loser story is probably the most overdone premise next to loser girl meeting hot mysterious hunk who only has eyes for her

And Eliot sympathizers are fucking pathetic, the guy looked good had good connections and had good money, he just threw it all away because California just fucked him up

>> No.5720196
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>I've also noticed that people's experience at uni tend to be greatly influenced by seemingly small events: the kind of roommates you had your first semester, your freshman year relationship, whether you transferred or not etc.
You are incredibly right about that. I am in my 4th semster, and have subjects from 2nd to 5th semesters, so of most of the people I know I only see them once a week. Also, I stopped partying althogether, the very thought scares me, lucky me, my gf feels more or less similar, but I can't stop having doubts about her.

Every day I feel more disconnected and alien to the people I know, and the horizon is even worse; I feel schizophrenia or alzheimer is around the corner as there are family members that have had them before, so I guess this ride is not going to end.

>> No.5720200

Just kill yourself and make everyone around you happy.

You have a fucking unicorn tattoo for fucks sake you dumb bitch

>> No.5720327
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Want a cool story? Worthy of some of the best creepypastas of Sarkeesian terror.

>The following history is real, I know it's difficult to believe, but it's real.

I did a psychology degree. In the beginning, everything went right people meeting people, good vibes, I was one of the first guys to get a gf in class...

But then the teacher (female) of social psychology decided it was about time to make social experiments.

Now that woman is the exact description of a feminazi, she blamed men on everything and ridiculed men in class. She was full of prejudices and whatnot.

I should had suspect something of what was going to happen whn she started to bring a camera to her lessons...

The second semester of the first year, there were mixed groups, both girls and boys togheter, but suddenly, a day, out of nothing, all the girls changed their usual places to sit and started to sit togheter at one side of the class, tightly grouped, leaving the men alone, scattered throughout the class in their usual places.

Also, they just stopped talking to us.

Even worse, when you talked to one of the girls, they looked at you with a terrorized face. They wouldn't even answer any question, even basic ones like "What time is it?"

All the guys on that course were isolated badly, other teachers noticed, and some asked what the hell was happening, but girls stayed silent and boys had no clue.

Years after somebody told me something, probably by accident: The teacher was offering to automatically pass her subject to a small group of girls if they spread bad rumours about the boys. Something in the lines of sexual abuse, perverts or something like that.

Out of nothing we became monsters to the girls on our own degree.

>> No.5720347
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I'm >>5720196 and I find that completely believable. I am studying Psychology and I've had teachers that are fucking mad.

>> No.5720348
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This had many effects. Being isolated, many boys faced depression, quit, or developed issues thinking there was something wrong with them, the most resilient of us just had to keep along and befriend people from other degrees or courses or face the grim view of completing our whole degree alone. I remember to experience severe anxiety and resentment towards the whole university and any female students in my course.

The intense social rejection we felt almost lead to something worse. There were jokes about massacres in the uni. Columbine and shit like that. People was lucky most of us were civilized humans, because when that kind of jokes start to pop out of 4chan, some people will take them seriously, and something very bad could happen.

I remember of a guy who was really creepy. He looked really depressed, and laughed the loudest when some of these jokes popped out. He quit uni after the second year, saying he felt better in his town "where people is nicer and nobody hates me".

After discovering the truth, things went even worse, some girls were asked about it, and they avoided any direct answer.

Nowadays, I can only hate anything related to my university, worst years of my life. Going to a class full of people who rejects you on such level was horrible. The teachers also were huge faggots as well, some sadistic assholes who only deserve hell on earth.
I felt lonely, rejected, both me and my friends thought that there was something very wrong with us, and our pass through uni was a living hell.

>> No.5720349


>> No.5720350

That's what you get for studying Psychology/Prozac-Prescription-Science.

>> No.5720359

TL;DR "I was creepy as shit and girls avoided me"

>> No.5720360
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>> No.5720364

Anon, what is the best way to get adderall prescribed?

Love, anon.

>> No.5720369
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No, I told you, I was the first guy to get a gf in class, no creepy thing, I'm not that kind of human trash.

I told you ALL the guys were isolated, and that the truth popped out years after that happent.

But whatever, keep trolling.

>> No.5720376



Prescribed? Legally? Either be a child with ADHD or a young adult with parkinson. Depends on the country, tho.

>> No.5720378

Fuck, I'm not the only one then? Maybe there's something to it? Being afraid of leaving for the adult life or something?


>> No.5720379

No, I believe you. But you studied Ritalin-Recommendation-Science, instead of something that has reasonable men, like Physics (the only acceptable STEM degree)

>> No.5720382

> But you studied Ritalin-Recommendation-Science

Ha, I agree with that. Add a bunch of bullshit theories that don't work, outdated science and a bit of useless facts.

Getting into that degree was a huge mistake, in every sense.

>> No.5720386
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>I'm not the only one then?
At what?
>Being afraid of leaving for the adult life or something?
I ask because I don't feel like that, I stopped partying because it now feels like an irresponsible and childish behaviour.

