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/lit/ - Literature

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5692563 No.5692563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can officially say without a doubt that /lit/ is 4chan's only good board.

Name any other board and I'll tell you why he sucks.

>> No.5692579

>implying /lit/ is good

>> No.5692583


>> No.5692588

i browse /tv/ for the maymays :-D

>> No.5692593


>> No.5692602


yummy :)

>> No.5692606

What's wrong with /sci/? And /tg/?

>> No.5692607

/lit/ and /int/ are the only ones I go to.

/int/ is fun, sometimes they discuss current events, sometimes they discuss racial stereotypes, and sometimes they have 'post qts from your country' threats which are always fun.

In other words its like a tamer /pol/ with a bit of softcore /s/ added to the mix

>> No.5692613

I seriously didn't even realize this shitty board existed. Thank you for wasting 13 of my seconds

Exactly why the board sucks just go watch rifftrax.


Okay, maybe. But only if high.

/tg/ focuses too much on dungeons and dragons. /sci/ is okay.

>> No.5692614


>> No.5692615


>> No.5692617

I'm more interested as why you think /lit/ is good, since you don't like any other board.

>> No.5692619

rude, r9k is probably the funniest board aside from /sp/

>> No.5692620

Too homosexual.

Too heterosexual.

>> No.5692624

r9k makes me sad whenever i go there, literally the most pathetic people ever

>> No.5692626

Because people actually read on here. No one reads on any other 4chan board.

>> No.5692630
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words hurt

>> No.5692634

>inb4 ">implying /lit/ reads"

>> No.5692638

yes they do

im sorry anon

>> No.5692648


>> No.5692657

/o/ and /diy/

>> No.5692660

I've noticed that /lit/ doesn't take itself as seriously as it used to. Good thing or bad thing?

>> No.5692661

definitely a good thing

>> No.5692663

what does this post say? i can't read

>> No.5692665

4chan is a comedy site

>> No.5692668

meme site

>> No.5692669

its a parody of a parody of a parody of a parody of itself

its like a meta-meme

>> No.5692670

ayy lmao

>> No.5692674
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These people are real . . .I always heard bad things about that board but I just don't have the familiarity with them as I unhappily do with /pol/

at least they don't spread like e/pol/a

>> No.5692678

You've just been helped by one of the greatest writers of the next thousand years. I hope you're happy.

>> No.5692682
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They're rather shy withdrawn types.

>> No.5692711
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>> No.5693046
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/ck/ is awesome.

>> No.5693086

Second [s4s]

>> No.5693268

>what is /ck/
>what is /diy/
>what is /trv/

really, any board with a really small user base

>> No.5693299

>I can officially say without a doubt that /lit/ is 4chan's only good board.

Hahaha holy shit where did this kid even come from?

>> No.5693306

just from personal experience and the ones i know at least decently:


/tg/, /lit/

/ck/, /a/, /m/, /vr/

/k/, /co/, /sci/, /fa/, /fit/, /vg/

/mu/, /v/, /pol/, /g/

/x/, /tv/, /r9k/, /soc/



>> No.5693307

It's an Indonesian silkscreen conference, get it right.

>> No.5693315

nah, /mu/ is no longer bearable, unfortunately

>> No.5693339


>> No.5693350


>> No.5693374


>> No.5693387

/lit/ /o/ /fit/ /mu/

/mu/ /fa/ /sci/ /biz/

The rest

>Haven't gone on since I was 13

>> No.5693391

/fit/ would be a God tier board if it wasn't for the constant height threads.

>> No.5693401


/tg/, /diy/, /ck/, /an/

/n/, /out/

/lit/, /sci/, /fit/, /tv/, /fit/

/mu/, /v/, /pol/, /a/

/x/, /r9k/, /soc/, /jp/, /s4s/


>> No.5693420
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>> No.5693429
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I dont know about /tv/, they are retarded but I rarely leave without laughing. Its the persistence in memeing

>> No.5693453

was shilling hard PART of your plan?

>> No.5693456

/fit/, /g/, /fa/ here, don't listen to our lies.

/pol/ is seriously underrated.

That's all

>> No.5693530


>> No.5693549

/mu/ is arguably one of the worst, anyone who says its bearable doesn't know what they're talking about it listens to shitty music.

