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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, goodreads_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5710892 No.5710892 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have another goodreads friends thread? Post your own profile and make new friends.

Here I am:


>> No.5710924


>> No.5711155
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I'm still new to goodreads, feel free to add me

>> No.5711156

add me


>> No.5711158

>life of pi

sorry m8 cant add u

>> No.5711238

is there any active /lit/ group?

>> No.5711277

>1 of 5000 by 2015

>> No.5711578

You should read the story I made.

>> No.5711914

Goodreads- a site for talentless, delusional people who can't write something worthy of being published to validate their existence by surrounding themselves with other talentless, delusional people who also can't write anything worthy of being published.

>> No.5711944


mfw no one has read over 100 books

>> No.5711969

It's a website for reading, not writing.

>> No.5712034

You can also write:


>> No.5712126

My numbers go up faster on Letterboxd so I focus my effort on movies instead of books

>> No.5712145

>Goodreads- a site for talentless, delusional
Or people who like making lists of the books they've read. I fucking love lists.

>> No.5712147


What movie is that still from? Yojimbo? Sanjuro? Red Beard?

>> No.5712162

i've read more than a 100 this year alone

>14 of 5000 by 2015

>> No.5712167


>> No.5712173

i've read a lot more over my life, but less since i started using the site this year and i can't be fucked adding everything i've read ever, i'm just using it to track what i read from that point on

>> No.5712198


Tfw want to make an account but dont want to invest the time looking up the films ive watched.

>> No.5712231 [DELETED] 


>> No.5712273
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Toshiro Mifune and Tatsuya Nakadai having a break on the Sanjuro set

>> No.5712309


Nakadai, one of the few japanese golden age actors left alive, japanese national treasure.

>> No.5712332
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chambara behind the scenes is glorious

>> No.5712394

you keep track of the films you watch you idiot

>> No.5712962

I've read many books that just won't show up on Goodreads and that makes me sad.

L-let's be friends.


>> No.5712972


You can add a book that's not on GR, I've done so with Dutch translations.

>> No.5712978



>> No.5712984
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Also, this is my profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/23200897-berber

>> No.5712994


mfw people claim they read hundreds of books in a year

>> No.5713046
File: 72 KB, 259x383, contempt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have every single one of you losers who post on 4chan, and specially all the worthless scum on lit. Why would anyone want to be your "friend"?

>> No.5713082

>he isn't NEET

top pleb

>> No.5713192

treat me gently, please.

>> No.5713488

I just made an account today. What are some good lists to browse through that are likely to bring up books that you've read so you can go ahead and easily tick them as 'read' without having to remember them all off the top of your head?

>> No.5713616

*hate, not have

>> No.5713628


Check them.

>> No.5713639


>> No.5713655

During transsexual male to female transformation my mind turned and I became plebeian status, no longer am I a human or dancer or cat but I am become Death, destroyer of time. Heed my warning, for none shall pass. Though I walk through the mountains of darkness, I shall not fear evil, only fear itself; or, God the purveyor. Do not tempt my hand, good sir. God bless and love always. May you live prosperous.

>> No.5713673
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Did you get your HRT in a japanese porn comic?

>> No.5713704

>During transsexual male to female transformation my mind turned and I became plebeian status
no wonder
you lost the status of human too, you are now 'it'

>> No.5713718

want to be my trap literate Gf?

>> No.5713757
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>> No.5713876


I really need to read more nonfiction.

>> No.5713903

>murakami buttpain meme

>> No.5713915

once more

>> No.5714498


I'm actually mocking people who see reading as a challenge, as setting an unreachable number, 5000

>> No.5714574


Third-world country bro. I started reading seriously this year and using goodreads in May, only adding books I've read since then. Pls add me so I can stalk and not feel so lonely anymore. ;_;

>> No.5714648

Hope it is the right link.
Also I have around 175 read on the list so I am not full pleb.

>> No.5714676


>> No.5714761

Feel free to add me

>> No.5715142

>genre, genre everywhere

>> No.5715602

You're the most interesting person so far. You really should read Red Cavalry and The Blind Owl. Any recommendations of Russian lit the average reader might not have heard of?

>> No.5715634

Lots of sci-fi.


>> No.5715670

nice try zarflax

>> No.5715791

https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6574173 -plebeius maximus

>> No.5715816

New account or I just don't read.

>> No.5716811


Thanks dude. Did you send me a FR? If so, who are you? Red Cavalry is in my 'priority russian' shelf, but i havent found an ebook, have to buy it instead, and i mean physical copy.

>buying ebooks

>> No.5717215


As for recs, not sure, check out the russian shelf, the read/rated books and see if you've read some of them. People should dig deeper into russian lit, its not all just Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov and Gogol. Ive been meaning to read Life and Fate, Grossman's short stories were really good, I highly rec them, and his WW2 nonfiction work is also good. My next 'big' russian book will be The Petty Demon, by Sologub. Andrei Bely's Petersburg is very good.

>> No.5718617

bumpin for friendship

>> No.5718678


>> No.5718679

The theme of this thread:

>> No.5718681

>My next 'big' russian book will be The Petty Demon, by Sologub.

