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5692081 No.5692081[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

College sucks.

>> No.5692082

Only cool kids are allowed in this thread:

>> No.5692093

if you went to college you're a schlub

>> No.5692099

>NEET detected

>> No.5692112

>pampered white boy who bought into the myth of the "college experience" detected

>> No.5692120

image source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2BJSV8Q1Yw

>> No.5692121
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at least grad school rules

>> No.5692123


It's me, zeeburg, tho.

>> No.5692124

Because living at home with your mom, achieving nothing, except a number of books half read that you can brag about knowing on a jap image board that was plagiarized by a jewboy underage fag? ....

>> No.5692129

Tell me your stats:

Placement ideas
How bad the bitches are

Is moot really Jewish?

>> No.5692131

>tfw you will never be a trust fund kid like Tao

>> No.5692135

I can't ever watch that because each time it reminds me of the TH songs I'm missing, but before I find a new torrent I getdistracted.

>> No.5692143

>Friend calls saying about a job in atlanta
>$20 an hour, 12 hours
>time and half
>decommissioning Metro PCS towers
I'm a server while I'm going through school, but I really miss doing work like this. It's also pretty freeing, and it'd be great to just root up and leave.

She handled that pretty well. He really is a sperglord isn't he.

>> No.5692154

Towards the end, when they're eating I feel sort of sorry for Tao having to stand that girl for at least an hour. He's trying to be chill and casual, as autist as he might end up looking, and she was expecting some sort of talk show rhythm or something.

>> No.5692207

Why do NEETs feel the need to interject themselves into every conversation? Are they really that insecure?

>> No.5692226

>tfw graduating in December
>3.7 gpa in finance
>interviewed with Goldman Sachs two weeks ago and they called me yesterday to say I got the job
Feels good niggas

>> No.5692227

Why am I here?

>> No.5692231

I went to college for a few years and fucked off, got drunk, and pissed away my scholarships.

I want to go back to college in earnest. Actually pursue learning.

I wish all those scholarships were not contingent on my entering college immediately after high school. I needed to grow up.

>> No.5692235

Have fun being part of ruling class you fucker.

>> No.5692254

But he's not necessarily a NEET and college often becomes very counterproductive for the average joe.

>> No.5692264

I'm in a free college country but yeah, I feel I wasted my first years. I'm re reading some of the material and it all seems so clear and interesting now. Back then I was full of myslef, somehow assumed this stuff was beneath me and kept reading whatever I wanted in the texts and eventually passing out of sheer brute force.

>> No.5692268

I weep for your soul

>> No.5692276

What school do you go to?

>> No.5692294

You could have done something with your life, but now you'll just make terse conversation about sports with your underlings, and always wince at the strained interaction.

>> No.5692300
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I'm looking to apply for grad school - creative writing to put off my student debt for a while, for my parents' sake since they co-signed me. It was their idea.

Where do you find good Creative Writing programs?

>> No.5692327

University of Iowa's Writer's Workshop is pretty good. The Dey House's reading room is the comfiest in the country.

>> No.5692383

Like being poor and idolized 50+ years after his death by some autists on an anime forum?

>> No.5692386

Well, they do have reason to be as insecure, as they want, right?

>> No.5692423

Life itself sucks. They don't warn you about how many incompetent people you have to deal with.

>> No.5692445
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Dum Dum Dum