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/lit/ - Literature

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5713741 No.5713741 [Reply] [Original]

Post some cringe /lit/ pictures

>> No.5713749
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>> No.5713754

Wow fuck David

>> No.5713761

Why did they specifically have to ask librarians not to edit the description?

>> No.5713767

>that profile picture

insufferable fucking faggot

>> No.5713769

His reviews are fucking toxic, psuedointellectual nonsense. If he doesn't like a work he blames the work for being shit. He gave Stoner 1 star.

>> No.5713773

he's right. walser is garbage

>> No.5713782

For being a book aimed at 13 y/o, hunger games is very good. The same applies to Harry Potter, Twilight, not very much, it just relies on its premise.

To Kill a Mockingbird is a very good book if you aren't familiar with the wealth of Western literature.

Pride and Prejudice is far too heavy on dialogue for a novel, but it's still a funny work, easily on par with Vanity Fair.

>> No.5713785



>> No.5713787

No one even said they were bad.

>> No.5713789
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I like him. I think he's nice.

>> No.5713793

What do you think of my reviews?


Only three so far, should I continue?

>> No.5713795

Are you a girl?

>> No.5713797

Your Tundra review is quite good.

>> No.5713798

all the top books were written by women, hahahah

>> No.5713803
File: 440 KB, 601x833, minecraft book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self publishing

>> No.5713822

He's sold 14,000 copies more than me...

And published 1 more book...


>> No.5713826

No, but they said they were cringe worthy, which really isn't the case, since they are ratings of books the raters have actually read. Whereas /lit/ touts books or philosophers that many posters haven't read more than Wiki. If /lit/ was limited to rating books they've actually read, it would be something like The Stranger, The Metamorphosis, Lolita, Blood Meridian, and 1984. Which aren't particular bad books, the middle three being masterpieces, but when you realize the person hasn't moved past but for Wikipedia, it is even more cringeworthy than people who actually read a lot of pleb and children's fiction

>> No.5713831

You're fucking embarrassing yourself. No one has said anything is cringe-worthy except ranking those as the best books ever

>> No.5713843

>implying this isn't allegory of our society

>> No.5713850

But ranking those books as the best ever isn't cringeworthy because it's clearly rated from what the voters have actually read.

>> No.5713860

It's not "best books I've read." They are claiming that those are the best books ever.

>> No.5713872

Yes, and everyone who voted made their selection strictly from books which they've actually read, which you're implying they shouldn't be doing.

>> No.5713875

Ok, I'm out, I don't want to ride the troll ride anymore
I should have stopped when I realized I was talking with someone who is defending the choice of The Hunger Games being the greatest literary work EVER and Twilight being #3

>> No.5713878
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I took this picture to insult you. I was going to call you a pretentious dork and say "cringing hard," but I realize now that I was just doing that to avoid acknowledging my similar feelings about myself. I don't even disagree with you.

I'm sorry for trying to hurt your feelings just because I am don't like myself.

>> No.5713890

just see /lit/ first page.


>> No.5713891

>hi I'm an illiterate retard
The list is "Best books ever written", not "best books I've ever read." Therefore it's a list that includes EVERY BOOK EVER WRITTEN, not just the ones the individual ever read.
If an individual has only read hunger games, twilight, and Harry potter, (which is in itself something to cringe about) they're a fucking moron for thinking that those might be the best books ever written if they know that other books have been written. It's cringeworthy.

You're an idiot. Muh subjectivism

>> No.5713897

I don't defend that in itself, my choices wouldn't include any of these. What I do defend is making your choices of the best works ever from works which you have actually read. They might not be even close to 'the best works ever', but hardly anyone aside from Harold Bloom is is widely read enough to make that call in any sense worthy of recognition or expertise. So 'best books ever' just means the books you found the greatest, even the phrasing of the question makes it clear it does not aspire to be more, else it would be phrased something like 'greatest works of literature', not 'best books EVAR'

>> No.5713904

No, I am only pretending to be.

>> No.5713905

Oh. Are you really though?

>> No.5713911

You're an idiot and autist if you can't understand the nature of the question. If someone says 'best food ever'? and others respond with shit like pizza and tacos, you don't start chiding them for not saying caviar or truffles, because it's not phrased to ask that sort of thing.

>> No.5713913

Yep. It's a dumb joke I am doing with my girlfriend.

>> No.5713917


>> No.5713935

>you now realize that of the top twenty books sold this year one of them is a minecraft guide

>> No.5713943

probably because they were aware of the cancer tier shit that infested this list

>> No.5713951

Yes, I do. Clearly they're not qualified to opine on the best food ever made if they have only eaten fucking pizza and tacos. Their opinion has absolutely zero weight behind it if their sample size is so limited.

>what's the best food ever made?
>I've only eaten pizza haha
>so it must be pizza!
>but there are other foods...
>no it's definitely pizza haha that's all I've eaten!

I can't believe you actually believe this

>> No.5713956
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>caviar or truffles

>> No.5713964

>Clearly they're not qualified to opine on the best food ever made if they have only eaten fucking pizza and tacos
So is this what you'd tell them?

>> No.5713971

>sample size is so limited
Autism what can't tell the difference between a lab and informal chattery

>> No.5713972


>> No.5713981

>hurr he used a scientific phrase so he must be sciencing!
ur fuckin dumb lol im going to sleep

>> No.5713992

I have lost all respect I might have had for you

>> No.5714017

Maybe you're a big boy and have kids of your own, you can act posh to respectable to them. As an adult with a girl of my own, I'm not going to 'cringe' over a site that has a significant teenage demographic and that is nearly 2/3rds female for considering these books to be the best evvvvver.

