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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 266x394, PatrickStar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5675188 No.5675188 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/ when did you find out you aren't smart but in fact dumb ?

>> No.5675192

The average /lit/ user is somewhat above average average intelligence but highly pretentious. Not geniuses, but not idiots either.

>> No.5675194

As compared to who or what?

>> No.5675201

Just recently. Now I try my luck with trash lit. Soon be rich

>> No.5675202

>somewhat above average average intelligence

i doubt it

>> No.5675204

I'm not dumb.

I just have the attention span of a cat, and probably have dyscalculia.

>> No.5675206

Why? Is your intelligence average?

>> No.5675208

i'm not an average /lit/ user

>> No.5675217

I am too dumb to find out I am dumb.

>> No.5675227

What do you estimate the IQ of the average /lit/ user is then?

>> No.5675243

>IQ as a measure of anyything but analytical intelligence
>Analytical intelligence as the benchmark for generalized intelligence

Absolutely Disgusting.

>> No.5675250

smartest thing said in the thread

>> No.5675251

>Implying high IQ means anything or matters.

>> No.5675254

the only thing i know is that I know nothing

>> No.5675268


I guess this is another thread i can drop this bad boy.

“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

>> No.5675274

how this logic work ?

i mean what if im smart but surrounded by fools then if i belived myself to be smarter then them i would be a fool ? shit dont make sense YO

>> No.5675275

Iktfb. I'm the only smart person on /lit/ too.

>> No.5675303

I see your point, but i think its trying to say that fools think they are smart and know everything, where as a wise man, who continues to study and learn, accepts the fact he cannot possibly learn everything and thus is a fool in many aspects.

Einstein's quote "if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking its stupid" can be applied also

>> No.5675313

College :(

>> No.5675316

Sorry OP, but I have no shortage of people telling me that I'm smart.

I don't much care for it, but I'm too socially awkward to be a Chad.

>> No.5675326

My mom tells me I'm smart too. She also tells all her friends about my solitude and vocabulary so they think I'm smart.

>> No.5675327

i bet your parents told you are very smart growing up

>> No.5675328

Physics uni

>> No.5675330
File: 13 KB, 417x500, 0-tfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"he read all those books from people i never heard about "
>"he is very smart "

>> No.5675335

There's nothing worse than smart underachievers and this board is full of them.

>> No.5675339

I went through three stages:

>I'm a genius but also a narcissist stage
>It doesn't matter how smart I am, even stupid people have something to offer so I might as well be humble stage
>It actually does matter that I am smarter than some people (though not a genius) and there's nothing wrong with acknowledging it so long as I'm using it productively stage

>> No.5675340


you do realize that's most of /lit/ in college and that's alone considered achievement

>> No.5675344

>that's alone considered achievement

Who told you that, your grandmother?

>> No.5675346
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>> No.5675350

Last two weeks of stem whoooooo

>> No.5675351
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Oh no you did-uhnt girlfriend

>> No.5675355

okay anon .. if going to college isn't achievement what do you consider achievement that's doesnt involve get alot of money

>> No.5675358

so you would say you got a lot smarter or alot dumber ?

>> No.5675360

>caught in productivity spook

>> No.5675363

So you went through puberty?

>> No.5675365

I just don't understand how you can think going to college is in and of itself an achievement. That's an incredibly low standard to have. Maybe you live in a third world shithole?

An achievement is something which few can do. A mathematical proof that people have struggled with for decades, a technological innovation, even something creative (a symphony, a novel, etc.).

I'm not saying going to college means nothing, but you shouldn't feel too proud of yourself for it.

>> No.5675369

Yes, good goy, get a job at a nice big bank

>> No.5675370

His intelligence remained the same...all of those changes are social and psychological.

>> No.5675375

i do live in 3rd world shithole (egypt) and the reason i pride of going to college because egyptians in nature are very cynical and VERY downer , people always tell me i wont have success because X Y and Z even tho i deliver counter arguments it doesnt matter i still feel like they got under my skin so i start thinking like them which terrify me personally as someone who want to get out of this shit hole ... does any one have any books i can read to help me ? please ;_;

>> No.5675468

>implying you're not dumb
IQ is basically how well you understand and perceive mathematical-logical concepts.

