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5715095 No.5715095 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Phenomenology of Spirit a work of literature?

>> No.5715106

Hegel a shit

>> No.5715117
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>tfw Hegel wanted you to reject his philosophy of history so that you can finally attain freedom and thus prove him right

>> No.5715121

Why is it translated as "spirit" rather than "mind"?

>> No.5715124

>tfw Marx did exactly that and fulfilled Hegel's predictions
>tfw history ended when the Berlin Wall fell

>> No.5715129

Because Geist has no exact translation in English and can be translated as either mind or Spirit.

>> No.5715137

>tfw Hegel was right about everything

>> No.5715148

How could it be?

>> No.5715152

I know, but wouldn't "mind" be much more fitting? Didn't read much Hegel I must admit. (Also it was funny how Stirner was taking the piss out of Geist also meaning "ghost", thus birthing the "spook" meme.)

>> No.5715157

Spirit is the most complete form of consciousness. It's a step beyond mind, for Hegel.
Spirit coming to know itself is a more complete process than Mind coming to know itself, since when Mind knows itself it is Spirit, and when Spirit knows itself it is God.

>> No.5715171

I've not read much Hegel either, but I think Spirit means more than mind since the latter tends to refer to individual minds while Spirit suggests a Becoming (how the mind, in a certain age and thanks to the previous ages, became what it is). Although some did translate it as Mind, but I think that, at least today, we associate Mind with the present situation of mind (as in what a human mind can think if it is properly formed and possess language) rather than the modifications it suffered throughout history thanks to the passing down and changing of knowledge.

>> No.5715250

No, it's philosophy. It can't be literature.

>> No.5715273

pleb, who are Sartre and Camus?

>> No.5715348

francis fukuyama pls go