I want to read this, you getting the Coiran or Wilks translation?

>> No.5718685



>> No.5718812


Not sure which one I have. I think one is called the petty demon, the other, the little demon? So the petty one.

Whats your account?

>> No.5718833

Why would I add random people I don't know as friends?

>> No.5718844

i wouldn't either but lots of ppl on 4chan are oh so very ronery.

>> No.5719876


>> No.5719919

because it's an anonymous account

>> No.5720131

That's the same thing I ask to people with a facebook account.

>> No.5720317

Pleb overload

>> No.5720468

This is my profile: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/22100142-lisajean
Life and Fate is really interested, but you can definitely feel the influences of socialist realism; he's trying hard to be accessible. I'll check out his stories though. Petty Demon is great, the best of Sologub's prose, lots of discussion about sex, morality, and aesthetics. I definitely need to read Petersburg!

>> No.5720504

Going through this list of people and masturbating to their profile pictures.

>> No.5720535

i dislike when people use the 'to read' or 'backlog' shelves because all i do in these threads is go into the compare books things and see what they've read that i've read and it throws me for a second when it's full of books i like and for a second i think i've encountered a kindred spirit and then i realise they haven't actually read any of them, not that i'd friend them anyway, but you know, it would feel warm and nice to see someone who has enjoyed the same books that i have, and i could imagine that we were friends, or even the same person

so in conclusion: please don't use this helpful feature of the website so that i can more accurately fantasise about connecting with you in an abstract and creepy way

thanks, i appreciate your understanding

>> No.5720552

Are you really that technically incompetent?

Look in the top right of the compare books page. You can select which shelves are included.

Choose: "their shelves" -> "read"

Your entire "dilemma" is solved.

>> No.5720555

Don't tease me

>> No.5720558

i understand that i can subsequently filter the results, but this is an extra step that i am forced to take after having the initial thrill of excitement at seeing just how much me and the /lit/ poster have in common crushed when i realise that they were all in the 'i haven't actually read them' bit. i'm sure you can imagine that this is quite distressing

>> No.5720563


>> No.5720566

I don't find easily preventable things distressing, because I'm not an entitled child.

>> No.5720586


Sorry for the shit-tier YA books.
Sorry for <100 books (i've only existed for a short amount of time)

>> No.5720811
File: 15 KB, 385x295, 1369157040838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be sorry to enjoy books, you big pussy

Who cares if you like YA novels or read them? Everybody on this board has read HP or Narnia at some point in their life anyway, there's nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.5720817


You should be embarrassed if you're an adult reading YA fiction.

>> No.5720832


>> No.5720881


No friends?! You have great tastes, lots of russian. I will send you a FR.

I need to find more people that are heavily into japanese/chinese lit. There are 2 other /lit/ bros that are into it, but we are already friends.

>> No.5720897

Not really, if it's well written and/or enjoyable, why shouldn't you?

A lot of adults have read Harry Potter, hell it was my aunt that bought me the books 10 years ago because she had enjoyed them

>> No.5720958

You should absolutely be embarrassed for reading YA fiction, but not because it's written for YAs, rather because all of it is bad.

>> No.5720981

>less than 150 books read
>lots of entry level books
>mostly anglo centric books
>lots of sci fi and fantasy


>> No.5721027

Damn I read some sick books


>> No.5721287

JUST started on gr last week;


>> No.5721308

are you from San Antonio?

Underworld is an impending 5/5, damn

>> No.5721331
File: 25 KB, 283x403, Ченстоховская_икона_Божией_Матери.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't any friends there, mainly use it to keep track & read reviews. We can be friends though. :)


>> No.5722952


>> No.5725009


>> No.5726141


post yoself

>> No.5726193


>> No.5726221


Feel free to add me. Not active on it, just scrolling lists. And more lists. And all the lists.

>> No.5727031


>> No.5727049

>tfw you have a Goodreads and you use it a lot and you wouldn't be opposed to being friends with people from 4chan and reading their reviews but you are irrationally afraid of your IRL friends somehow figuring out that some of your connections on Goodreads come from posting on 4chan, which you would never admit to anyone

>> No.5728500


Most of my friends know I post on 4chan, and many of them post too. But I don't tell people I've just met. I saw one of my coworkers browsing /sci/ the other day but I haven't talked to him about it. It's a weird feeling.

>> No.5729483


>> No.5729516
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>> No.5729548

Is there a way to add my libib library into goodreads?

>> No.5729555

Or even the .csv file

>> No.5729562

Yeah same here. I've a few friends who used it independantly years ago, a couple who like /x/ still for late night stories, one who I've taught what "shitposting" means because we've been hanging out a lot lately etc

>> No.5729606

I figured it out.

>> No.5729623

I'm the same. Shit loads of historical fiction and fantasy from my teen years. I say only 10-20% of my catalog is proper literature.

