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File: 34 KB, 320x452, 10522747_1013393032021114_6683354626350592449_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5691117 No.5691117 [Reply] [Original]

why do we need art?

why do we art?

>> No.5691131
File: 11 KB, 275x185, Art_Garfunkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because without him, paul simon might never have got a break

>> No.5691137

It's fun.

>> No.5691138

My grandfather is Art.

>> No.5691146
File: 190 KB, 2048x1238, 1414981466295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do we art?


>> No.5691147

that applies to science as well though, not just art

>> No.5691168
File: 347 KB, 432x400, 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true.
Scientists stamping their surnames onto their discoveries.
That's very true.

>> No.5691178

>why do we need art?
We don't "need" anything.

>why do we art?
Good question.

>> No.5691181

> We don't "need" anything.

do you even hierarchy of needs

>> No.5691198

To distract us from our miserable lifes.

>> No.5691203

>do you even hierarchy of needs
You don't "need" those either, then you can die and all your needs are abolished.

I want the fuck out of them though.

>> No.5691206

Knights of Faith BTFOed. This is the only correct response to such an order.

>> No.5691244


>> No.5691320

This is the only right answer

>> No.5691328

To express the inexpressible.

>> No.5691342

>The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless

>> No.5691346

because we have an urge for something, even a fragment of that something, more beautiful than what we'll ever see around us.

>> No.5691352

We don't, that's why art only gets popular when there is enough money to go around that dirty hippies painting while stoned become worth paying.

>> No.5691354


Pick one, this isn't the 19th century anymore.

>> No.5691369

where the fuck do you get those things from lmao

>> No.5691371
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> muh degeneracy and ugly art

>> No.5691376

We don't need art. We have art because humans love patterns.

>> No.5691393

Art doesn't exist if humans don't; humans don't exist if art doesn't.

>> No.5691435

>Help me, thinking is hard!
Not that a good deal of 2avant4me art school stuff isn't bourgeois nihilism, but still.

>> No.5691446


>still using bourgeois as a pejorative

1968 called they want their discourse back

>> No.5691448

The future called, Hegel wants to speak with you

>> No.5691451
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>modern art
>literally into the trash it goes

>> No.5691470
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the universal and innate need for self-expression, communication and understanding with others, and the appreciation/creation of beauty.

>> No.5691485
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>butthurt conservatives pretending to like art
Please, if fascism had won then all art museums would be fill with nothing but bland copies of Michelangelo's David and thousands of boat paintings.

>> No.5691486

Hedonism / Self-obcession

>> No.5691490
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unthinking plebs need to shh and go back2pol

>> No.5691496

Art is completely pointless, which is exactly why it's necessary.

>> No.5691504


he said he was wrong about everything and that Kant did nothing wrong.

>> No.5691509


What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.5691515
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>> No.5691518

Actually nazism was pretty into modernism and vanguards with the futurists and what not. The early 20th century was al about who had the best new art.
But it couldn't be the first time 4chan "reactionaries" fail to understand the context and ideas of 30's Germany.

>> No.5691521


he's just plagiarizing Wilde and being an edgy teenager

>> No.5691523

That would still be better than canned shit or a naked feminist plopping eggs out of her vagina.

>> No.5691524

We need a distraction

>> No.5691525


art is not bound to use value, unlike pretty much everything else in life. it doesn't HAVE to DO anything, it is purely free.

>> No.5691526


>> No.5691530
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they banned dada and all "degenerate" art. irony was that the dada exhibition got millions of viewers after it got banned, more than any other realist piece of shit exhibition.

>> No.5691537

>All modern art is the three examples that people keep mentioning specially because they trigger my pleb sensibilities.
There si so much stuff that focusing on just the same examples over and over is an exercise on closing your ears and screaming a lot.

>> No.5691548

So they also rejected futurism?
Is dada the only vanguard for you?
Germany is the origin of so many vaguards that going against the idea of art evolving and pushing limits is going against the German nation. They were pushing shit like absolute music since the 19th century and you think someone would be a true german by ignoring their own history?

>> No.5691553
File: 38 KB, 533x340, heidegger3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artwork is where truth is at work.

