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File: 457 KB, 600x336, samhYdeRACEWARNOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5687280 No.5687280 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think of this performance, and MDE (for those who heard of them) in genereal

>tell me what bands are you listening impress these people


>tl;dw - Sam Hyde doing a stand up in a hipster club (it might literally be Williamsburg) and starts reading facts from a paper about why homosexuality is destructive to society. whole audience walks out till the end

also, college/beatgen type intelectuals rant general

>> No.5687321

This is old

>> No.5687331

but still actual

>> No.5687333

Hyde's genuinely talented and funny but this performance is stupid. What is his point? If you say dumb things people won't like you? It reminds me of that "jokes on them I was just trolling" cartoon.

That said, this video is art: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE_5Y9IKCk0

>> No.5687334

I remember the big uproar surrounding this like a year ago, it's particularly funny if you have an intimate familiarity with all of the people and groups involved

>> No.5687357

It's funny because a lot of the peopel who walked out enraged were making the exact same kind of jokes just five or so years ago that he is in the video, but they were doing it in a different setting, so it was somehow OK then

>> No.5687371
File: 10 KB, 312x161, SAM HYDEimages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's particularly funny if you have an intimate familiarity with all of the people and groups involved

MDE or the crowd?

this is art


>tfw realizign Sam Hyde is the most authentic nihilist

>> No.5687383


>> No.5687408

>MDE or the crowd?
The crowd and the people running the event mostly. They'd done lots of edgy humor just like Sam's in the past, so I guess they thought it woudl be a good idea to invite him, but he realized they were just a bunch of thin-skinned hipsters and decided to troll them

>> No.5687411

I always thought he was a legitimate /pol/tard, is it really an art-piece?

>> No.5687424

It's satire and trolling, I highly doubt he posts on 4chan or is actually homophobic.

>> No.5687429
File: 78 KB, 560x434, samhyde1398109286918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it really an art-piece?

its MDE





>> No.5687443

It's edgier Tim & Eric style stuff

>> No.5687444

How do you know that? What kind of jokes were those people making? Why wouldn't he put something about that in the 21-minute long video if it's so crucial to understand what he's satirizing?

Because the video he actually made is 20 minutes of incredibly boring homophobia with no clear point other than "making the audience dislike it," which like, if you've ever done any sort of performance, you'll know that's not that hard.

>> No.5687447


I agree. I love MDE but this isn't their best.

>> No.5687526
File: 47 KB, 650x366, 1655278209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'gender politics'

Another shoah?

>> No.5687528

>How do you know that?
I don't feel like going into much detail, but it's an event run by a group of Twitter people popularly known as "weird twitter" which has its origins in the Something Awful forums, in particular the forum FYAD, which is their forum for satirical humor, often (but not always) involving ironic use of racism, sexism and homophobia, and which is even the origin of 4chan's own style of humor.

>What kind of jokes were those people making?
The same kind of jokes Sam Hyde makes in that video and other videos of his.

>Why wouldn't he put something about that in the 21-minute long video if it's so crucial to understand what he's satirizing?
Because that would break the spell and make it less funny

>> No.5687540

Really, the humor comes from the fact that it's a long, detailed, homophobic spiel of the kind you'd see on /pol/ or whatever other right-wing website or ideologue

>> No.5687579

There's basically no way to make that video less funny than it is, so I think he should have at least tried.

>> No.5687593

It's funny because he ruined the nice twitter event that a bunch of awkward hipsters were trying to have a fun time at. There's not much else to say

>> No.5689029

MDE is tragically inarticulate. If any post-ironist decided to write an actually well put-together, paper, MDE would be the only source they'd need to show how irony leads to massive fuck-ups.

>> No.5689079


>> No.5689102

I think he's clever.

>> No.5689107


you're inarticulate.

>> No.5690999

It's erroroneous to equate opposition to the social justice crowd with /pol/.
In my perception, the main themes espoused by MDE is thin satire and open mocking of both mainstream pop culture and numerous specific sub-cultures. Much of this is expressly apolitical.