>> No.5675484

Yeah whatever, dude. You do a quiz on the Internet?

>> No.5675492


Going to college for free thanks to scholarships and then making the most of the experience is quite an achievement. Much greater than having a shitty job at some office with little to no expectations to improve.

I'm from a first worl country spiralling into the third world though

>> No.5675497

if you're so smart then why are you in such shit company

>> No.5675498

Going to college IS am achievement of you live outside the disconnected hugbox that is Freedomland. In most places, there will be no shortage of people telling you that you're an idiot, you're not capable enough, you're not rich enough, your test scores aren't good enough, etc.

Plus, most places tend to reserve college for the intellectually motivated, or at least the ones that give off that impression, not creating niche colleges that cater to party or fraternity types.

>> No.5675514

NaNoWriMo is making me painfully aware of this right now.

>> No.5675518

Which country?

>> No.5675523
File: 65 KB, 400x304, darmok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when I started spending time on a chinese cartoon image board to discuss literature

>> No.5675528



>> No.5675530

Three years ago when I entered college.

>> No.5675531

When big boys on /lit/ post I feel small...

>> No.5675534


>> No.5675594

>implying chinese graphic novels are not a valid form of literature worthy of discussion and critique

>> No.5675601
File: 1.98 MB, 300x169, huuu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom is dead.

Check-mate atheists.

>> No.5675602

When I watched Good Will Hunting

>> No.5675628

¿Comó son las universidades españolas? ¿Es la situación des estudiantes tan horible que se dice?

>> No.5675634

i couldn't finish reading a book

>> No.5675642

Are you saying that you cannot finish any book, or merely that you could not finish reading one particular book?

>> No.5675661


They're fine. Packed classes, some good teachers, some quite lazy. In the city I live Law and Engineering are quite demanded. The fucked up situation comes after getting the degree.

BTW, to make comparatives you use "como", not "que". As in "¿Es la situación de los estudiantes tan horrible como se dice?".

>> No.5675662

Right about when I got to college.

>> No.5675666


That's interesting. What did you guys major in? College has always been incredibly easy for me in the sense that if I studied the material I could learn it and if I did poorly on an exam, it was always because I didn't properly prepare.

>> No.5675677

>people think going to college is an achievement

It doesn't even matter if you're in a third world country, it's the fucking bare minimum of intellectual pursuit and the fact that some of you are citing the perception of your family/friends/fellow citizens as proof of how much of an achievement it is considered (as if their standards should be your standards) goes to show how little you think about actually achieving things in life.

Society expects less than the bare minimum from you so don't be fooled into thinking that a little is a lot.

>> No.5675704

>things low IQ mouthbreathers say

146 reporting in. I'm very intelligent and I've also spent a lot of time around other people who are very intelligent -- one trait we all share is an extraordinarily high IQ. I don't think I know a single person at my uni below 120.

There's a simple reason why smarties can score above 130 and dummies can't -- smart people are smart and dumb people are dumb. When you fail, it's often comforting to think that the test is just inaccurate and there are outside forces at work, but this is wishful thinking. IQ scores are not by any means exact but they are certainly indicative of intellectual skill and the ability to acquire knowledge.

>> No.5675718

Your post was embarrassing to read

>> No.5675734

Shouldnt NaNoWriMo make you feel smart?

>> No.5675738


>goes to show how little you think about actually achieving things in life

I never went but don't be so much of a buttblasted denial mode reactionary. It is absolutely required in some fields.

You think you can just get into something like medicine through sheer force of will and personal achievement? Stop being so fucking naive.

>> No.5675774

M8, I scored 139 on a test my school ran me through when I was seven, and I'm still an unbelievable fuckup because my intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence is sub-par.

Academically inclined? Yes.

All-round intelligent? No.

IQ only tests for logical-Mathematical and certain aspects of Spacial intelligence.

Update your human intelligence theory squire.

>> No.5675784
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I only know that I know nothing

I don't fucking know shit, man
I just don't know

>> No.5675785


>> No.5675790

I am smarter than both you

>> No.5675800

And yet you talk like an idiot.