>> No.5691560


>1937 Dada exhibition
>200 works on display
>only 1 sold
>the exhibit lost money

Dada was shit then and what remains of it today is thrown in the trash by janitors.

>> No.5691564

Not intentionally, I wasn't aware of the Wilde quote until I just Googled it right now. But yeah, what he said.
I think we as a society are overly concerned with justifying behavior by its end goal. We do not allow ourselves to think something is good or correct unless it advances our own station or betters society in some way. But art is not about teaching morals (anyone who claims it is probably likes shitty art). It's not about changing the world. It's about creating something aesthetically pleasing or evocative; it justifies itself and it is pointless. Art is what we do without having any reason to do it.

>> No.5691568
File: 33 KB, 460x276, Hitler-Degenerate-Art-010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes, they did actually. futurism was a corruption of the natural form and was not suitable for an ideological representation of the "volk", unlike socialist realism which they stole from the Russians without saying as much.

considering it bore the torch of being the actual forward guard in terms of art at the time, yes dada was the only vanguard until surrealism.

it actually wasn't the origin of many things, they mostly were born in peripheral places like belgium or in bohemian enclaves separated from society.

wtf is a true german


>measuring art by commercial success

stay cool mr hirst

>> No.5691577

>>measuring art by commercial success
>>measuring art by popular viewings

>> No.5691587

I sort of agree with you but I think there are multiple levels to it. In the first level a work of art has to exist because it has to, I agree with that, there's no place for utilitarianism. But at a second level a work of art CAN do other things. For example, every work of art comments on its times, on the techniques in vogue, it can contain ideas of how life works for the author, and so on.

>> No.5691588
File: 1.76 MB, 1229x1024, VanGogh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As long as we only imagine a pair of shoes in general, or simply look at the empty, unused shoes as they merely stand there in the picture, we shall never discover what the equipmental being of the equipment in truth is. From Van Gogh's painting we cannot even tell where these shoes stand. There is nothing surrounding this pair of peasant shoes in or to which they might belong—only an undefined space. There are not even clods of soil from the field or the field-path sticking to them, which would at least hint at their use. A pair of peasant shoes and nothing more. And yet.
>From the dark opening of the worn insides of the shoes the toilsome tread of the worker stares forth. In the stiffly rugged heaviness of the shoes there is the accumulated tenacity of her slow trudge through the far-spreading and ever-uniform furrows of the field swept by a raw wind. On the leather lie the dampness and richness of the soil. Under the soles stretches the loneliness of the field-path as evening falls. In the shoes vibrates the silent call of the earth, its quiet gift of the ripening grain and its unexplained self-refusal in the fallow desolation of the wintry field. This equipment is pervaded by uncomplaining worry as to the certainty of bread, the wordless joy of having once more withstood want, the trembling before the impending childbed and shivering at the surrounding menace of death. This equipment belongs to the earth, and it is protected in the world of the peasant woman. From out of this protected belonging the equipment itself rises to its resting-within-itself.
>But perhaps it is only in the picture that we notice all this about the shoes. The peasant woman, on the other hand, simply wears them. If only this simple wearing were so simple.


>> No.5691595

I don't want to defend what a true german is, I doubt there can exist a true anything in terms of identities, I was just presenting a nationalistic ideal of being true to your country and how it can work together with ignoring your past.

I always felt dada was overvalued, all around the world similar things were appearing and kept existing without a direct connection with dada. It feels like a big Europe propaganda kind of thing.

>> No.5691604
File: 511 KB, 889x589, dada-wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>popular viewings
>not unpopular viewings
>implying it affects the art itself

>> No.5691682

I won't disagree with that. Aesthetics are ultimately personal--personally I like a lot of books that deal with social issues because that stuff interests me. But it's certainly not a requirement for it to deal with that stuff for it to be art.

>> No.5691686

Why do we need to need something for it to be considered meaningful?

>> No.5691704

Hierarchy of needs is horseshit

>> No.5691766
File: 341 KB, 1488x2125, 1414005952590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art should be about guiding the mind towards forms of the Good: beauty, virtue, truth, clarity.

>> No.5691772

Expression of our unique human capabilities.

>> No.5691814

>why do we need art?
we don't
>why do we art?

