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/lit/ - Literature

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5715325 No.5715325 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you people love Buddhism so much? Are you all Orientalists?

>> No.5715360

It's the best philosophy

>> No.5715380

Why do you people like Christianity so much: Are you middle eastern?

>> No.5715494


Buddhism is retarded and contradictory by nature. If you like Buddhism you've never read western Philosophy.

>> No.5715499

>Why do you people love Buddhism so much?
because those people are fearful slaves who wish for death

>> No.5715500
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>you people
what a shitty, baseless accusation. as far as i am am concerned, buddhism is a very friendly deathcult, but a deathcult nonetheless.
>Are you all Orientalists?
what a shitty, retarded misapplication of a concept that doesn't explain anything anyway.

>> No.5715620
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>> No.5715792

>Western philosophy

>> No.5715829

Buddhism is easily misinterpreted by plebs who are looking for salvation. People who suddenly 'become buddhists' are usually people who just went through some mildly traumatic shit, usually break ups. They're are also usually narcissistic and egocentric, and after they read buddhist stuff they proceed being narcissistic and egocentric but with a small dose of fake empathy (which they'll never stop announcing to everyone) and pseudo zen bullshit ("oh man jus chill nothing really matters, wait did you just say my clothes look stupid?"). You prob know one of these people, they're annoying as fuck. (And yes I'm prob projecting, but at the same time I do know a lot of people like this).

>> No.5715840

You must be new here. Most here dislike Eastern philosophy. Just scroll the first couple pages and the majority is about Western Philosophers.

>> No.5715851

>stirner mymy
>love buddhism

lmao is thi sugy retarded hgaha

>> No.5715864

Buddhism isn't Oriental you tard. But most of /lit/ are crackers.

>> No.5715877

Is he the reason, or do you claim that he had a good reason?

>> No.5715884

maaan... fuck buddhism im an egoist.. cogito ergo sum haha xD fuck allan wats and all the druggies :) give me a nice murakami novel and im all set :)

>> No.5715894



"ohhhh, I have read the four noble truths and I'm now in the path to Enlightenment!!!!! I want to trascend my reality!!!!"

priceless, do some DMT and fuck off

>> No.5715901

There are almost daily threads here talking about how Buddhism is superior to anything the West has ever produced.

>> No.5715922
File: 120 KB, 864x865, CORGIS[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a funny guy op.

Buddhist threads usually don't deviate away from discussion about the philosophy and there aren't very few shitstorms that arise unlike Christian or Muslim threads. Just goes to show you.

It always makes me smile when I see how composed people are in Buddhist threads. Its like a little break from all the whining and shitposting.

>> No.5715939

aren't very much*

>> No.5717542

>Buddhist threads usually don't deviate away from discussion
I don't care about the discussion, I care about the people having it. They're the ones I'm calling out.

>> No.5718140

Hipsters that think Christianity is too mainstream

>> No.5718682

Christianity is too mainstream though. And contradicts many things we know from science and observation, so there's that.

>> No.5718684



>> No.5718707

It has very gentle and relatively comforting ideas about the usual existential issues.

>> No.5718713


So if you know about the true intentions of buddhism, care to elucidate?

>> No.5718757

So you're calling out the philosophy and the people dicussing it on /lit/ because of what some people you've met IRL are like?

>> No.5718802

Kek, but its okay when Buddhism does it because "its just a metaphor".