>> No.5693553

>GOAT Tier
/sci/ /lit/ /ck/ /out/
>Pretty cool tier
/int/ /k/ /g/
>Wild Card tier
/fit/ /v/ /mu/
>Cool If You're Right Wing Tier
>Avoid Tier
/r9k/ /soc/

From my experience.

>> No.5693582

at least the other boards have taste in their fields of interest, /mu/ likes bizarre shit

>> No.5693586

>anything with mongolian cartoons
>god-tier, good-tier

>> No.5693593
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hey [s4s] is better than most purely on the basis that its consciously retarded

>> No.5693598

doesn't /mu/ just listen to critic approved rock?

I'm going through one of their chart threads right now and it's full of Radiohead, The Velvet Underground, Neutral Milk Hotel, etc. nothing too crazy

>> No.5693602

>/mu/ likes bizarre shit
They like the tamest music that isn't too mainstream, and even that hardly holds true anymore. This is coming from someone who got into music through /mu/ but stopped going because I actually was interested in music. There's nothing there for people who want to be 'music aficionados' like I would like to be.

Ironic shitposting etc etc

>> No.5693614


Its not even about the quality of the music. There's just a perennial sense of elitism running through that piece of shit board. Everyone wants to prove themselves hence the deluge of tripfags and the contrarian opinions. There actually seems to be a large crossover between tumblr, /mu/ is noticably more SJW than other boards of similar size. Fuck /mu/

>> No.5693617

Adding onto this, it would be safe to say that /mu/ is more about image than substance. The most popular threads are chart threads where the pictures posted are the users favorite albums, and you see a lot of the same albums posted over and over again. If you decide to post an album you like and it's even remotely obscure or incredibly niche to you, you'll be parroted by other people who think that it's cool to listen to non mainstream music just for the sake of being non mainstream. That was the straw that broke the camels back for me, I posted my chart which has some lesser known albums on it and about a week later someone made a chart labeled 'good music' that has over half of the albums I had on my chart on it, albums that have never been mentioned on /mu/. The last thing I would ever want is an artist I like getting popular on /mu/ and having people who don't know about music shitposting about them.

>> No.5693619

>>>/diy/ and >>>/wsg/ are the best boards objectively

>> No.5693625

>They like the tamest music that isn't too mainstream

Unless /mu/ has changed in the months since I've been on, there are also plenty of people that like bizarre shit that nobody really wants to listen to. Trout mask replica, metal machine music, merzbow etc.

>> No.5693627

The same brands are circlejerked over again and again. Discussion on actual fashion or clothing past "w2c" is rare

>> No.5693635

Trout mask replica is widely regarded as music critics as good, and noise is much more accessible than a lot of people think. Not sure what you mean by machine music.
The real point I was getting at is even though it may be 'bizarre' it's still accessible and isn't going to be stimulating for someone really interested in music. It's like if a philosophy professor have Sophie's World a read, they wouldn't be learning anything or bettering themselves for it. It may provide some fleeting enjoyment but they wouldn't be gaining knowledge because its so basic compared to what they already know.

>> No.5693636

metal machine music is an album by lou reed purposefully made to be bad

>> No.5693640

Widely regarded by music critics to be good*. And people do enjoy listening to it, but its better to start with Beefhearts earlier releases. It really is an amazing album.

>> No.5693642


the sharethreads and sticky are valuable resources for music, but why anyone would discuss anything there is beyond me

>> No.5693648

/co/ was good when it was about comics and cartoons but that was before the e/pol/a virus broke out. Now it's just anti-SJWs all day every day complaining about SJWs.

>> No.5693649


I entirely disagree with all of that, the artists I posted are really inaccessible to the average person, 9 out of 10 people would be confused and alienated by trout mask replica. You might just be holding yourself to a really high standard.

>> No.5693653

I think the guys over at /k/ are okay.
Pretty gay sometimes, though.