Art is over, Hegel-style baby. now it is art without being bound to any purpose, just art: to express whatever an artist wishes. this is a good thing.

>> No.5691818
File: 309 KB, 1188x735, feminists conservatives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5691823

for what purpose

>> No.5691835


this guy said it fine >>5691766

>> No.5691847

not coming through for me

assuming that's even a definition of the purpose of art (it isn't), what does that have to do with the vague political beliefs of people on twitter and their appearances.

>> No.5691850
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check mate Ficino.

>> No.5691851
File: 59 KB, 500x410, 1415227204624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>assuming that's even a definition of the purpose of art (it isn't), what does that have to do with the vague political beliefs of people on twitter and their appearances.


>> No.5691859

We need art so that the heights of the human imagination can be concretized and shared: E.g., "funny name man goes down the toilet."

>> No.5691865
File: 99 KB, 720x576, feels good man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need art so that the heights of the human imagination can be concretized and shared

Yep, that's part of it.

>> No.5691892


Oh boy, we're going to play semantics games.

>> No.5691896
File: 605 KB, 500x736, Jean-Auguste-Dominique-Ingres-Mademoiselle-Caroline-Rivière-1806-Louvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it is, you dumb clown.

That kind of filth-god deserves no worship.

>> No.5691930


God would never test Hitchen's faith like that. The test really only works for someone like Abraham...or maybe a Kierkegaard.

Testing an atheists like that is just silly; what a goofy comic

>> No.5691943

We need it and create it because life is monotonous, futile, and incredibly lonely and you can only whack it so many times in one day

>> No.5691958

In the course of human evolution we developed a seep seated love for finding patterns, perhaps as a means of finding hidden prey and predators, allies and enemies. As we became more intelligent, created languages and societies we started looking for patterns and meaning in random shit. People love to see what isn't really there or maybe just might be there. We look for correlation and meaning where there is none and we like it like that

>> No.5691960

So you believe in an all knowing god?

Why would he even bother "testing" the guy if he knew he'd murder his own son to impress the big bully? This another Job story?

[This bible story was a catalyst to my dropping it. My dad scoffed at George C Scott's angst ridden performance, and claimed that he did it unwaveringly. Never sat right with me. Disgusting cult]

>> No.5691969

>people still respond to butterfly's infantile interpretations of phil, scripture, and lit in general


>> No.5691972

>missing the point of fear and trembling


>> No.5691985

I ask questions of anon in order to get some inclination of these things.

>> No.5691988

sorry I was rude

>> No.5692007
File: 252 KB, 1025x1003, 1402886105471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would he even bother "testing" the guy

Because he's testing Abraham, God isn't testing his own powers of prophecy...

Actions and intentions matter, they have existential worth, so the test had to be carried out in "real time" not just in God's imagination.

The test was also not an isolated incident hidden from the world, it exists in scripture and for humanity to reflect on, so it had a bigger purpose as well.

>This another Job story?

Sort of.

>> No.5692028
File: 85 KB, 222x286, Imagen 38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though you were a better Butters but you still feel the need to derail threads with the same kind of anti christian discussion that you keep having. I don't get why do you get so autist with that topic, no one is being converted and you aren't getting anything from it. Just shut up and let people you don't like go away.

>> No.5692052
File: 402 KB, 528x1052, 1413160102327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futurism was more strongly associated with fascism than Nazism. Nazis were basically philistines, but the fascists had an artistic, literary and philosophical movement in Italy.

>> No.5692063
File: 128 KB, 725x1977, 1387427281890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it exists in scripture and for humanity to reflect on
That's all it is. A story to instill fear and obedience.
That was just a sick bet with satan

>a better Butters
I have always been me.
>why do you get so autist with that topic
It is an autistic topic.
>and let people you don't like go away.
They never do.


>> No.5692080

If art is bigger than religion why do you have to shit on the art thread? It was going completely religion free until you showed up, auntie.

>> No.5692083

It's sad that Mussolini was the fascist ruler that had more of his shit together and he still got screwed all around. Franco was the worst and he lasted the longest somehow.