I wonder why?

>> No.5675802
File: 27 KB, 500x448, oh god there is a giant flower behind me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day I realized I knew nothing was the day I also realized I now can learn anything.

It was an amazing day.

>> No.5675823

Oh fuck
This happened so often growing up.

>> No.5675824

But I am smart

>> No.5675837
File: 323 KB, 854x859, abstract hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this feel.

Fucking hell mum, why did you expect so much of me when I knew all along I'd turn out like this?

>> No.5675851

I am probably smartest here. My IQ test said my IQ was 149, which is above average. Both my GPA and the SAT I took was in the top range. My father is a lawyer and mother is a spinal surgeon, so they both make six figure salaries. This meant that they could afford this man they called Aristotle. He is known for teaching Alexander le Great. He taught me all sorts of mathematical concepts, sex positions, philosophical inquiries, physics and various other ideas. Now I am the ruler of Mars. I am the greatest. I am John Green, author of several books. Don't fuck with me.

>> No.5675857

I'm actually a freshman and I'm taking classes in econ and english. The work isn't that hard it's just not like high school where you could do well without much effort. Plus I have shitty time-management skills.

>> No.5675859

when i realised that wisdom doesnt mean shit, and that the focus should be on knowledge

>> No.5675867

When I realized being more book-smart than all my friends doesn't correlate to actually being smarter than them.

I can go on about the Oulipo movement for hours, but I don't even know how to fucking drive.

>> No.5675876

Depends; stuff like Common Sense generally comes under the purveyance of wisdom.

I often forget where my keys are and spend hours looking for them.

This would not be a problem for me if WIS wasn't my dump stat.

>> No.5675881


there are lots of different kinds of intelligence. some people are better versed in practical affairs. it takes a village. you aren't being fair to yourself, m8.

>> No.5675882

ayy lmao

>> No.5675887

Probably when I realised that however booksmart I am (and I'm not, especially), it doesn't necessarily correlate with any kind of "real world" success

>Drop dead, Catullus, lie right down where you are & die.
>That blister Nonnius occupies a magistrate's chair;
>Vatinius commits perjury - & collects a consulate.
>Drop dead, Catullus, just drop right down (& die).

>> No.5675891

I legitimately believe I am smarter than the average person because I believe the "average" person isn't very intelligent at all.

I tend to gauge my own intelligence on thinking critically rather than "smarts" learned out of a book.

>> No.5675898


I scored 800 on the math portion of the SAT, have eleventy IQs, and have written a 600-page novel comprised of 3 years of my 4chan posts. Where's my internet recognitions faggots? I couldn't find any in real life.

>> No.5675904

I think you have that backwards. Wisdom is like street smarts, common sense, applied knowledge. Knowledge isn't important without wisdom, because wisdom is what you do with knowledge. If you online have knowledge, you will likely become unhappy. Because you will not succeed without wisdom. Wisdom makes your life happier.

>> No.5675910


>I think you have that backwards.

Swing and a miss. Read the OP and then read his post again.

>> No.5675915


This is such a silly discussion, we might as well be arguing over penis size. There will always be someone smarter than you, better looking, funnier, etc. But there will also be a wealth of people inferior to you in every way. I'm saying this because the underlying current of these conversations is a severe intellectual insecurity that's is sadly rampant among 4chan boards, most likely because most anons have very little tangible validation or sense of belonging or purpose and need to prove one another of their worth; you can't be happy unless you're happy with yourself first, and most faggots in this thread are not. I've particularly noticed on /lit/ (and /sci/) that intelligence contests are a zero sum game: if you're evidently smarter than someone, you're a genius; if you're clearly stupider than someone, you feel like a fucking retard. People here are contradictorily simultaneously plagued by superiority complexes and inferiority complexes like none other. So to everyone having a pissing war over IQs, get the fuck over it and go read a book.

>> No.5675932


Don't coddle me.

If the grid went down and electricity disappeared I don't think my particular skill set would be in very high demand.

>Does anyone here know how to skin a rabbit? Or fire a gun? Or operate a generator?
>N-no, but do you want to hear me talk about the apocalyptic cycle as it appears in William Blake's "Visions of the Daughters of Albion?"