>> No.5693688

I agree

But /diy/ and /out/ are excellent as well. Yeah /out/ has some hippies but for the content, it is rich. I hear /o/ and /tg/ are havens but I don't g
o there. /biz/ is fucking great but it's the perfect example of the rest of the site ruining a board because of le board culture and their autism about it. It's getting to be /r9k/ le feels guy tier in how many people ask hurrdurrr how do I get rich biz why arent you doing this biz etc

/lit/ is just the best because it's what 4chan is supposed to be if admins cared about not catering to the proto 9gag crowd: Learned and witty but still posts about dicks

I like a good funpost here and there but sometimes it's just trashy but /lit/ has good timing most of the time and the right humor.

tldr delete /x/ weaboos are bronies beta
and /pol/ is good too get over it

>> No.5693704

I really don't think many disagree with you

Listen honest to god cross my heart

Last few times I went there to download a couple of albums, I didn't see anything too toxic. What I noticed was they went through some renaissance, everyone is some anti-hostile faggot I think a hivemind is developing but I left of course so I dont know

But I did get introduced to Needledrop Anthony is funny and I say this as someone who hates youtubers

>> No.5693708


>blatant racism, hate speech, and grumpy old men in 18 year old bodies writing angry letters to the editor tier screeds

Yeah, no

>> No.5693714


Still can't get anyone to discuss witch house, industrial, dark post-punk or alternative synthpop on that shithole, though

>> No.5693726

>Comedy site
>Not Manchurian Comedy Community
getta load of this pleb

>> No.5693728
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I dunno man. /mu/ has trends. like after pitchfork jizzed over MBDTF, the board became a lot more hip-hop focused. I have this witch house chart i saved from a while ago though.

>> No.5693742

/mu/ just followers Pitchfork and internet fads.

>> No.5693743 [DELETED] 


>make the most obvious, banal criticisms, ones which actually feed the egos of the scared and confused petit bourgeois
>hate speech

Stick to reddit m8. Or better yet, sign up to a forum where they talk about books, and people are held accountable for their posts.

>> No.5693751


Good one m8, there is no middle ground between the hugbox of reddit and the toxic, edgelord cesspit that is /pol/. There is no middle ground and one must choose between these 2 choices.

>> No.5693752


>implying that's any different from lit lmO

>> No.5693757

No, /pol/ really is shit. That's why we have so many political threads lately, have to go to /lit/ if you actually want to discuss politics.

>> No.5693769


Decent chart. Really digging some of the more recent artists like AAIMON and VALLHALL (I think that chart might predate them by a little though)

>> No.5693782


Explain to me how exaggerated cartoons of "greedy" big-nosed Jewish people with seedy facial expressions aren't hate speech

What about all of the cartoons of big-lipped "niggers" dragging their knuckles? Are you going to tell me that's not hate speech?

>> No.5693788 [DELETED] 
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>Implying it's hate speech if it's true

>> No.5693790


So how about that Republican senate majority?

>> No.5693807


You've never even met a black or Jewish person, have you?

>> No.5693814

Kinda lulzy and typical of American politics.

Has some implications for the SCOTUS if Conservatives retain the House and gain the Presidency, but in the short-term I just expect more obstruction of Liberal policy without actually furthering any Conservative policy.

Frankly I haven't been following politics too closely, been pretty disenchanted with it all.

>> No.5693816 [DELETED] 

Oh shut up with that

Go actually look at the board sometimes without being triggered

Just yesterday there was a Legos thread it's not all stormfront 24/7

>> No.5693820


as a poster who was there yesterday to follow threads about the 4chan murderer and the lena dunham child molestation scandal, it got tedious as fuck seeing irrelevant racism in several of the comments

>> No.5693827

hip hop is killing it this decade and its popularity isn't just from pitchfork.

>> No.5693839


>b-b-but there's a third way!

You don't get to choose. The measures you have to put in place to create a 'middle ground' turn it into a hugbox, but not having those measures in place allows for nazis and assorted dreck to accumulate.


I never said it wasn't shit. I know its shit and never said otherwise. However, /lit/ is an appropriate place to discuss theory.


Fuck off with your arbitrary special categories and fuck yourself to death with them spacko. 'Hate speech' is such an amorphous and useless term that its only applied when politically convenient.

I never said that the cartoons are good, they are puerile and reek of desperation and confusion. The difference between our views is that you don't understand how calling all that shit 'hate speech' and relegating it to the periphery allows it to spread even more virulently than before. Censorious, establishment twats vapourised this shit years ago, and now that its being rediscovered, frustrated /pol/tards think it has subversive value.


Immolate yourself.

