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5669996 No.5669996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone on this board explain pic related and whether or not /pol/ is correct?

>> No.5669998

Why does /pol/ ignore all the good thigns Jew have done?

>> No.5670003

Because they're /pol/.

>> No.5670009

"Cultural Marxism" has never existed, and the articles written on it by MacDonald, Makow, and Minnicino are all full of shit.

There is nothing "Jewish" about the Frankfurt School either, given as they were all atheists who had little connection to Jewish culture or traditions.

>> No.5670021

because /pol/ provides oversimplified narratives to explain away the failures of capitalism, nationalism and a load of other things brought on by 19th century philosophy.

>> No.5670037


Ironically, there is actually a connection between the Frankfurt School and the environmentalist movement. Nome of that other shit is right though.

Of course, to realise that you'd have to actually read their books.

>> No.5670051

>There is nothing "Jewish" about the Frankfurt School either, given as they were all atheists who had little connection to Jewish culture or traditions.
Right, because jews are just people of a religion and not an ethnicity, right?
lol come on now

>> No.5670062

"cultural marxism" plays the same role in the paranoid mind of angry white dudes as judeo-bolshevism did back in the day.

>> No.5670066

so what bolshevism not jewish?
were the bolshevist revolutionary leaders not disproportionately jewish?

>> No.5670075

The phenomenon of the Frankfurt school conspiracy is more interesting and begs for more analysis than the conspiracy itself. The attribution of an idea as scapegoat within the model of "someone to blame." It's the intellectual fetishist's answer to the Illuminati.

>> No.5670084

All right, /lit/, brace yourself. I took some sociology classes.

Somewhere around the Second World War a bunch of left-leaning academics were trying to understand why nothing had gone the way Marx had predicted. Among others they built on the thoughts of Antonio Gramsci (not a Jew) who argued that Marx had underestimated his own claim that the opinions of the ruling classes are those of the subjected classes.

In the eyes of the Frankfurt school, mass-culture (such as Hollywood movies, commercials, and technology) force us into obedience Brave New World-style, by giving us so much dull pleasure we don't mind the fact that we are being stepped on by the rich. If only we listened more to Beethoven, and read Proust in candlelight, we would once again become stimulated enough to realize our plight. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen except for a few angsty snowflakes, such as themselves.

An example of how Freud comes into the picture, is the concept of "surplus repression". According to Freud, we're all violent sluts who have to work hard to live up to societies standards. The critical theorists note that we have evolved sufficiently as a society to be able to produce everything we truly need working just a few hours a day. So we could spend more time giving in to our primitive, inner instinct, being "free". This is a surplus. Sadly, the capitalists instead of giving us free reins to this surplus, instead use it to make us work more, to create more useless products, so we will buy them, and they will become even richer.

Sure, a hell of a lot of them were Jews. After all, it was a German school of thinking consisting of emigrants from nazi-Germany. The local Americans were not very interested, it being a fairly continental approach to philosophy, as opposed to the more pragmatic American. Also, it's not surprising either. There are not many Jews in the world, but they still have an awful lot of Nobel Prizes, and are a big part of the population of the greatest universities in the world. It could be genetics, it could just be the culture is particularly bookish. Could be both. There has never been any evidence of any kind of Jewish conspiration though. In the world of Wikileaks, etc., is that realistic if there really was?

On the other hand, what in the wildest fuck is "cultural marxism"? Well, according to /pol/ and the like, Western cultures are destroying themselves not to discriminate over foreign ones. According to them, this is brought on by the cultural criticism of the Frankfurt school. As we have just seen though, this is a completely different kind of criticism of culture than the one they are concerned with. The critical theorists were highly impractical, cynical ivory tower idealists who had little influence on the pop music-infused 68-generation, and in their obscurity have had little influence on modern thinkers, least of all mainstream politicians!

>> No.5670089


Why does people like /pol/ go on and on about the Frankfurt school then? Well, their claim that we are destroying our own culture to protect others stands fairly unconvincingly by itself. By grounding it difficult thinkers no one is going to bother reading that sound like they are about the same thing, people are more convinced. This is not to say they are doing it on purpose though. Someone probably just misinterpreted a Frankfurt school Wikipedia article or something, and it spread like a bug.

