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5715460 No.5715460 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth reading? I just want to know more about why muslims are terrorizing us how they are.

not b8 btw, just interested since there is no topic about it now

>> No.5715462

It's mostly knock knock jokes.

>> No.5715470

It's rather boring, lacking in story, almost all of it is advice or commandness, do this, do that, kill infidels, beat your wife.

>> No.5715475

>almost all of it is advice or commandness

Muhammad was a worldly leader and his book is basically a manual on how his subjects should live and fight.
>be good so you don't cause no trabble for me
>fight without fear because you'll get into paradise

The religious stuff is basically just copied from Judaism, and is added for credibility.

>> No.5715542

So it is really just for muslims that care about commands from the Koran?
Damn, so no use in reading it I guess.

>> No.5715557

They'll tell you it's the most beautiful book in the world, but it's a Torah rehash with moar rulles.

>> No.5715656

>implying Jesus is important in Judaism
GTFO shill

>> No.5715660

The Quran mentions Jesus, but is MUCH more like the Torah than the new testament.

In fact it's almost nothing like the new testament.

>> No.5717702

>Is it worth reading?
Yes, read it, it will put groups like ISIS in perspective.

>> No.5717726

It's basically just a half-assed mix of Judaism and Christianity.

The Koran is a shitty spin-off of Judaism; it's the Cleveland Show of religious texts.

>> No.5717742

As others have pointed out, the Quaran is wholly lacking in narrative. If you want some sort of story to help you better understand the roots of Islam, I recommend checking out one of the many books which provide a biography of Mohammad or early history of Islam and the Sunni-Shia split.

historyofphilosophy.net just finished a long series of podcasts on Islamic philosophy.

Tom Holland's The Shadow of the Sword covers the rise of Islam using sources from the Byzantine and other contemporary empires because the Arabs were too illiterate to provide much of their own.

>> No.5717746

The Old and New testaments are much more similar to one another than either of them are to The Qur'an.

The main difference being that The Testaments are mostly stories, whereas The Qur'an is mostly instructions, with very little narrative.

>> No.5717765

>it's a Torah rehash with moar rulles.
>more rules

What in the fuck. Did not read the fucking book.
>/pol/ will never die in an airplane crash

>> No.5717784

>They'll tell you it's the most beautiful book in the world

Any book will feel like the most beautiful book in the world if you believe it was written by the creator of the universe.

>> No.5717805

OP, I'm assuming you're not baiting.
1) Ignore every post in this thread before this one, and every shitpost that will respond to it, if you're really interested in the topic
2) It's worth reading, but, like the Tanakh and Gospels, is a very context sensitive text that you probably won't be able to appreciate in one reading.
3) It's not going to tell you why "Muslims are terrorizing us". What you want are history texts and analysis. Read Jeremy Scahill's Dirty Wars for an in depth historical development towards and of the "War on Terror".
4) If all you really want to do is read the Qur'an, then find a copy with footnotes and commentary, and if you're further interested then read "Understanding the Qur'an" by Muhammad Abdel Haleem

>> No.5717807

It was one of the first texts in Arabic, it is one of the most beautiful works because it established what Arabic was. It is self-fulfilling beauty in that respect.

>> No.5717987

We get a like new thread like every day.
You know how 4chan feels about Muslims, stop making these shitty threads.

>> No.5718056

>Moses: kill the infidels, God is on our side, an eye for an eye
>Jesus: make disciples of all nations, God loves everyone, love your enemies
>Muhammad: kill the infidels, God is on our side, an eye for an eye
Can someone explain this? Like, I get that the Byzantines and Sassanids weren't the most benevolent nations, but how do a bunch of desert people sandwiched between Christianity and Zoroastrianism wind up reinventing Iron Age Judaism? The whole Talmud had even been written by then, there weren't even Jews who believed that stuff anymore.

>> No.5718708

>I just want to know more about why muslims are terrorizing us how they are.

Certainly not because of anything that has happened in the past 1300 years...

These threads really bring out the retards.

>> No.5718718

It seems like, since a lot of the core Israelite tribe remained Jewish and stayed in Israel, a lot of those animosities that the ousted tribes from the region (like the philistines or moabites) developed what was eventually a longstanding hatred of the Jewish tribe. Basically, this religion, Islam, seems to be a backlash against Judaism.

