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/lit/ - Literature

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571339 No.571339 [Reply] [Original]

What was the most recent book you bought /lit/?

pic related, finally snagged a copy from Half Price Books

>> No.571358

Remarkable Creatures : Sean B. Carroll (Hardcover, 2009)
The Seashell on the Mountaintop : Alan Cutler (Paperback, 2004)
Blood and Thunder : Hampton Sides (Hardcover, 2006)
Far Appalachia : Noah Adams (Hardcover, 2001)

>> No.571360

Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi
American Gods by Neil Gaiman

>> No.571852

count belisarius, by Robert Graves

i spent over an hour in Borders and that was the only thing they had for sale that didn't make me want to throw up.

>> No.571854

La chute
Casse-pipe suivi du Cartet du cuirassier Destouches

>> No.571856

Postwar - Tony Judt.

12 bucks for a hardcover special edition (that is basically identical with the first edition as far as the pages go and thereby useful for reference) that would cost 38 as a brand new paperback.
Motherfuck is really long though.

>> No.571915

Pratchett's Jingo and Equal Rites

>> No.571928

A compilation of all Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales.

I didn't really want it, but it was a gift certificate from a shitty bookstore that had absolutely nothing else that interested me in the least

>> No.571934

Stendhal's scarlet and black, sagan's contact, gulag archipelago and asimov's foundation's edge... just about finished foundation's edge what should i read next?

>> No.571937

Animal Farm
Slaughterhouse Five

I need to finish Crime and Punishment before I can start them.

>> No.571975

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

Bought the audiobook for a trip to Denver.

Shit was so cash.

>> No.572016

I bought seven at once, mostly after seeing so many in /lit/ praising them:
heretics of dune
a game of thrones
blood meridian
John dies at the end
stranger in a strange land
can't remember the last cbf looking

halfway through John dies, it's a lot of fun, really funny, makes me lol which is rare, also reading neuromancer after reading snow crash, enjoying it immensely too, especially since EVERY character isn't a Mary sue like in snow crash.

>> No.574011

Bought: Malleus. Ordered: Armor.

>> No.574026

i picked up a bunch of rudyard kipling at a garage sale and le petit prince! last new book i bought was armageddon in retrospect by kurt vonnegut

>> No.574050

Case stroked his Oni-Sendai in his loft as tears of release streaked down his face.

>> No.574058

The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway - Finca Vigia Edition

>> No.574071

I went to a used bookstore with a list of books i wanted to get, ended up getting a ton of books that werent on the list. I got:
End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov
Ring by Stephen Baxter
Illium by Dan Simmons
Elric 4 & 6 by Micheal Moorcock
and based on /lit/s suggestions i got The Stranger and Heart of Darkness. I had no idea Heart of Darkness was so short.

>> No.574082

After Dark, Murakami

>> No.574093

Ho ho ho. You start reading Heart of Darkness, then come back and tell me it's short. The outer confines of the book envelopes something approaching the density of a baby star.

>> No.574098

Mrs. Dalloway

>> No.574115

baby stars aint all that dense in astronomical terms. Should have gone for a dwarf, or a neutron star.

>> No.574117


it is bigger inside than it is outside, much like the tardis.

>> No.574118

The Stand
The Kraken Wakes

>> No.574125

The complete novels of Flann O'Brien

>> No.574713
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Haven't started it yet though.

>> No.574731

Lent my copy to a chick. Graduated and have not seen her since.

>> No.574733

That's kind of a neat little poem.

>> No.574911

heh it kind of is.

I do this all the time. I made a list a few months back and since then I've bought a ton of books. 3 were from the list. :/

>> No.574947

Today I bought:
Paradise Lost + Paradise Regained by Milton for $2
Macbeth+King Lear+Hamlet by Shakespeare for $3
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison for $2
also found a bunch of books in my dad's book self that he nearly disowned. Like....
Three Famous Short Novels (Spotted Horses+Old Man+ The Bear)by William Faulkner
Selected Works of Voltaire
The Elements of Style by William Strunk.Jr.
Black Cargoes by Daniel P. Mannix and Malcolm Crowley

>> No.574962

The Stand SK

>> No.574968

I recently acquired a box of books from my girlfriend which she thought I would like to read over the summer, including The Stand, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, and a bunch of others. The Stand does look like quite an intimidating read though, especially since I've never read a Stephen King novel.

>> No.574972

It's worth it. The Stand flies by once you get into it. His writing is phenomenal.

>> No.574983

That's good to hear. What about The Dead Zone? That's another one she gave me.