>> No.5670090

>There has never been any evidence of any kind of Jewish conspiration though.
lol oy vey

>> No.5670094

thanks for this

>> No.5670096

this is the problem with /pol/ reasoning

anytime you try to argue with them about jews, they hold up barriers and hide behind 'good goy' etc

>> No.5670129

>Someone probably just misinterpreted a Frankfurt school Wikipedia article or something, and it spread like a bug.

Kevin Macdonald has a whole book about it. Most people probably haven't even read that book (which is itself a book about books), but I believe that's the main source that they point to.

>> No.5670139

I think they confuse the whole feminazi (and yes, I say femminazi because a small but big on the interent group say stupid things like 'killing women in games is reape') with this shit called cultural marxism. Appart from that, they think mass immigration is somewhat encouraged by these cultural marxists.

Also, since all of them are jews, into the gas chambers it goes!

>> No.5670144

You Socialist (both Nazis and Progressives) are so violent and retarded. You're always debating about conjectures pointing the finger at someone, while we Libertarians are 100% consistent and logical.

>> No.5670146

Because thinking a race/ethnic/religious group is evil/retarded per se is stupid. We are in the 21st century come on.

Still, if we consider that they are like that per se, what about the germans who thanks to them millions of people (including germans of course) died?
What about the arabs who killed a lot of people in their wars? The christians and their crusades plus the world wars since the rulers from those countries were christians?

With that kind of logic then all the humanity is evil and should get holocausted.

>> No.5670155


Oh yeah? How do you account for there not being even a sliver of proof for the existence of free will, and lots for us being determined by genetics and culture, so that you're basically advocating throwing playing yatzy with lives?

>> No.5670159

Lmao. You did a lot of shit in the French Revolution.
Never Forget.

>> No.5670160

>/pol/ reasoning
There's no such thing.

Nazis aren't rational beings.

Nazis are subhuman.

>> No.5670161

>who thanks to them millions of people died

it's not that germans fault that there was a jewish problem

>> No.5670164

Are you sure /pol/ made that? Because most of those infographics are made by Stormfront.

>> No.5670165


Do I have to account for that? I'm not really sure any of that has to do with freedom. If free will doesn't exist (which there is evidence for) it will not make a blind bit of difference to anything.


Those were Liberals, plus they weren't Libertarian by the very nature of being revolutionaries.

>> No.5670168

Using your argument I can say it's the fault of germans for letting many jews settle in their country.

>> No.5670204


>> No.5670230
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The nose knows

>> No.5670233

Ayy lmao. I thought /pol/ only hated third wave feminists. Now they hate all of them?

>> No.5670235

>Nina Hartley
Yep, just as Sasha Grey is an existentialist philosopher

>> No.5670236

Cultural marxism has little to do with bolshevism. You think Lenin supported gay rights and Trostky railed against heteronormativity ?

>> No.5670240
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well as a frequent poster to many chinese cartoon image boards that discuss world views and world movements I can say without a doubt

>> No.5670244

>implying 4chan itself isn't proof itself of the concepts of cultural marxism

You guys dont read and continue the cycle of oppression because you are stuck shitposting and arguing about jewish conspiracies on the net

>> No.5670246

That's a good joke and I fear almost nobody will get it.

>> No.5670251
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>> No.5670260

I don't understand you guys. Do you stay all day searching for threads like this thinkning you are doing something good by posting off topic?

>> No.5670263

literally who

>> No.5670264

>jeniffer Miller
Is this a joke?

>> No.5670270

See, the Frankfurt school of Jews loved the homosexual liberal Jew media, so they . . . oh wait.

>> No.5670285


>> No.5670288

> Israel
> Nation state
> US
> Unitary state
noh my go how could someone have different views on nationalism on two different types of states

If you want to seem credible with your picture, you should offer a source, date, context and the full articles of the text. Right now their writer isn't even shown in-text.

>> No.5670295

do you expect something like that coming from stormfront?

>> No.5670297


All of Frankfurt school had to migrate to US, most of them were impacted by loss of Benyamin and the scale of the Holocaust. Them being Jews definitely influenced their writings.

/pol/aks are idiots. They think saying le kikes ax Dee is edgy. Its not.