>> No.5718734
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>Can someone explain this?

God interjected in the form of Christ to put people on the correct path of peace & truth.

The jews ignored him, the muslims went back to the old ways.

>> No.5718740

>itz just le judaism xD
>mohamed was just a warlord, not real like jesus
>its boring why aren't there more stories :-(
>hey i want to learn about current events, hopefully this really really old book will explain everything

Every time. Stop making these threads you silly infidels.

>> No.5718742

There is probably more evidence for Muhammad than Jesus.

>> No.5718749


I'm >imitating the people who post the same dumb shit every time an Islam thread pops up.

>> No.5718750


Muhammed would be banned on 4chan after posting pics of himself & Aisha...

just sayin...

>> No.5718755


The pedo angle. Clever.

>> No.5718775
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One thing Islam does right is promote modesty among women.

Christianity used to do this until it became very liberal/protestant.

>> No.5718777

I don't think that Moses ever said that.

>> No.5718790

Godly triple sevens.

You do have a point though. Moses was much more passive aggressive than Muhammad. Whenever they were the ones attacked, only then would the tribe of Jacob retaliate. Remember Kings? Sometimes they would go out and wage war on other tribes, but it was mostly just retaliatory strikes.

>> No.5718791
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I've seen things where muslims say that translations of the Koran aren't valid, and it's only the original arabic version that carries any weight. Which means they're probably the originators of the whole
>reading translations

>> No.5718793
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>mfw muslims think God speaks in Arabic

>> No.5718799

>I just want to know more about why muslims are terrorizing us

You'd be better off learning about geopolitics in the middle east since the colonial imperialistic era to the present day.

It wouldn't be a lie to say that the religion has very clear and strong sayings towards and about 'violent' attitudes which certainly facilitates the current situations.

>> No.5718803

>I just want to know more about why muslims are terrorizing us
>why muslims are terrorizing us how they are.

skip to 4mins 20seconds


>> No.5718827

>I just want to know more about why muslims are terrorizing us how they are.
Look elsewhere for the answer. (Hint: foreign policies.) Religious books are only the justification, not the motivation.

>> No.5718847

Right. Muslims are jealous that they live next to the greatest democracy, and because we won't let them in, they get all pissy.

Grow up, towel heads

>> No.5718849


that's how you bump your thread?

>> No.5718868

Did you know that jews are the smartest race in the world?
Jews confirmed for:
>best scientists
>best philosophers
>the elite ruling class race

>> No.5718882 [DELETED] 
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>>jews best philosophers

>> No.5718890


>> No.5718902
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>Descartes, Pascal,
>Fichte, Schelling, Schiller
>Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Heraclitus, Epictetus, Avicenna, Diogenes, etc..
>Mill, Berkeley, leibniz


>> No.5718906


Jews are the creator race, the ruling race, the production race, the master race. God's chosen people. The envy of all.

For Zion, niggers.

>> No.5718909

mostly jews except the greeks, although the have semitic ancestry

>> No.5718918

The entire civilized world technically has Semitic ancestry. A large proportion of the population was converted though.

>> No.5718924

To be completely honest, there are some VERY smart Jews. Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud being glaring examples.

I don't know how you can be intellectual and a racist. Egalitarianism is the most logical stance.

>> No.5718925

>The entire civilized world technically has Semitic ancestry

It is what separates the sentient from the sapient
its magic bro

>> No.5718926
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>Egalitarianism is the most logical stance.

>> No.5718927
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>samefagging this hard
>he doesn't know about the new forum features

>> No.5718932


>> No.5718937

I don't mean Semitic ancestry as actually Israelite by blood, but I am referring to the proselytization of the Roman and Greek empires into Judaism, which is essentially what every nation bordering the Mediterranean sea practiced until the Apostles started spreading the word of Jesus Christ.

And everyone who stayed a Jew got to charge Usury because Christianity prevents it (because it's the more beneficial religion)

>> No.5718946

Those girls are laughing at you, for using Google images search to find a picture of laughing women.

>> No.5718953

About as much as I would expect from an egalitarian. Tell me, do you base your beliefs in faith or some fucked utilitarianism?

>> No.5718966

>The Old and New testaments are much more similar to one another than either of them are to The Qur'an.