>> No.5720390

Bizarre story if real, bro. What happened to the feminazi teacher? She was fired, right?

>> No.5720392


Completely unbelievable and a shit story at that.

Why did you waste our time by writing that?

>> No.5720398

>but I can't stop having doubts about her.

>Every day I feel more disconnected and alien to the people I know, and the horizon is even worse;

main difference being I feel a growing paranoia that's getting harder and harder to escape, along with a claustrophobic feeling all the time

>> No.5720408

it's a /pol/ pasta

>> No.5720414

Nigger, schizophrenia is a kit of awkwardness, paranoia and hallucinations. If it gets me I'm fucked.

>> No.5720432
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As real as my hands, bro. The teacher still works there.


I dare you to find a single copypasta that tells my story. OC here bro, as real as life. I swear. I've told this story before in other places.

I'd bring some friends here to tell the story, but id's are not enabled in this board so you would call me samefag and it would be of no use.

Also, fuck /pol/ they took one of my best friends and transformed him into some kind of retard, I've only been there for the occasional random raid from /b/.

I browse mainly /biz/.

>> No.5720440


That faggot on the pic makes the same movie time and time again, portraying always the same boring beta character, and a lot of people all are content to accept the imposition (that was made first by god knows who) that he is a genius.


>> No.5720455 [DELETED] 

I don't know, there are people who consider Freud a genius even today. Because he's a jew.

>> No.5720462

He is.

>> No.5720471



>> No.5720475
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A jew? Of course.

>> No.5720480


>> No.5720483

Also, thanks for proving my point.

>> No.5720487


Brutes, bores, class-conscious Philistines, Freud, Marx, Fake thinkers, puffed-up poets, frauds, and sharks.

>> No.5720503

>heteronormative, materialist, nominalist, positivist capitalist detected

>> No.5720505
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>> No.5720512

>not being heteronormative, nominalist, and positivist

>> No.5720518

>There are people who like Freud
>"I like Freud"
>Ha! Got you!

>> No.5720522 [DELETED] 

Have you even sad the old Schlomo?

>> No.5720523


>> No.5720990

It's become a board for lonesome 20+ virgin men to express their depression.

>> No.5721021
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>at least Elliot saw the world for what it really was

>> No.5721250

Fuck didn't you put the bitch in her place?

>> No.5721272

thats disgusting

>> No.5721354


How can you possibly think that story is true? Are you some kind of fucking moron?

>> No.5721422

patrician as fuck

>> No.5721435

somebody hasn't seen those bumpvlimit threads they have where they talk about manipulating and abusing their parents into doing shit for them, like getting them taco bell and video games. that shit is fucking foul.

>> No.5721447

This. Rodger never faced rejection because he didn't try to ask a girl out even once. Somehow he expected girls to throw themselves at him for no reason. He's not the poster child of male loserdom, he's the poster child of narcissism.

>> No.5721566

You're a jumpy one, aren't you ? Because from "A guy who fantasized about eradicating most women because he never had a girlfriend (nevermind he never tried getting one)" to "Instagram people are great and we all follow the media" the leap is pretty huge. If nothing else because it pits as opposite things that are correlated: Rodger wasn't the opposite of the social media mindset, he was the embodiment of its ugliest parts.

Just think about it for more than five seconds: the guy made youtube video about how his style is the greatest to ever grace the earth. He resented not only being alone and emotinally isolated, but also not having a stereotypical Instagram slut to fuck.

Instagram girls don't get accused of delusion because they generally don't kill people out of not having enough followers. Sure, they are self-centered, and they get a pass because they are teenage and hot/slutty. And of course, they are self-centered. But if they are, so is Rodger. If he had been a girl, in all likelihood he would have published semi-naked pics all over the internet.

I also like the part where you imply that having friends and making social media accounts are the same. Try the former and not the latter, and see if you're considered a scum (and by whom ? only people on facebook and journalists-ie people on twitter- care about what facebook says).

>> No.5721588

Source ? I could agree for self-absorbed, and to some extent to unkind and no sense of responsibility. But bitter and no sense of agency ? That screams dickless loser.

In "alpha jerk male" there is still "alpha". At least get your stereotypes straight.

>> No.5721596

People also like Notes from Underground and Journey to the End of the Night, but both have rather unlikable protagonists.

I also liked the parts I read. Rodger is not too bad a writer. He's an insufferable prick, but he can conveys his prickness with quite som efficiency.

>> No.5721727

This story is 100% bullshit. Even putting aside the idea that you believed the story about your prof based on hearsay (or based on what? The media would've had a field day if the story disseminated through official channels), the part of your story that makes the least sense is your assertion that perceived ostracization occurring in one class had a great negative impact on the social lives and mental health of several of the male students in the class. There are other classes, anon, on which to build a social life, and many more important social experiences in college that never happen anywhere near a class. Your story is transparent misogynistic twaddle, and that anyone here believes it is further evidence that we on /lit/ are as gullible as the denizens of /x/.