>> No.5670311

things jews have done:

the theory of relativity
cured polio
created the atomic bomb
created the hydrogen bomb
invented defibrillators
invented pacemakers
invented (harnessed?) lasers
invented stainless steel
vaccine against cholera
vaccine against bubonic plague

>> No.5670314

Actually Lenin did decriminalise homosexuality and abortion.

>> No.5670315

So what?

>> No.5670318


>its okay to push self destrucive leftism in the west but when i move to Israel i become a right wing fascist

Jew logic

>> No.5670326

>If you want to seem credible with your picture, you should offer a source, date, context and the full articles of the text. Right now their writer isn't even shown in-text.
>you should offer a source, date, context and the full articles of the text

You need to learn to read the posts you reply.

Still it's funny how you think white nationalism is some sort of an ideology the right wing parties of France and Europe adopt. Guess what, they are french or german nationalists, not white nationalists.

>> No.5670328

tell me where is this 'white' nation

>> No.5670340

Never mind that the USSR was actively trying to spread Marxist theories and practices to undermine the West for most of the last century

>> No.5670341
File: 142 KB, 826x1108, DWlOj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seems like you hasbara fucks are coming in lit full force
How much is Israel paying you to shitpost on lit?
I bet you are making a lot of sheckles moshe

>> No.5670342

>Estulin links Theodor Adorno's involvement in the Rockefeller-funded Radio Research Project with Walter Lippmann, "who was somehow able to engineer the Beatles' conquest of the American media in the 1960's."

>people take this seriously

>theodor adorno
>the fucking beatles

>> No.5670343

>ad hominem

>> No.5670347

You guys should watch Chomsky videos where he talks about Israel

>> No.5670351

America is an unitary states. Its not based around dominance of one ethnoreligious group. White nationalism in US is harmful towards the American state as it is against its very foundations of unitarianism and plurality. Israel meanwhile was establish as a state for a single ethnoreligious (albeit one could argue that the three predominant Jewish ethnic divisions make up three Jewish ethnicites) group, meaning that Jewish nationalism is more of an attempt of preserving the nations historical roots.

Anyways since the two articles aren't fully shown, its very very difficult to pinpoint as to what their general idea is. The one about Israel only mentions Palestinian speech and some prominent Jewish figures without anything on nationalism or ethicity. Based on the short except, it seems like an article more about Palestinians ignoring Jewish figures. The second one has very little, if nothing to do with it.

but i guess the provocative titles are enugh

>> No.5670355

Nice argument. Not even a jew. Funny how you self proclaimed white aryan who are supposed to be superior only rely on replies like that.

I can do the same with this whole shillery shit that is constantly posted on /pol/.


Here you go. Time for le redpull you amirite?

>> No.5670356

>You guys dont read and continue the cycle of oppression because

That's a very Adorno-tier point.

>> No.5670358

If you don't realize that Israel is meant to be an explicitly Jewish state and that the reason for the conflict is ethnic separation & cleansing of the Palestinians by Jews & their American WASP allies, your opinion on Israel is irrlevant.

>> No.5670360

Interesting, I didn't know that. Was he top or bottom ?

>> No.5670361

Lenin gave gays, lesbians and all national minorities equal rights in 1921. Socially conservative communist regimes became prominent with Stalinism and Maoism both which have a nationalist proponent.

>> No.5670362

israel is an explicitly israeli state
there are israeli muslims friend

>> No.5670364

Israel is a shit and Jews are funny looking little retards who deserve to suffer, but the Frankfurt school conspiracy is bullshit.

>> No.5670366

Israel wants to be a Jewish state.
The Palestinians want a Palestinian state.
Israel is a state by and for Jews.
Palestine is a non-state given non-status by and for the benefit of Jews.
Price me wrong.

>> No.5670373

Except there are also Arabic, Christian and Russian minorities in Israel, and as of yet they haven't been expulsed or deported. Sure, Israel is a Jewish state. Recently, the governement limited immigration quotas in order to preserve the Jewish identity of the country. But even that was perceived as an usual move. If Israel wanted to practice ethnic cleansing they could begin with the non-Jewish people within their borders.

But they won't, because this conflict isn't about race or religion, it's about control of territory.