Old Testament and Quran:
>highly violent overall message
>military exploits by worldly leaders chosen by God
>strict and unenlightened rules on how to deal with slaves, women, facial hair, enemies, ...

New Testament:
>unbridled message of peace, love, and compassion
>complete and utter non-violence
>strictly spiritual leader

>> No.5718968

The Quran is basically a rulebook peppered with rehashed Judaism.

Deal with it.

>> No.5718970
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>> No.5718991
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> a worldly leader and his book is basically a manual on how his subjects should live and fight
> copied from Judaism

Are you talking about the bible?

>> No.5718995 [DELETED] 
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Dont' think he is m8.

>> No.5718997

The OT, yes.

See >>5718966

>> No.5719011

how come jesus looks like hugh laurie

>> No.5719017

why is his forearm so jacked

>> No.5719019


monks do a lot of manual labor, plus they are infused with the Holy Spirit

>> No.5720808
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>tfw you are a Christian Anarchist who enjoys doing volunteer work and providing charity as your Lord and Savior desired as well as making plans to live a lifestyle more in-tune with nature.

I feel pretty good about life.

>> No.5720834

>reading the arab-judaism manual
If you aren't really interested in it, don't. No, it's not the Quran that makes people terrorists, it's their gullibility and geo-politics of unfortunate third world countries. You're better off reading up on history and politics or even the greeks[/ spoiler], if you want to understand islamic fundamentalists.

>> No.5720851

Pretty much any surah that rhymes is better in Arabic than the KJV Bible in English, IMO. Only the more well-written books of the OT (like Ecclesiastes) and a few scattered passages in the NT can hold a candle to the Arabic Qur'an in terms of composition. Maybe the Hebrew/Greek is better.

>> No.5720859

He's been holding that bucket of water for many, many years.

>> No.5720866

>why muslims are terrorizing us how they are.

If you already have made up your mind, why bother reading it?
There are maybe 1bn muslims worldwide, and I can ensure you that "muslims" are not terrorizing us.

>> No.5720877

The quran tels you surprisingly little about the current state the Arab world is in. It's basically the stories of the Old Testament retold in Arabic.

If you want to understand Islamic fundamentalism, and particularly the sunni version, you should read about Sajjid Qutb, particularly Milestones

>> No.5720891

It was useful for uniting the arabic tribes. Remember the golden age of islam? Scientific progress that influenced even Europe? Wouldn't have been possible without Mohammed's arab-judaism manual.
>>5715475 Is right, but that's how you build great nations. On your people's and your enemies blood. We like to forget about this disgusting side of humanity because we already have our nice big and peaceful states, but remember how they were built. It always needed an ideology to unite the masses.
The great arabs went to shit, like every great culture goes to shit, while we gained strength and started shaping the world.
In today's world you see arabs feeling dissatisfied with where they stand us a people, so it shouldn't be a surprise that charismatic leaders use islamic ideology to rally them against the perceived threat from the western world. Once again the arab-judaism manual will do it's magic and connect the different tribes to form a big nation and crush it's enemies. Only this time it won't get the chance to stabilize itself into a civilized high-culture. We will crush it in it's current state, because we already built our peaceful world and can't bear to see the ugly birth of a new culture.

>> No.5722276

>it wouldn't have been possible without Mohammed's Arab-Judaism manual
How so? I don't think it was Islam it self that inspired the "Golden Age of Islam", aside from Philosophers inspired by the Quran, people in the Middle East were doing science and art before Islam, the Golden Age it self might've been in coincidence with the rise of Muslim Empires controlling more trade routes and using the wealth to aid in a new renaissance. But I don't think there was anything with the spread of Islam or in the Quran which led to more people going out and doing science and math.

>> No.5722393

Science, art and other creative endeavors often flourish in strong, stable societies, giving scholars the time and security to work. Islam certainly inspired a strong coherent empire for much of its history. Not really coincidence

>> No.5723711 [DELETED] 

>There are maybe 1bn muslims worldwide, and I can ensure you that "muslims" are not terrorizing us.
There are 1.5 billion muslims, and the vast majority of them are fundamentalists.

>> No.5725078

It won't make as much sense without tafsir which is how the muslims interprit teh quran

>> No.5725098

ah israel, destablising the middle east since the lolacaust