>> No.5675952


>If the grid went down and electricity disappeared I don't think my particular skill set would be in very high demand.
>>Does anyone here know how to skin a rabbit? Or fire a gun? Or operate a generator?

and the majority of skilled and successful people in the western world would be just as useful in this situation as they are now? this is ridiculous reasoning.

for someone who hates being "coddled" you sure do love to not-so-subtly ask for it.

>> No.5675972
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>going to a glorified job training center with politically hijacked academics on the side somehow meaning anything or making you different than any other mammal
>thinking "achievement" which is to say "society's approval" is in any way important to a reader of philosophy who actually acts to take charge of his life

Undermensch! What you should be doing is living the TRUE literary lifestyle!
Live a monkish existence during the week, working at a comfortable job that makes enough to pay rent and fund your personal studies and a small but vibrant social life. You spend these weekdays becoming versed in all the mediums of art, honing your taste. Work on your writing or whatever artistry at a pace that pleases you, never passing up a chance to show the world your lifes work via getting anything published, even in magazines like Asimov and Lovecraft did.
On weekends do as many of the good drugs that you can fit into your budget and chill with your mates and your girl. Go berserk in the mosh pits, go see your favorite Shakespeare play, go bowling, however you get your kicks and replenish your human spirit. Enjoy every moment so no matter how well your art is received or how rich or poor you become (donate most of it, it just makes things too complicated for no reason, cuts you off from your passions) you can say you had a good time on this planet before your existence ends.
College is nothing but debt darkening your happiness. Not to mention the entirely unnecessary and mentally unhealthy stress of classes. Uni accomplishes nothing but delaying the blossoming of your adult life. You are stuck in a limbo.
Why follow the cliche and boring path social norms have laid out for you? Only the Last Man meekly follows as a willing slave to convention.
Combine Marcus Aurelius, Absurdism, the tao, Nietzsche, stirner, Epicurus, and the attitude of Diogenes.

>> No.5675977

Offtopic, but are those guys Hermetic Mystics or some shit?

I'm digging the robes.

>> No.5675995

I've bern looking for this exact picture of David Bowie

>> No.5675996

Right. I forgot that. I guess this is where I realize that I'm dumb.

>> No.5675997 [DELETED] 

>trying to justify the fact that you spend countless hours of your lives shitposting on the literature section of a Cambodian ouija board

>> No.5675998


Posts like these really drive home what kind of teenage dilettante retards are on this board.

>> No.5676002

I have the biggest dick ITT

>> No.5676007

Oh and as for OP this quote applies
And its a waste of time to give a fuck beyond that. Comparing yourself to others is something self actualized people grow out of

>> No.5676008

People still call me smart from time to time and it pisses me off, because I'm fucking dumb and impulsive and don't have the discipline to make up for that like a normal person would. Now that I'm failing in most aspects of life people are realizing that maybe I wasn't so smart after all.

>> No.5676009

Turns out I'm less smart than I thought I was but wiser than most smart people. Feels pretty good.

>> No.5676013


>doesn't know that the grand percentage of young adults don't go to college

>> No.5676019

Good, hope it pisses you off enough to go back to /mu/ and stay there with the other mentally ill.

>> No.5676020


>i...i-im smurter than u!!!!!

grow up

>> No.5676022

This is actually just a very pretentious description of the average wage slave life.

>> No.5676025

>he doesn't realize the average 4channer is 6'3 with an 8 inch cock and a PhD in math

>> No.5676027

>not being able to detect satire

>> No.5676030 [DELETED] 

Small kek

>> No.5676033

Thats the joke I believe. This is basically a shitposting thread after all.

>> No.5676038

I sk8 therefore I grind

>> No.5676041

Some type of russian priest. I dont know the specific title.

>> No.5676042

my sister is 27, has worked since age 16, gone to college full time, has tons of debt and bills, got knocked up by a guy who left her, gave birth to a blind child with learning disabilities

i'm 26, worked once for 7 months, never went to college, have no debt, no bills, never knocked a bitch up, have no kids, no stress

... and she once told me, "you're not exactly the brightest crayon in the box"

thanks sis!