>> No.5670375

>Israel wants to be a Jewish state.
>The Palestinians want a Palestinian state.

source needed

also have you read hamas' charter? they specify death to non-muslims

>> No.5670385


Here is how they treat black people in israel

>> No.5670387

What does that have to do with my argument? Hamas and Israel are both in the wrong.
>this conflict isn't about race or religion
Except that Zionism is explicitly about getting a Jewish state for the Jewish people andIsrael was set up after the Holocaust so that Jews would have their own country.
It's about territory, but ethnic and religious overtones are present. Don't act like only one cause can be the cause of the conflict.

>> No.5670390

>If Israel wanted to practice ethnic cleansing they could begin with the non-Jewish people within their borders.
They've been trying to get problematic Arabs under control or out of their land for decades, m8

>> No.5670392

you imply that israelis want a religious state and palestinians want a non-religious state, insinuating that this makes israel in the wrong. israel is much more atheistic than palestine, and much more culturally diverse

>> No.5670395


A little over half of israel think black people are a cancer

>> No.5670400

'Jewish' is ethnic, too, not just religious. It isn't that hard to grasp the concept.
A state for people who identify as Jewish and a state for people who identify as Palestinian: that's what I meant by that.
And there is plenty of religious fervor on both sides of the conflict.

>> No.5670409

There have been numerous race riots in israel



Israel is a white and jewish supremacist nation and if you do not have light skin and arent a jew you are dirt.

>> No.5670416

Little shlomo slowly tries to make his way to his computer.
His extreme physical weight makes it much harder for him to navigate properly across the room's floor littered with empty Mountain Dew bottles and all kinds of various dragon dildoes.
He seats himself on his dirty and run-down chair which groanes at the shock of his two-hundred extremely heavy pounds bearing down on it and presses the start button on his outdated computer.
As his computer boots up with a humming sound Shlomo picks up a dossier from the trash-littered floor and examines it. It's his trusty old manual made by the JIDF, containing various instructions for debate with anti-zionists in online forums. He proceeds to open the dossier with his fat and very smelly hands.
One of Shlomo's fat arms accidentally knocks down one of his countless empty vaseline tubes and underneath exposes an old picture which he had long forgotten.
Shlomo was utterly surprised to see it was still there. "Oh Miranda, you dirty gentile Shiksa, why wouldn't you love me?", Shlomo whimpers under his heavy breath.
Suddenly all of his repressed and painful memories back from high school return to Shlomo. Being rejected by his love, her filthy goiim friends laughing at him, him starting to cry and running off like so many times before. To this day he remains a bitter and hate-filled virgin. He always blamed the gentiles for his own failures.
"I don't need this stupid Shiksa anyway! Or any inferior white gentile cattle girl for that matter!", Shlomo bitterly mumbles filled with his own impotent anger, and proceeds to throw the picture of Miranda into the trash which is already filled to the brim with used kleenex tissue papers.
Finally logging into his computer Shlomo is greeted by his home wallpaper consisting of a huge black cock. After discovering the internet he soon found an outlet for his repressed sexuality by fapping to cuckold porn. He wanted to approach Teyrone about his feelings just so that he could lose his virginity before he turned 25.
Still, Shlomo had not found the courage to talk to Teyrone or anyone except for his mother after he finished high school for that matter. "I always just wanted to suck your black dick, Teyrone... ", he sighed.
Shlomo opens up his outdated internet explorer and searches on bing for 4chan's "politically incorrect" sub-board. Suddenly he remembers his mother's words. She always told him to get a job in real estate or become a lawyer like his father Moshe David Stein Goldowitz.
"Please get a real job Shlomo! I'm begging you!", she would say, but she just doesn't understand. She doesn't understand how utterly important it is to protect the chosen nation of Israel from these scumbag stormfags and arab palestinians on the internet whose ultimate goal it is to wipe him off the map! Shlomo now begins to type on his keyboard: "also have you read hamas' charter? they specify death to non-muslims..."

>> No.5670420

>protesting immigration
>must be jewish supremacist

the fact that you went through the effort of typing all this and nobody is going to bother reading it lol
i'm not even jewish i'm asian

>> No.5670435

Can't I hate both Zionism AND white nationalism for both being fucking stupid racist ideas to justify imperialism?

>> No.5670437


>> No.5670439

Oh cool. Problem solved then.

