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5699698 No.5699698 [Reply] [Original]

How do I break into my city's artistic bohemian community, /lit/?

>> No.5699713

If you're mediocre enough to even want that in the first place then you've already passed the first test.

>> No.5699719

There is no such thing. There's an equivalent, but it's not how you picture it. Just like it's not going to be Goodfellas if you get involved in your city's criminal underworld.

Urban artistic communities is not as smart as the people on /lit/. I dated a artistic girl once who lived in a studio and sold her stuff on the street, and she called me a 'genius' because I read a lot of classics. It was probably just flattery, but it soured me to her even though I didn't break up with her for that. Her art was pretty good though, and I hit on her because she had a nude of herself (but covering her breasts and a shadow hit her genitals) and she looked pretty good in the painting. Paintings can deceive of course, but thankfully that one didn't.

>> No.5699738

>even wanting to


>> No.5699740

A friend asked me to do a lightly clothed scene yesterday, I said okay and by the time I was sort of into it he messaged me that they got their actor so there was no need. It felt bad.
This thread should be deleted.

>> No.5699749
File: 232 KB, 872x1300, kinopoisk.ru-The-Journey-of-Natty-Gann-1520251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I break into
The doors are open, man. Anybody can come in.

That's the thing though.

>> No.5699787

Yeah, pretentious urban hipsters are known for their inclusive attitude.

>> No.5699830
File: 27 KB, 629x474, msng011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's talking about the artistic communities that cluster in some cities, not the bearded yuppies

>> No.5699872

Artistic communities are made up out of pretentious hipsters. It's an inevitability and always has been.

>> No.5699904


you're in luck m8 cause I just wrote the following guide

How to break into your city's artistic bohemian community

by /lit/

>acquire iPhne
>acquire second hand booze from local bum
>get into fight with said bum
>after getting your little ass kicked by him, become friends
>learn the songs of his people
>go to local sex shop
>buy red buttplug
>plug it in
>funnily walk to the local community door, hold booze on left hand, iPhone on the right hand, knock 3 times while saying "penny", repeat this more two times
>when they open it, say "Bukowisky and Leminsky are the best writers there ever was, no one will ever get close"
>sing learnt songs
>get accepted

>> No.5699918

Hmm, scarily accurate.

>> No.5700020
File: 347 KB, 640x480, journey-natty-meredith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now the "hipster" phenom of the 21st century are artists.
Once it was gays in scarves, then insincere people, then nouveau-yuppy bougies. Generally people who like things, like every nerd/geek, but who gloats that they've liked it longer. And the weirdest of all; the fake glasses and typewriters in cafés. Did they see this in a fashion magazine?

When will this mad dash to label and commodify cease?

>> No.5700032

heres a tip for you: make beter psots

>> No.5700051
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There's no motive.

>> No.5700080

The hipster phenomenon has been around since the interbellum by that name and much longer by other names, I'm not merely talking about the contemporary stereotype.

>> No.5700089

ill think your cool and not shit

>> No.5700196

>I'm not merely talking about the contemporary stereotype. ... [I'm talking about] the interbellum
Than I think you're trying to talk about the Bohemians, but you're more interested in busting people's chops.


Oh. Thank you.
I was writing some today, it's nothing special, mostly just a practice run short story... Maybe post sometime.

>> No.5700277

>Oh. Thank you.
He was saying he would think you were cool if you did NOT make retarded posts. Under current circumstances, he considers you to be shit.

This explains why your posts only get worse, you mistake insults for compliments and encouragement.

>> No.5700284

Have an interest in the arts/be friendly and willing to meet new people and go to openings/events

>> No.5700302

>It was probably just flattery, but it soured me to her even though I didn't break up with her for that.

/lit/ in one sentence. Christ, this place destroys you.

>> No.5700313
File: 84 KB, 240x431, Fuck yer shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wen tok badder. no here well. understnad?