>> No.5676045


There will be a time when, by seeking so much bliss, you will feel weak. And then, someone that you care a lot of (your child, your wife, yourself), will say to you: You were wrong.

Now there, you realize that you are dumb, right there. Get on our levels m8

>> No.5676059


>gave birth to a blind child with learning disabilities
>... and she once told me, "you're not exactly the brightest crayon in the box"
>thanks sis!

That you would cheapshot your own learning disabilities niece/nephew like this on some shitty 4chan thread for your own piece of mind is seriously pathetic, son. For real.

You're objectively a loser.

>> No.5676060

I realize that i'm terrible dumb because I fall for all the trolling satires and irony and shitposting in this site like the first day

I can't into satire ;-;

>> No.5676064


Oh and blind to boot. Missed that gem.

What a cunt you are. Wow.

>> No.5676067

"I may not be the brightest but at least I'm not completely in the dark" while smiling in the direction of her kid next time pls.

>> No.5676070


top kek

>> No.5676081

Now I remember why I still come back to this site

>> No.5676112

>It is absolutely required in some fields.

And that is relevant to its merit as an achievement how?

>You think you can just get into something like medicine through sheer force of will and personal achievement? Stop being so fucking naive.

The fact that you think you can't and that you base your idea of what is or isn't "naive" around that says more about you than it does about me. School is literally designed for you to succeed. "Do X, get Y." Tutor centers, professor e-mail addresses, office hours, etc.

Medicine requires much more than simply going to college, though, which is what we have been discussing, and I do consider it an achievement.

Again, referencing the standards of other people so that you can justify slacking off isn't relevant. I already told you that *less* than the bare minimum is expected from you.

>> No.5676129


>> No.5676132


You see Medicine as an achievement because you put you below that. I'm pretty sure that a Medician will find his career not worthy if he has your mentality and always tries for more.

That mania of becoming god between men is astonishing

>> No.5676138

Yeah, now I look at the robes again I can make out the cyrillic and patriarchial crosses.

Firsst observation they just looked like arcane squiggles, like the tree of life from Hermetic Quabalah or some shit.

>> No.5676139

since you don't work im gussing you living with your parants ? i mean how else you gonna eat drink and sleep

>> No.5676140

It's not a cheapshot to the kid, I'm just pointing out where her decisions led her and where mine led me. She got involved with some guy whose crappy genetics resulted in a child who will unfortunately go through and has already been through a lot of suffering. If she hadn't got with that guy, she would not be in the present situation. She might have a healthier child. What am I supposed to say it's all a miracle, whatever happens? That because she had a child it is perfect? I am just realistic about it. Besides, she's my step-sister.

>> No.5676144

>implying that's not smart as fuck

>> No.5676159


I mean, if their parents had balls and had read stirner, they would kick him outside of the house if he doesn't put money towards the wellbeing of the family. But the parents can't into separating duty from emotion, so he uses that as a privilege. It could be smart, but terrible immoral thing to do.

>> No.5676171

>You see Medicine as an achievement because you put you below that.

That's an interesting presumption based on nothing. I consider it an achievement because it requires a decade of perseverance and sacrifice before you're done.

>> No.5676173

>contributing money is more important than anything else one could contribute to a family

you are pathetic m8

>> No.5676178

Yes dependency sounds incredibly smart

>> No.5676185

Chemistry and statistics

>> No.5676189

smart yes but it feels wrong ... i don't understand how it feel to wake up every morning where you don't do anything .its fun sure but it get dull after a while ,+ you will always be a son and not an adult

adult take care of themselves children's need to be taking care of

beside if you have your own place you can do whateve the fuck you want but you will deal with the consequences which really shape you as man

>> No.5676190

to add, "smart" step-sis makes them cry daily because of how indifferently she treats them, how she doesn't let them in her life, how she shuts them out, how she's mean to them; she never comes to see us, when we go to see her she's rude and standoffish, doesn't give or contribute anything to the family, not money, not love, not being there-ness, no little daily things that strengthen the bond between people, just nothing at all. she wanted out as soon as she could to play independent. meanwhile i've been here for everyone like an emotional rock holding it all together, helping out on a daily basis around the house, being there for people on many levels, sharing daily moments with everyone. i contribute a lot more than money itself ever could, thanks, you shallow thinking money slut. if i worked i'd never be here for the other good shit. your argument is defunct, i have destroyed you.