>> No.5692084
File: 37 KB, 320x496, mk_04_kw29_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Nazis were fascists.
Yes, Italy was the home of Futurism

>> No.5692091

>That was just a sick bet with satan
No, Satan is the DA in the Old Testament, it's not really a bet, Christians who don't realize Satan wasn't against God in the Old Testament just think that.

Satan's job is convince God humanity is shit. God came to this conclusion himself earlier, that's why he flooded the world. That wasn't merely a punishment for action, it was that humans are always imagining and fantasizing about being wicked, which God, who does not have an unconscious, finds repulsive. Then at the end he realizes that man is evil from the day of his birth, it's not something people choose, and so he makes a distinction between that and willful evil. But according to Satan, every man would be willfully evil too, under the right circumstances, and people are only kind or love God when things are going their way. Job isn't just about Job, he's a representative of humanity.

>> No.5692097
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>"Nazis were basically philistines"


>made sure every citizen had a radio
>promoted legendary music like mozart, wagner, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms to actually enrich their culture and maintain a heritage

>Audio technology using magnetic tape was a Third Reich invention.
>Triumph of the Will -- one of the most important revolutions in cinematographic history...

>The Nazi style of uniform and SS panzer outfits were noted for their unique and bold styles, Vonnegut called them "theatrical"... Russel brand recently admitted they looked ‘"fucking fantastic"
>Adidas, puma, Hugo Boss founded by Nazis
>Nazi architecture was also impressive and gigantic in scope

>> No.5692101

>Let's gas the kikes!
>Great Idea!

>> No.5692102
File: 104 KB, 800x600, elizabetes 10b, riga, art nouveau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I misjudged the length of the thread I opened.
OPs do this all the time. Sometimes the picture draws its own conversation.
I regret, but meh.

>> No.5692104

>That was just a sick bet with satan
That's the stupidest most south park interpretation there is.
The point of Job's story is that even if god is against you there is no point in blaiming him for each thing that happens in the life of each person. Job was right for stay faithful because the point of religion shouldn't be getting material things out of it, it's to teach the jews to be less jewy. Which implies to accept anything that comes to you since the contrary is also true and if you have stuff it's not thanks to god but your own circumstances.

>> No.5692109


No evidence of such an idea exists and no evidence of gassing any jews exists either.

>> No.5692117
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>> No.5692122
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Oh yeah. That interpretation. It must not have sat well with my sect. The fallible god and all that. w/e

That's a shit interpretation too

Fuck off nazi

>> No.5692127
File: 94 KB, 988x1534, hiabri balck white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you understand how it can be bothersome to see someone complain about religion when they're the one bringing it up it's all good.

>> No.5692141

That's partially the point, but you're really only scratching the surface. It's not a question of being religious FOR material things, it's a question of prosperity as a condition for goodness. A lot of people went through horrible things like Job did in ancient times, many of them didn't evidently deserve it, Ecclesiastes talks a lot about that. It's a question of what makes people righteous. Satan contends that Job's righteousness is not because he's a good person, but just because he's done very well for himself. Job isn't just a regular good person, he's extremely wealthy. He didn't necessarily get that prosperity as a result of his faith, but Satan is saying it's easy to be righteous and faithful when everything is going your way.

>> No.5692156


I never understood how Christian apologists always go back to "free-will" to justify God's inaction in the world, as if interfering with the world would counter free-will or someshit.

But when we look in the Old Testament that's what he does constantly, he was fucking with Pharaoh and the egyptians non stop, he was fucking with all sorts of individuals and groups.

So when some crazy asshole kidnaps a girl and tortures her for 20 years in a basement, I don't get how they can fall back on this "muh free-will" argument...

God was throwing plagues and fire storms on people who he goofed up all the time, or turning them into pillars of salt, etc.

>> No.5692191


get the fuck out

>> No.5692214

The morality God expected people to follow changed a lot with Jesus, as did God's valuation of people in general. As I said before, prior to the deluge, God considered thoughts to be willful sinning, and so in his eyes everyone way willfully evil. After the flood, he considered man to be inherently evil, man's only excuse was that he had no choice, therefore God did not consider people as free moral agents and he intervened a lot. When Jesus arrives on the scene, God restores the idea of humans as entities of free will in conjunction with forgiveness, and therefore thoughts become sin once again, but you can be forgiven for them.