>> No.5670445


>> No.5670449

>race riots
>beating non jews and destroying thier businesses and passing laws preventing them from making a living.

>> No.5670450

obviously didn't read the articles you posted

>> No.5670461

Cute joke but you don't need to be gay in order to support gay rights. Especially if, for example, you're setting out to liberate mankind from its chains and create a new society or something.

Stalin recriminalised homosexuality, by the way. Stalinism was a surprisingly social conservative ideology, if you need any more proof Stalin ruined everything.

>> No.5670462

Ffs, do you know anything about the methodology of science?

>> No.5670469

do you

>> No.5670474

>protesting immigration
>must be jewish supremacist

"All I want is all these filthy brown people out of my country, and suddenly I'M a racist?"

>> No.5670477

>i don't want my schools to be overpopulated
>i don't want a saturated job market
must be racist!

>> No.5670479

Go back to Reddit and die, faggot. Just kidding, but , yeah, thats /pols/ answer.

>> No.5670484

Your argument for race riots is basically THEY TERK MER JERBS

>> No.5670486

Now if only there was some sort of institution that could build more schools and create more jobs but doesn't do so because of business interests. It's almost as if some hapless 20-something from Cameroon becoming a janitor isn't the real source of the problem.

>> No.5670487

>americans trying to argue for-immigration
top lel try living in europe ya plebs

>> No.5670488


>> No.5670491

I'm from the UK, dickhead. Not everyone here is a crypto-fascist UKIP supporter terrified of dem scury mudslimes.

>> No.5670493

yet you hate jews

>> No.5670498

but more populace increases demand which increases the amount of jobs on markets and so on

there is a reason why Germany might have an employment rate higher than Estonia despite sixty times higher populace

>> No.5670500

yes, germany has a better economy

>> No.5670501

I hate Zionism. The only people who conflate Zionism with Judaism are extreme Fascists and extreme Zionists.

>> No.5670502

>i hate the concept of a jewish homeland
>i don't hate jews

>> No.5670505

at least the estonian government hasn't artificially stagnated the wages and standard of living in order to be able to act more aggressively in international markets

>> No.5670508

>Don't like colonialism and ethnic cleansing
>Must hate the ethnicity/religion of the people carrying it out

One-State solution motherfucker.

>> No.5670509

>One-State solution motherfucker.

>> No.5670525

yeah, keep building settlements, im sure that two state solution will come any day now.
The one state is coming and its your own god damn fault

>> No.5670532

Actually yes he did. One of his ministers was gay and he decriminalized homosexuality.

>> No.5670540

back to reddit

>> No.5670545

>The critical theorists were highly impractical, cynical ivory tower idealists who had little influence on the pop music-infused 68-generation
This is true. Adorno was almost a musical conservative. He thought that jazz was a degeneration

>> No.5670773

> Cultural marxism has little to do with bolshevism
Amon made a comparison between cultural marxism and Jewish bolshevism. Implied they are just paranoid delusions of "angry white men." So does /lit/ deny the very Jewish identity of the early bolsheviks?

>> No.5670854

> israel is an explicitly israeli state
Bullshit. There is no such nationality recognized by Israel as "Israeli." Your passport will either say "Jewish"or "Arab. "

Israel openly regards itself as "the Jewish state. "

>> No.5670859

>whether or not /pol/ is correct

/pol/ is only ever right about exactly one category: Celebrities who are Jewish that you might not think were Jewish. They are the world's leading experts in exactly that and would be great to have on a pub quiz team in the unlikely event that would be a subject.

/pol/ has never been right about anything else, ever.

>I say femminazi because a small but big on the interent group say stupid things like 'killing women in games is reape')

LOL yup, that sounds like the Nazis, alright. They were always going around and saying things.

>> No.5670874
File: 1.12 MB, 1461x2109, Israel_Biometric_Passport.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your passport will either say "Jewish"or "Arab. "

Well that's a hell of a claim, that would be very interesting if tr-


Never mind.

>> No.5670885

>people still not realizing that /pol/ is one big ongoing joke

Do you actually think they are being sincere? Hah

>> No.5670892


A lot of it is, for sure. Other hand there are obvious true believers. Ironically, they're the only amusing ones.