>> No.5676193

>money towards the wellbeing of the family

Is not the same as:

>contributing money for contributing money.

Obviously there are other ways to the wellbeing of the family. And that depends of the family. But if you think that your existence already makes the wellbeing of the family better, you are terribly wrong (unless you are some sort of a joker in the family that makes everybody well spirited).

>> No.5676200

I had a pretty good idea how stupid I was by 15 but I came to understand completely this past year

>> No.5676249


>because it requires a decade of perseverance and sacrifice before you're done.

You first say that you shouldn't consider achievement as what society tells you, but you now say that medicine is an achievement because it requires sacrifice and perseverance of a decade. So, how a Medician will find achievement in that if he already pressumes that you shouldn't strive for what society tells you but for better, which will make the Medician find that his career is not worthy?

When will you stop? never?

>> No.5676428

Holy fuck your an idiot. Look dude I live with my Dad when I work but you sound like a fucking parasite justifying it with a hurr durr I'm a tampon for my parents

>> No.5676526

Speak for yourself there m80.

>> No.5676565

It's parasitic and will make your family hate you unless you do something actually beneficial like caring for them.

>> No.5676572

>no little daily things that strengthen the bond between people
>i've been here for everyone like an emotional rock holding it all together
>i contribute a lot more than money itself ever could
Is this how people try to justify being neet

>> No.5676582

none of these skills will ever help you

>> No.5676594

kokon to zai f/w 1867

>> No.5676676

After about two years of blacking out nightly trying to live out my Hemingway fantasy and having nothing to show for it except a ton of fucking scribbles.

>> No.5676690

Hemingway wrote sober. His quip was a metaphor. Not to be taken literally.

>> No.5676692

Exactly. It was more a live life and the editing part is when you sit down to actually write.

>> No.5676693

after i graduated

>> No.5676702

Try again in English please.

>> No.5676709

check em

I used a script I made

>> No.5676933


Well it's definitely bigger than mine. But, I bet you didn't fuck five times this weekend.

>> No.5676937


Realistically, yeah, between 115 and 125.

>> No.5676958


Ah yes, the infamous 709

>> No.5677018

>buying into the smart/dumb spectrum
You guys don't know anything

>> No.5677024

i have never done anything of merit

>> No.5677652


although the iq test isn't a perfect measure of intelligence, it is no doubt correlated and it would be interesting to know the average (and spread) of scores among the most pretentious and dare i say 'smartest' community on the internet that still continuously baneposts, comments on repeating digits and refers to other users as fags or niggers
especially as a comparison with more exclusive and structured forums.

>> No.5677658

intelligence only exists on a spectrum, the smart man is only smart next to the fools, not next to god, and the fools are smart next to the fish. the smart man should realize this, not the quote you said

>> No.5677705

I would suppose it would depend on how many of the shitposts you attribute to bait and irony as opposed to genuine ignorance and stupidity

>> No.5677713

Everyone dismisses i.q. but then is genuinely impressed with high-i.q. and wish they had a high one too lol.

"Its such bullshit, heh" "got a 170 on my i.q. test" *feels bad*

>> No.5677748


i didnt realize i wasn't smart, i realized that intelligence is a label applied to a great many different behaviors, qualities, and capabilities and I learned that not all of them hold the same value to me and I happen to attain mostly ones that aren't very valuable

so basically i learned that "being smart" is not so important as "knowing the right things"

>> No.5677818

i guess i knew it all along
its just grand, isnt it?

>> No.5677837


>> No.5677846

>but then is genuinely impressed with high-i.q. and wish they had a high one too lol

Where did this happen? Or are you just making this up?

>> No.5677868

>tfw getting dumber as I get older
>IQ of 130 in 6th grade
>+SD on middle school aptitude test
>average SAT

>> No.5677871

Chinese cartoon image board? This is the comment section of a Burmese porn blog!