Compare this with Hegel's Philosophy of History, and why Jesus was instrumental in the evolution of free will. As Hegel says, we are have incomplete will, a lot of our 'will' is an illusion and we are the unconscious instruments of others, but over the course of history we have become more and more self conscious, with reason and Christ playing key parts in this transformation.

>> No.5692215
File: 130 KB, 800x600, 1.laplsentry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5692237

>Can't even make round arms
Michelangelo is loling in his grave.

>> No.5692332

Epic image OP, saved.

>> No.5692364

Doesn't seem like it would've started as a love for patterns, more like a need or inevitably. Its how reality is set up

>> No.5692550

Well it's that or sperg about Nazism or Christianity, apparently.

Given the OP, a semantics game is best-case scenario.

>> No.5692625

>The morality God expected people to follow changed a lot with Jesus, as did God's valuation of people in general. As I said before, prior to the deluge, God considered thoughts to be willful sinning, and so in his eyes everyone way willfully evil. After the flood, he considered man to be inherently evil, man's only excuse was that he had no choice, therefore God did not consider people as free moral agents and he intervened a lot. When Jesus arrives on the scene, God restores the idea of humans as entities of free will in conjunction with forgiveness, and therefore thoughts become sin once again, but you can be forgiven for them.

What's this theory based on? It doesn't sound Christian or biblical at all. This idea that God changed his perception of what humans are, or human nature changing pre and post flood...

>> No.5692715

First off, mankind is not capable of evil until the Garden of Eden, because he has no knowledge of evil. But capacity for evil does not mean one must be evil, but at the time God included evil thoughts and desires under the definition of evil, which Adam and Eve also weren't capable of before eating the fruit of knowledge (of good and evil).

When God plans to flood the world, it's because of evil of the mind.

>And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
-Genesis, 6: 5

When it's all over, and God decides never to flood the world again, it's because of the following reasoning

>And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
-Genesis, 8: 21

The reason he gives NOT to flood the world again is apparently the reason that he actually flooded it in the first place, unless you take into account the word 'youth'; God says that people have wicked thoughts INHERENTLY, from the time they can actually think, so he no longer holds them accountable.

Now for the rest of Bible he no longer considers thoughts sins, except coveting, but that is beyond a normal thought. UNTIL Christ comes along and restores sin of the mind, meaning God once again holds people accountable for that. But now he also doesn't consider them useful for disciplining each other: all throughout the Old Testament, God uses to people to punish other people, he views people like advanced animals, they feel from their state of grace in Eden. They are only restored to that state with Christ, who says the bit about the first stone: people are no longer just an advanced animal, so they cannot carry out God's wrath like a regular tool would. Remember that God didn't allow David to build his temples, because David had too much blood on his hands, even though all the bloodshed was ordered by God. Now all people are moral agents, so if they act it must be consistent with their thought sins, not just with God's (who has none). So they can no longer be agents of wrath, they have free will.

If you want a close examination of this evolution, without involving supernatural, again see Hegel's Philosophy of History, which explains how Christ affected our understanding of freedom and development of PERSONAL morality, the rule of conscience instead of rite.

>> No.5692806


>burned books

>> No.5692822

So, was it part of god's plan that Eve and Adam would turn out to disobey him? Like isn't he supposed to be "All-knowing"?

>> No.5692826


Ah yes, you must obviously speak Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic and Latin, and have studied all the Jewish sages and Church Fathers and Biblical scholars and are thus qualified to tell anons what the Bible is all about

>> No.5692831

It was and it wasn't. God knew Adam and Eve would eat the fruit, he designed them in a way that they'd have both have naivete to be duped, and the capacity to disobey him. But that doesn't mean he wanted them to do so, of itself; he wanted them to have the option to. He might also have wanted them to do it because of later plans that would require it, but not as an end of its own.

>> No.5692840


much of it was porn created by Jews, anti-german propaganda, communist bullshit, jewish bolshevick philosophies, degerenate art, etc.

Plus it was not uncommon for countries to ban books during those years...US censored catcher in the rye heavily until the 80s, grapes of wrath was banned in the 40s...Canada banned lolita...etc

>> No.5692858


I'm not buying any of this. Nice mental gymnastics but you're reaching for things that just aren't in the text.