>> No.5730784


>> No.5731555

This is the same for me and why I can't post my account in these threads. I've only read fantasy/sci-fi and historical non-fiction recently so that's all I have on mine

I read most of the /lit/ classics a long time ago but I'm not gonna go and add them all now. Way too tedious and my memory isn't good enough for accurate ratings anyway. I enjoy being a pleb shit now more anyway

>> No.5732171

Random pleb account about to start adding... Rejoice in my poor choices andclow ratings of book you probably love

>> No.5732211

the database isn't terribly complete

>> No.5732304


That's why you become a librarian and start adding to it.

Or you are terrible at searching.

>> No.5732327

how to become librarian

>> No.5732328

Are you retarded? In Facebook you actually know (or should know) your friends irl, same with Goodreads for me.

>> No.5732337


Honestly, if you can't figure it out on the site on your own you probably shouldn't be doing any editing.

>> No.5732341

Is this what (il)/lit/erates are actually like? I mean almost all of these profiles have under 200 books read and almost only entry-level, do any of you actually read?

>> No.5732773


theres a few with more than that. How many have you read? Favorite books? Have a GR account?

>> No.5732777

it's because most people have started using the site in the past couple of years
it's not all the books they've ever read, it's the books they've read since making the profile
well, at least in my case, i assume it's the same for everyone else

>> No.5732819

Well I guess that makes sense.

I have a GR account, but I only share it with my actual real life friends.

>> No.5732829

Anybody naive and pompous enough to use a retarded site like 'goodreads' seriously is 100% guaranteed to be a pleb.

>> No.5732831

it's funny because you come across as pretty pompous there

>> No.5732839


Cmon, dont be afraid. At least name 15 of your top rated or favorite books.

>> No.5732882

I'm slightly pompous (just enough to speak the truth freely) but certainly not naive.

>> No.5732973

It's a very useful site and a tool for yourself, better than using Excel. I like statistics and lists.

>> No.5733002

Anybody naive and pompous enough to use a retarded site like '4chan' seriously is 100% guaranteed to be a pleb.

>> No.5733279
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And I just wondered how I'd go about aquiring some friends on goodreads, too.
Convenient thread is convenient.
Add me!

>> No.5733292
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>> No.5733445


>> No.5733586

I only pirate books on my kindle. How does goodreads work with that?

>> No.5733696


for some reason goodreads isn't tracking my read books. I mean I'm showing off to no one, since I have no friends on goodreads, but it still ticks me off when it says I have read 0 books.

>> No.5733711

Make way for the 18th most followed Dutch person last week, boys.


I'm going places.

>> No.5733734

>The Bell Jar
>5 stars

>> No.5733738

It don't know. I don't know I buy books then pirate audiobooks.

You have two followers.

>> No.5733786

You have to set the "Date Read."

>> No.5733801

Don't be jealous m8s.

>> No.5733840

No, no reading. We just come here to read you.

>> No.5733862

So many dutchbros wtf

>> No.5733889

You have to set the "date read" for these challenges to work, by default it's unset

>> No.5733902
File: 926 KB, 1600x860, MazeOfDeathInternet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5733586 It's not autodetecting any ebooks or alike. Or what did you mean ? I plan on writing a collaborative reading app even though I don't read ebooks myself. Maybe that's the wrong term: people can make comments on text-passages and stuff like that - and it should also interface with goodreads (ie updating the progressbar of a book automatically as you read).

>>5733738 Why both and not one or the other ? Or dou you first read and then listen to the audiobook afters ?!

Mine: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/30313835-stre4ddm

>> No.5733925

Why'd you impersonate me?
Yeah, great book. What's wrong with it?
Yep. Goodreads isn't the most viral website in Holland, it seems.

>> No.5733940

I like having the physical books and supporting local indie bookshops. Also I look well read to all the visitors I don't have.

I have a condition which makes it nigh impossible to read a book for more than fifteen minutes which means if I want to make progress I pop on a book on tape and break out the puzzles.

>> No.5733956

Maybe I have sth similar - got a permanent headache from an accident for about 9 months now. It's way easier to listen to audiobooks for me (I only read them anymore if there's no proper audiobook of them), but after all the accident is what got me back to reading after all.

>> No.5734357
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>> No.5736289

When I created my goodreads profile I listed all the read books I could name off of the top of my head at the time. I came up with 246...

I'd be working on that library for days if I counted all the books I've ever read.

>> No.5736303

do you want a cookie?

>> No.5737327

Life and Fate's great, though Petersburg is hard to beat.

>> No.5738247


>> No.5738285

pls be my friend

>> No.5738544

>tfw when have the full ASOIAF as read so I'm too embarrassed to post my profile

>> No.5738559

I have almost 200. Most is serious stuff.
I'm 20 so in 10 years with this tempo I'll be at 500.

>> No.5738575

>tfw I finished them all before I joined goodreads so I don't add them
Seriously though
>being this insecure

>> No.5739186

Bump for justice and to catch any stragglers


>> No.5740313
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1403649059830 - Kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol at you fuckers all being this vain. No one cares what you have or haven't read.
Read what you please, list what you've read. GR isn't for showing others how very heducated you are, it's for cataloguing your books and finding others you may like.