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/lit/ - Literature

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569371 No.569371 [Reply] [Original]


How many of you are actually employed?

If so is it in a /lit/-related field? Or at least in something you enjoy?

>> No.569382

I'm a library page.

it's a semi-real job

>> No.569383

Unemployed college student and loving it.

Thanks for that tax money!

>> No.569389

Proof reader, but it doesn't pay the bill, only half of them.

>> No.569393

I don't work and I never will if I can't help it.

(stop bitching, you losers from the cold-hearted countries)

>> No.569397

I'm living off disability money because I get the shakes when I have to deal with stressful people

>> No.569407

how many mirrors are in your house?

>> No.569411

History student here.
I don't have a job, but since I'm running out of money, I thought probably start looking for a shitty underpaying job.

>> No.569412


what are transfer payments?

>> No.569422

transfer payments is the general term for payments by the governement that support those that can not provide a certain standard of living for themselves, such as the old, the disabled, the unemployed or the sick (the list goes on and the specifics vary from country to country).

>> No.569473

Just the two bathroom mirrors and one near the front door.

>> No.569481

High school English teacher. I get to force good lit down students' throats and laugh at them for liking shit like Twilight. Best job ever.

>> No.569500

Hopefully you provide your best students with extra lessons after class

>> No.569507

I'm a cook.

I don't particularly care for it.

>> No.569513


Ever spit in the food?

>> No.569587

What do you mean by "extra lessons"?

I have enjoyed watching my Freshmen cry over reading the Odyssey it its entirety.

>> No.569589

Don't be coy, you know what I mean, teach ;)

>> No.569597

freelance journalist. not exactly /lit/ but fuck it. i get paid to sit and bullshit with people, then write up a semi-accurate article.

>> No.569600


Extra lessons = Hot dickings

>> No.569606

unemployed :(

>> No.569607

Or warm cuntings, that feel like a hot crossed bun in the morning

>> No.569613

I work part-time as I'm a full-time student. Data entry stuff, not /lit/-related, but neither is my major. It's okay, easy, but boring if it were to be full-time work. Going to start a summer internship doing research for the government soon too, related to my degree (political science and public policy). Feels okay man.

>> No.569624

I work in the front of a bakery, I'm there from 5:30am to 12pm usually, but I don't really ever get a chance to read since there is always either people I have to sell stuff to, bring in stuff from the back, frost stuff, or something else like that.

>> No.569634

I have an unpaid position writing music reviews for a magazine that covers some of the bands and albums mentioned in this thread:


>> No.571331

I work as a 'Solutions Specialist' for Best Buy which is really just a suped up term for 'Customer Service'. I'm going back to school in the fall for nothing /lit/ related.

I do enjoy my job, except for the fact that I get no recognition for fixing shit that the rest of my coworkers fuck up. :)

>> No.571513


>> No.571547

Minor editorial job, brochures, translations and academic books of short tirade.

>> No.571624
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<-- What I work with.

... and this is why I vote conservative.

>> No.571635


>> No.571698


Support worker, not really enjoying it. Don't know if it's the job or the place I work at.

>> No.571700


>> No.571723

Work 25 hours a week at a cafe.

>> No.571739

I flip burgers.

Sad, I know.

>> No.571743

Are you good at flipping them?

>> No.571744

I study full time (accounting) and I work in an international education and immigration agency on the side.

It's alright, piss-easy and pays the bills. I also receive free weekly payments from the government for being 'independent' and studying though.

>> No.571751
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I work nights at a student bar on my campus.
and do weekends in a hotel as a fancy waiter. helps to have a steady source of income when you're a student with a devoted amazon account.

>> No.572716

I suck blood... So like, if I was into crappy vampire fiction, it's be kinda cool I guess.

I really do suck blood. I'm a phlebotomist.

>> No.572725

Work at Barnes and Noble. Funny thing is I almost never buy new books.

Also, I'm only part time, and I'm getting so few hours I might as well be unemployed. Really need to find another job.

>> No.572875

I'm a hospital clerk. Not /lit/ related at all unless you're making an historical joke, but I get to see babies often :3. I also volunteer in the books section of a charity shop.

A couple of years ago I amost got a job in a chain bookshop, but lost out because I had no experience; God knows wha my life would be like now if I'd got it.

>> No.572884

I work as an editor for a magazine that deals with literary criticism in my particular country.

>> No.573189

that sounds great, I envy you anon - that's probably the purpose of this thread.

>> No.573210

The grass is always greener. I don't mind the job, but it's already burnt me out on criticism.