>> No.5677965

only found out about it when i realized that i "just dont get" some things no matter how much i read about them or try to understand them. it especially worries me when it comes to things i have to deal with in my studies. i partly blame the alcohol though, 10 years of heavy drinking have certainly done some serious damage to my brain.

>> No.5678002

>tfw i'm getting smarter and smarter and am going to be frighteningly smart by the time i hit middle age

>> No.5678373

So if I trick myself into believing myself that I am dumb, would I then become smart? Isn't sort of a paradox..?

>> No.5678385

I'm just dumb that's all, fam

>> No.5678395
File: 228 KB, 2560x1440, stupidity VS intelligence, Charles Bukowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that stupidity gives you confidence in way if you're not aware that you're actually stupid. In this way you can actually get pretty far in life. I mean, many celebrities are pretty good examples for this.

>> No.5679620

Did he really say that?
Isn't that what they cal a TRUISM?

>> No.5679623


>> No.5679625

A lot of us here had the capability of becoming geniuses. Unfortunately like most people, our childhoods didn't grant us such pleasant things.

>> No.5679850

Found out i was dumb when i failed my physics 2 engineering course.

>> No.5679856

>A lot of us here had the capability of becoming geniuses.

>> No.5679867


You think money would make you smarter?
Or a mommy that loves you?


>> No.5679872


>Unfortunately like most people, our childhoods didn't grant us such pleasant things.

Because genius writers typically had pleasant and supportive childhoods. Tell me you don't seriously believe this.

>> No.5679922

No but they had direction or they had money to do what they wanted to do.

Joyce went to a prestigious school in his youth. Mozart was taught from the moment he was born from his musician father. Picasso was taught from his artist father also.

Most men have potential, it all depends on how that potential is harnessed and the direction it is given.

>> No.5679944
File: 166 KB, 340x360, 1372759622401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone was only 2 standard deviations near me
get on my level

>> No.5679977


You say that -
>A lot of us here had the capability of becoming geniuses.

And you actually namedrop Joyce, Mozart and Picasso in the same discussion? Some of the greatest artistic outliers humanity has ever seen?

Just what fucking place do you think you shitpost in? Are you seriously this fucking naive?

>> No.5680013

Picasso is shit and pleb fodder. The man had no talent at all, the whole thing is just a ruse perpetrated on people with no taste.

If you want to namedrop an edgy post-WWI Spaniard painter then namedrop Dali instead, that man could actually paint.

>> No.5680054


>please get mad

>> No.5680328


>> No.5680332


picasso is not shit although i agree he's not on mozart's level

>> No.5680374

If I shitpost on 4chan for 10 years will that be an achievement?

>> No.5680409

God I hope so

>> No.5680476

If I checked my doubles, would you die, fagnigger?

>> No.5680488

I mean, obviously posting on the internet is the same as four years of undergrad, four years of med school, and four years of residency.

>> No.5680490

>So /lit/ when did you find out
>in fact

>> No.5680497

But you said ten years of dedication and sacrifice

I bet shitposting for ten years would be more difficult

>> No.5680500

I didn't say shit, but ten years of sacrifice would mean sacrificing your shitposting.

>> No.5680505

Shitposting is a sacrifice I make for humanity

>> No.5681030

And the ancient oracle said I was the wisest of the greeks, for I alone know that I know nothing

>> No.5681706
File: 166 KB, 428x500, 3857923626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When my father told be be to stop acting smarter than I am. I've known for a while that I'm just one of those precocious kids who glided through school with what they already knew and struggled with actually trying to learn anything in the later years, but I wasn't sure if he was just saying that to bring me down because we have little in common.

>> No.5681710

>tfw just smart enough to know how dumb you are

it hurts so

>> No.5681731

most people on /lit/ are pretty smart but suffer from tumblresque special-snowflake complexes and hold themselves in abnormally high esteem

>> No.5681755

Not sure if serious but it is a great feeling.

>> No.5681760

I knew it all along. That's why I forever procrastinate, better avoid than fail. I don't even know if I am capable of doing anything.

>> No.5683600

i have taken multiple iq tests and never scored below 155
im dumb as shit
ur wrong

>> No.5683632

>smarties are smart
>dummies are dumb

you are clearly a genius