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571164 No.571164 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.571168

that's a hell of a review right there

>> No.571174

..I mean, holy shit

>> No.571175

God dammit.

This is why /lit/ has spoiler text. Use it.

>> No.571179


>> No.571190

>implying there haven't been 5 spoiler threads on this every day since the book came out

>> No.571210

Yeah, I know. Harry dies and such. I just finished the first book today. It was fairly entertaining so I might eventually get to Changes.

>> No.571217

Ghost Story

>> No.571218
File: 65 KB, 327x480, ghoststory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.571799


I envy you. You've got all those new Dresden books ahead of you. The rest of us have to wait another year. Or half a year for the new short story.

>> No.571812


First two books are easily the two worst ones in the series. Be prepared for the series to get a high octane dose of awesome from the 3rd novel on.

>> No.571815

Every two books, the quality increases another level.

1 and are decent. 3 and 4 are good. 5 and 6 are great. That trend has continued for 12 books thus far.

>> No.571823

I hate all you faggots who think its funny "spoiling" the book.



>> No.571824

calm down

>> No.571825


Does /lit/ have a Dresden list that I can guide my reading order with (since I think these books aren't exactly chronological)?

Or can I just go from Wikipedia?

>> No.571829

...they are chronological. You'll need wikipedia if you want to read the short stories, though.

>> No.571830


Go fuck yourself.

>> No.571832

If you are in trouble who do you want to Show Up?

>> No.571834


From the threads around here I kept thinking they had a Discworld'ish setting. Guess I was way off.

Thank you.

>> No.571837



>> No.571840

You're welcome

>> No.571846



No way bro. Harry doesn't know you from a bar of soap, and while he doesn't kill innocents ... He's a fucking battle mage that could cause some serious collateral damage.

I'd want Molly. We would dance <3

>> No.572079

She'd be pretty ineffectual on her own. Besides, if Harry's coming to SHOW UP he might bring Molly <3

>> No.572140

Harry's gravity spell was the coolest thing he's ever done.

>> No.572149

I liked the part where he [HIDE] froze the gun [ STOP HIDE]

>> No.572188


>> No.572712
File: 74 KB, 600x750, 1248964599329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.572978

[spoiler fail]

>> No.573787


>> No.575183

Oh, no. We're not done discussing this. I just finished the book ten minutes ago.

I thought it started off a little awkwardly but after a few chapters I liked it a lot. The ending was especially fantastic.

>> No.575207

You're not really discussing anything are you Einstein? You're merely saying you like it.

>> No.575210


Seriously, man?

>> No.576331


Yeah, bro. Books are serious business.