>> No.5693851

industrial is dead m8

/mu/ got me into classical. best thing that's ever happened to me on that board-the rest can all come from browsing RYM and the like

>> No.5693862


Massive oversights in your logic. You don't need to put in measures for a third way, you just need a userbase of non-cunts. 4chan is well known for being full of cunts and trolls that just want to derail discussion, hence "le happy merchant" and so on. 4chan is in general, an inherently bad place for discussion. there are only small pockets like /lit/ which occasionally manage to find shelter from the waves of shit flowing from /b/

>> No.5693869

I am Jewish

>> No.5693893

It means nothing. Since Bush all American elections are grudge votes. If Democrats are "in power", then Republicans win because the guys "in power" get the blame. Now that Republicans have no one to blame but themselves, the Democrats will sweep the Presidential election with no contest since Americans still remember Dubya and younger voters are aware that things are marginally better under Democrat rule.

>tfw Americans are still too stupid and brainwashed for non-rightist politics, like there's a real difference between their two incestuous main parties

>> No.5693906
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>> No.5693919


>you just need a userbase of non-cunts
>actually thinking this is a valid point

So you'd rely on the virtue of each isolated anonymous user to maintain a certain quality of discussion rather than implementing structures to 'encourage' people to refrain from shitposting?

You need measures in place to maintain a certain quality of discussion, especially when you have thousands of individuals using the same website. You don't get to choose who visits the site, and if you are banning people for disagreeing with the moral majority, then its a hugbox. If you don't ban anyone for any reason, the trolls and shitposters will materialise, because, holy shit, they are the same people, just in a different mood! Ban them and they'll go elsewhere to shitpost, but your site will just be a bunch of assburgers.

>> No.5693936


Well no, obviously there'd be mods. It seemed like the way you were referring to measures, you weren't including mods, seeing as /pol/ obviously already has those and isn't a "hugbox".

>> No.5693938 [DELETED] 
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I'm confused, that just sounds like descriptions of kikes and niggers.

>> No.5693944

The problem is that it's gotten extremely repetitive, and very few actually know anything about music beyond whatever tastemaking publications claim.

/classical/ is still one of the best generals on the site though.

>> No.5693947

Lit is awesome and not a complete tinkerbell.

vr is pretty good. Co can be gun but they're bipolar as fuck. Tg is on to everything, as can be expected. I actually liked x a lot but judging from everyone's reactions I guess it's gone downhill a lot.

Pol can die in a fire.

I love mu but yeah, it's 99% shit these days.

Never been to TV, don't watch TV.

Any of the slow boards can be pretty good. Wsg springs to mind.
>tfw a Filter song brought you to b, introducing you to the 4CHAN

>> No.5693966


The mods on /pol/ don't ban people for reasons of ideology. Hate speech is an ideological category. On /pol/ I could make threads about feminism, and wouldn't get banned. I can make threads about Marxism, and all I'll get is the same shitposting as in every other thread, and so on.

/pol/'s community wants it to be a hugbox, its trying its very hardest to create a hugbox, which is why I still post there.

>> No.5694011

>/pol/'s community wants it to be a hugbox, its trying its very hardest to create a hugbox, which is why I still post there

You realize that's specifically why /pol/ is awful, right?

Containment boards don't work when the posts you want contained get blown the fuck out.

/pol/ has to be a hugbox, or it wouldn't work.

>> No.5694066

/fit/ plus go

>> No.5694081

Witch house? Is it suddenly 2009 again?

>> No.5694112

>Someone is actually this new

>> No.5694127


I just don't see why it has to be a containment board. Get rid of it and they spew out, sure, but if people who knew what they were talking about posted there, then it wouldn't propagate itself. You can turn a nazi pretty easily if their beliefs come from shit they've seen online.

>> No.5694133

Not for the cunnys?

>> No.5694141



>> No.5694153


>it's not at the height of semi-mainstream popularity anymore so it must not still exist


>> No.5694156


Witch house is still around, but it's more of an underground goth thing now than a /mu/tant hipster thing

>> No.5694164
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>he's not a cunny-seur
>he't not a cunny aesthete

>> No.5694166


>its consciously retarded

[s4s] is exactly the same people browsing other boards on 4chan, just following fashion trends.