>> No.5701001

shit like that is why your father's not around

>> No.5701070

>be me
>join language classes because why not
>meet this one guy
>he seems pretty autistic
>turns out he writes
>gives me a book he published
>it's quite an interesting book actually
>pomo as fuck, fucking around with the concept of the narrator and all that; at the same time it has this childish vibe, sort of petit prince (it's a good thing)
>be pleasantly surprised
>invites me to go with him to a literary gathering
>it's in a pub, and the people are supposed to read their short stories
>he reads his stories
>they're some completely abstract stuff, not sure if anyone liked it
>some girl is next: 'everyone's a robot, why am i so much better'
>some 30-something woman comes next; her stories are a sarcastic pomofest about the politicians and bureaucracy
>get some kek out of it
>some 30-something guy comes (he works at the uni apparently); his stories are about him dreaming of fucking a whore and him and his childhood friends watching a girl from neighborhood fuck with her boyfriend
>that was somewhat interesting, also he mentioned patti smith's gloria; listened to the songs for weeks after that
>later he invites me to a promotional evening for his book
>it's organized by this thinly veiled nationalist organization (i'm in eastern europe btw)
>~10 people in the audience
>he talks a bit
>the hosts then start talking
>it's all 'muh degeneracy, muh orthodox christianity, muh byzantium'
>(dude's writing has absolutely nothing to do with that)
>btw this is all in the second largest city in the country

So yeah, not sure if there is such a thing as a cultural scene at all, at least in the classical sense.

>> No.5701076

How do I break into my city's autistic bohemian community, /lit/?

>> No.5701091

But you're already in a global one.

>> No.5701108

What happened to her? She acts more retarded than ever.

>> No.5701186

You're born into it.

>> No.5701192

A series of misunderstandings ITT is all. never mind

>> No.5701293

Name of the book?

>> No.5701489

what country are you exactly from? EE represent here aswell

>> No.5701495

If you live in New York and your idea of "artistic community" is "middle-class midtwenties people trying to write the next Great American Novel for a non-living" perhaps.

>> No.5701497

1. Be mediocre at something.
2. Go find out where all the people who really suck at it hang out.
3. Go there and be their god.

>> No.5701572


of course you are you, you fucking faggot

holy shit this board I swear to god

>> No.5701583

So that's why DFW so popular here

>> No.5701606

Reminds me of Distant Star, by Bolano.

>> No.5701638
File: 79 KB, 600x839, 1404600926167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study philosophy
>artists hate you because you can explain them and their art in conceptual terms
>bohemians and aesthetes hate you because you're engaged in introspection where they're happy to engage only in hedonism
>philosophers from a different tradition hate you because you have different theories about everything to them
>philosophers from the same tradition hate you because you have competing interpretations
>plebs hate you because they can't and don't want to understand you
>STEMfags hate you because lolscience

i never asked for this.

>> No.5701646


Maybe you are just insufferable.

>> No.5701648

i mean i guess i sort of asked for it and it at least lets me know i'm on the right track but fuck it anyway

>> No.5701691

Aren't all tripfags?
>inb4 kitty white knights

>> No.5701699

And don't forget the icing on the cake: eternal unemployment.

>> No.5701704

As opposed to anonymous posters, who are forgotten roughly 10 minutes after their post

>> No.5701705

Nobody likes analytic philosophers, they have the flaws of humanities students and STEMS combined.

>> No.5701713

>The purpose of life is to be remembered
Wow, you must be a shitty philosopher.

>> No.5701714

I like you

>> No.5701715


Probably greece, maybe macedonia

>> No.5701720

>know how to trip
>doesn't know how to reply

>> No.5701730

>at least lets me know i'm on the right track
you're a retard who is incapable of understanding how a fucking cartesian coordinate system works. don't think I've forgotten

>> No.5701735

Highly doubtful but in any case, there are always jobs to be found in the service industry, etc. Just look at how international travellers make their money. But I am sort of forever grateful to philosophy for at least instill a sheer ludicrousness in me that people actively desire and posit as a value the ability to sacrifice 40 hours of their lives a week doing something they would rather not do, in order for most of them to do something they don't really want to do anyway.

