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/lit/ - Literature

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5717907 No.5717907 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5717917

I voted for all of them

>> No.5717924

I don't know much about Dosty or his books
Why is he so liked on /lit/?

>> No.5717954

Everyone used to like him. Then they saw people on reddit liked him too. Now everyone on lit hates him and says he's for plebs

>> No.5717956

Did you even look at the poll

>> No.5717965

>not realizing people are voting ironically

I mean, John Donne 2%? TOP KEK

>> No.5717971

This is something that someone actually believes.

>> No.5717975

No one here reads poetry from before the 19th century (except epic poetry)

>> No.5717979

Doesn't "aren't shit" mean "worthless".

You aren't shit nigger. = You are worthless my good man.

>> No.5717981

The only poets from before the 19th century that /lit/ cares about are Homer, Dante and Milton. MAYBE Vergil and Ovid too. For Shakespeare we only care about his plays.

>> No.5717999

"You are shit" means worthless, too though.

>> No.5718002

why the fuck has steinbeck received so many votes?

>> No.5718005

No Donne :(

>> No.5718013

4chan is an American website.

>> No.5718029

I find it hard to dislike Steinbeck. I say this as a yurop in clapistan. He's so sincere, even if he is a tad thick.

>> No.5718032

>"OMG I read Steinbeck in high school, he is therefore objectively shit"

>> No.5718035

>Donne near last place
why, never realized how pleb this board was. in fairness i hardly come here.

>> No.5718036

He's not bad but not as good as most of the other writers listed

>> No.5718051

donne is hardly that good apart from a few poems and sermons

>> No.5718053


>OMG I'm a fat stupid american that thinks mediocre american authors are read in schools anywhere but the US

>> No.5718059

I'm a fit European who resides in Europe. Calm down.

>> No.5718136

pics or gtfo euroscum

>> No.5718210


>> No.5718243

Sophocles is not great except for a handful of plays

>> No.5718248

All of his plays that I've read are great.

>> No.5718261

compared to euripides that's right. it's sad that his most famous plays (theban) are his worst.

>> No.5718592

motherfucking dosto is gonna win this thing, can someone explain why

>> No.5718616

The only writer to ever exist who isn't shit is Tao Lin

>> No.5718627
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Because only us high class, cultured, and sophisticated types transcend the mediocrity of the sophomoric crowd on /lit/

>> No.5719122

antigone and oedipus rex are brilliant, it's only at colonus which brings the "trilogy" down

>> No.5719133

Hemingway - 63 votes
Homer - 61 votes


>> No.5719201
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>Dostoyevsky uber alles
>Hemmmingway is as good as Tolstoy
>Steinbeck better than Proust
>Umberto Eco is a shit writer

>> No.5719208

Guys, Joyce is really not that good. I know we like to joke around here and have fun, but sometimes we need to turn it down a notch and get shit done.

>> No.5719221

Nobody here reads anything but modernist and contemporary literature with a little Russian lit and a few epics for spice.

>> No.5720037

why do peopl even like dostoevsky he's literally the most bombastic christian preachy shit ever

>> No.5720040

>tfw nabokov is better than joyce

>> No.5720058

>Hemmingway above Proust.

What fucking heresy is this?

>> No.5720060

>muh russian soul
>muh human condition
>muh mysticism

>> No.5721148

>Tao Lin got almost 40 whole votes
you should all be ashamed of yourselves. this poll is fucking depressing

>> No.5721194

oless people on the board have read proust than hemingway? shocker

>> No.5721209

>shakespeare is the highest
nice to see everyone still has their euro-centric higschool influence still working in their heads. god forbid we have our own opinions

>> No.5721237

Your opinions are shit, you really can't be angry at others for that.

>> No.5721249

Yep, euro people are bad. The best writers in the world are africans, dem negroes so smart and creative!

>> No.5721260

oh come on. who do you want to see, confucius and ooga mabooga?

>> No.5721275

>mad because people don't agree with him
>"god forbid we have our own opinions"

>> No.5721290

Who would you choose that is on the level of shakespeare and that isn't a eurocentric choice .

>> No.5721329

Why is Houellebecq not on here? He's literally the Dostoevsky of our age.

>> No.5721625

he has like 8 surviving plays doofus

>> No.5721671 [DELETED] 
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Do you ever slam a book against a wall once you finish reading it?