>> No.5694172
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/ic/ and /an/ are the only other boards I go to

>> No.5694173
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> 4chan, just following fashion trends.

>> No.5694190


What the fuck kind of fashion trends does 4chan even follow?

At 4chan meetups I usually see a combination of gym clothes and the flannel shirt + chinos combo

>> No.5694221


it's obviously not literal fashion in the sense of clothing. it's called being slightly figurative to make an insult.

>> No.5694240


>You can turn a nazi pretty easily if their beliefs come from shit they've seen online.

It's not the fact that you're pretending to be a nazi on the internet that makes you seem pathetic and undesirable, it's the fact that you're the kind of person who would do something like that in the first place.

It's ironic, /pol/ is actually the kind of socially degenerate segment of a population that would be gotten rid of in a purge.

>> No.5694439


Are you referring to me in particular?

Also if pretending to be a nazi makes you subhuman, Charlie Chaplin must be chimp tier to you.

>> No.5694496

>You can turn a nazi pretty easily if their beliefs come from shit they've seen online

Except such a person isn't interested in any sort of debate, argumentation, reasoning, et cetera.

That's why there's /pol/, so they can circle-jerk about how the Holocaust is an ADL conspiracy.

There was a Fascism thread or some such recently here in /lit/, where a /pol/ Nazi-believer basically got blown out. His entire argument basically consisted of "You can't find evidence of the Final Solution! And I won't read any books you suggest because it's just propaganda that won't prove anything!"

And it's not just internazis, /pol/ is largely for people who can't handle critical discussion regardless of their political affiliations.

>> No.5694501

So, where's the proof of the holocaust, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.5694524

>tfw you realize he wasn't actually implying it
>/lit/ is 4chan's only good board

>> No.5694532

>That's why there's /pol/, so they can circle-jerk about how the Holocaust is an ADL conspiracy.

The funny thing is that /pol/ is the only place with complete freedom of speech. On other boards you'll get banned for the tiniest controversial comment.

>> No.5694538
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>I-I was only pretending to be literal!

>> No.5694540

Dunno, out there somewhere presumably.

I don't have any stake in that debate, given all the other horrors of mankind and the recent ones of the 20th century I'm willing to take the Holocaust at face value.

Probably helps I don't consider it any justification for Israel or anything it does today, so I don't feel the need to "debunk" the Holocaust whenever Israel does something mean.

>> No.5694544


>On other boards you'll get banned for the tiniest controversial comment.

this is fucking bullshit and you should be ashamed that you have to resort to that to defend your board

>> No.5694546


>> No.5694553

>Dunno, out there somewhere presumably.
I'm sure that's a great reason why some countries have ban debate about the issue.

>I don't have any stake in that debate, given all the other horrors of mankind and the recent ones of the 20th century I'm willing to take the Holocaust at face value.
I'm not saying that no one died. It's just very suspicious. It's also suspicious that jews think 6 million of them will die at some point in their religious texts.

>Probably helps I don't consider it any justification for Israel or anything it does today, so I don't feel the need to "debunk" the Holocaust whenever Israel does something mean.
Fair enough.

>> No.5694554

/po/ (not pol) and /ic/ are interesting, and i think fairly small

>> No.5694559

It's not bullshit. Imo the worst offender is /sci/ : I once got banned for daring to suggest that races might differ in intelligence.

>> No.5694567


>I got banned once, therefore freedom of speech across all boards has been compromised

sucks for you m8, but generally freedom of speech is the one thing 4chan is good for, unless you're being obnoxious and just shitposting or posting off-topic

>> No.5694573
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>being a holocaust denier

Yeah, the holocaust was just elaborate propaganda contrived to make people hate Germany. Because people didn't already dislike Germany after its role in 2 world wars.

>> No.5694582

Why do you believe in the holocaust?

You talk about it like it's obvious.

>> No.5694589

>contrived to make people hate Germany
No. Holocaust propaganda was to make people sympathetic towards jews, and by extension towards Israel.

I'm not a holocaust denier, but there's no denying the fact that jews have managed formidably to portray themselves as the main victims of WW2 (despite the fact that an equal number of polish and russian goyim perished in the same gas chambers, and many more outside of the camps)

>> No.5694592

no, /mu/ was better when they liked bizarre shit. now they just like entry-level indie and try to pass that off as good taste, while bashing anything remotely experimental as 'avant-teen' or 'fedora'. It's really a shame too, they used to have some posters with legit interesting taste.