It basically converges on the same purpose insofar as you are any good at what you do. Daoist sages who wanted nothing to do with the world are remembered millenia after they died.

>doesn't know how to reply
I don't reply to people, they reply to me

>> No.5701739

>implying most of us didn't think like that prior to coming to this place

>> No.5701742

>cartesian coordinate system
i'm glad that in the direction I'm currently heading I'll have less important people to figure it out for me while I do the actually important work of society, just like with science in general

>> No.5701745

>incapable of understanding how a fucking cartesian coordinate system works.

Wait, people over 12 like that exist ? This place is really the zoo of horrors.

>> No.5701751

literally posting again because some guy thinks he is going to undermine what I am saying by posting after me. that's not how this is going to work, sorry

>> No.5701754

>having to rely on other people to deal with a mathematic concept accessible to most eigth graders
>thinking you can do important intellectual work that will entitle you to having subordinates

Ave kekus max !

>> No.5701758

You undermined yourself enough already.

You're pretty fun though, so I'll keep feeding you for now.

>> No.5701759

The philosophy major is like a child in that he needs the last word to make himself feel better on an anonymous dude ranch catalogue

>> No.5701762

sorry I make you feel uncomfortable by undermining all your education, which was essentially to serve the function of being used by people like me for more important things

>> No.5701780

You are a buffoon.

>> No.5701787

And really in some ways there is nothing wrong with being like a child, such as in this case, because the child doesn't have to deal with the nonsense of the super-ego. you have to engage in bitch-ass betafaggotry by posting after me and pretending that's not what you're doing, whereas I have no problem calling you out on your petty bullshit, because I don't engage in the sort of socializing structures that stop you from simply enunciating your desires in an active manner.

>you're pretty fun, so I'll keep feeding you for now
Another socially pussy-whipped beta bitch who needs a justificationary narrative in order to engage in his own desires. You're not "feeding" anyone, I'm the source of your reactive desires in this particular moment and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it except respond.

>> No.5701792

>used by people like me for more important things
Care to flesh out your delusions for our amusement? What exactly are you hinting at?

>> No.5701805

I can see this guy smugly tapping away at his keyboard he stole from goodwill because buying things is below his grace, masturbating to his thoughts so intensely he can't be bothered to respond to specific post numbers.

>> No.5701815

He's an obvious clownact, and a pretty good one at that. I doubt he looks like the character he's impersonating (although some people are actually like that).

>> No.5701844

Again notice the mechanisms of the slave ideal: he constructs an illusory phantasm that caters to his particular needs in order to rail against it, and so all that's happening is you have the slave working away in his own personal little fantasy with the actual object of his resentment totally dropping out of the equation. So he can't even engage in the present situation with any amount of authenticity.

But with me it's entirely different; I don't really care who's behind the screen on the other end, it's totally irrelevant to me. All I'm here to do is listen to the sound of my own voice and my own exceptional ideology using people who sound much less interesting as a mere means. You, on the other hand, are boring; you have nothing to say nor have you ever, so you'll always be reacting to me and what I say, every six months I pop in to enjoy myself.

>> No.5701892

OP, have you tried using, like, social media? Not just Facebook and Twitter, but stuff like MeetUp, GroupOn, that sort of thing.

You'd be surprised how open groups like this are to new members if you're just willing to put in the effort to find them. I know /lit/ hates social media, but then, that's probably why /lit/ doesn't have a lot of friends.

>> No.5701915

wtf, why do spoilers now appear as strikethrough when hovering over a post number in the post preceding the response?

>> No.5702106


>move out of city
>work manual labor for a year or two
>move back into city
>accept free pussy and praise from hipsters for your worldly perspective

It's not hard, and you'll have some money from all that hard work you were doing.

>> No.5702138

So you can read them anyway whithout having to open the post the chek them

>> No.5702242

>>artists hate you because you can explain them and their art in conceptual terms
elaborate here please

>> No.5702266

I seriously wish I could do that.

