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/lit/ - Literature

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5699079 No.5699079 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /lit/ college in America?

>> No.5699087


>> No.5699094


it's full of a bunch of people who go there because they're smart and quirky and want to be surrounded by likeminded people but after a few years they become cynical wankers who pretend to be smart and quirky because they get off on self loathing and within ten they end killing themselves

>> No.5699115

Your local community college.

>> No.5699128

specifically the subset of students who "didn't apply themselves in high school but could've gotten into harvard if they just did their homework" and who "are lazy but really smart" and intend to "transfer to harvard once they ace the first semester", although invariably end up dropping out or flunking out.

>> No.5699138

east coast little ivies
or actual ivies

>> No.5699143

Haha, spot on.

>> No.5699158

university of chicago

>> No.5699159


Those kinds of people are sad because they definitely have something, but the grind of the college system just burns them out. By the time I finished my degree, I totally understood why so many people drop out and it has very little to do with not being smart enough to do the work.

>> No.5699171


I am in hell.

>> No.5699176

Hey Opie, underageb& currently considering Harvard, but I've been plagued by stories that it's filled with self-assured patronizing intellectuals, who do nothing but smoke cigars and proselytize about having ideals. Maybe that's not everyone, but I also hear a ton of students have mental health issues. Is there an alumni on /lit/ who can address what I'm saying?

>> No.5699186

sloths are amazingly cute

>> No.5699262

Im convinced most people on this board didn't go to college and thats why they choose to spend their time focusing on metaphysical ideas because their not smart enough to understand hard sciences.

>> No.5699282

>their not smart enough


>> No.5699326

>implying hard sciences are more difficult to understand than vague and vacuous constructs regularly alluded to in literature, or most arts degrees for that matter.

>> No.5699364

Heartknox University.

>> No.5699366

I dunno but part of my heart wants to transfer to St. John's in Maryland to read great books but my family is here in D.C. and so is my medical marijuana card which I legit really use medically.

>> No.5699371

What's that one deep springs or something 2 year college in the middle of nowhere in the desert on the california and nevada border where you like have jobs and its all male? That's probably the most like Bloom Western-Canon /lit/ school.

>> No.5699375

yes, to "achieve" in our society one must be more-or-less insane

>> No.5699417

what's ailing you?

>> No.5699445

Apparently a slightly slipped disc is irritating a facet joint at my L5 vertebra and sending nerve signals down both legs creating spasms in both legs but interesting I learned from my psychologist during an entheogeon (psilocybin) assisted session that the muscles I have spasms in the most are also my strongest muscles so it might be partly a conversion disorder (mental symptoms presented as physical) due to my PTSD trying to externalize itself in part since I thought the outbreak of spasms and low back pain were due to weight gain and I've lost like 50 pounds here and I still get spasms if I don't take my medications.

>> No.5699454

Its really sad that they set it up that way but I see why they do it.

>> No.5699513

That sounds horrible. Does the cannabis do away with the spasms completely?

>> No.5699524

Bennington College. Plenty of famous contemporary writers have graduated from there, though all ones /lit/ likes to shit on.

Second contender may be University of Pennsylvania.

>> No.5699526


>Worrying about Harvard

lol don't worry op, you'll never get in

>> No.5699566
File: 238 KB, 640x480, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live a comfy oblomovian lifestyle with a sloth for a pet with tree branches carefully constructed across the entire ceiling of your apartment so that the sloth may hang around where it pleases
>you will never awaken under your silk sheets to see your sloth friend above your bed hanging from his favourite branch within the reach of your arm so that you can gently pet him and tell him about your dreams
>you will never watch slow snooker and chess matches on television and drink wine with your sloth friend resting on your chest and looking at you with a lazy smile before drifting off into a peaceful nap together

>> No.5699567


Being rich is more important than being smart if you want in the top ivy League.

>> No.5699657

Im glad someone got it

>> No.5699660

>most /lit/?