>> No.5691006

someone post the video where he is at an anime convention

>> No.5691018

majority of /pol/ is shitposting and satirizing white nationalist beliefs, in that regard he would fit right in
of course there's legitimate retards believing they are in good company though

>> No.5691893


>> No.5691928

I think the point was to satirize something so accurately and with such a straight face that the crowd would do exactly what he expected them to do, and ignore the fact that it was satire for the sake of being offended, in order to highlight the fact that people would rather be self-righteously angry at the word "faggot" than try and engage and discuss and understand where he was coming from and what he was trying to do.

And he was probably also just trying to make them deeply regret inviting him to the event for goofs and giggles.

>> No.5692523

I think it can be viewed in a few different ways.

The most basic, surface-level interpretation is that it's an anti-joke. Obviously reading 20 minutes of homophobia to a crowd and playing it completely straight isn't funny, but it was clearly done with intent. It's intentionally unfunny.

It's also commentary on how most "edgy" humor is actually pretty safe and operates just inside the limits of what's socially acceptable. This is apparent in how people laugh in the beginning, but as the act goes on the crowd begins to feel legitimately uncomfortable because Hyde is actually crossing social boundaries, which even in the context of a supposed edgy comedy show isn't acceptable.

Kind of related to the above, it's a way of calling attention to how most progressives are anything but openminded. I'm left-wing but I abhor most of the left because they are as intolerant of opposing views and as uncritical of their own sacred cows as anyone on the right. I can't imagine getting as upset as some of the people in that crowd just because someone expressed an opinion I disagreed with, especially at a fucking comedy show.

Lastly, it actually is funny to so overtly offend the crowd. Not for the people in the crowd, but for the people watching at home. It's a similar kind of humor as the Inconvenient Anime panel (though that one contained elements of more traditional comedy as well).

Of course these are just my own observations and interpretations and I'm not sure how much of it was intentional on Hyde's part. He might've just wanted to piss off some hipsters.

I agree that it's not the best MDE project but I think it definitely has value. And it's very much what MDE does and why they're great: they are truly transgressive in an era where most "challenging" art is neutered because of an increasingly politically correct society. You are only allowed to be offensive in the "correct" ways, and you are only allowed to challenge the "wrong" ideas.

I apologize for abusing quotation marks in this post.

>> No.5692680

Where was he coming from and what was he trying to do? If the "point" of his video is that people got offended instead of engaging with him...well what the fuck was there to engage with? It's really run of the mill homophobia. It's not worth "engaging" with.

He wanted to offend people and he succeeded. This is not hard or impressive. It's really fucking easy to offend people. Being funny is harder.

>> No.5692754

>Where was he coming from and what was he trying to do?
I already answered this question by writing a fucking book about it. I'm not going to explain further if you didn't understand.

>> No.5692760

So if they had been more open minded, they would have listened seriously to his homophobia, which was actually not serious, and only there to expose how not open minded they are? Got it.

>> No.5692779





>> No.5692803

What is MDE, anyway? I started watching some videos because I found the TEDx talk fucking hilarious, but I'm not sure if I'm watching it right. WTF is going on here?

>> No.5693101
File: 21 KB, 576x317, sam hyde mde faggot889384252837_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>inspiration for my design
>memories of my youth


>> No.5693159

he is funny though you jackass

>> No.5693174

>me: *presents well thought-out, intelligent, highly profound argument*
>you: no u

>> No.5693176

>things are more worthwhile if they're hard to do!

>> No.5693196

>one line shitpost that involves the words "post-irony"
>well thought-out, intelligent, highly profound argument


>> No.5693204

>you: *ad hom*
>me: *is bigger man*

>> No.5693218
File: 115 KB, 640x480, implied_anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you: *loser faggot*
>me: *cooler then u*

>> No.5693228

Classic ad hom.

>> No.5693323

MDE is coming out with a book.

>> No.5693829
File: 967 KB, 270x252, biDFHU0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My angus is peppered

>> No.5693837

he definately posts on 4chan

>> No.5693858

is mde dead?

>> No.5694041
File: 874 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2014-08-07-13h41m53s15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5694520

Finally, a worthy successor to The Turner Diaries

>> No.5694838


I would be shocked if he doesn't post on 4chan.