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/lit/ - Literature

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570563 No.570563 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I'm trying to find the name of a book.

All that I remember of the plot summary is that there is a river that flows down the center of the city and that there's like a food and drug dispenser that people take advantage of other people to get extra food and drugs. Also there's this thing about how people don't die but just respawn down the river.

Also I think there was something about it involving aliens bringing back people from history to exist in this world.

>> No.570572
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>> No.570580

Thank you very much

>> No.570591

ITT we help others find the names of books we once read?

I would really appreciate help finding the name of two books I read long ago in like elementary or middle school.

The first one was set in the time of Jesus' life. It revolved around a Jew character that organized people to fight the Romans. He had a blind (or was it deaf?) sister who was cured by Jesus at one point. She also developed a relationship with a roman soldier.

>> No.570602

I once read a book about the perfect world but if there were twins they killed the weaker. But it's about a kid named Jonas and he learns stuff from some old guy and like. Gains memories or something to preserve wisdom from the past. And one thing i really remember is when he had wet dreams of this one redheaded bitch his mom made him take pills to stop "the sturrings" or whatever.

Sorry if my information wasn't amazing, i barely remember the book.

>> No.570608

>>570591 here again
Sorry forgot to post the second book's description. This book was about some kid who was hiking in the desert I believe. He gets lost or something and is somehow taken into the future( or another planet) The first people he meets are kinda like cave men or savage indians. They are shorter and speak in a clicking language. He learns their language and lives with them a while before a more advanced group captures the village. They are sold into slavery and such.
Again, any help will be appreciated. It has been a long time since I have read these books, so idk if I can remember anymore.

>> No.570610

Oh goodness, if we're bringing back books from elementary school, there was some book I read in 4th grade that was set in feudal times and it follows this boy who meets up with a minstrel and at one point they wake up but they have to keep quiet, can't remember why, and also I think they visited a monastry. Very vague, but I've forgotten this story over the years.

Also, I don't know the one you're looking for, but it sounds vaguely familiar. Sorry :/

>> No.570612

I believe you mean The Giver by Lois Lowry

>> No.570614

The Giver - Lois Lowry

Excellent book

>> No.570616

sounds like a good book

>> No.570621

googled it and yes! that is indeed the book I'm looking for i remember the old mans face o the cover. Thank you 1000 times over!

>> No.570623

Also, he's trying to get back together with his dad, whom I believe he got seperated from while watching a Punch and Judy type thing

>> No.570626

Johny Quest?

>> No.570629

Naw, I'd remember Johnny from the old cartoons. This book wasn't a big franchise like that.

>> No.570636

There was a book I read in elementary school that had spoon or fork in the title that was about this kid going out west on a ship to the gold rush. At one point on the ship he covered a pig in dust and make up some BS about it being able to detect theives who touched it. Also he started selling a barrel of handkerchiefs

>> No.570640

You had best be trollan'

That book is a shitty failed attempt at 1984 for dummies. Anyone who has read it without being forced to in the 5th grade and didn't become physically ill afterwords should gtfo /lit/.

>> No.570644

Sounds like Crispin to me.

>> No.570646

I actually liked it. But that may just be my own retarded opinion. :P

>> No.570659

That sounds and looks strangly familiar. I'll have to check and see if it is the right one.


>> No.570732
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>> No.570753

By the Great Horned Spoon - Sid Fleischman I think.
may have gotten author's name wrong

>> No.570763


That's it.
Thank you very much

>> No.570770

Thanks, a lot!!! I am glad I got at least that one. For that other book...I think I remember that in the end he appears at a mall somewhere, back at his hometown. But that might be a different book.

>> No.570799

The would be The Giver

>> No.570806
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>> No.572004


>> No.572287

I think I read that book too, for some reason I have the name Brian in my head for the main character. I also think that maybe there was somebody from his time there in the future too. Not sure I may be mistaken