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/lit/ - Literature

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5704668 No.5704668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lit, why do young liberal women make the most utterly boring lovers? Has any book tackled this yawn of a premise? I feel sad and unsexual.

>> No.5704672
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/lit/ - Your Blog

>> No.5704674

Is this supposed to be a picture of said boring lovers? They look pretty cute and exciting to me.

>> No.5704679

If you can get past the smell.

>> No.5704682

it's a photographic caricature of em...I'd sex them, but it wouldn't be exciting in the least

>> No.5704689

Those girls are too fucking skinny, Jesus.

>> No.5704703

work harder or lower your expectations

>> No.5704705
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>not mixing Ambien, LSD, and Viagra and then fucking their brains out as the three of you hallucinate and eventually have very traumatizing and life altering trips

Top pleb

>> No.5704707

The exposed hips of the hippy on the right make my willy all silly.

>> No.5704708

>you will never have sex

>> No.5704712

>not boning bones

If you go for fat girls its because your mom is fat or she dressed up as Santa once and it turned you on enough to alter your sexual tastes. Freud taught me that.

>> No.5704717

But the decay of the white family, the inevitable outcome of megalopolitan existence, is spreading, and it is devouring the “race” of nations. The meaning of man and wife, the will to perpetuity, is being lost. People live for themselves alone, not for future generations. The nation as society, once the organic web of families, threatens to dissolve, from the city outwards, into a sum of private atoms, of which each is intent on extracting from his own and other lives the maximum of amusement — panem et circenses. The women’s emancipation of Ibsen’s time wanted, not freedom from the husband, but freedom from the child, from the burden of children, just as men’s emancipation in the same period signified freedom from the duties towards family, nation, and State. The whole of Liberal-Socialistic problem-literature revolves about this suicide of the white race. It has been the same in all other Civilizations.

>> No.5704719

Oh, I get it, we're angling for a verbal-consent tricksy-femcunts-crying-rape effort.

Fuck off, /pol/tard.

>> No.5704727

I just came in and wanted to contribute to the shitposting thread

>> No.5704730

I like slapping some meat, that's just me.

>> No.5704738

>you will never have sex

please don't leave. I don't want to be the only one

>> No.5704739


I would blue my nut in the one in the blue

She has a sexy bicep

>> No.5704741


blow my nut*

>> No.5704746

shiggy diggy. not even once bro. ambien is incredibly powerful.

>> No.5704763

You want a woman who controls and directs you in bed. Go find a current/former escort. They are skilled.

Don't lament the fact that someone isn't who you have decided they should be.

>> No.5704766

They've desensitized their sexuality in the name of a cause. Prostitutes have sex in the name of money and self-interest. Feminists have sex in the name of political rebellion.

By aligning with feminism/sexual liberation, social pressures don't go away, they reverse. Promiscuity becomes an obligation, the group's collective rebellion against the puritanical patriarchy. Failure to rebel isn't merely inaction, it's giving in to institutionalized repression. No wonder they're boring little fucks.

>> No.5704774

I thought we'd landed on "Fuck off, /pol/tard," no?

>> No.5704780

don't worry the percentage of virgins here is probably quite high

>> No.5704783

Cute one on the right is going through a phase. She's had the carefree life of a qt middle class white girl, and will return to civilization someday to marry up. The girl on the left tries to make up for being less attractive by being the bigger hippy. The former is uninteresting and the latter deeply insecure.

>> No.5704784
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>tell us about your amazing sex life anon

>> No.5704787

>used goods

>> No.5704790

Hippy girls suck because they walk around barefoot.

How can I enjoy dirty calloused feet?

>> No.5704794

that is my fetish

>> No.5704798

Hm... I'd actually agree with this. Most "liberals" i've slept with are incredibly boring. I think it might be their inherent insecurity, which is another thing I've managed to discern. Traditional girls usually know what they think and aren't afraid to say it.

>> No.5704800

How do you think a woman gets good in bed? Serendipity? Instinct?

Michael Jordan played LOTS of basketball before he got to the NBA.

>> No.5704805

/lit/ - literature

>> No.5704811

Nah man. Tons of girls don't even reflect what they do in bed. You'll meet a lot of girls that have slept with a lot boys and doesn't know shit. It's usually the boys that learn because the pressure is on them to perform.

>> No.5704824

And my god, does it all need to be talked out? Hmm, and theorized? Until what? The sex is fucking mechanics...there is no risk, no fun...and somehow we arrive at monogamy.