>> No.5702283

>everyone hates you because you're a self-centered polemicizing bore

>> No.5702390

Why not read Hebdige and live with the punks then? No style?

>> No.5702614

>not as smart as the people on /lit/.

>> No.5702645

Not worth the effort. Most bohemians are as clique-y and superficial as any other subculture. There are a few token talented people, but they usually aren't as interesting or insightful as you might imagine.

>> No.5702867

Life isn't like A Moveable Feast man, if you want to be an artist just make the best work you can and try and make something of it, if you just want to be a poseur then hang around with all the other fucking subhumans and you'll be golden. The worst people you will ever meet are the non-artists that think they're part of an artistic community.

>> No.5702885

This is the most interesting piece of writing I ever read on /lit/.

>> No.5702986

Sorry anon but if everyone hates you it's because you're an unbearable dickhead, no one really likes some arrogant prick turning up and spouting off a load of rubbish they just read in the introduction of a textbook.

>> No.5703002

>he thinks people remember him on 4chan
Get fucked son, the point of being anonymous is that your contribution is remembered, whereas neither your contribution nor your stupid attempt at a funny name will be remembered at all.

>> No.5703006

>muh /b/
worse than trip idiots

>> No.5703007

>be me
>be bohemian
>be struggling artist/intellectual/vagabond
>constantly encounter yuppies trying to turn themselves into a poor person with a pessimistic attitude
>constantly laughing because they are all spoiled brats with no talent but have a fancy degree from daddy's university
>literally see them cry when their shitty work gets ripped apart by us bohemians
>doesnt stop me fucking the hot ones
>laugh as they buy black coffee and cheap cigarettes and purposely stain their notebooks
>laugh as they choke on the cheap cigarette smoke and grimace at the bitterness of the coffee
>hand them sugar and tell them it's gonna be alright
>watch them go crawling back to the family's estate after a few months of self-imposed hardship
>laugh as i work on my magnum opus and they work on not crying

>> No.5703014

>Delusional Loser: the post

>> No.5703030

Filtered, just like everyone you know does in real life.

>> No.5703039


>> No.5703041

>bitter coffee
disgusting. sugar tea is the best tea

>> No.5703048

>muh reddit
>muh upvotes
Put your trip back on

>> No.5703049

Attend a liberal arts college or an art school. Done.

>> No.5703072
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>laugh as i work on my magnum opus and they work on not crying

>> No.5703074

>tfw too povo
if i ever end up moving to new york (too povo) i'd def take few classes at the art students league

>> No.5703083

>he thinks moving to new york is a good idea

this isn't the 50s, NYC is not the cultural hub it used to be

>> No.5703092

what makes you say that?

>> No.5703108

tell me what you'll do when you move to NYC

do you think just being there will do anything for you?

>> No.5703125


>> No.5703137


the effect of media on the current generation has rendered ego-transcendent works of art near impossible. Though powerful artistic propensities still exist in many students, their saurian egos cannot resist tainting their creativity with social utility. New York, or at least the prominent "bohemian" circles, in New York are more of a cesspool than any kind of cultural source.

Just one example

>hanging out with friend who goes to NYU
>we take a fair amount of painkillers
>drink a bit of wine
>passing the breeze, great conversation
>brief silence
>friend looks out the window, brushes hair back to reveal his face
>" tell me not to get too carried away with myself"
>is this motherfucker serious
>oh damn he is
> i say back stifling laughter
> "don't get too carried away with yourself"
> this dude hangs his head down and sighs
> he is being serious
> there is no smile on his face
> i am laughing shamelessly

That is New York.

>> No.5703141

>tell me what you'll do when you move to NYC
>i'd def take few classes at the art students league

>> No.5703215

wtf i dont get it lol

do you mean he's making it out like drinking wine and taking painkillers was too hardcore?

>> No.5703231

I think he means they made out but no second base.