>> No.5694596

>implying the implying maymay necessarily refers to actual implication rather than serving as a stock means to characterise a position whether accurately or no
>mfw people have no faces etc

>> No.5694598

>tfw you own MMM on vinyl and genuinely enjoy it
it's just really soothing

>> No.5694599
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this is true, but not "conspiracy true."

for more info read this book

>> No.5694601


Did the jews really need to invent another tragedy to evoke peoples sympathies? They have been persecuted forever

>> No.5694610

>why do you believe in one of the most well-documented events in recorded history?

I actually have a better justification for accepting that the Holocaust occurred than I do for accepting that the man who raised me is my biological father. I have the anecdotal account of like two people, each with a credible reason to lie.

I know this because I used to argue with people like you, which will serve as the answer to your next post.

>> No.5694613

Because modern scholarship considers it historical fact, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist who thinks every historian is lying to me.

Also, it's amazing how /pol/ manages to shit up every single board on this website. I even saw a race-baiting thread on /ck/ the other day.

>> No.5694620

Evidently, people weren't very sympathetic towards them in the 1930s

>> No.5694627

>Because modern scholarship considers it historical fact, and I'm not a conspiracy theorist who thinks every historian is lying to me.
Not all of them. Many of them can't if they want to keep their jobs.

Anyways, you know as well as I do that history is decided by whoever wins.

>> No.5694629


basically this. you have historical record, against the ramblings of some /pol/tards, on a board which is undeniably biased against jews, on a site which is also biased against jews and with strong tendencies towards contrarian opinion for the sake of being different

>> No.5694648

The thing is, you actually don't have much historical records. This is because nazis burned a lot of their documents before surrendering, and because they spoke in secret code when talking about da jooz

>> No.5694678
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Almost like they had something to hide. Some sort of systematic killing, maybe, if you can believe that.

>> No.5694688

>There is evidence.
>The lack of evidence means that any evidence was destroyed.

>> No.5694691

4chan = /pol/

back to reddit with you ;)

>> No.5694693

>muh only realism is ahrt

Not really a /shit/ board but definitely a broing, one-note board.

>> No.5694701
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But then, you can claim anything. You can claim that the lack of documents regarding nazi bases on the far side of the moon proves that they were trying to hide their moon colonization program.

>> No.5694707


>> No.5694724


/lit/, /mu/, /sp/

/co/, /fa/, /vr/, /pol/

>fun on occasions
/x/, /r9k/, /g/, /sci/, /a/

/tv/, /soc/, /b/, [s4s], /jp/

>> No.5694765

mu essentials is hilariously outdated, you will get mocked if your taste is similar to it

>They like the tamest music that isn't too mainstream, and even that hardly holds true anymore
this is not at all true, they have a lot of discussion about stuff like harsh noise, lowercase, classical and there is more often than not a thread devoted specifically to talking about really strange microgenres like Stochastic Music and Microtonal Music.

they're still there m8, just look for the right threads

>> No.5694782

hip-hop is legitimately one of the most interesting contemporary genres, the people who think otherwise are the people who are only listening to watered down pitchfork approved hip-hop, not the other way around

>> No.5694809

/lit/ could potentially be 4chan's best board, although I am unsure if I agree with that, but it is certainly not a "good" board; especially if you mean to imply that all other boards are bad.

>> No.5694811

>mu essentials is hilariously outdated, you will get mocked if your taste is similar to it

You will get mocked on /mu/ regardless because thats how the people there justify their own tastes. Besides, people are always talking about the /mu/core albums like ITAOTS

>> No.5694821

its a meme m8

in the same way infinite jest isnt actually very representative of /lit/ albums like MBDTF are not representative of /mu/

>> No.5694835


I would disagree with all of this. Obviously there's a danger in talking about what represents a board, because a board is just a bunch of different people with different tastes. But there are plenty of people on that board who like those albums. How do you think they got to be essentials in the first place? Not a meme, just people following the pitchfork bandwagon (not to say those albums arent good)

>> No.5694938
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>Name any other board and I'll tell you why he sucks.


Oh wait, you can't