>> No.5704837
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>tfw no fascist gf

>> No.5704838
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>> No.5704851

a lot of exciting and kinky sex is seen as misogynistic

ass slapping, dirty talking, light choking, manhandling, anal sex, female submission, cumshots, non-face to face sex positions (doggy, reverse cowgirl), etc are seen by many liberal girls as part of rape culture or male sexual objectification

there are kinky sex concepts where the liberal female is more likely to feel empowered, i.e. femdom or female directed dirty talking, athletic/bouncing dick riding, etc, but liberal females generally lack the skill and confidence to pull off those things, so their sex kind of boils down to reasonably paced vanilla stuff

hippies are more likely to be kinky though. well-dressed hipster liberal girls are bad lovers usually, hippie chicks have the possibility of being really freaky lovers. i have no sense of smell nor do i mind feminine body hair, so i've kind of lucked out with hippie girls, other guys are better off avoiding both hipster and hippie girls

>> No.5704860

I have never in my life seen so many obvious virgins trying desperately to sound experienced.

>> No.5704865

How exactly is >>5704766 incorrect? I mean, it's just an opinion, but I think it's a reasonable explanation. I avidly despise /pol/, and yet I see no resemblance between this user's post and the views /pol/lacks typically share, excluding perhaps a dissent against modern feminism.

>> No.5704867


Fuck off, /pol/tard.

>> No.5704871

When everything is permitted, nothing is exciting

>> No.5704873

Okay then, I guess you're unwilling to explain.

Whatever the case, I found that anon's post to be interesting as a perspective I had not yet considered. I don't particularly agree with it, but it certainly does make sense.

>> No.5704878

Good evenin
I must repeat
and cheat, once again
we gon' talk about bitches and hoes
There is somethin wrong with 'em
especially now
they want niggas to give 'em the chronic
and all that shit too
I said bitch!
I ain't gonna go for it
not now
Not ever
aha, haha.

>> No.5704884


>well-dressed hipster liberal girls are bad lovers usually

lol you are basing this bro science shit on what again? do you really think you can hold court like this and have anon think that you're anything but a guy pretending to be something that he's not?

anon can see through it, m8. they always can.

>> No.5704888

Most anyone woman who is passionately dogmatic about a rudimentary philosophy is boring. That's because rudimentary philosophy is boring. A rudimentary Christian woman is boring as hell, but a woman who seriously studies the Bible and Christian philosophy as for meaning and direction is somewhat interesting. But interesting Christians are about as common as interesting liberals, you won't find many liberal woman doing serious research and reading liberal philosophers and questioning philosophical implications, they most often just take a doctrine-identity and abide by it and become offended when others don't conform.

>> No.5704903

>a rudimentary Christian woman is boring as hell
Is that irony, or just wordplay?

As much as I love philosophy, I doubt I will be finding my philowaifu anytime ever. From what I've noticed, female philosophers are much rarer and that sort of limiting criteria already hampers the rather slim chances of my finding and falling for one—more so if I consider the chances of her falling for me.

Anyway, I'm not particularly certain a philosopher as a philosopher's romantic partner is such a good idea, unless there is a clear understanding between civil discourse and relationship bickering. Otherwise, chances are there will be disagreements in philosophical views, which may ultimately dissuade you (or your partner) from supporting the relationship.

In the end, I want to find someone who appreciates philosophy and respects my desire to pursue it, but an interest in philosophy is not a requisite. If it was, I'd be hard-pressed to find someone to satisfy my criteria for a partner, which is damn-near impossible as it is already.

>> No.5704916

You can tell that every single thing about those women has been carefully managed and picked in order to convey an image to third parties

they are completely inauthentic and honestly it's just embarrassing especially the Aladdin pants although I would wreck the girl on the right

>> No.5704920

>you can tell that they posed for the photo and didn't get dressed in the dark
>it's just embarrassing

I'll bet.

How many bumps we gonna get, dog? Every ten minutes?

>> No.5704921

Female philosophers aren't rare, at least not rarer than male philosophers, they're just introverted, they don't go out much, they stay indoors and read. The most philosophical girl I've ever dated I knew for several years, never any sign of her liking me, then one day a mutual female friend of the both of us tells me she really likes me, and she said they were together writing fake (would not be sent) love letters to guys, and she wrote to me, and my friend had smuggled it out of the trash and showed to me. It was in her writing, damn right, and it had phrases like 'My lips are possessed by a tremble that only the warmth of your kiss can soothe,' and 'mere thoughts of you at night are enough to set the whole of my body heaving and sweating'

I was really taken aback, but I slyly followed up on it and turned out to be true, at least judging by how attached she became to me after we went out. She looked pretty good too, I was very surprised she was so shy about that stuff, but it was invaluable lesson about certain kinds of women.

>> No.5704923

What would be authentic? I'm not defending them - I don't know anything about them - but your comment made me wonder about my own clothing. I dress the way I do for others, too. Doesn't everybody?

>> No.5704925
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at least you don't know what your missing

>> No.5704933

Oh but you don't understand, friend; I'm an autistic neckbeard with the social skills of a stuttercunt with brain damage.

You got lucky. I probably won't be.