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/lit/ - Literature

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5684978 No.5684978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This place is fucking sick.

I've become desensitized over the course of time in which I wasted away my life on this website.

Today some woman was brutally murdered, and the murdered posted photos on /b/ to brag about his evil deed.

He said that he was going to kill himself afterwards, too.

The woman was a fucking mother.

Can you fucking imagine what that boy will feel for the rest of his life once he discovered his mother's strangled naked body?

It's just so, so wrong.

I'm leaving this website for a while.

This place isn't doing any good for me.

>> No.5684990

Why can't you leave without making a thread about it?

>> No.5684996

I don't understand why you attribute the murder to "this place." Lots of people post here, most of us aren't ever going to murder anybody, and there isn't anything about this place that cultivates murderers.

>> No.5684997

Is that the cover of A Weekend in the City? I know it's generally regarded as pretty weak, but I remember really liking it. I should listen to it again; it's been years.

>> No.5684998
File: 77 KB, 416x431, 1409355405773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this guy had posted on a more mainstream site like twitter or youtube it would have been a non-event.

But this site has a reputation as some subversive cesspool so prepare yourself for the bloody royal inquisition.

Also heres a list of stupid shit you are implying
>implying 4chan is the only place where this happens
>implying 4chan has some inordinately high frequency of fucked up shit
>implying the above implied point isn't just a result of a cognitive bias as a result of the fact that 4chan is well known
>implying people weren't tragically desensitised before the internet and 4chan existed
>implying people didn't brag about murders before the internet

you're like those fuckwits who blame marilyn manson for mass shootings

>> No.5685005

This is a board about books.

I'm guessing this is a copypaste.

>> No.5685014

that's life

that's what all the people say

>> No.5685018

No, it's not the only place where that shit happens. But coming on this site habitually can make you a great deal more desensitized than just TV, mass media, and so on can alone.

4chan isn't unique as a source of fucked up and dehumanizing content, but it's a particularly potent example of the form.

>> No.5685021

Seeya tomorrow.

>> No.5685022

How do you know she was a mother?

>> No.5685031

Fair enough

but is it really bad to be desensitised?

>> No.5685036


>> No.5685040

No one cares about this you whiny faggot

Also, the murder? Really? I hardly have the emotions to deal with the shit in my vicinity, how the fuck do you expect me to care?

She's dead, move on. And don't be such a fagger.

>> No.5685041
File: 16 KB, 250x250, 1406506680901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I went to /b/ and saw something I didn't like
>WAAAH WAAAH Im gonan tell lit about it and announce my leave

>> No.5685043

Get a life

>> No.5685045

You don't have to browse /b/, y'know.

>> No.5685048

If I had one, I wouldn't be on 4chan

>> No.5685050

If anyone cares, here's a link from leddit.

>> No.5685055

Who browses /b/ anymore anyway? It's like a separate website.

>> No.5685059



>> No.5685061




>> No.5685062

Right. So why would you go there if you're not one? Makes no sense. Just don't look at it problem solved.

>> No.5685064

I browse /lit/ exclusively. If it didn't exist, I wouldn't be here.

>> No.5685068

/b/ is where people start out on the site. Most move onto other boards and never go back to it.

>> No.5685070


i'm down to just /lit/ and /sp/ during games

>> No.5685072
File: 175 KB, 871x375, Screen shot 2014-07-26 at 11.25.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave 4chan. Do anything else.

>> No.5685074

/lit/ and /sci/ for me
it's all part of growing up

>> No.5685075

Exactly, what you need to do op is to stay away from /b/, none of that stupid shit happens here so quit dragging ti over here

>> No.5685078

meant to reply to

>> No.5685079

something something something something may

>> No.5685081

>diamonds in a garbage dump
Welcome to internet.

>> No.5685118

You've convinced me. Thanks anon. If it helps, know that your words affected somebody (hopefully) for the better. That's more than most people on this site can say.

>> No.5685142

Shouldn't have looked at that link on my work computer

>> No.5685163

Sorry Anon, probably should have warned that it was NSFW. :(

>> No.5685179

Don't worry, I'll just have to try and explain to my supervisor about the superiority of /lit/ and then get called into my boss who will scream "plebian" at me when they discover my hidden directory of reading-charts. Such is the life of the academic.

>> No.5685180

well goodbye I guess