>> No.5692906
File: 25 KB, 302x209, A good nazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>me and my beerhall buddies are experts on art and literature

hitler wouldn't know good art if it fell down the roof of the fuhrerbunker in 1945, that's why the austrians wouldn't let him into art academy

>> No.5692928
File: 18 KB, 400x386, 1408817988316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hitler applied to the Painting faculty, unfortunately, but his real passion and flare was architecture. Even the head of the faculty told him his style was more suited for architecture---but he didn't have the right pre-reqs for architecture school at the time.

Hitler liked good art, not crappy art. Some people like crap art, he had higher ideals and hopes for Germany.

>> No.5692946

>The only good liberal is a dead one
>picture of knife through hammer and sickle

>> No.5692952


>> No.5692953

Nazi ideological aesthetics were superb, but most of those came from professionals other than Hitler, and wasn't really any Nazi art apart from propaganda.

>> No.5692954
File: 456 KB, 1280x1005, Crowds_of_French_patriots_line_the_Champs_Elysees-edit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he had higher ideals and hopes for Germany

too bad he also had a "flare" for invading innocent countries aggravated by faulty military logic. by the time he was finished fucking up his country was split in two and occupied by soldiers "undeserving of life" Guess those Slavs weren't so lowly after all.

he should have stuck to fancy parades and boot polishing

>> No.5692955


It's not semantics, it's telling it like it is. You don't "need" anything because you don't "need" to fucking exist in the first place, nothing and no one does. You must first "want", then you "need" things to fulfill that desire, but desire comes first.

It's like when people say they "have to" do shit. "I have to work", no you don't fucking have to, you could quit and go starve in the streets right now, you just don't want to for various reasons.

Mind. Over. Matter

>> No.5692959


>hammer and sickle

Why are rightists such uneducated hacks?

>> No.5692961
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>invading innocent countries aggravated by faulty military logic

blaze up nigga, u high as fuck

>> No.5692965


you're high as fuck!

>> No.5692966

but they did "throw out" classical art which is why not much of it really exists anymore and there are so many fragmented remains

>> No.5692969

Why are leftists such uneducated hacks?

>> No.5692973


>the history of the swastika design negates its association with one of the most notorious political movements in history
>muh "national socialism is leftist politics" bullshit argument


>> No.5692976


oh, and yes, due to fascism (and the Italian Social Republics) close association with the Third Reich, the swastika gets to represent fascism in propaganda as well, deal with it.

>> No.5692979
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>most notorious political movements in history

modern propaganda is strong

>> No.5692983

The USSR was the most important member of the Allies, therefore liberalism can be represented by the hammer and sickle.

>> No.5692984

What do you expect from blue pilled tumblr readers who are probably still drinking government tap water?

>> No.5692986

Do we need a reason for art?

>> No.5692989


*One of the

How can your reading comprehension be so shitty if you hang out on /lit/? Or are you arguing that fascism, and German national socialism in particular, are not notorious ideologies? Communism makes that list too, obviously, which is why I said "one of the most notorious" and not "THE most notorious".

>> No.5692990
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>still drinking government tap water?

serious question, should I buy filters?

>> No.5692995

The proper purpose of art is to decorate religious ceremonies. When the culture degenerates and the rituals lose their meaning you are left with meaningless "art for art's sake".

>> No.5692997

serious question, why haven't you? You will feel much better and think much clearer once your system is cleared.

>> No.5693004
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I'm in western canada, and apparently we have really clean mountain water according to the local government.

>> No.5693010

He is right, though, you clearly just don't know what the word 'notorious' means.

>> No.5693011


>One of the most notorious
>One of the

I still disagree with this assessment

>> No.5693015


It's notorious superficially, of course. But I think he meant it was notorious substantially, as something inherently negative underneath the surface.

>> No.5693020

Nothing can be inherently notorious anymore than something can be 'famous' beneath the surface.

>> No.5693026


Well notoriety is usually gained when an entity does a bad deed and becomes famous for it, or when they gain fame for a bad deed they didn't commit.

The former version speaks to underlying character, the latter version speaks to the populace's perception.

The word "inherent" might be too strong.