>> No.5714018

I liked chattery more even if it isn0t a word.

>> No.5714022

shame that a retard like you passed genes.

>> No.5714023

Stopped reading there

>> No.5714052

I lost respect for you because you called the bad books good because they were written for children, actually, when there is a wealth of great books for children. I don't care either way about cringe

>> No.5714081

if they didn't write 'boy' i would thought it's an ugly girl

>> No.5714086

>As an adult with a girl of my own

>> No.5714091

evidently, ypou didn't read at all, "As an adult with a girl of my own."

holy fuck, you fail at the one thing /lit/ is supposed to do

>> No.5714137

>I lost respect for you because you called the bad books good because they were written for children, actually, when there is a wealth of great books for children
There's a wealth of good movies for kids too, but Star Wars and Muppet Treasure Island are distinguished from the rest by superior quality.

>> No.5714155

I don't know anything about kids' movies but Harry Potter is not even close to being one of the best examples of literature for children. Try winners of the Newberry Medal or the Carnegie Medal for comparison

>> No.5714192

>a girl of my own

Do you tap that ass, tripfag?

>> No.5714195

Do kids select the winners?

>> No.5714227

Of course not, as they're not intelligent or educated enough to decide what's best for them.

>> No.5714229

That's correct, but neither are most adults.

>> No.5714236

Who said anything about most? Ipresume they were selected by qualified people

>> No.5714238

Either way, plenty of popular authors have won the awards, like Philip Pullman, Neil Gaiman, Louis Sachar

>> No.5714241

of course he does like every father does

>> No.5714243

I wouldn't assume that means much, qualified people make Ayn Rand required reading in school.

>> No.5714247

I bet he's too much of a fag to fuck her. He probably just fingers her a little when he tucks her in.

>> No.5714261

It depends on what you consider qualified. I doubt the Newbery Medal committee would consider Ayn Rand appropriate reading for children (or anyone)

>> No.5714265

This thread is a fucking train wreck.

>> No.5714267

Your mom was a train wreck after I finished with her.

>> No.5714278

Did she survive after the train she was in collided with something massive enough so as to wreck it?

>> No.5714312
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Should have thrown the damn switch.

>> No.5714317

>dumb white women rate up their self-indulgent crap

There's a reason academia isn't a democracy

>> No.5714324

Stop being so fucking retarded. How can anyone know what the best books ever are if they don't read a large amount?

>> No.5714327

Autism can't tell the different between when he should shut up and when it's okay to have an argument

>> No.5714338

Fuck me you're stupid, of course they can't vote for books they haven't read, that would be retarded.
>if they know that other books have been written
But they don't know how good they are, you could never answer the question if you had to take into account all books ever written, because you can't have read them all. Practically it's a book of favorite books, and everyone with any intelligence realises this.

>> No.5714351
File: 91 KB, 960x720, finkployd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schrödinger's Cat + Ignorance is bliss + Earnshaw's theorem

>If one has only experienced x, x is better than y (Subjective theorem)
>If one has only experienced x, y are neither better nor worse than x.
>x experience will dull, even if y has yet to be experienced
>y will become x, once y is experienced
>z is equal or better than x, but not better nor worse than y (Objective theorem, z=magnum opus)

This will now be known as Opine's Theorem

>> No.5714361

[edit]If one has only experienced x, x is better than y (Subjective theorem)[edit]
>If one has only experienced x, x are better than y(Subjective theorem)

>> No.5714370

P.S. I should point out:
>x is x1 and x2, but z can only be x2

>> No.5714376

>y is y1 and y2, but z can only be y2 at a given time
>z can be equal to y
>however, x will never equal to y

>> No.5714380
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you want cringe?

>> No.5714383
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>> No.5714384

speaking of black people and books: http://www.thecartelpublications.com/

>> No.5714389


meh good for him for writing a book presuming certain life disadvantages

>> No.5714391
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And then you try to read it...

>> No.5714394
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>> No.5714397
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>> No.5714403

This looks fucking terrible, but I want to see it hit 50k words, and I want to read that shit anyway.

>> No.5714408

The thing that you might not understand, is that an 11 year old's book is at least sincere. There is no need to think of fancy sentences or literary pretentious bullshit. He just wrote a story about having fun on a 10 pixel game, with childlike honesty, ofcourse people like it. It's real.

>> No.5714409

what's the name of the book?

>> No.5714415


>> No.5714424

From Nickels to Ounces.

>> No.5714567

Is she fit?

>> No.5714576

oyster, we, anonyms of /lit/, hereby demand the nudes of your daughter

>> No.5714609

>erotic motorcycle novel
w h a t t h e f u c k

>> No.5714614
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>> No.5714623

No way that is real.

>> No.5714627

hey look, somebody with an intact soul!

>> No.5714692
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>> No.5714697

did you read it?
It was a fucking awesome book

>> No.5714710


That is just what a girl posting on 4chan would say....

>> No.5714713


Reminder that every namefag is retarded and you should therefore filter him

Also fitered :^)

>> No.5714717


See, if an even somewhat well respected author like say John Banville or Martin Amis or whoever were to write something like this it would be hailed as a brilliant example of prose stylization and postmodern aesthetic. But I guess you have to prove you can write otherwise first.

>> No.5714722

Seconding this. Too many fucking retards in this thread who don't realise that simple fact. Either that or there's just that one shitposter who can't shut the fuck up.
Just because that other guy's a tripfag doesn't mean he should be needlessly attacked for trying to put things into perspective. The nerve of you people

>> No.5714728

digital naturalist primitivism; I see it coming

>> No.5714790

That book was actually really good though.

>> No.5714796

I want to read this, sounds hilarious