Definitely Berkley. They are very politically correct and have even banned students and researchers from using the term "illegal immigrant" ....
That totalitarian discourse never ends


>> No.5699664

probably a small liberal arts college full of pretentious children of new money who like to show their wealth but don't necessarily have the work ethic/concern to go somewhere like harvard or princeton. Vasser or Amherst I suppose

>> No.5699669


>> No.5699670


>implying they're both not difficult in their own way

God, I hate this stupid "STEM IS ONLY WAY" shit almost as much as I hate the counter to it. Hard sciences are for some people, others have an affinity for the arts. One isn't inherently more difficult than the other; it depends on the individual.

>> No.5699682

Boston college or Dartmouth college.

Real shit here. Lots of fun.

>> No.5699689

Neetbux enabled autodidacticism.

>> No.5699690

deep springs?

>> No.5699709

lvl. 3 paladin here wanna team up?

>> No.5699720

>I was just pretending to be retarded XD

>> No.5699727

i don't think the next generation of good writers is going to come from elite schools, most likely a mix of state schools and small liberal arts colleges. nyu, iowa, virginia. the kids occupying top-tier schools are not the same as those from the 50s-80s. the kind you're getting now, devoted so closely to the norm and 'achievement', masturbating over gpas and sats, aren't exactly prone to creativity. the past greats came from these schools essentially because they were upper class, and the upper class got the best education. now it's like a warzone trying to get into those schools and you're literally competing against the world, so they've become filled with the pedantic and the hyperfocused who've bowed to the system since day 1. to be inventive and unique, you need to actually be inventive and unique...not in your room memorizing flash cards like ever other overachiever.

>> No.5699754

thank you for making me feel good about myself for transferring from a private to public high school in junior year. I'm at montgomery college, and it's very fulfilling. the teachers are awesome, tuition is normally 4.5k but I got a free ride Awesome place, very diverse, students from over 170 countries. It's next to D.C., in the wealthiest state, but has down-to-earth people. Not much else you could ask for.

>> No.5699776

The Georgia Institute of Technology

>> No.5699811
File: 234 KB, 1223x1240, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that's me
b-but I'm gonna get out of here...I swear!

But really, how the fuck do I escape this?

>> No.5699813


>> No.5699821

Isn't that the point of American Psycho?

>> No.5701046

>proselytize about having ideals
That's not how the verb proselytize works...

>> No.5701067


is that book any good? Ellis just seems like such a dumb cunt anytime he says anything on twitter or in interviews

>> No.5701068
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>narrative evaluations instead of grades
>every class has seminar
>more good drugs than any other college campus
>don't have to work hard if you don't want to
>lots of literary profs
>can do independent studies instead of classes

>> No.5701112

Join the military

>> No.5701115

do the work you had four years to do in high school but didn't

>> No.5701127
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This is the correct answer.


>> No.5701138

I knew a guy from there who transferred to >>5701068

It sounded pretty lit. Traditional liberal arts education, starting with the greeks, eating a bunch of psychedelics and walking around in the desert.

>> No.5701141

But seriously, this place institutes virtually every /lit/ meme, down to 'start with the greeks' -- for every subject.

>> No.5701146

if you read 4chan, the seeds of greatness are not within you, learn to accept you plebness, get an associates in accounting or whatever, and go on with your life

>> No.5701148

every school starts with the greeks you god damn retard

>> No.5701167

If your family actually has the finances to get you into the Ivy Leauge or Oxbridge you won't have to worry about fitting in.

>> No.5701177

If you study at a college established after the 1500th century aren't you pleb by definition?

>> No.5701203

I didnt know there were that many centuries

>> No.5701205
File: 2.90 MB, 350x197, Ariana-Marie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The last kind of "greatness" us 4chan'ers can resort to is knowing that we've fucked up and can't make it up.
>mfw on 4chan
captcha: eldest

>> No.5701238
File: 409 KB, 590x333, 1409327747987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>year of our void 2014 during the great narrative draught and ideological famine
>still wanting to achieve something
>not turning slackerdom into an art

it's like you guys are a bit silly

>> No.5701247
File: 238 KB, 1150x1500, 1336915581609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah... I actually want to die now.

>> No.5701250

>what is German Idealism?

>> No.5701269

Carleton, the C is for Cwality

>> No.5701343


>> No.5701472

oxbridge or trinity dublin