>> No.5703246

>laugh as i work on my magnum opus and they work on not crying

>> No.5703282


Actually though, I'd be down for a shady bar on a weekend with douchebag strangers and 2 interesting people.

>> No.5703283
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>> No.5703483


>> No.5703517

unless you live in a buster city there's not just going to be one community

>> No.5703541

>the long-awaited sequel to Catcher in the Rye

>> No.5703563


I never understood this avatar thing, why do you do it?

>> No.5703609
File: 27 KB, 440x565, 1409031024695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5703618

Black coffee actually tastes good if the beans it is made from are not shit.

>> No.5703637

>you will never be a jazz musician playing at a smooth jazz club where you can smoke and drink whisky between sets while making the chicks in your audience as damp as the misty night air outside

>> No.5703655


he thought he seemed like some kind of tortured artist struggling with his own vanity but he just came off like a ridiculous self-centered toddler.

>> No.5703670


>you will never understand why guys your age choose to have the same pipe dreams as lame white uncles in their late 50s like it's anything but even lamer still

>> No.5703677

As an artist who enjoys people attempting to analyse my more abstract works, I doubt the authenticity of your statement.

>> No.5703695 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 531x783, 1415587931374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can discern posts made by sexually frustrated girls easily


>> No.5703718


>>artists hate you because you can explain them and their art in conceptual terms

They resent the pedants who lecture them on their passions and forms of expression. They know that their modes of inspiration and reaction are formed by historical and geographical elements and they don't pretend to live outside of the greater context of it all - they just don't need uncreative diminishers like you pointing this out. It's boorish and petty.

You have always struck me as one of those infinitely proud asshats who considers tact and civility to be beneath you. One of those childish bores in love with the sound of his own voice who always needs to have an opinion on something or someone simply to have one.

>> No.5703735
File: 97 KB, 759x1092, 1410416797127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you fantasize about having the skills to make chicks "damp as the misty night air outside" and your first shot back is about sexual frustration?

project more you supreme jazz gentleman lol

>> No.5703757

I want you to grab a mirror and look at your posts. Okay, so read your posts out loud while looking at yourself in the mirror.

>> No.5703771


>wants to outpace his projecting with more projecting

lol son you keep fantasizing about wanting to make chicks wet and then calling other people sexually frustrated this projecting is too blatant for you not to see so whatever you're doing here is some coping mechanism shit

your complex is too fucked man for real curb it

>> No.5703774

What's so difficult about a cartesian coordinate system? It's a fucking map.

>> No.5703777

This is true. Even after giving her the answers, my ex girlfriend the philosophy major insists on always having the last word. I will literally point out her shit, call her retarded and be done with it and she'll end the whole thing "retarded than/then you".

I wish slapping women was legal.

>> No.5703782
File: 32 KB, 600x425, bXFQy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smooth jazz

>> No.5703829

Wow, what a pretentious idiot you are.

>> No.5703831

That kind of skill isn't very hard to develop, I take it?

>> No.5703835


>> No.5703841

The scary thing is that he seems sincere (at least from the way anon describes it). How does one attains that level of dfw ?

>> No.5703847

He pretty much admitted it here >>5701844.

>> No.5704238


be above average intelligence, possess innate acting talent, then watch a lot of movies in all your stages of development. Social alienation at an early age (result of above average intelligence) will force you to act to become a part of the world. This will work for all of your adolescence, but as others begin to reach organic maturity the mechanics of your endurance as a false social entity will be exposed. That is what happened to the NYU guy in the story.

>> No.5704323

That's pretty sad and scary. I feel sorry for the guy, he seems pretty decent. I'm glad I suck at acting, too.

>> No.5704337

Eventually he'll stop giving a shit all together and just be himself. People (especially girls) will refer to him as the weird guy.

>> No.5704367

You just described me. Cool.

>> No.5704386

that was 2 close 2 home, anon

>> No.5704422


That trip... Haven't seen you in a while. Though I doubt you're the real D&E.