Funnily enough, I've read more Stephen King on the bus back and forth to my editing job than I had previous to working here.

All I can think about when I read yet another academic paper on Ondaatje is, "This is what's scaring everyone away from books. A bunch of academics furiously scribbling the page, circle-jerking each other in order to prove to each other that literature should be taken seriously."

>> No.573212

Unemployed. Movie theaters, book stores, pizza parlors, and even the Gap won't hire me.

Tomorrow I've got an interview to intern at a literary publication. A real literary magazine, not like the ZWG.

>> No.573217

Sitting and reading my post, I realize that it's very important that I don't stay in this job any longer than I have to. It's destroying my love for reading. It really is true what they say about work and what you love. Work so you can pursue what you love outside of it.

brb law school.

>> No.573340
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>>573189 here
Could you give me an adress where I can send my resume?

>> No.573355

Bookseller at B&N

Basically temporary digital lead until they hire someone who'll take the shitty hours.

>> No.573363


Keep doin' what you're doin'.

>> No.573366

I am a bestselling author of genre fiction. I come to /lit/ for ideas.

>> No.573371

I'm in college, I'm a finance major. I just like reading and writing.

I feel kinda bad for you guys in English, how will you find a job ;_;

>> No.573372


Take an old piece of work, change all the names, add vampires.

Instant fucking bestseller.

>> No.573373

Work in a home for mentally and physically handicapped adults. I work overnights, so I have about three hours of actual work a night, and the rest of the time I'm there to attend to their needs. As such, I generally get a few hours a night to read or write. Along with good benefits and pay comparable to entry level teaching or newspaper work, I'm cool with it.

>> No.573378


Depending on what you're willing to do, there's a shit-ton. Seriously, every single company in the world needs someone to write their press releases and junk like that.

>> No.573382

I sell meth

>> No.573390

Why do you think it's acceptable to keep people alive who contribute nothing to society and whose very existence steals food and resources that should go towards feeding needy people who actually DO have the potential to contribute to society?

>> No.573392

Good times bro. >>571698 here.

Wish I worked nights sometimes. Wouldn't get punched in the face quite so often.

>> No.573393


>> No.573394

High school English teacher in Japan.

>> No.573398

I hope you get lots of yellow teen pussy

>> No.573399

Haha go away you filthy Randian sociopath

>> No.573404

yuki is mai waifu

>> No.573406


Sorry, not a big fan of capitalism.

Good job mis-identifying my politics, though, faggot. Maybe the retarded people you work with are having too much influence on you.

>> No.573409

I'm not even the faggot who works at the old folks home but I still think you're a silly sperged out weirdo if you seriously get in a huff about how "this filthy OLD PEOPLE *snort* taking all our resources *huff* and contributing NOTHING"

>> No.573415

>posts on 4chan
>complains about contributions to society

gtfo now faggot

>> No.573419

It's really easy to say HERP DERP EUTHANISE THE DISABLED when you've never had anything to do with them or met their parents who love them just as much as as a 'normal' child.

>> No.573421


Ha ha! No-one who has actually spent any time with a 1000 female teenagers would think it was as awesome as their weird fantasy world. Half the time, the students bug the shit out of you.

>> No.573422

No problem with old people, just

>mentally handicapped adult

Sorry, but if you're on /lit/ shouldn't you have some basic idea what "reading comprehension" means? Go back to middle school.

>> No.573423


They provide a sense of comfort for their relatives and frequently for each other. Furthermore, they are PART of society and have spent a great deal of time contributing to it.

>> No.573425

If you've actually had to work with disabled "people" and their owners, you'll hate them even more.
Do you want me to go into detail about the one time I saw a teacher's aide get raped by her pet retard? Because I can.

>> No.573428

Oh, retards then, even more hilariously spergy

Hey guys lets just KILL EM ALL right? Shit it's so easy why you gotta be so PC about everything??

>> No.573430

>mentally handicapped

>Part of society
>contributed to society

WTF am I reading

>> No.573431

That sounds awesome. Please do tell.

So far I like the raping retard better than you.

>> No.573432

What do you think I did for 7 hours today?

I'm a support worker at a house occupied by 3 adults with severe learning disabilities, one of whom also has cerebral palsy and a whole heap of other stuff. Yeah they can be fucking shits like anyone else, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to live.

>> No.573435



>> No.573437

So you're pretty much working in Mordor as the guy who serves the Orcs hobbit meat for lunch.

Good job.

>> No.573439

Actually I gave them pasta tonight.