>> No.5693032

Hi, butters! Your shitposting intensified recently. Did you loose your job or something?

>> No.5693034

>loose your job

Uhh not even gonna reply to this trite.

>> No.5693036

Hitler would be notorious regardless of whether nor not the Holocaust occurred, at least for a couple of hundred years, minimum.

>> No.5693038

English is not my first language. Stop oppressing me!

>> No.5693040

>why do we need art?

Who ever said we needed art?

>why do we art?

To derive pleasure from it

>> No.5693043
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Notorious by bad deed or by false perception?

>> No.5693056

Bad deeds don't exist without human perception, imbecile, there is no element known as 'bad' on the periodic table.

>> No.5693063


Well neither is "notorious" on the periodic table.

>> No.5693068

No, hence why the idea of something being 'inherently' notorious makes no sense.

>> No.5693071

>makes no sense.

to you.

>> No.5693073


Art is the mirror through which humanity can observe the condition of its soul.

>> No.5693075

Neither does a four sided triangle make sense to me.

>> No.5693117


limited human imagination/reasoning.

>> No.5693120

you're a fucking idiot.

let's assume 'need' actually means something in between 'choose' and 'can't avoid obeying laws of physics'

>> No.5693123


How is art somehow magically devoid of value? We assign it value like we do anything else. Creating anything comes at some form of cost, and that cost is, at a minimum, applied to the work of art in raw materials or time spent.

You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone who hasn't been influenced in some way by art. How can anyone claim art is pointless if it has a lasting impact on most people?

>> No.5693189

In that case, your question would be better phrased as 'what is art needed for?' In which case the answer is personal and cultural expression. If you ask what expression needed for, it's commonly a part of psychological well being, but aside from that you might as well ask what life is needed for.

>> No.5693191

Art is the soul, friends. All of us are artists in small little ways in fact, just a lot of us hardly realise.

>> No.5693878

OK, well if you're of the mind that "everything we do we do to pursue value," then art isn't going to magically be the exception, you're right about that. But despite being very popular in economics and mainstream thought, that's a very unscientific view (unfalsifiable in the Popperian sense), and doesn't even answer any major issues so much as it shifts the questions: if we're always value- or utility-maximizing, what gives us those utility or value judgments?

Unless you want to arbitrarily re-assign your ideas of value to the pursuit of art, what makes art interesting is exactly that it's pursued doggedly irrespective of its economic or social value.

>> No.5693900

>why do we art?
Because someone discovered agriculture and now we have too much spare time

>> No.5693935
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>Forgetting the Pre-Agriculturites

>> No.5694059

not wanting to derail further but can someone link to some good info on this

>> No.5694175

>tfw can never rise above telos
>tfw not one with god, for even a moment
>tfw a precursor to all the fedoras

>> No.5694495
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March with the Magdalenians

>> No.5696224

a normative virtue ethicist claim?

>> No.5696238

Art is the mirror through which society can glance at an ideal version of itself

>> No.5696243


>> No.5696251

>The Nazis were fascists.
No, they weren't, not anymore than the fascists were Nazis.

>> No.5696789

you know /pol/ may be stupid, but all the modern art stuff wouldn't have occurred during, say, the Depression
Degeneracy really is a thing

>> No.5696801


But a lot of artists use their work to mock the society they live in.

>> No.5696802

>reading the article
>one of these was worth
>Artist: Martin Kippenburger
>spokesperson: Papajewski

>> No.5696811

You're enablers
especially you >>5693032

>> No.5697555

>The tea party aren't Republicans

>> No.5699069

>God came to this conclusion himself earlier
>Then at the end he realizes that man is evil from the day of his birth
>God decides never to flood the world again
Your entire argument seems based on the premise that God second guesses himself throughout human history, which is a little laughable for an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent being.

>> No.5699099

I hate you for this post
not for the Information contained but for the style
kill yourself

>> No.5699451

>all the modern art stuff wouldn't have occurred during, say, the Depression
>who is duchamp

modern art basically started in the depression era, shit head

>> No.5699458

But not so much for a conceptual construction. Couldn't you move on from the "lol, god isn't in the clouds!" face¿

>> No.5699462
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You're funny anon!