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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 262x400, Looking-for-alaska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5680928 No.5680928 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about this guy?
I've read The fault in our stars and Looking for alaska, and thought it was pretty entertaining, however I feel like it lacks something.

>> No.5680937

books for emotional immature young people

which is what they're marketed as anyway so im not too concerned

john green seems like a nice guy

>> No.5680944

I wonder what John Greens cock looks like

>> No.5681102

Never read his books but his Crash course world history series is fairly entertaining

>> No.5681410

I haven't read any of John Greens books but he seems like a genuinely nice, intelligent guy going off of his various youtube projects.

I like that all of his opinions are thought through and that he backs them up with facts, but regardless of that he never presents them as anything past opinions.

>> No.5681525

/lit/ hates him (at least as far as his novels are concerned), but that drizzle/hurricane bit the kept being posted isn't necessarily bad prose, but rather the cringe worthy thoughts of a teenager well portrayed. Dunno about the rest of the book(s) though.

>> No.5681591

John Green's cock is just a google search away, mate. His phone was stolen and the good thief leaked pictures like crazy before he got caught.

>> No.5681619
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>> No.5681623

He's the Lee Harper of bad books

>> No.5681646

who's lee harper?

>> No.5681655

That anon likely means Harper Lee, who wrote To Kill a Mockingbird.

>> No.5681678

You lying shit. How dare you get my hopes up.

>> No.5681692 [DELETED] 

Knows what sells and sells it well. I don't know what else is to say.

>> No.5681814

writing sounds like a high school sophomore wrote it

plots are boring and shit

>> No.5682019

Yeah I see him as a sort of Bill Nye for the humanities.

>> No.5682029


He's smart, but I don't think he's always genuine.

He writes teen lit because he can't manage anything more than that.

I generally like him.

>> No.5682126

His breath smells of cotton balls. I once squeezed his face, but he had security guards with him at the time. Next time I see him, well, there isn't going to be a next time.

>> No.5682168

havent read any of his books so cant comment on that. but his fanbase and that of Fault in our stars is the worst. They shit their pants for that book. I cant stand it. If I'm asked why I hate them or he book how would i respond?

>> No.5682202

You go, girl.

Make sure that you are the last thing his dreamy eyes see.

>> No.5682434

OP here
feel the same about his fanbase
(I secretly do not want to become one because of that, jk haha)

>> No.5682811

He can only write one book multiple times, and it's not a very good book.

He is good at analysis but poor at application.

He is a nice and smart and well-meaning guy with good insights and an endearingly awkward sense of humour.

>> No.5685473

I really like the guy, but don't like his writing. Love his Youtube channels.

>> No.5685689

His Youtube work is great, also he seems to do quite a bit of humanitarian stuff, which I appreciate.
Other than that, I read three of his novels. It's light entertainment, and as an aspiring English teacher I figure I should read YA stuff anyway.

>> No.5685871


>> No.5687051
File: 148 KB, 788x649, ss+(2014-11-02+at+01.22.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He writes like a log hitting mud but it entertains people who like that schlup I guess. All I've read of his felt like the plot to a bad movie and it's horribly predictable. The people who like his books are worse than the books. Also the guy knows fuck all about History it's painful to watch his shit.

>> No.5689055

disgusting faggot

>> No.5689070

Confucius say:
Man with tiny peen,
also man, named John Green

And the movie of The Fault In Our Stars was teeth-meltingly saccharine and had fantastic cinematography and acting. The book infuriated me after 2 chapters so I went out side and lit it on fire.

>> No.5689171

only retards think that history series is anything but shit
>hey guys let's talk about ancient society... and how women had no rights

fuck off

>> No.5689196

In many ancient societies the women... didn't have rights. It's a historical fact. You're the retard.

>> No.5689374

OFC its true still has no place there
>they enslaved people so they were Bad

Stuft like this isnt objective, he is bringing in his own opinion by judging societies by todays standarts for what was considered normal in given timeperiods.

>> No.5689447

The Fault in our Cells is a YA novel that tries to make its reader feel deep

and you know how teens fucking eat that shit up

>> No.5689513


He doesn't do that retard, in fact he generally makes a point of saying that we can't judge it by todays standards.
Have you even watched the videos?

>> No.5689514

He's a good YA author and seems like a good guy.

That said, there are way too many adults reading his books.

>> No.5690166

>hasn't watched the videos
>rants anyway
>doesn't understand irony/jokes
>other people are stupid

Stop wasting my precious bandwidth.

>> No.5690174

A sweaty four incher, useful for prising open the tight cunts of his teenage fangirls.

>> No.5690428


Yeah, I definitely hold him in higher regard than most popular YA authors in this day and age. If only because he uses his fame to teach people simple English and History lessons.

Thug Notes is better though.

>> No.5690447

>YA author

look, another apologetic

>> No.5690453

>Thug Notes is better though.
only if you're a dumb cracker

>> No.5691112

I had to read Looking for Alaska in high school and I didn't like it at all. Everybody discussed it like it was this big, deep complex novel with years and years of acclaim and long lasting like Huck Finn or something. Ultimately it just felt pretentious, on one hand he talks about how the world condescends to teenagers and how thats bad, then in his writing he is trying so damn hard to appeal to teenagers and make his characters act like them that its just cringeworthy.

>> No.5691154

This made me want to punch a wall

get to the part where he calls homer sexist


>> No.5691297
File: 328 KB, 997x553, kermy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Odyssey is sexist because some of the monsters embody traits of femininity

>> No.5691304
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honkey be hatin

>> No.5691314
File: 23 KB, 364x366, 1406914002539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thug Notes is the shit man, no hate.

>> No.5691325

Muh nigga

>tfw cant watch his videos very often since i havent read most of what he talks about because im fairly new.

>> No.5691331

yeah there's a few episodes that I haven't watched because I plan on reading the book.
it's really nice though to go back and watch them after you've just finished reading

>> No.5691336

I picked up Looking for Alaska for my mother to read and she liked it, so I decided to read it. Some combination of self-loathing and Green's poor writing caused me to stop reading after thirty pages. I skipped ahead, read the 'day of' chapter, and was finished with it.

>> No.5691891

I read Looking for Alaska without having any idea of who John Green was (other than that his name is one 'e' away from being the same as my father's) and went in expecting it to be a cheesy YA novel that my inner teenager could relate to and that is exactly what I got. Well, that and bitch tears.

My kindle says I made it about 50% of the way through The Fault in Our Stars before dropping it and to be honest I can't remember a thing about it.

His shit vaguely reminded me of It's Kind of a Funny Story only not as good but I read that in highschool so who knows

>> No.5691974

>implying the greeks didn't hate women.

>> No.5691979


/pol/tard asking about right wing literature

troll asking about John Green

pepe faggot green text

meme extravaganza about DFW and Pynchon

should I read this

where should I start

The Stranger

Trolling about Gravity's Rainbow

Shit critique threads

Quote threads mostly full of trolls

Everyday, every goddamn day.

>> No.5691997

This is the future you choose.

>> No.5692024

i know i know but

>you will never leave /lit/

>> No.5692429

I believe this too.

>> No.5693129
File: 10 KB, 236x326, 86f47b9898f34977ef0bff5ae7877b9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confucius say:
>Man with tiny peen,
>also man, named John Green
I laughed way too hard at this, thanks tripfag.