>> No.5704428


God New York fucking sucks

and I'm going to live there next year

Why oh why God did I fall for the trap

>> No.5704445

>tw 25 years in NYC

I noticed that people outside of the city are better.

>> No.5704483

i lived there for 6 years and loved the fuck out of it. try to keep an open mind. (or be miserable there if that's what you really want to do.)

>> No.5704519

Is your city's artistic bohemian community worth anything?

I live in a small city I was in the process of joining the artistic community but then I realize that it was not worth it.

I'm now looking for either the city with the newest ideas or that can give me the most money

>> No.5704569

>Be Vince Offer
>Go to jail
>Never hear of the narrative style employed in satiristical greentext where an anon writes from the perspective of someone else to write about the events currently happening to that person
>Never think that a reader could possibly misunderstand the context of a greentext story by assuming the story is a sequence of things that will occur to them if they perform an action, i.e. >buy nvidia >house burns down
>Get out of jail
>Decide to rethink my life
>Go to /lit/
>Someone writes ">be me" as an opening line of their post
>MFW I have no face

>> No.5704613

>and I hit on her because she had a nude of herself (but covering her breasts and a shadow hit her genitals) and she looked pretty good in the painting.

I'm stealing that, just letting you know.

>> No.5704691

I did this and started a hip philosophy Meetup in my city. Everyone who shows up is 40+ years old. Pretty disappointing in that regard, but it's still been a great time. They are all very smart and well read. Definitely beats talking to myself in my underwear.

>> No.5704713

someones mad

>> No.5704721

holy shit you just ripped my life apart

>> No.5704724

how many of them were rapists?

>> No.5704733

I don't know how ripped apart I've been. I'm a lot like what was described, but I still have several layers of irony between myself and the world. I feel bad about being too ironic, but I reap the benefits well enough

>> No.5704735


>How do I break my city's artistic bohemian community, /lit/?

Fixed your query. Answer is: 'with rods of iron.'

>> No.5704742


>omg das me!

Das everyone, mane.

>> No.5704747

>Oh. Thank you.
>I was writing some today, it's nothing special, mostly just a practice run short story... Maybe post sometime.
hahaha. how can someone be this retarded? you might be really aspergers. how can someone lack social intelligence this much? passerby here. what's up with all the trash trips? do you even have tolerable ones?

>> No.5704750

also, lots of shitposters. i would've expected more from a board called /lit/.

>> No.5704756


Nope. /lit/ is where people who have no existence outside their own heads go to shit their terrible ideas onto the internet, where they will fester forever as the only evidence of a wasted existence.

t. knower

>> No.5704793

lol. It makes me question if people ever get something out from 4chan, aside from the lulz and stuff recommendations. I guess every board is generally shit to an extent and have golds buried deep in them. But who would have the time to sifting through shit just to find gold especially when you already follow a few boards?

This also gives me a dilemma if I should just try to use forums again, but I'm repulsed by the idea.

>t. knower

>> No.5705030


>> No.5705051
File: 120 KB, 500x608, 1391986117742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive read this about twenty times today and i'm still laughing my shit off

>> No.5705102

I don't understand why anybody would ever say that

>> No.5705104


It sounds like something you'd hear during that sort of situation in a movie.

>> No.5705121


hes saying what he thinks an artistic soul "should say"

aka acting in-authentically.

>> No.5705413

Just because something might be heard in a movie and might be inauthentic, it doesn't follow that it is genuinely inauthentic.

>> No.5705417

What that anon described sounds so hilariously contrived and cliched it cannot be anything but inauthentic.

>> No.5705448

I doubt he can lol

>> No.5706005
File: 25 KB, 420x312, reaction image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>friend looks out the window, brushes hair back to reveal his face
>>" tell me not to get too carried away with myself"

>> No.5706013

look guys, he doesn't even notice the ideology he is submerged in

>> No.5706017

lel this faggot thought he was getting away with these type of one liners

>> No.5706155


I think he wants to live in a BEE novel