But who am I to interrupt your paranoid pity party? Continue.

>> No.5721747

I havn't but I can believe that shit like that exists. Disgusting.

>> No.5721759

yeah, shit like bullying their poor single mother who works two jobs into buying them taco bell after she's worked all day because they're too lazy to cook

>> No.5721801

Yeah, I can't believe those little shits want to eat. There must be something inherently wrong with them, or maybe Facebook and Instagram and some school administrator's touchy feely idea of "discipline" ruined them forever. This is truly a dark, decadent age we live in.

>> No.5721807

that's a pretty good read, thanks

>> No.5721849

Nothing can replace it either. Believe it or not, but spending your teenage day drowning in easy poontang is not necessarily the best beginning-of-life path.

>> No.5721857

even worse, they take any and all criticism by deflecting and calling the neighsayer a "normie" or "chad"

>> No.5721895

If your purpose what to write the most clichés in the least amount of text, I can tell that you've managed to put at least 17 of them in six lines, so it's quite a feat.

>> No.5721909

>le boomerang irony face

Good job.

>> No.5721937

>The following history is real, I know it's difficult to believe, but it's real.

80% likelihood this story is false. This is the second worst way to begin a story right after "Do you have time to talk about Jesus ?" and right before "Do you have some change ?".

>> No.5722296

How could the teacher check when a girl had spread rumors when even you realized it only years later an "by accident" ? And how did rumors didn't spread up to you ? Were you the only class in the uni ? Did you not talk with people outside your class, even after being isolated ? Did the girls not talk about it to anyone, even after being told that their classmates were perverts (and seemingly believing it) ?

Boy, I hope this story is true, because sure as hell it isn't well thought-out.

>> No.5722416

Yes but it has to be a trage- comedy.

>> No.5722465

If you had actually read it you would see that his self-indulgence and prickish nature was not always within him, as he discusses at length. He gives a very detailed account of his isolation and alienation. I don't agree with him but its hard not to empathize with him and what he claims happened to him. He was basically sexually assaulted by women multiple times in his youth, while his peers looked on and made fun of him for it. Are we really going to pretend this wouldn't have a huge impact on his psyche? I recall No Longer Human having a similar story line, and that was basically Dazai's autobiography before killing himself.

>> No.5722506

> He was basically sexually assaulted by women multiple times in his youth

That seems pretty sick. At any rate the vacuity of his life was terrifying. Like looking in the hole of a vacuum cleaner ten hours a day every day and not even being paid for it.

>> No.5722590

I recommend that anyone that thinks Elliot is just some "virgin woman hater" to read what actually happened to him.

He says that, as a child, a young girl (I think a year younger that him) would force him to take off his underwear while she and her friends would insult his small/sickly body and penis. He says she had brought women's underwear for him to wear and made him put it on, then laugh about it. He says she forced him to insult his own masculinity, call himself a girl, etc. All this was done in front of his peers, who laughed or did nothing. I think there was more, but its been a while since I read it.

Is it really so shocking that after this he would begin to analyze society in such men-women, masculine-feminine, alpha-beta sort of way? Does this not explain the crushing depression he felt for his inability to ever assert his masculinity--to have a girlfriend of to have sex?

I think this "virgin women hater" bullshit needs to end. Most of us have gone to public schooling, we have all witnessed bullying, much of it done by women to men that were seen as "betas", or losers, or nerds, or whatever. I know I say it countless times, never thinking much of it. But really, shouldn't we question just how harmful this can be to a person? They are isolated socially at such a young age, its impossible for it to not have an impact on their mindset, especially towards women.

Elliot had mental problems, no doubt about it. Maybe he was just a misogynist all along, OK. But is this really enough to justify what he went through?

>> No.5722699

>but surely an actual loser male is an under represented topic in art?

Get well anon.

>> No.5724606
File: 76 KB, 1124x345, 13567893455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5724624

If I wanna read this , and fill my monitor with anons tears and self pity i would go to r9k.

>> No.5724657


Gather round, gather round, marvel at the fuck-wit who actually takes the manifesto of a narcissistic murderer at face value.

>> No.5724669

No matter how clichéd, this guy knows what's up

>> No.5724681


[r9k] was originally an experiment board where a script was was added that wouldn't let you post unless it was an original post. But then it took an unexpected turn when feelfags invaded it. Its been a stronghold of righteous virgin rage and down -and-outs ever since.

>> No.5724739

yeah this guy should write a book.

>> No.5725230

modern day raskolnikov here

>> No.5725239

>I've never visited that board
>According to google

Are you fucking serious? How much of a retarded newfaggot are you? Kill yourself so people aren't subjectes to your pointless, moronic presence.

>> No.5725302

Dude, go to a psychologist. Wash and shave regularly. And try not to be humorless. You need to learn how to communicate with others. A lot of people are stupid but ignore that and talk to them.

>> No.5725534

You need to start being a better person.
Like, not be a better person for other people.
But be better for yourself, do more shit, and get what you like.

>> No.5726827

hopeless r9k misanthrope detected