>> No.573441


>Mentally Handicapped

>So the can't do anything

>> No.573442

Oh you silly neckbeards... not everything is lord of the rings, you know!

>> No.573447

You're probably just jealous that retard got laid and you're still a virgin.

You are sub-retard, man.

>> No.573453

Eigth grade, I'd been falling in and out of school and after a shitty series of events ended up at a school for juvenile delinquents that was also a school for 'tards. Anyway the mentally challenged students were on one side of the building and the juvenile delinquents on the other. A few times the retarded students were brought through the other part of the school so their parents or assigned aides could talk to the teacher. One time one of the retards started feeling up a teacher. She kept trying to slap his hands away but he started pulling his pants down and forcing himself against her.
After a while several of the other teachers showed up but not until he was cumming all over her.

So you know what? That's why I hate retards. That's how they act.

>> No.573461

Maybe we should euthanise juvenile delinquents.

>> No.573470

The difference is that unless someone is a diagnosed sociopath juvenile delinquents still have a chance of being redeemed and set on the path of good.

Mentally challenged people do not understand the concept of good. Without the knowledge of good, there can only be evil.

>> No.573472

>I'd been falling in and out of school and after a shitty series of events ended up at a school for juvenile delinquents that was also a school for 'tards

They should just kill everyone who gets in that school. They seem like real burdens on society.

>> No.573475

I've got to admit, most of them were, and all that school did was enable a lot of them.

>> No.573483

Mentally challenged people do not understand the concept of evil. Without the knowledge of evil, there is only innocence.

Seriously, you're the one that consciously made the mistakes that got you into retard school, not them. You are below these people.

>> No.573484

Exactly, people born with disabilities didn't make a choice to be like that. The people i've worked with have wanted to try and live normal lives but need extra help. People like the internet tough guy above excluded themselves from society through the choices they made.

>> No.573488

Work as a correctional officer. Been doing it for about 12 years now. I actually enjoy my job. I have a pretty laid back but firm approach in the way I deal with the inmates, but the absolute perk of my job is when someone is being an absolute asshat not only do I get to check them, it is fucking expected of me to do so.

After the years I spent taking shit from whining fuck-offs in customer services on the street with no real way of being able to deal with assholes, it is still refreshing to be in a position where I don't have to take any shit.

>> No.573489
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pic related

although I plan to write some novels too

>> No.573491

The handicapped do contribute something. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have a job.

>> No.573497

I've never been a tough guy of the internet or irl varieties. However, the "choices I made" involved defending myself from some pretty bad people.

>> No.573503

Always a good classic choice for a beginning writer. :)

Care to share some pictures of your menagerie to prove it?

>> No.573507

Where do you teach?

>> No.573508

Yeah i'll break confidentiality and risk my job so I can prove to some guy on the internet that I work in the sector I claim to.

>> No.573514

What, so working in a People Zoo is confidential information for the eyes of authorized personnel only now?

>> No.573519

>boohoo I never did anything wrong, the big bad world is out to get me fucking retards have all the luck

go away before you make yourself seem like even more a douchebag

>> No.573520


Well, I disagree with your opinions, but if the people were really "pretty bad," I hope you knifed them until they looked like a cheese grater.

>> No.573522

Yeah, because it wasn't that mentally deficient kid's choice to be a rapist that must make him raping people okay, huh?

>> No.573525

Support workers are bound by confidentiality rules. We can't share any kind of personal information about the service users we support with anyone not connected to the service. This includes passing photos around on the internet.

Maybe you'd like me to take an abu ghraib style photo of me wiping a guy's ass? would that satisfy you?

>> No.573528

It doesn't make it ok, but it also doesn't make stupid generalisations about how all mentally disabled people don't know right from wrong ok either.

>> No.573549

You're both mentally and morally deficient.

>> No.573550
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wtf /lit/?

>> No.573563

Ok it's clear this thread isn't going anywhere good. It's 1am here and I need to go to bed. So if you want to continue spouting your horribly warped view of the world, please feel free to do so until you're satisfied.

>> No.573570

>an abu ghiraib style photo of me wiping a guy's ass


>> No.573580


>> No.573760

I read at least 35% of the time I'm at work, whichever that is.

>> No.573786

I work at Wendy's. One day I plan to write about how shitty fast food work is. But it gives me cash in my pocket and for college, so no complaints there I suppose.

>> No.575014

>One day I plan to write about how shitty fast food work is

Been done, brah. Ever hear of Fast Food Nation?

>> No.575020

>wiping a guy's ass

I'm game